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    Mass Effect

    Game » consists of 21 releases. Released Nov 20, 2007

    Humanity is still a newcomer on the futuristic galactic stage, and it's up to the charismatic Commander Shepard to investigate the actions of a rogue agent while under threat from a dangerous synthetic race known as the Geth.

    dancingphlower's Mass Effect (Limited Collector's Edition) (Xbox 360) review

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    To berate this game for its buggy graphics, annoying elavators, save glitches, and convoluted inventory system would be to miss the point of the game entirely. Even years after it's release, its impact still remains: no other game captures conversation and story like this one. It takes a lot of effort to create a fictional universe that is both new and engaging, but this is where Mass Effect excels. Hours can be lost delving into the deep universe and learning more about it's inhabitants. Choices that one must make over the course of this journey can be tough at times, but that just makes the story feel all the more real. 
    The gameplay is no slouch, however, make no mistake. At the outset, players can choose between 6 different classes. The first three are Soldier, Engineer, and Adept; these correspond to the typ eof abilities that will be available to the player: guns, tech, and biotics. The last three are combinations of the first three, but without the depth in abilities of either class it combines. Needless to say, there is plenty of variety in the real-time run-and-gun combat. The game can be a little difficult at times, but that is a minor gripe. There's nothing like the feeling of destroying your enemies with your abilites. 
    The main quest is pretty sizeable, with plenty (and I mean plenty) of sidequests to eat up your time. For you achievement hunters, there is an added incentive to get achievements: they unlock in-game bounuses. Win-win, right? There is no one that I wouldn't recommend this game to. There is a reason that the game has received so many accolades. It's simply that good.


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