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S-Ranks: in order of achievement, and why

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  • Had been so close for years and only missed 3 intel items and (somehow) knifing 3-dudes in a row in campaign. Had Mile-High Club and everything else, but somehow missed out on knifing? Always pissed me off, so I fixed it.

  • Decided to keep things on a roll by getting through this while my COD skills were still relatively sharp - veteran was a bit more of a bitch on this than most of COD4 - in my opinion.

  • This one was just a matter of time sunk into it, and I sunk A LOT of time into this game. Finally finished off the Shivering Isle expansion to get the lot.

  • Enjoyed this game for years, but sat at around 200 points for the longest time. Made a conscious effort to improve that and then decided I was close enough to go for the 100%: hardest parts were getting the arcade high-scores and, consequently, the Perfectionist achievement.

  • Went back to this because I'd played through ME2 once with a new character since I hadn't transferred my completed ME1 save file when changing 360s. Decided to make the most of the time with the first game over again - bought the DLC and kinda enjoyed it.

    Addendum: actually miss the Mako in ME2

  • Got the Special Edition on day one (same with Monkey Island 2) and took a while to get the achievements. This was mainly due to the fact that they're all listed as secret, which I don't think makes a whole lot of sense to do (make EVERY one of them secret, I mean). Once I knew what they were, it was easy to get done.