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    PlayStation 5

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    Sony's fifth PlayStation console launched on November 12, 2020 with two models: a standard edition with a disk drive and a digital edition without.

    What is the SINGLE key feature PS5 needs?

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    Poll What is the SINGLE key feature PS5 needs? (209 votes)

    Low Price, at most $400 - Do whatever they can do for improvents...but it has to be $400! 18%
    Horsepower for HDR 4K @ 60fps that can upscale to the 8K spec - Price no object to reach closer to high end PCs 11%
    New rendering support for 'ray casting', even at expense of rasterization speed - make the industry shift to new rendering engines 4%
    Backwards compatibility for PS4 games and current PSVR - stable continuation of support and hardware ideas from last-gen into new-gen 44%
    Loading MUST BE addressed for modern games, faster loads are where they money should go not rednering or low prices 10%
    Results...I want to see what these other neckbeards think 13%

    I think PS5 and Xbox Next present an interesting host of possibilities. That the end of PS3 and Xbox 360 people were thinking "Consoles are over." But the sales went up fast, and console gaming showed shocking vitality. In fact, some of the idea many thought woudl be totally destroyed still hang on - brick & marter stores, offline gaming, trade-ins, exclusive games.

    Even more shocking we seem to be about 1 year away from new consoles and teh gloom and doom of "this is the last generation" has not returned. It seems like people are bullish on games. There are huge controversies, but even the serious issues about loot crates, gambling, and game addiction do not seem to be much of a damper. Which is why I think there IS room to argue small points. The industry does not seem on life support so risk seems possible again.

    So, if Sony is throwing the dice what should they bet everything on in your opinion?


    My beton what Sony will do has changed this week. I think a few months ago I would have said "Price" has to control what they next system archteucture. But now? I think both AMD and Sony are in the same boat, they want move past game engines that support both rasterization and ray tracing, they want to push everything to 'ray casting' hardware and software very quick. The path to make rasterized graphics look good with realistically lighting has become bloated. I think both companies desire to see GPU horsepower to do raycasting and de-noising as fast as possible, instead of using that horsepower to add filters & light onto raster graphics.

    So I think the single biggest feature Sony wants is new rendering. The PSX (PSOne) changed the industry by bring 3D graphics cheaply to consoles, no need for expensive Silicons Graphics GPUs or Sega/Lockheed Martin Model 1 boards. I think PS5 is going to flip over the pardgium of what people think they know about the "processing costs" of ray cast graphics. I think AMD and Sony...and yes even Microsoft are going down a path Nvidia will not like at all.

    Who knows, I could be totally wrong....but

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    The PC crowd salivates over top end components and power, general populace that they really want to target cares about how much a thing costs.

    I wouldn't say that they necessarily need to target super low, but a monumental effort should be made to avoid a repeat of "FIVE HUNDRED NINETY NINE US DOLLARS".

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    I couldn't care less about faster loading, low price and bc are my main concerns. I really hope they can get PS3 bc going, there's tons of digital purchases I'd like access to on one platform. No current generation port of Tokyo Jungle has been infuriating.

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    Full backwards compatibility with everything would be amazing. Imagine a box that could play everything from the PS1 to the PS5!

    That's kind of a pipe dream, but I'd pay for a console that could do that.

    4K HDR 60FPS probably isn't going to happen, not as long as developers can squeeze better looking textures and effects out if 30FPS. Which is why I'm probably sticking with PC next gen. I have the consoles this gen but have barely played them.

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    First is price, second is back compat.

    I'll be extremely curious to see, assuming BC does happen, how PSVR2 will handle it.

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    Backwards compatibility for the whole shebang. I adopted a PS3 early because of the backwards compatibility.

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    #6  Edited By Brackstone

    I'm going to say low price, but I think it could do ok at $499 USD, giving them wiggle room for price drops, but $400 would be great for them. Any more than $500 and they'll run into a lot of backlash. The thing you have to remember, is that price is always a bigger issue outside the US, usually it isn't just a matter of currency conversion.

    Some things not on the poll that I think are important.

    Backwards compatibility is also matters a lot for Sony. They have a huge install base right now with a better AAA library than the competitors. Telling people that all that gets to come forward into the next gen is a huge selling point. It also means that people that skipped the PS4 will have a huge potential library for the PS5.

    On a more personal note, PS5 needs paddles on the controller. More and more it seems like the base controllers aren't able to keep up with certain gameplay trends. Increased mobility and abilites/ultimates and such in shooters especially have made the traditional control schemes feel awkward. Being able to jump, crouch, slide, activate multiple abilities, and just generally do things without having to take your thumbs off either control stick would be a huge boon. Sure Scuff controllers exist, but making paddles the standard would be better for everyone.

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    Honestly the faster loading times was the most attractive part of the reveal. I've been playing Witcher 3 on a PS4 Pro and the in and out loading of the menus feels so slow. I want quality of life improvements over the sexiness of resolution. Also backwards compat is getting more important due to how many giant games are released these days and the fact that I (and I think most people) have huge backlogs built up on their systems. I'm also looking into getting an electronic drum set and rockband now that I know my library will be able to be accessed on the next gen.

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    #8  Edited By Humanity

    60 FPS games.

    This is something that consoles have struggled with and the PS4/XB1 generation especially had poor performing titles when the PC has been pulling so far ahead. Back when console games generally stayed on consoles and if they came out on PC they were awful ports this was acceptable. These days when you have console games releasing on PC without significant delay, running at a rock solid 60 FPS, with better graphics, faster load times and often times lower price points thanks to deal for Steam codes it can make a 24-45 variable framerate with long load times a rough pill to swallow.

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    I really want to play my PS2 and PS3 games on the thing in high res. I would definitely consider getting it sooner than later if it had that.

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    #10  Edited By Seikenfreak

    I would've voted for Backwards Compatibility if it was PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4 support. Maybe even PSP/Vita support. That would be a far more practical, surprising, and impressive feature than anything else for me I think.

    Since that wasn't available, I voted for "Horsepower" because.. whatever. I don't care if the system was $1000, as long as the features were worth the price, I'd absolutely buy it. The $600 PS3 was worth it because it was feature rich.

    I think they should release both a $399 SKU and $599+ SKU that has more power and features.

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    Backwards compatibility all the way back to PS1 would make an extremely tempting purchase. A reasonable price would make it practically an undeniable purchase. I've got a nice PC so I'm not expecting the world from consoles so great horsepower isn't all that important to me.

    Also, not mentioned in the poll but VR is the least important thing I can imagine.

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    I don’t get this thread. Cerny already said it’ll have these features (besides price) so making us choose one out of them doesn’t make sense. It would’ve made more sense if you put options like BC for PS1-PS4 games, requiring devs to make an option where you can change the resolution/FPS in their games, or no load screens at all. As it stands, as far as we know, the features you listed are already baked into the system.

    But to play along, I chose 4K at 60fps. I don’t care about 4K but 60fps is a must for all games next gen. It’s ridiculous when games like the Just Cause series are released and run like ass. I guess the fault is on the devs for not making it run at least at 30 but if they can make the system powerful enough to let games run at 60 with no problem, then devs would have no excuse as to why their game can’t run at 60.

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    @awesomeusername: Or consider it which of these features do you want to actually be true instead of just nice words being said to us

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    #15 fisk0  Moderator

    I mean ... PS4 backwards compatibility should be such a given feature that it almost seems silly to have to vote for it, but I guess if it didn't have it, it is the one thing in that list that on its own would be a dealbreaker for me if it was missing.

    Anyway, I don't think they could get away with skipping backwards compatibility with the last gen again, but I also hope they'll at the very least have PS1 and PS2 compatibility, while preferably also being able to handle PS3 games.

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    #16  Edited By Ares42

    I think it's easy to dismiss the value of just processing power and games utilizing it. We tend to think there wasn't a major shift between this and last generation, but then you go back and you're just shocked by the amount of flat and muddy textures and stilted animations you saw in those games. Even top performers like Witcher 2 or Last of Us look dull compared to the best we see these days. Not that I think it needs to be some super-machine or anything, but we're in an era now where games, not features, sell consoles so all it needs is to be able to support great looking games.

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    I voted for backwards compatibility. I own a XOne (and not a PS4) and BC has been an unexpectedly awesome feature of the system. I've returned to games from the past generation a fair amount over the last few years and I've almost never needed to turn on my X360 to do so. Performance upgrades are a given with the next generation of consoles, but continuity between generations is a great thing.

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    RGB lighting.

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    4k 60fps is probably not probable in the near future at a decent price point, but i would take guaranteed 1440p 60fps and upscaled it still looks good IMO. 60fps never seems to be the consoles focus though so they will probably go 4k 30fps locked for majority of games. I feel like gaming is pretty stagnant as far as tech growth, it's all just better resolution and framerate and i doubt most people care about it.

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    So, yeah, there will not be full PS1, 2, or 3 emulation. The back catalog of games they put on PSN for PS4 will come over and be playable, they might even do a few more of titles from the back catalog. As much as there is a niche of gamers would want that that niche is not big enough to matter when legal and emulation issues are in the way. The current FREE emulators do that task of playing ROMs very well, and they even have the graphics smoothing, filtering, and bug fixes figured out. The path for playing those old games is there, so Sony throwing money at a non-problem that already has a solution will never be worth it.

    PS5 will play PS4 game and will play old games sold on PSN for PS4, that is about it. Anything Sony really want and has a legal right to have will just get remade on new engines just like Crash games were re-made. That really is teh hidden issue with disc based games....the music was licensed for s short amount of time, ownership of trademarks have shifted, ownership of intellectual property was not meant for teh long term. Fifth Generation console (PSx, N64, Saturn, etc) are legally more tangled up than most 8-bit and 16 Bit games. There is no boiler plate legality to resurrect these games with a single solution.

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    There's a lot of optimism here behind this BC choice and it must be nice to be like that sometimes.

    I'll be surprised if it even means all PS4 games at the end of the day.

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    Has to be BC for me, followed by faster loading. I recently started playing games in 4k on pc and frankly the difference (as compares to 1080) seems negligible to me so I would really prefer more fps at 1080 to 4k/8k for the new consoles.

    The idea of full BC is a nice one but I don't think it's gonna happen, if I can play all of my PS4 games on the PS5 I would be satisfied.

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    Full BC.

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    Personal grudge that started recently: that Share button needs to work the second you push it, 100% of the time. I keep taking screenshots and the system takes upwards of 3 seconds sometimes, completely missing what I wanted a picture of.

    If I was being more serious though, PS4 backwards compatibility would be great since I could sell off my Pro without regret and make the monetary sting of upgrading again a little softer. It's a pipe dream for PS1-4 BC, but damn if that concept doesn't make me more excited than any console has. All that shit on one HDMI port would be a dream come true.

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    Price is always going to be a major driving factor for consoles, as it is one of the major appeals of consoles compared to PCs. If they don't get that right it barely matters what else it can do.

    But beyond that, I guess BC would be the other big selling point for me personally, as I would be more likely to upgrade sooner, but it's not really a deal breaker if it doesn't happen.

    Games are still the most important thing, so I don't think there's any one console feature that would sell me on them without games to back them up. Hardware specs don't really get me excited, but if there's a feature of the hardware that allows developers to do new cool stuff in their games, beyond just upping the textures, then that's going to matter more than anything else.

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    I don't actually care about BC, because I generally don't spend time playing older games enough to where it is even a useful feature. Then again, if they were to implement BC all the way back to PS1 I could be playing Bushido Blade without having to dig out my PS2 from some box somewhere.

    To me the only real important aspect is the horsepower to price ratio. Because at the end of the day the only reason I buy a new console is to up the horsepower for potential new games with better systems, better graphics or what have you. And even in that equation the price is of an even less importance to the output of the console's power.

    Also, don't fuck up the controller. The PS4 controller is the best one they have made yet.

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    I just hope the fan doesn't sound like helicopter blades.

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    Backend structure. Whatever they need to do to make the PS5 and all platforms from here on out future proof, they need to do it, particularly when it comes to Internet speeds, name changes, and emulation software like PS Now getting the support it needs.

    Also streaming BC with just a PS Plus sub. No more multiple subscription bullshit.

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    If it's back compat, not charging £40 a title for a PS2/PS3 game. They should be £10, no more.

    But you know they're greedy cunts and will charge out the ass for them

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    The popularity of backwards compatibility always amazes me. I don't recall ever wanting to play an older game on an older system, but I'm obviously in the minority.

    The PS5 could make a case for it though. I don't have a PS4 which is the first Sony or Microsoft console I haven't bought since the first PlayStation. Being able to play all of the PS4 exclusives that I've missed out on on a PS5 would be nice.

    Anyway, my vote was for horsepower. Always horsepower. No matter what whizbang features they want to have it's all going to require horsepower to run.

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    Obligatory backwards compatibility, especially with physically and digitally purchased PS3 games, and PS1 and PS2 compatibility would be appreciated as well.

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    Weren't all these(except price, and maybe 4k 60fps) confirmed by Cerny?

    So by that logic, I'm gonna say low price because we are getting the others whether we like it or not.

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    #34  Edited By monkeyking1969

    I was just thinking the other day that so many devices are "Echo Dot" or "Google Home" ready. So, while I DO NOT want a Sony always listening, I would be fine for my PS 5 to work with Amazon, Google, Apple, or Xiaomi/Mi Home.

    You might think...why? Who cares if a console is part of you 'home automation' scheme? How could that even matter to gamers?

    Home automation can often allow you to set chains of devices to do a certain things, so if you turn on your PS5 its dims the lights turns the UHDTV to game mode, and sets you sound system to 'game' mode. Or, you can turn you PS 5 on remotely from a cold start, not merely from standby mode from a PS Vita. People worry about remote access; but "two factor authentication" makes remote access 99.8% safe in most cases.

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    Backwards compatibility from this list for me, but the absolute 100% KEY top priority feature that both the PS5 and Project Scarlett need is an interface that isn't absolute garbage. Navigating the menus on even the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X is a wholly unacceptable experience in most cases. It's all well and good these companies shouting "MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE!" repeatedly until the other one takes the lead, but it doesn't sit well when basic non-Internet-related functions like opening a list of locally-installed games will randomly take four and a quarter hours, depending on what the console feels like.

    Plus, in Sony's case, we need more control. I have software installed that I can't remove and that requires the PS4 Camera, but I don't (and never have had) a PS4 Camera attached. I used to have the Sky TV app on the top level of the menu system because I use my PS4 to watch TV on Sky, but then a system update moved it back into the Movies & TV section, and I'm now not allowed to have it on the top level anymore. Why? Well...heaven forbid you get to use your favourite TV app without looking at a screen full of PlayStation Store digital movie adverts first.

    Both systems need a smooth and responsive interface which is extremely customizable. If I want to boot into a list of games that are installed on my console, that's what I should be able to do. If I want to disable the slow-ass "news" feed (YAY! A guy I spoke to once has won a trophy!) for every game I dare to hover over, then I should be able to do that.

    What I shouldn't have to do is sit and stare at a loading spinner every other time I touch a button outside of a game.

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    I was pretty let down on the jumo in game fidelity compared to the prior generation. While I understand we're hitting a slowdown on returns in regards to graphical fidelity, there are other areas I'd like to see improved.

    Seems like the CPUs they picked this go-around should be much better suited for more physics processing and number of characters on screen.

    I'd also like to see animations improve as well.

    AI is another area where we could see some improvement.

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    #37  Edited By isomeri

    It needs to be more quiet than any PS4 model I've used.

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    #38  Edited By soulcake

    Bigger HDD, price under 500 bucks, raytracing would be nice but it's impossible ATM on AMD Hardware. Also no camera gimmick like the start of this generation.

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    Maybe it means I'm not the audience for modern consoles anymore, but price and backwards compatibility are the only options here that I care about whatsoever, and I'm skeptical about the lowness of the price.

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