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I Am Still a Master Chief

Apart from having nothing to do with Halo... I have completed Uncharted 3 and Journey in the past week. Uncharted was a bit disappointing up until the desert sequence, which is one of best Uncharted segments in all three games. The rest just felt a little samey and boring.

Journey however is the perfect definition of short and sweet. Everything about it is just phenominal. I will probably write a more in depth review about it at some point, but yeah... definitely going to play it again.

I have also started playing Skyrim again. I played too much of it at a friend's house before I actually got around to it myself, but now I'm back to having fun with it.

Bayonetta is still awesome.

Apart from gaming... my summer has finally begun. I have three months of doing whatever the hell I want. Which will mainly consist of reading, writing, gaming, sleeping and eating I think.

That's pretty much all I got.

How is your summer so far?