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#1  Edited By AnachronousOne

I think something needs to be done about combo concepts. Take a look at the "Combo Types" section of Combo. It seems inconsistent that Ultra Combo has its own concept page but is not listed under "Combo Types", but Super Combo has its own entry and is listed under "Combo Types" but not linked properly, while Hyper Combo (from the Marvel vs Capcom series) has no alias or concept page at all, and is not  listed under "Combo Types". Not sure if the solution is to put all combo types under the Combo entry and alias them all to that page, or if every combo type needs to have its own concept page and be linked from the "Combo Types" section of the Combo entry, but right now there are listed combo types without their own concept pages or aliases. 
EDIT: OK, I've submitted each of the "Combo Types" as concepts, and they've been approved. Really just need someone more knowledgeable than me to fill out better descriptions than the ones that exist on the Combo page right now, and then start adding images, descriptions, aliases, and games to the new concept pages.

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