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Aleryn: Favorites

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  • Favorite video/computer game. Epitome of the Western RPG and all the strengths of the 1 character WRPG.

  • Difficulty, Story, Music, and overall excellent gameplay. It's a shame that the best portable version (FFIV Advance) is only available in Japan (GBA v1.1) and Europe. The DS version is great, too. And surprisingly the most difficult one overall. (WOO counters!)

  • They don't make 'em like this any more. Before Star Wars re-emerged as a Jedi-only party, Larry Holland and Totally Games were making incredible starfighter games like this.

  • Zenith of the overhead style Zelda game. The art, gameplay, and music is incredible.

  • Digital Crack. Bout as close as you can get to limitless replay in a JRPG.

  • One of the few games I really like for it's story.

  • PORTABLE Digital narcotics. I didn't know I loved Wizardry til I played this.

  • While wholly outclassed by Tie Fighter, this game is still excellent and outdid Wing Commander's gameplay.

  • The Original. Amazing mix of adventure game story depth with star-fighter gameplay that was a couple years ahead of it's time. It took X-Wing's release to finally beat out Wing Commander in gameplay. Oh and have I mentioned the soundtrack!?

  • Gameplay, art, and soundtrack. The best in the series easily. The challenge doesn't hold up unless one practices self control with items and some spells, but the game deserves it's reputation.

  • Thief. One of the first, and still the best Stealth game series out there. Hoping for a quality sequel to Deadly Shadows one day.

  • This is the very definition of how to make a remake. It easily surpassed my beloved NES original. The way they added additional content at the "end" was great.

  • Highpoint of the whole series, loved the outdoor sections where camouflage and hunting wildlife were large factors. Plus YOU ARE BIG BOSS. I love Solid and all, but I'll take 'Pops any day if I haveta' choose.

  • Put the series on the mainstream map, and the first 5-star interactive movie game to my taste.

  • The original and still the best, overall. Hoping Reach can equal or better it.

  • This feels like the true sequel to Halo CE. Wonderful game. I enjoyed CE's campaign more, but in every other way this game is equal or surpasses the original.

  • Standard bearer for what inspired JRPGs and RPGs with a quality moral system.

  • Excellent game that deserves it's praise. It can sell itself on atmosphere alone.

  • The vertex of the series in technical quality.

  • Piety does not guarantee righteousness.

  • A better game than the original. It's best played with at least one other person in co op. The best example of well-rounded Diablo style FPS. I really hope they ditch the setting entirely in the eventual sequel as the tone and atmosphere of the game is in dire need of something fresh now. Tiny Tina's D&D DLC is a good step in that direction.

  • Ninja Gaiden was excellent, I liked this more though. Play was a bit more fun for me, and a very good soundtrack.

  • A unique game that reminds me why I enjoyed Diablo so much, and the action-RPG genre overall.

  • Ham-fisted theme aside, the gameplay is incredibly fun. Really shows the promise Clover and now Platinum has in them. A shame they parted ways with Capcom, but just glad to see them still around.

  • So good. It's a Japanese RPG with strong undercurrent of Western RPG open-world style gameplay. Throw in the fun multiplayer, and you've got a real gem. Just remember, the REAL game is the dozens of Grotto dungeons.

  • Wonderful game that can stand beside the original Metroid in quality. It's really timeless and has a charm unique to 80s famicom games.

  • Excellent Stealth Game. Very open ended missions that give the game a lot of replay. Highly scalable difficulty, too. Lots of fun overall.

  • Very simple at it's core, but deliciously addictive.

  • Wonderful 3D COMBAT platformer. Almost want to say it surpasses the original Genesis game(s).

  • Clover at it's best. The game has a stiff learning curve and difficulty, and I suspect this is the real reason why most reviewers scoffed at it.

  • Very solid gameplay, and guns. Not to mention a very interesting health system. Too bad the Xbox1 version has such low max look sensitivity. Kinda crappy framerate on that version too, but it kinda goes with PC --> Xbox1 ports.