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An unexpected VR experience.

I have had a PSVR since launch and I would be lying if I said I felt like I have gotten my money's worth out of it. The first week I was loving the demos and was blown away by the shark cage experience (which sold me in the first place ) and thought "WOW this is the future of video games and maybe even movies!"

That was 2016. Fast forward and I might have logged 30 hours total since that first week. Largely collecting dust, my PSVR sat in the corner behind my couch until last weekend. All throughout the Covid times I really thought about "Jacking In" every so often but that never happened until I cleared some space and decided to set a little VR spot.

I looked through my list of VR games and I landed on Paper Beast. I think it was a Playstation+ game or something I bought on a lark but I had no idea what to expect and I think that made it just what I needed. Without going into too much spoiler territory it is really experiential and focused on looking around and trying things out. It surprised me. Exploring environments and interacting with Beasts and the terrain has been a welcome change of pace and something I am looking forward to get into some more.I have a bad habit of reading too much into things and obsessing with knowing every little detail about a game before it even comes out and since I just jumped into this blind it felt nice to have a little bit of excitement for a change.

I’ll keep playing and maybe keep writing how it goes.