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    A night of ghost, ghouls, costumes, and candy. Some video games are based around this holiday, while others simply pay it respect with special levels or characters that embody the spirit of All Hallows' Eve.

    Shocktober: Week Two

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    Edited By patrickklepek

    Puppet Master might not-so-secretly be my favorite series.
    Puppet Master might not-so-secretly be my favorite series.

    Another week, another slate of horror movies. When I started looking over my notes from the last seven days, I was legitimately impressed with how much I managed to sneak in. It's a good thing, too, since I haven't been able to watch any movies this week, and my time is scarce in the days ahead, thanks to a wedding. (It'll be fun, but c'mon, I have movies to watch!)

    What makes the movies from this past week so interesting is how they cross over into different genres. Genres are a weird thing to begin with. On every service, you'll see movies divided into horror and thriller, though it's easy to see the films in either. A perusal of Netflix's offerings confirms this. Is anyone going to say Rosemary's Baby, You're Next, and Silent House aren't horror movies? It's a weird line to draw.

    Coherence (2014) by James Ward Brykit

    The vast majority of horror spends way too much time fellating its clever or harrowing premise, and forgets the reason to care about said premise are characters worth a damn. You see better characters in low-budget flicks, since they can't compete on the CG stage. Coherence is a movie about characters who just-so-happen to exist in terrifying world where a comet is causing lots of weird stuff to happen.

    A group of friends are getting together for dinner, and it feels like an annual event where everyone goes out of their way to attend because it goes back decades. It's a dinner where old tensions flare, but everyone shuts up and has another drink. In any other circumstance, it would end with someone driving home after a little too much wine, a reminder why they only do this once a year, and life goes on. But not this time.

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    Like Honeymoon, Coherence spends an extraordinary amount of time placing its chess pieces. We know stuff has to get wild at some point, and Coherence smartly seeds what's to come relatively early, but shows patience. In the first 20 minutes, we're introduced to the major players, and provided history lessons on what's happened before they all walked into the room.

    Besides making the characters more than fodder for what lurks in the dark, it helps movies skirt a major issue. For a horror movie to work, the characters have to make careless decisions--separating from the group, walking in the dark, etc. What makes these decisions frustrating is the lack of motivation. It usually comes across as a way of moving the plot or setting up some quick death, rather than a consequence of the events at hand. The characters in Coherence do some very stupid things that would seem obvious in retrospect, but in the moment, when nothing makes sense, you can understand how they got there.

    Also like Honeymoon, it's impossible to talk about Coherence without giving away what's going on, but it's a wonderful and horrifying thought experiment. Coherence really commits to its ending, too, in a way other horror movies don't. Cliffhangers are commonplace, but largely because it's setting up a sequel for a movie hoping to become a franchise. Cliffhangers can be effective if done with purpose. When the credits roll, it's a gut punch "oh shit" moment that leaves your mind reeling about what happens in the minutes after. What actually happened next isn't important so much as what the cliffhanger implies about the moment itself.

    Yeah, I really liked Coherence.

    Grabbers (2012) by Jon Wright

    When JJ Abrams made Super 8, he spoke fondly about Steven Spielberg. Spielberg directed E.T. and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, but was also responsible for bringing Gremlins, The Goonies, and others to life as a producer. These films had a particular mixture of heart, hope, and fear. It's made them feel authentic, a sentiment Abrams failed to capture in Super 8, perhaps because he was trying too hard.

    That's the long way of saying Grabbers pulls this off, a movie that could easily fall into Amblin's lineup, if you were to swap Grabbers' computer effects for rubber puppets. A small Irish town is forced to grapple with the sudden appearance of creatures from the sea that subsist on sucking the blood from their victims. One of the town's few police officers is an alcoholic, but gets away with it because everyone else is, too, and there's never any crime. When a feisty out-of-towner (a women, naturally) shows up to temporarily take the chief of police's place, the two are quickly thrust into a situation where they have to work together.

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    Let me cut to the chase, and the reason you should watch this: the police discover alcohol can kill the critters. The plan? Get the whole town piss drunk, so if anyone happens to get their blood sucked, it'll also kill the things. It's not hard to imagine how this leads to some pretty ridiculous situations, especially given this is a town full of people who are well-versed in getting piss drunk on a daily basis. They're experts.

    It's really fun, straddling the Spielbergian line of making you laugh and scream in equal measure, a movie that takes itself seriously enough to not take itself too seriously. The only measure by which Grabbers falls apart is its insistence in shoehorning a romantic arc between the two leads. There's barely enough time to become friends, let alone lovers. There's nothing about the story that demands the two ride off into the sunset together, hand-in-hand, yet the movie forces the issue at the exact point the characters should be worried about anything but. People are being killed left and right, monsters are getting bigger by the minute, but hey, let's kiss? It feels heavy handed, forced, and totally unearned. Fortunately, it's irrelevant.

    The Houses October Built (2014) by Bobby Roe

    Man, does this movie sound good on paper. A group of thrillseekers rent an RV each year, hitting up haunted houses and documenting their journey. They hear whispers online about the haunted house, and start seeking it out. It's a solid setup for a found footage film, especially for a genre that often doesn't bother having a decent narrative conceit to explain why everyone is running around with video cameras.

    The trailer is really good, too! Gosh, I was psyched for this one. When the doll girl suddenly starts screaming in the RV? Chills! But The Houses October Built is a movie whose best scares are tucked into the trailer. This isn't a case where a trailer ruins tension and buildup, but exposes how little there is to The Houses October Built. Everything's in the trailer because there's nothing else for the movie to present.

    There's not much to say. It's boring, it's not scary, and the trailer is better than the movie itself.

    (P.S. What kind of haunted house would let you film what happens inside? Ugh.)

    Dead Snow 2 (2014) by Tommy Wirkola

    Here was the first question I had about Dead Snow 2: what is that guy from Party Down doing here? Somehow, Martin Starr signed up for this. Then again, I'd probably say yes if someone called me up and said "hey, do you wanna fly to Norway and pretend to kill zombies for a few months?

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    Even though I watched Dead Snow some years back, I can't remember much about it. The zombie nazis were a cute twist on an overdone concept, but it didn't leave a lasting impression. It was fine for a boring night.

    Don't take this as a comparison of quality, but if Dead Snow was Evil Dead, Dead Snow 2 is Evil Dead 2. Sam Raimi's series pivoted from straight horror to horror comedy in the sequel, and Dead Snow 2 finds similar success with the format. There are a few shocking moments in Dead Snow 2, but they're often derived from violent absurdity, rather than "hey, time to gross you out." (Though Dead Snow 2 does have those moments too often, and it's the movie at its weakest.)

    Don't try to apply logic to what happens in Dead Snow 2. How does the human body just organically embrace the arm of a dead person? Shouldn't the cops call someone? Just embrace the contradictions.

    In a month that's been full of nightmares, Dead Snow 2 gave me some hearty laughs. It's a movie willing to embrace its cheese, and when it discovers the best running gag I've seen in a movie all year, I started to fall in love. You'll know what I'm talking about it when you see it, and be sad when it comes to an end.

    The Awakening (2012) by Nick Murphy

    I've had The Awakening kicking around my Shocktober lineups for a while now, but never pulled the trigger because the trailer didn't sell me on anything but another timid ghost story that's been done endlessly. Having finally watched The Awakening, I can assure you it's much more than its trailer lets on.

    Set during the depressing aftermath of World War I, Florence Cathcart's made a name for herself by debunking supernatural myths. She's riding high off the success of a book denouncing the existence of ghosts when a man knocks at her door, pleading for someone to investigate a haunting at school for young boys. Things quickly begin to go bump in the night, but it's unclear whether it's actually ghosts.

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    What makes Cathcart more interesting than your typical ghost investigator is that she does so totally biased against the concept. The Conjuring, Insidious, and other recent ghost tales involve people who believe in the supernatural, and who arrive in your home to help prove it to you, as well. Cathcart investigates the supernatural because she's not convinced, and every claim she's able to debunk becomes another notch in her belt, and only emboldens her ultimate cause.

    The story's more complicated than that, but the less you know, the better. The Awakening doesn't make sense until its final moments, but it's earned.

    The way horror movie sells and distribute tension varies wildly. Some try to keep you on the edge of your seat the whole way through, while others pick and choose their moments, using surprise as its primary tool. Remarkably, once The Awakening passes a certain moment in the story, it does both, which is how it remains consistently effective. Too often, surprise is just another way of saying jump scare, and while The Awakening, being a ghost story, has jump-y moments, it's not exploitative and lazy like so many others.

    I'd argue The Awakening is less scary than it is tense. In many ways, that's worse. Scares are a form of relief, and when the "scare" happens, it usually means a moment to regain composure, as the movie's beats begin to alternate. Tension is ongoing, fostering a lingering sense of dread. You're always nervous.

    It's a ghost story that's not about the ghosts. What makes The Awakening work is Cathcart's psychological journey, and what happens along the way is only important because it's important to Cathcart. The audience getting scared is a lovely byproduct, of course, but it's all in service of a good story.

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    #1  Edited By sgtsphynx  Moderator

    I've actually got Grabbers ordered and it should arrive before Halloween. @patrickklepek do you know of any other Lovercraft inspired horror films? Also, have you seen In the Mouth of Madness? I highly recommend it.


    There's barely enough time to become friends, let alone lovers. There's nothing about the story that demands the two ride off into the sunset together, hand-in-hand, yet the movie forces the issue at the exact point the characters should be worried about anything but. People are being killed left and right, monsters are getting bigger by the minute, but hey, let's kiss? It feels heavy handed, forced, and totally unearned.

    That's the problem I have with most romance subplots.

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    #2  Edited By LazyEkans

    The Houses October Built is such a good title, though...

    I checked out Dead Silence, pretty good. I liked it more than Honeymoon even though Honeymoon has less "that's not how humans act" moments.

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    @patrickklepek Have you heard of/seen "WNUF Halloween Special"? I randomly stumbled upon it the other night, and I was hugely impressed. Without giving too much away, it perfectly simulates a taped-off-of-TV local news station's 80's Halloween broadcast and tells a straightforward but fun horror story through that medium. Easily the most creative thing I've seen in the found footage genre.

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    Saw Grabbers last year and found it quite charming in how amateurish and goofy it is.

    Saw The Awakening this year on your recommendation, Patrick, and found it better than I expected. Plan to watch Coherence tonight so I'll read that review later!

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    Dead Snow 2 is sooo fun. It's like that werewolf nazi nightmare sequence from An American Werewolf in London except it lasts 90 minutes.

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    I've had The Awakening on my Netflix instant queue for a long time. I think I'll actually watch it now.

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    #7 sgtsphynx  Moderator

    @shagge said:

    @patrickklepek Have you heard of/seen "WNUF Halloween Special"? I randomly stumbled upon it the other night, and I was hugely impressed. Without giving too much away, it perfectly simulates a taped-off-of-TV local news station's 80's Halloween broadcast and tells a straightforward but fun horror story through that medium. Easily the most creative thing I've seen in the found footage genre.

    Gotta agree here. Really well done, and I'm not a fan of found footage style films.

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    @sgtsphynx: It's like that in a lot of fiction, and I also hate it.

    Hey look I vaguely know this person! (Next scene they're in bed post-coitus.)

    Most good romance stories are not easy and take time and effort to build up. (And I'm not talking about the tired "will they or won't they" system some TV series use.)

    From TV to film, from books to comic books and even video games. It often doesn't even matter how much time and space the creators have to make something out of it. They still mostly go for the cheap shots.

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    #9  Edited By dotpatrick

    In the past week I watched some really great movies in week two including (all for the first time) Let the Right One In, Hellraiser II and The House of the Devil. Those are some really fantastic movies in very different ways.

    I only had one bummer last week in Body Snatchers (1993). That movie doesn't have very much going for it outside of a wonderfully creepy performance from Meg Tilly. Everything else is mediocre.

    Other films from the last week include +1, The Amityville Horror and Brand Upon the Brain. All worth seeing if you are looking for some horror (borderline in the case of BUtB) but nothing I could give a whole hearted recommendation to.

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    @sgtsphynx If you aren't already aware of it, you might want to consider watching Dagon. It's actually based on The Shadow Over Innsmouth rather than it's namesake, and is clearly a low budget affair, but with the exception of one scene that is clearly played out to get some gore in there (in a quite extreme fashion I might add), it remains fairly true to the source material.

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    #11  Edited By cooljammer00

    I remember watching Dead Snow at some S&M party I attended (as a friend's +1, natch) because it was the only non kink thing going on at the time. It was either watch the naked people or try to watch the movie (wasn't always easy, as someone was tied up in front of the screen and being whipped by women dressed as Nazis, naturally)

    Good to see Dead Snow 2 is decent, though, and leans more towards comedy than horror.

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    #12 sgtsphynx  Moderator
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    The biggest problem with Coherence is that the whole plot revolves around a fundamental misunderstanding of the Schodinger's Cat postulation. The scientific criticism letter in which "Schrodinger's Cat" was coined actually uses the example to cast doubt on the old observer theory principle. The way it's commonly used now actually is the opposite of what was originally intended.

    Unfortunately for Coherence, the way they use the theory (the common parlance way) is also completely messed up and opposite the way the misunderstood quantum coherence postulates. Everything it does is wrong both in a real sense and in a "kayfabe" sense.

    If you can get over that, the characters do the dumbest things (which is only hand-wavingly explained by an "infinite monkeys on infinite typewriters" sort of way) and get grand motivations from the smallest things. Everyone seems completely unhinged.

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    The Awakening is what I'm most interested in, erie gothic horror is my genre of choice.

    @sgtsphynx If you aren't already aware of it, you might want to consider watching Dagon. It's actually based on The Shadow Over Innsmouth rather than it's namesake, and is clearly a low budget affair, but with the exception of one scene that is clearly played out to get some gore in there (in a quite extreme fashion I might add), it remains fairly true to the source material.

    If you guys like Lovecraft then you need to watch The Whisperer In The Darkness. It's the best one.

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    #15  Edited By TheManWithNoPlan

    I haven't watched anything past honeymoon on my shocktober list (about 10 movies in at that point). I was going to see The houses october built next, but alas, your thoughts have proved what I feared about it.

    The awakening was something I watched on a netflix whim earlier in the year and really liked. I'd classify it as more thriller than pure horror, but the creepy tone throughout makes it a good flick to watch around this time of the year.

    Grabbers seems like a good one to watch next. Especially given it's on netflix.

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    Saw the movie It Follows yesterday. It's a pretty good "horror" movie that is quite scary from time to time. As a bonus, the music was made by Disasterpiece, so that's cool. I'd recommend it to almost anybody. Not gory, some cheap scares but most of it is smartly done.

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    So glad you check out The Awakening, one of my favorite haunting films. The best haunting film still remains The Haunting from 1963, still a great film, seems to get better with age.

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    I'm going to watch as many shitty movies I can, starting with Puppet Master (Wrong Turn 6 was great/bad)

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    #19  Edited By rcath

    Watch the Vanishing.

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    I've been doing something similar Patrick, you inspired me. I'm already up to 11 movies myself for this month. I don't have as many obligations as you, so I might try to make it to 31. Can I just watch The Thing repeatedly? That counts, right?

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    Okay, totally random thought here. At first glance I thought Dead Snow 2 (2014) by Tommy Wirkola said it was by Tommy Wiseau. Then I got thinking about Tommy making a horror movie. I would want to see that.

    Glad you're enjoying your Shocktober Patrick. Getting some Outlast in for mine. Playing through that for the first time is terrifying.

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    This is pretty great! I loved your recommendation for Honeymoon and now I'm going to check out Coherence too.

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    I didn't even realize that Dead Snow 2 existed. May have to watch it for the lulz if nothing else.

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    I watched "The Thing" this week.

    It's still a masterpiece with great character choices, sound, settings, and atmosphere. I can't really say much that hasn't been said about it before or that someone wouldn't already know.

    What was most exciting to me was my 10 year old niece watched it with me (we watched it on her birthday) and she was glued to her seat. That's not a common thing for her, so it just reaffirms what a great, well produced, film that is.

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    I liked the beginning of Awakening, but the way it ended was disappointing. It seemed to be setting up for what would be a really great ending and then just went the traditional route. **

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    The Puppet Master movies are so bad.

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    #27  Edited By ImBigInJapan

    The Houses October Built had some OK moments but overall it was pretty awful.

    I really couldn't even make sense of the story progression. Was there some big conspiracy against them? Was it all coincidence? WTF?

    I still need to catch Coherence, and the Awakening sounds rather intriguing. Instead I end up watching junk like that. I need to re-evaluate my priorities. I guess they can't all be winners.

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    Me and my girlfriend went through the Shocktober list when it was put up and the first one we watched was Coherence. We were extremely surprised by it and would recommend it to anybody who hasn't seen it.

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    "The vast majority of horror spends way too much time fellating its clever or harrowing premise, and forgets the reason to care about said premise are characters worth a damn"

    Is there a word missing/wrong in there?

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    @patrickklepek: (P.S. What kind of haunted house would let you film what happens inside? Ugh.)

    Horror is my favorite genre across all types of media, but for some reason actually being in a haunted house (the attraction kind, of course. not talking about "real" ghosts) terrifies me, so I have to resort to watching videos people take. It's actually a very common thing, and there are some YouTube channels that are pretty much dedicated to nothing but haunted house and other theme park attraction walkthroughs.

    For example, every year around this time I watch all of the Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights mazes (what the pros call 'em. yeah, I'm in the know) ;) Here's one of my recent favorites:

    Loading Video...

    I'm sure folks with cameras can't walk through with extra lights for filming or anything like that, but with night vision it doesn't seem like much of an issue.

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    I really enjoy reading these, and because I'm really not a horror guy at all I like to read up a little on a few of them if Patrick's description intrigues me. Coherence actually sounds really interesting, I didn't find a full synopsis but I like the idea they're working with. I also read through a short summary of The Awakening and part of the story gave me a little bit of a Deadly Premonition vibe.

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    Most recently I watched The Loved Ones. That movie was really messed up. In a good way. But wow, really messed up. I also saw Bad Milo. Funny one, that one. It's crazy that someone saw that script and said "Sure! Let's do this!". What a great dumb movie. I've seen twelve movies so far, I'm a bit behind on my one-a-day. So far, half way though the month, it's been real fun checking out all the recommendations. More to come!

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    #34  Edited By SSully

    I remember watching Dead Snow at some S&M party I attended (as a friend's +1, natch) because it was the only non kink thing going on at the time. It was either watch the naked people or try to watch the movie (wasn't always easy, as someone was tied up in front of the screen and being whipped by women dressed as Nazis, naturally)

    Good to see Dead Snow 2 is decent, though, and leans more towards comedy than horror.

    What. That sounds.... weird.

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    #35  Edited By AMyggen

    Dead Snow 2 is sooo fun. It's like that werewolf nazi nightmare sequence from An American Werewolf in London except it lasts 90 minutes.

    Yeah, I liked that movie a lot more than the first one.

    Great mini reviews by the way, Patrick!

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    #36  Edited By Sinusoidal

    Wow, I saw a bunch of these as well not long ago.

    I found the characters in Coherence so incredibly intolerable I wanted them all to die horribly within minutes of the film opening. Too bad they don't. Xander from Buffy has not aged well. I hated every moment of this one. Being educated in physics might be part of why I thought this one was indelibly stupid.

    Grabbers was fun, low budget comedy horror. Definitely OK.

    The Awakening was up its own arse too often trying to be a Sixth Sense and The Others hybrid and generally not being as effective as either of those. I found the big reveal(s) confusingly underwhelming, jarring, improbable and out of place all at the same time. Nice atmosphere and production though.

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    #37  Edited By me3639

    Coherence and Awakening were 2 that really stuck out for me when you made your list. Glad that both sound like they exceeded expectations.

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    The guy from Party Down? Uhhh, I'm sorry Patrick, do you mean the guy from Freaks & Geeks?

    Kidding. Loving these articles.

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    I been gagging to see Coherence for so long now, ever since the first awesome, intriguing poster design was released. While I deliberately didn't read that section to keep that whole movie fresh for me, I'm glad you jogged my memory about tracking it down.

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    In the past week I watched some really great movies in week two including (all for the first time) Let the Right One In, Hellraiser II and The House of the Devil. Those are some really fantastic movies in very different ways.

    I only had one bummer last week in Body Snatchers (1993). That movie doesn't have very much going for it outside of a wonderfully creepy performance from Meg Tilly. Everything else is mediocre.

    Other films from the last week include +1, The Amityville Horror and Brand Upon the Brain. All worth seeing if you are looking for some horror (borderline in the case of BUtB) but nothing I could give a whole hearted recommendation to.

    I don't remember much about Body Snatchers 93 besides the cutie from Scent of A Woman being in it. Ever see the Donald Sutherland/Leonard Nimoy one?

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    #41  Edited By yetimongrel

    @sgtsphynx: check out "The Resurrected" it is the best lovecraft movie I've seen to date. I had to get a German copy on amazon but with an English track it's worth it.

    It follows the case of Charles Dexter Ward to the letter. Great practical effects, and it has Christian Shepard (John Terry) as the private eye/narrator.

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    @ssully: It was. I've never gone back.

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    I just watched The Houses October Built tonight because of the awesome trailer in the original Shocktober post. I thought the last half hour was solid up 'til the end. There's a great sense of ambiguity running throughout the film, especially through the last third, but it doesn't manifest in a satisfying ending, especially when you start to think about the logistics of everything. Ultimately quite disappointing, even if it's still not that bad - felt like it would've worked better as a short film.

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    "...the police discover alcohol can kill the critters. The plan? Get the whole town piss drunk, so if anyone happens to get their blood sucked, it'll also kill the things."

    Why have I not seen this?

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    My week two:

    Oct 9 : Human Centipede: The First Sequence (2009). Thought I might as well watch this seeing as the emphasis for me this year was seeing new movies. Like you'd guess this movie is all about the premise, and already knowing it kind of makes watching the thing a moot point. But, the actor that plays the villain is really really creepy.

    10: Brain Dead (1990) Would say its more of psychological thriller than horror. One of those movies that keeps you guessing the difference between reality and delusion is until the last minute. Bill Pullman AND Bill Paxton star, and Paxton as a sleazy 90's executive is great.

    11: The Legend of Hell House (1973) Apparently one of the classic paranormal investigators inside a haunted house movies. Didn't completely hold my interest, or maybe I'm getting burnt out after 11 days of horror movies, many of them not so great

    12: Escape From Tomorrow (2013) A man decends into madness while vacationing in Disneyworld with his family. Shot in black and white and obviously very low budget. Disney resorts are definitely a source of untapped horror and this movie has some great creepy moments, but runs a bit too long.

    13: Creepshow 2 (1987) A horror compilation movie starring "The Creeper" as a narrator thats almost a carbon copy of "The Cryptkeeper" (don't know enough about these characters to get into a who's first kind of thing). You don't get more 80's than this movie. I remember reading the Stephen King story one of the segments was based on: "The Raft" about a killer oil slick that terrorizes some teenagers.

    14: The Bell Witch Haunting (2013) I'm a fan of the found footage horror movie genre, but I can't think of anything good to say about this. There's a moment when a green hand reaches out of a crawlspace when no one is looking that made me laugh just cause it was such a boogedy boogedy moment that was obviously just thrown in at the last minute in editing.

    15: Witching and Bitching (Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi) (2013) Excellent horror/comedy, I don't know who came up with the english title but they need to rethink their life. But to be fair, there are witches in this movie, and almost all of the male characters are bitching about something. I'm so glad this movie came up on Netflix because my interest in this marathon was definitely starting to flag. Recommended to anyone who likes the more comedic horror like Evil Dead or Cabin in the Woods.

    16: American Horror Story: Freak Show (2014) (episode 1 and 2) As a horror fan I'm biased, but I've always liked this series. This season has a great opening sequence with some stop motion animation. If it's anything like the previous seasons, the plot will be a brew of several horror tropes: so far we've got freaks being driven to murder by normals inhumanity, a killer psycho clown, and a Norman Bates man child situation. There have already been two 1950's vaudville performances of modern songs which gave me a Bioshock Infinate vibe.

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    Yo Patrick, you should check out the movie The Skeleton Key.

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    I watched The Awakening a few days ago and was really surprised. Most horror movies have that B-movie feel, even the big budget ones, but The Awakening tilted more toward an independent character driven movie. It has its faults such as trying to tie too much together at the end, nearly to the point of feeling contrived. But compared to most horror movies it was very well done from a story perspective. Definitely one of the better horror movies I've seen in a long time and totally unexpected.

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    I,just added the Grabbers and Awkening to my netflix. If you haven't seen You're Next or The House of The Devil, I strongly urge you to check out both!

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