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Plastic Music Revolution!

 I know most of you and your dads have all at least one time been a Guitar Hero, or played in a "Rock Band". If you think about all of the mass popularity of the music game it's pretty amazing the staple they've made in the industry, especially when you think about how poorly a games like Amplitude did before them. There it is to the right just in case people need to know what the heck I'm blabbering on about.

But then we all hit November 2005 and found out there was a game in our mist that let you rock out on a guitar, it may have been plastic and not quite to scale but never the less we all started to punch and kick each other out of the way to get our hands on a copy. So we to could live our new lives as virtual rock legends.

A Sequel was inevitable, same deal, different mini-guitar and different track list, and as Harmonix and Red Octane (the folks who published these games) got more and more money things got a little heavy and the two went separate ways, this story has never quite been told so I get to be creative with this section. After the seven undead lords of metal were tired of enjoying there cut of Guitar Hero funds they decided to return to there old soul damning, guitar soloing, baby killing ways and demanded spiritual sacrifice. Harmonix being the spiritual rock monks that they are refused the demands of the metal demons leaving the Guitar Hero franchise behind. Red Octane however having no real attachment to any spiritual well being threw the demons a couple of animation developers and the grandmothers, in exchange for more power to create sequels and add-ons to the Guitar Hero world. That's just my view on how it went down.

So I'll fast forward a bit here, Activision eventually locked wits with Red Octane and started pumping out the Guitar Hero franchise and came up with what seems to be quite the plan to milk the series DRY! Around the release of Guitar Hero: Encore, a mediocre thrown together collection of 80's rock tracks came out the spiritual rock monks of Harmonix came out of hiding and revealed there weapon Rock Band which would not only consist of a plastic guitar but drums, and a microphone.

Now we have to giants battling it out for our hard earned dollars, but the question is "How much will one person spend to play the tracks they want?" because now the Guitar Hero has announced World Tour with there creepy drum set and mic, all this has become is a brutal track war with the consumer as the casualty. It's painful when you decide on which game to give your massive amount of cash and then you turn around and the contenders track listing catches your eye because there's one damn track that you tell yourself that you need to play in order for you to be a real Rock Hero. So it's almost not even about innovation anymore, sure it was cool at first the new gear to play with, the different plastic guitars, and drums, but has it become to much? It's been less than a year since the drum prephiral was unveiled now there is fucking 3 different kinds of them, all 3 of the fuckers cost are probably going to run you 80 dollars each.

I know as the rival companies your job is to one up each others gear with new innovations but when does this well of hungry for more consumers dry up? I think that time is fast approaching, am I saying there's no room for you to stand in your living room living out your rock fantasies as your close friends stare at you in concern? No, not yet anyways, I just hope we see the end of the music game war soon, my pockets are getting fairly dry from all this and I'm going to have to get another credit card at this rate. Just put aside your petty metal demon god war so you can come together for the consumer, we all want these games, the numbers prove it, but we don't wanna keep buying two of them. Since it probably will never happen though we will then wait for one side to fall and feast on his organs as assurance that it will never come back. I'll see you on that day but until then don't whammy on Iron Man!

Your Dear Pal,
