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    Left 4 Dead

    Game » consists of 14 releases. Released Nov 18, 2008

    Left 4 Dead puts players in the role of one of four survivors during a zombie apocalypse. Survivors will depend on co-operation to get from one safe house to another, while facing hordes of "Infected", four of which can be controlled by human players in certain game modes.

    Bit disapointed by the demo...

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    #1  Edited By Raiden36O

    To be honest, dispite thinking it was awesome at first i soon grew a bit tired of it. I really like the animation and look of the zombies, but gameplay wise i found it a bit disapointing.

    I just found it frustrating how you would get swarmed out of no where from infinatly spawning hoards, it just seemed cheap at times. On the harder difficulties once uv'e used your health packs then your pretty much screwed since ur on red health once revived, so pretty much untill u reach the next safe house u will die super easy.

    I think the game would be better if ur health slowly regenerated over time, maybe not regenerate to full but at least up to 50 hp and then the med kits are used to get u back up to full. That would at least make it less frustrating wen u get jumped out of no where and end up with no health. Also the counter strike style controls feel outdated, the guns are generic and limited (for example being able to choose between a UMP or an MP5, SCAR or M4 or whatever would have been cool, instead the game just has one generic uzi, generic assault rifle, generic shotgun etc) and the fact u cant look down the sights to be more accurate feels very restrictive after playing games like call of duty, rainbow six etc.

    It seemed like a decent game i guess but not as good as id hoped, just to me it didn't feel like this big city full of zombies for me to try to escape from. It felt more like the developers said heres a set of corridors to run through and we have an infinate pool of zombies which we will randomly spawn around u to try to catch u off gaurd.

    I'm aware some people will probably argue that its perfect as is and if u die its because ur not using enough teamwork. I respect that its all about teamwork but i just think that alot of the mechanics could have been implimented better to make it a more enjoyable, less frustrating, but still challenging experience.

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    #2  Edited By Hamz

    Yeah i see where your coming from as having spent too much time playing COD4 i have really gotten used to the ironsights style of aiming and shooting and i would have liked that added to the game. Aswell as being able to cripple shoot their legs or arms off and watch them crawl or wobble around before rushing me again.

    The games not perfect but its still awesome.

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    #3  Edited By 10MP

    im dissapointed that the demo was so short and the full game can probly be beaten in one night.

    $50 just seems to be far to much for a game with such little content.

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    #4  Edited By pause422
    10MP said:
    "im dissapointed that the demo was so short and the full game can probly be beaten in one night.

    $50 just seems to be far to much for a game with such little content."
    Once more guys, yes it has co-op as its main focus and you're working your way through 'campaigns', but they change every single time, and are hugely replayable, you can't think of this as a game where when you get to the end of the last campaign you're done and you've beaten it. You have to think of it as playing a multiplayer game you like for a long time, you don't quit the game permanently when you've seen every map, its a multiplayer game first and foremost. The co-op is made to have the replayability of a multiplayer game...on top of it has a fun looking VS mode. If you're not hugely into it that's one thing, just trying to get people to realize this.There are more than just a few that think once you play through these levels one time its simply over and you should never play the game again like a pure single player experience, but that definitely isn't the case.
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    #5  Edited By Emilio

    You know, I'm just wondering what the rest of the game looks like. Aren't we supposed to be playing throguh 4 different movies with 5 chapters each?

    Because we've seen the commercial for the game, and its pretty much the intro to No Mercy from the demo/gane and I'm just wondering if maybe they're tricking us into believing the game is just this and not more.

    Or maybe the game is only this and nothing else.

    And yeah, I also wanted there to be some sort of iron sight aiming for clean heat shots and limb destroying, but I just ended crouching for my shots.

    I've been playing this ever since it came out, and at one point I was kinda feeling bored of it until I hooked up with my xbox friends and we beat it on expert. I think that's where the magic is at.

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    #6  Edited By Snail

    I was suprised by the demo, much better than what I expected. Plus you can play as that 4 special zombies, The Booomer, The Hunter, The Smker, and that other giant gorilla.. thing. Takes 15 minutes to take down the bastard...

    And the witch sacres the crap out of me, like yesterday when all fo a sudden all the lights in my room went down and suddenly I hear the witch... then a huge lag and all of a sudden there is a zombie right in front of me... I fell off the chair.

    The multiplayer is the best ever in this game, unlike in TF2 where you can go by yourself you have to stick together here, (note it is much more fun to play with friends since you probably won't risk having a guy in your team that can't play the game). You have to aid others, you can let them know where weapons are, you can heal them, give them pain pills... Whatever.

    It has great voice acting also.

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