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  • 8bitavenger posted a message on the post 01: John the Invader.

    @casoonn said:Great first episode! I'm excited for it to continue. I'd love it to go on further than the promised first season. Hearing about the reactions and predictions of the new viewers is the be...

  • 8bitavenger posted a message on the post 01: John the Invader.

    After watching the 00 explanation episode, I was immediately all-in and watched the first 3 episodes of JoJo for the first time.Though most of this is great, and hearing you all talk about the absurdi...

  • 8bitavenger posted a message on the post 00.

    I am very excited to have a specific reason to watch a show & be guaranteed people I like listening to will be talking about it. Hype.

  • 8bitavenger posted a message on the post Voicemail Dumptruck 000.

    @brettmstory: I found it in pocket casts through the search.

  • 8bitavenger posted a message on the post 01.

    @finaldasa: You clearly watch Adam Neely. Also: 4 is such a western music number, my lord.

  • 8bitavenger posted a message on the post Janina Gavankar's Top 10 Games of 2019.

    Hahahaha. Wow. Incredible.

  • 8bitavenger posted a message on the post Giant Bomb Feud!.

    This was so good. Please do this again. Please.