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Best of 2010

My top ten games that were released in 2010.

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  • 12. Long. Years...and it's finally out! :D. The korean in me just exploded. StarCraft is still the most fun, competitive game for me to play. The campaign was so fun and unique. Unlike the first StarCraft, the missions in the campaign were so dull and boring, and reptitive. With StarCraft 2, it always had unique objectives and you had a choice in your storyline, techs, and upgrades to give you even more of an unique gameplay.

  • It isn't Battlefield 3, but it will do. Battlefield isn't one of those shooter games where you just spray and pray and hope that you will do good in the rounds. You actually strategize and go for the objectives. I just love how you actually have to lead your enemies into your bullets. Aiming where they're at is definitely not going to get you any kills. There are so many epic moments in the game as well, such as jumping out of an exploding helicopter, shooting down a humvee as it's driving towards you. These things I can't really tell how you how epic they are, you just have to play the game.

  • This game was awesome! It was actually scary!! Not one of those games where it just throws shit at you and it surprises the hell out of you, no. This game actually scared me! The fact that you don't remember anything and you are left in this abandoned castle with monsters is definitely frightening. And the fact that you don't have any weapons makes it even more terrifying. You cannot just shoot the monsters away, you simply just have to run for your life and listen to the footsteps behind you. Running and hiding are the only two things you can do.

  • Mafia 2 definitely had a fun story to follow along when playing. The characters were memorable. And the combat was not too bad. Fighting with your fists rather than your gun was a bit more satisfying for me. And when they made the connection to the original Mafia, the nerd in me just simply erupted.

  • This game had so many cool things to do, it was just like the wild west. You have classical shoot outs and you can tie women down to the train tracks and laugh at them while they scream as the train gets closer...

    I have a problem.

  • One more turn...just one more fucking turn.

  • Another reason that I went back to World of Warcraft. I was so close to being done with the game forever, but then of course they announce the new expansion at that point. Surprisingly, it wasn't such a big disappointment as Wrath of the Lich King, dungeons are actually fun and hard, back to the good old Burning Crusade days where mobs must be crowd controlled. And with the new rated battlegrounds? I'm definitely on board with wasting more of my life on this single game...

  • To me, the Dead Rising series was just about seeing how gruesome you could kill the zombies, with the new combo weapons feature, it was so much fun to play around with. I mean... a vacuum cleaner and saw blades put together? Sold.

  • Exploring the open world of New Vegas is definitely a fun thing to do. However, there's still a considerable amount of bugs and glitches in the game, but is still a blast to play.

  • I didn't think much of Halo: Reach when I first saw it. I just thought it was just going to be the same thing as all the other Halos but I was wrong. It really surprised me on how it freshened up the gameplay with their new features such as new weapons and abilities. With the new features, it definitely became more fun, but it still got boring pretty quickly.