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  • Aeleby posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 401.

    Back in the late 90s I had a minidisc player as a teen and would record all my music to it. Then in 2008 when I purchased a 1989 Range Rover Classic from eBay for $2200 it ended up having a minidisc p...

  • Aeleby posted a message on the post Episode 303.

    Marquette is a city in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (UP). Seeing Maquette throws me off.

  • Aeleby posted a new image.
  • Aeleby posted a new image.
  • Aeleby posted a message on the post We Be Truckin'! 04/28/2020.

    Reminds me when I was learning to drive at the age of 12 in the woods of Michigan. However we got more snow than a lot of places in Alaska; I've seen more than 300 inches a year. I’d drive in my uncle...

  • Aeleby posted a message on the post Resident Evil 3 (04/27/2020).

    Deadly Premonition:Abby playing the masterpiece which is Deadly Premonition would be a dream come true for me. Yes, I know there’s two different play throughs already. I’ve watched both and crave mor...

  • Aeleby followed The Giant Beastcast .