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So I had this weird match on Modern Warfare 2...

So, I decided to take a break from playing Dark Chronicle on the Playstation 2 by playing the almost as frustrating Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer on the Xbox 360, and then something weird happened. Unspeakable. Distrustful. Macabre. I picked Team Deathmatch, but as soon as the match started, I noticed something was wrong. I was playing on Rust, a free for all map -Then I got killed by my own team. Some were green, some showed up as enemies. There was no scoreboard, either. An EMP was called in. The game went on for about 15 or so minutes, and only ended with a tactical nuke by some guy who had 88 kills. In a Team Deathmatch game. I uploaded some post-match photos taken with my trusty and somewhat dusty DSi, and here they are. Gaze in gazemazement.

Has this happened to anyone else here? Is it news? Am I news? Tune in next week.

To find out.