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    Genshin Impact

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Sep 28, 2020

    A free-to-play open world action/role-playing game.

    Weekly Mission - Use 1600 Original Resin. Someone check the math, please.

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    #1  Edited By spiketail

    So, basically it is impossible to use 1600 Resin without using up in-game resources (1 Fragile Resin = +60 Resin) or Primogems/money (50 Primogems = +60 Resin)?

    The very quick math:

    • It takes 8 minutes to recharge 1 Resin.
    • 1600 Resin will take 12,800 minutes. Or 213.3 hours.
    • 1 week (7 X 24 X 60) is 10,080 minutes. Or 168 hours. 1,260 Resin will generate normally.

    That's a difference of 2720 minutes, or in this case, 340 Resin. Which is kind of scummy to do. There is already a daily goal of using 160 Resin and a week of completing the daily mission will spend cause you to use 1,120 Resin. This is the first time I've seen a microtransaction enabled game have an actual mission/goal that was blatantly unaccomplishable without using in-game resources. And lets not talk about the 5500 Resin goal for the duration of the Battle Pass period.

    Dec 2020 EDIT: Yeah, yeah. They lowered it to 1200 per week. Also have an event going on with 1 or 2 event related goals that will reward BP.

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    I've encountered stuff like this in a few F2P games that require a bit of spending to "max" the milestones/reward threshold or what have you.

    Thankfully, while yes it isn't one you can do with natural reason, it is still fairly easy to achieve in Genshin. They really start throwing Fragile Resin at you, so if you are smart with balancing when/how you use those, you can hit the thresholds just fine.

    I should also add that the weekly missions are random and some weeks the "Spend Resin" one isn't up, so those weeks are extra nice as one doesn't have to worry about rationing Resin, should they decide to try to finish that weekly.

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    People have been digging into some of the math on a bunch of things involving rewards and the like and finding that some things don't really add up. Currently there's a joke about getting more primogems from maintenance from actually participating in in-game events, as well as an art contest where the reward is worth approximately $5 USD.

    There's also been some doubts about the Gacha system's actual rates and how the pity system works as well as time investment and EXP/Mora/etc earned, and how the only stat that seems to matter for most situations is base ATK. It's possible that MihoYo is still figuring things out, but there is definitely some stuff that feels pretty off the more players look into it.

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    Genshin is definitely one of those gacha games that starts to really break down when the illusion drops after AR30 or so. Here in Canada, it's 25$ for a 10 pull, and chances of getting a 5* are 0.6%, and if you are pulling on the standard banner (which I do not recommend and is a bad idea in general) the chances of that 5* being a weapon and not a character is like 40/60 in favor of a character. The rates are tragic, even compared to other gacha games that would be considered predatory.

    If the rest of the top 5 most popular gacha games are considered predatory, then Genshin is an apex predator. Money means different things to people depending on income obviously, but to me the only thing that is worth it is the 5$ pass and maybe, maybethe battle pass if you know you can get it to level 50 that month for sure. Even then the benefits of the hymn for the pass is an extra 6 pulls, most of the benefit is materials and weapons.

    I'm having a great time and I think the world, exploration, music and charming characters are fantastic, but don't be fooled. Underneath the pretty mask this game is a shark ready to bite you in half if you have any sort of self restraint issues, or worse, history of a gambling problem.

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    #6  Edited By peritus

    The more i hear about this game, the more i dont want to play it. It seems like a predatory time-sink. (That happens to look good)

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    @peritus said:

    The more i hear about this game, the more i dont want to play it. It seems like a predatory time-sink. (That happens to look good)

    It's definitely that but it has more to it than that. For one thing it sounds great too! Really strong sound track!

    It has a lot of exploration, that's pretty good. Quite a bit of story (which is pretty bad, but has its moments), and the combat generally feels pretty good even if it's ultimately shallow.

    It has a lot of good stuff going for it, and if you don't spend money it's definitely worth checking out, but the monetization is ludicrous and I don't really understand why people are gaga for it except that everyone really wishes we'd gotten some more BOTW clones by now.

    This definitely isn't a true BOTW clone though. For one thing while you can do a few environmental things like freezing water so you can walk on it, it's nowhere near as complex from a physics sim perspective. For another there's nothing even 10% as interesting as the shrines in that game.

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    It's worth saying here that the devs have been hearing feedback on this issue and have said it will be changed in the upcoming 1.1 patch, reducing the weekly quest to 1200 which is much more realistic.

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    Genshin is definitely one of those gacha games that starts to really break down when the illusion drops after AR30 or so.

    AR30 does feel like a shit or get off the pot moment now that I'm there. At this point the world level bumps the fodder enemies into the low 40s while several of the bosses that drop the materials you need to ascend characters into the level 50 tier are conveniently upped to level 50 themselves (I never did figure out how to beat the elemental bosses once they started regenerating health to begin with) so they take forever to whittle down besides not being all that challenging. Having not been prepared for that, most of my characters are stuck at level 40 with no clear path upward other than beginning to more heavily invest in weapons and artifacts but the rewards I need for those are also mostly behind slightly higher levels I feel like, and more importantly the activities so dry and repetitive...

    The story content also just completely dries up - I've been thumbing through most of the dialogue (and listening in Chinese, a language I have zero familiarity with) since midway through the first main arcs anyway but the stuff involving Rex is a whole lot of backtracking through (IMO) a poorly designed vertical city, and then despite implying that story isn't finished they just...don't seed another quest after you've gathered all the materials? As somebody who's not a PC gamer, this kinda reminds me of all the early access stories I've heard over the years where the game feels like it just sort of ended with little fanfare.

    At this point, a lot of the challenges are harder for my team to accomplish than is entertaining and other than repeating dungeons until my resin is spent there's little incentive to actively play and it all lands with such a thud I'm a little taken aback even knowing this was likely the case.

    That said, I'm clearly all over the posts about this game and I got a lot of enjoyment out of what I have played, so I'll keep dipping back in responsibly but the hand they're playing at this point in the upgrade path is so blatant I just can't be compelled to reward them for it by buying the $5 primogem booster or anything like that. I do understand now it might've been smarter to buy that twice than invest in the Battle Pass though? Oh well, lived and learned. Now to give Tsushima's Legends mode an honest shot.

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    Here in Canada, it's 25$ for a 10 pull...

    Doing better than us in the US. It's the 30$ USD pack you have to buy to get enough for a 10x pull. And glancing at the currency exchange rate, that 25$ CAD is about 20$ USD.

    For some reference, I looked in on the other gacha-style games I play on how much it would cost to buy enough currency to do a 10x pull. This is straight 'how much would you get' before you figure in any time of VIP bonus or whatever that may give you more than what the sticker says. Going with PC = Premium Currency just to easily name it all.

    Star Trek Timelines:

    Dragalia Lost (One of Nintendo's mobile games):

    • 25$ USD gets 1,230 PC. 10x pull is 1,200 PC.
    • Having never bought any or the special packs, no idea what other packs stick around.

    I think Fire Emblem Heroes had a similar cost to buy enough PC for a 10x pull. It was high enough that I placed it in the 'too costly for what it is' category.

    @peritus - If you go in knowing you won't be spending any money, there is still plenty to enjoy at the cost of zero dollars for entry.

    @takayamasama - That's nice to hear. Little less time restrained to use up the Resin. Still plenty of other issues that they'll hopefully look at.

    @nodima - For the elemental bosses, they enter a phase where you need to take out/gather the special thingy. Best example: Electro elemental (The purple one, lower right Mondstadt area). Very easy patterns, but once knocked down to the regen phase, it pops out 3 pyramids in a circle around the core. Elemental skills/Bursts will damage the pyramids. Get rid of the pyramids, no regen. You might have to fight through 1 health regen, but however many you took out will stay gone.


    For myself, I just hit AR30 and I'm probably going to wish I had kept in AR29 and finished farming the materials to ascend my default team and their weapons. Got 90% of the stuff, but... if the last 10% just became hard to get, this could be a bit of a painful grind.

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