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    Mirror's Edge

    Game » consists of 13 releases. Released Nov 11, 2008

    In a futuristic totalitarian dystopia, a master courier (in a group of renegade "runners") investigates a conspiracy, while outrunning the deadly government military, in this parkour-inspired first-person action game.

    daedalus_net's Mirror's Edge (PC) review

    Avatar image for daedalus_net

    Its a great concept....

    This game, i must admit, has a very good and clever concept! The only negative thing i can say about the game is that it could be longer but given the fact that it is the first time that anybody has attempted and finished a game of this style before,  the designers did not know how the public would react. So, i give this game a rating of 4.5!

    Other reviews for Mirror's Edge (PC)

      Mirror's Edge 0

       Mirror's Edge is certainly not a game without faults, and I can easily see how some of its problems could lead to indifference or even genuine dislike towards the game. But I found its presentation and unique take on platforming from a first person perspective to be an interesting and at times perfectly thrilling experience. I think what I really wanted was a lot of its ideas in a better considered game, but I had a lot of fun playing through it despite the very high number of times I mes...

      4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

      A short, but solid game. 0

      While playing the first Assassin’s Creed back in the day, I thought that it would be cool if a similar game could be made, but from a first person perspective. Mobility in games is usually an afterthought for most developers – sometimes it varies, with the ability to crouch, jump, lean, and prone, but for the most part, video games rarely ever emphasis movement. And then in walks Mirror’s Edge.Released back in 2009, Mirror’s Edge is a video game about a “Runner&rdqu...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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