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Average score of 7 user reviews

Connection Unstable. Retrying Connection. 3

I like to like things. I like many things, and in that long list of things is a rhythm game series called DJMAX. Though it’s suffered a few downs, it’s also seen tremendous highs. If you asked me, (which I think you are, else you’d probably not be really interested in this review) DJMAX Portable and its Technika arcade cabinets are the current peak of rhythm games. They represent an amazing commitment to addictive gameplay mechanics, combined with beautiful presentation and an always impressive ...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

An addictive revival of a long-dormant series and genre 1

It’s not often that I wipe out a review and start from scratch, but a good amount of time with Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit has essentially forced me to do so, thanks to its overwhelming first impression and infuriatingly aggravating early-game AI. Once you fully understand how to play it, however, Hot Pursuit will rewardingly reveal Criterion’s successful effort at reviving a franchise that’s been near-dormant for years--as well as reviving a style of racing game that’s been dead for far too l...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

A by-the-numbers, glitchy and fun time for all! 6

Skate 3’s pretty alright. For 5 minutes, I’ve sat at my laptop trying to find an appropriate way to sum up my feelings on the game in a way that would make for a good introduction and that is the only phrase I can come up with. What Skate 3 does, it does well. However, like past entries in the series, there are too many things that still hold it back from being a completely positive experience. It tries to do so much that it stumbles in it’s steps and ends up falling face-first, making it nothi...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

When developers listen to fans, you get the perfect sequel 0

Ever rarely does it seem that a sequel to a loved, albeit flawed, sales hit ever deliver on it's promises of fixing every problem and adding on more than what was ever to be expected. Assassin's Creed II not only manages to fulfill it's duties as a sequel by addressing the most notable issues encountered in the first game, it also does so much more to improve itself that it amounts to an incredibly satisfying and fulfilling experience.  People can never be pleased on the internet, it seems. Whi...

7 out of 8 found this review helpful.

Addictive and endlessly replayable, DJMAX 2 rules it genre. 0

The portable music/rhythm genre is an odd one. Its dependency on trying to reproduce an experience normally accompanied by an accessory ends up taking a turn for the worse in most cases and it’s rare that standout titles in the genre come to fruition. Elite Beat Agents and Rhythm Tengoku come to mind, but from the days of the Gameboy to the now-present era of the DS and PSP, nothing is really the equivalent of today’s Rock Band or DDR on the portable consoles. Well, Korean developer Pentavision ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Grand Theft Auto IV review 0

Having written already two versions of this review, it’s dawned on me that reviewing a game like Grand Theft Auto IV is obscenely difficult. How do you approach a review of a game that literally offers over 60 hours of varied gameplay? Not just that but you also have to take into account the multiplayer, the fun that you’ll have just roaming around the sandbox-like city… It’s difficult to take all of those into account and a write a review that will inform you on every aspect that makes GTA IV ...

4 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Contains more suck than the leading hooker-bot. 1

It seems to happen to often that a series will be its own killer. You expect a household name in gaming to become obsolete because of a better franchise, not because the series itself digs its own grave. For the past few years now, Final Fantasy has begun dwindling into a vortex of suck ever since the overhyped release of Final Fantasy X-2 and the masochistic tradition continues with the release of Crisis Core on the PSP. An ambitious title and one that, on some level, can be an okay game, Crisi...

2 out of 4 found this review helpful.