The F8 of the Furious discussion (spoilers marked)

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I realize that the eighth (!) entry in this glorious franchise doesn't officially come out until next weekend. However, I was lucky enough to see an advanced screening of it last night and, due to my immense love for this series, I really need to talk about it right away. I'll leave all the spoilers for the end, the rest I just want to talk about my general likes and dislikes. Read at your own risk!

I will say right off the bat that, yes, I liked it quite a bit, but I do not think it reached the greatness of Fast Five or even Furious 7. I'd still maybe put it above 6, if we're just talking about from 5 on. It's an undeniably fun movie in any case. Not only was the screening fucking packed, but the crowd reaction was more akin to a sporting event. People were laughing, cheering, shouting, and reacting more loudly than I've ever seen at a theater. It was kind of nuts, but it really added to the experience.

There is obviously a Paul Walker-sized hole in this film, a void that I didn't think would make that huge of a difference, but it really did, at least for me. He is gone but certainly not forgotten. That said, the movie uses the expanded cast nicely and does an excellent job at giving everyone a bunch of shit to do. What surprised me the most was how much of the movie Statham was in, which is quite a bit. He also kicks some serious ass. Both he and The Rock share a bulk of the highlights in both the action and comedy. The Rock also thankfully gets way more screentime, especially compared to the two sequences he had in 7.

My two major gripes with this movie both come down to the action, and they are with the pacing and use of CGI. Fast and Furious 6 had pacing issues, which is mainly why I don't rank it as high as 5 or 7, but it feels like even more a problem in 8. There is a very long stretch before the movie really gives you the goods. Not that it's boring, but hey, insane action sequences are what you come here for. Luckily I thought the character work and tension building were stronger than they have been in the past. As for the effects, what I loved about this franchise, especially since 5, was that it prided itself on stunts and practical effects and used CG fairly sparingly. That's not the case with 8, and while the CG is mostly good, it's still CG and detracts from the impact of the action. Not that I could reasonably expect the studio to spring for a real submarine and get it to do the things it does, but the actions does tend to be a little more...fantastical this time around.

That being said, the action is still fucking bananas, bonkers, and other silly words. The last 30 minutes keep in line with the massive, multi-part finales in the last several movies, with some truly spectacular moments that I'm sure will go down as some of the best in the series. There are more than a few parts in this movie that go beyond the ridiculousness of Dom catching Letty in mid-air in F&F6 that are endearingly hilarious. That's pretty much exactly what I want out of this franchise. To just look at the screen in such awe and disbelief that I can't help but laugh.

The story was good enough, with a believable justification for getting all these guys back together once again. A lot of parts a glossed over quickly, though, adding to the pacing issues. 7 had a similar problem, but the premise of that movie was so paper-thin that it was hard to care. Here, the story is more involved and to have things just sort of happen without letting them unfold naturally feels like cutting corners. The movie is long enough as it is, however. The acting is mostly what you expect, with a few emotional spikes that really stand out, especially by Vin Diesel. He is PISSED in the last act and for good reason. Charlize Theron is fine, hardly the best she's done by a mile. It's more that Cypher as a villain isn't super compelling. She reminds me a lot of Timothy Olyphant in Live Free or Die Hard, actually. Very similar characters handled in a very similar manner. She is reasonably menacing at times, though.

By the time it wraps up, there aren't any obvious loose threads for where the last two might go, but it also doesn't have the finality that 7's ending had. I can confirm that there is NO POST-CREDITS SCENE that sets anything up, so we have no idea of what the look forward to.

Okay, time for some spoilers!

Elena's death was handled well, raising the stakes and adding weight to the situation. It's sad that she didn't have much to do in this movie or the last one. Still, I liked the way it was done. It really pushed Dom over the edge. When he finally kills Rhodes at the end, it is SO FUCKING SATISFYING. That moment got an incredible reaction in the theater.

The New York scene is, I think, maybe the absolute most "good-dumb" action sequence this series has had. Not that it's the best by any means, but all of the "zombie" cars is a fucking sight to behold and it's hysterical. The shot of them all careening around the corner made me laugh hard. The parking garage raining cars was also quite special.

The finale was in-fucking-credible in spots, maybe a little lazy in others, by overall very enjoyable. When the two guys in jet-powered wing suits land in the plane and it's revealed to be the return of BOTH Shaw brothers, the theater exploded. What an awesome moment! Statham killing everyone on the plane while protecting Dom's baby is fantastic. Holy fuck, Statham was good in this movie. I hope he comes back for the next one.

Helen Mirren as mother Shaw, although only a cameo, was delightful and also got a big reaction. The very brief return of Leo and Santos also did. In fact, everything coming together at the end of the movie was insane. Dom finally returning to the light side and saving the day, destroying the submarine, and then having the rest of the crew drive up to protect him from the blast at the last second got a goddamn ovation in the theater.

Also, the Rock uses one hand to toss and redirect a fucking torpedo into an enemy vehicle.

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I just saw the movie earlier myself and I feel that your comments echo most of my sentiments. As a huge fan of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson even back in his WWF days, I really enjoyed the larger role he played in this film compared to his reduced (but still extremely badass) role in Furious 7.

There was a lot to like about the movie, but I felt there were more than a few jump cuts that made it a bit hard to follow what was going on. That wasn't helped by the fact that there were only 3D showings available for the movie, so that made the overall movie darker than what I've gotten used to as the last couple movies I watched, including Logan, was in 2D.

I agree with the sentiment of a large Paul Walker sized hole, especially considering the crew itself was already reduced by the end of 6 due to the passing of Gisele and the time jump forward to after Han's death. That it likely why The Rock had a larger role in this one as there were less people to focus on, but the crew still felt small. All of Statham's scenes were pretty awesome.

The baby thing felt a bit contrived, especially as they did the whole "Why haven't we talked about kids?" scene with Letty and Dom like right before that. And while I understand why they showed Dom's reason for turning so early, it felt like they could've gotten a bit more mileage out of Dom going rogue for unknown reasons by not having the reveal so soon. I was also super sad about Elena's death but kinda saw it coming with all the talk about Dom saving the kid no matter what, plus the awkwardness of trying to work out how to keep the kid in Dom's life and balancing things between Letty and Elena.

The hacking thing, while dumb, was so over the top that it became funny after a while. Dom blocking all the bullets with the shield was pretty badass, but then he just threw it away after the guy stopped shooting. Like, isn't that a bad idea? The guy could totally reload and keep firing. But instead he just went back into the car and completely disappeared for the rest of the scene.

Kurt Russell was so good as the devil may care Mr. Nobody and he stole every scene he was in. The humour in this was great too, from Roman being upset he didn't make the top ten of Interpol's Most Wanted List, to his trying to read the Russian in the sub, to his interaction with The Rock during the climax. "Why are you always yelling?" Or The Rock, in exasperation, telling Roman to "Turn the wheel to the left quickly." with one hand on a torpedo. Yeah boi!

Watching enough movies and playing enough games, I knew Dom didn't actually kill Statham, so when I saw the two guys in flight suits I knew one had to be him. As soon as he unmasked it only took a slight second for me to guess that the other guy was his brother and I was totally right and it was pretty cool, though Luke Evans kind of got a bit shortchanged in terms of screen time. I also loved Statham's interaction with Helen Mirren as she did the whole mom crying/guilt trip thing, that was SO GOOD! And the whole thing with Statham and the baby was both badass and super cute at the same time.

I remember seeing Don Omar's name in the beginning credits and I wondered where the duo would show up, and their cameo was pretty damn good. I don't know his name but GoT dude was pretty underutilized and one note. Charlize Theron did pretty well with what she had to work with but didn't feel as compelling a villain as the guy in 5, Luke Evans in 6 or Statham in 7 imo. It also felt weird for her to get away at the end as that's the first time things weren't neatly wrapped up in a bow at the end of one of these movies, but hopefully that means she'll come back with a vengeance in 9. Naming the baby Brian at the end was a nice gesture, though I almost thought they were gonna go a bit more meta and name him Paul for a moment.

Another thing that felt weird is the resolution for the Shaw brothers. So... are they part of the team now? Everyone, including Hobbs, seems cool with Deckard now. Was his record wiped clean for this one thing he did? I mean, they made him out to be a really bad guy in 7 and now he's okay? Furthermore, the biggest eyebrow raising moment came when Dom and Cipher hit Nowhere (Mr. Nobody's base) and Deckard jumped in to help shield Ramsey. Mere moments ago he was going on about how he was just here for Cipher and didn't care what happened to them and now he's jumping in and putting himself in harms way to save one of them? Seemed like a crazy thing to do and completely out of character. Cipher also seemed to have no qualms about trying to kill the team later in the movie but at that point when she had all of them incapacitated, she just walks in to take God's Eye and then simply strolls right on out? Why not just pop them then and there?

Overall, my issues are pretty minor and I enjoyed the movie a lot. Where it will rank in the overall series may have to wait until I'm over my initial hype, but I could see it maybe taking the third slot below 7 and above 6. My girlfriend, who had only seen Furious 7 before this, has now shown interest in going back and watching the series from the first one. Despite just recently watching the whole series thanks to Film and 40s, I have absolutely no problem with this idea. I hope that the Beast Crew will indeed do a spoiler cast as they had mentioned the possibility of doing one, and I am very eagerly awaiting Fast and Furious 9. :)

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I saw this yesterday. It doesn't surpass my favorite of these (which like many others is probably 5) but it's certainly a fun movie. I think my biggest issue was the connecting scenes, the down time between the big set pieces, didn't entertain as much as previous movies and lacked that charm and personality that I loved. Roman was fantastic in this movie, pretty much all of his jokes landed for me, but aside from that I wasn't really feeling the crew camaraderie as much.

They spend so much time assembled in that weird Avengers-like war room that it felt almost... sterile? On top of that the scale was a bit out of hand. When Rock ended up giving that big rousing "We're gonna save the world" speech, I couldn't help but roll my eyes a bit.

Also, Cipher weirdly ended up being something of a Metal Gear antagonist by the end which is definitely not where I thought it would go. Wanting to control all the nukes in order to hold the world accountable, all she was missing was the vocal chord parasites.

On Dom's motivation: It ended up being a pretty good reason to betray la familia, even though I also felt it was a bit contrived. I definitely had a moment where I had to question when exactly cop lady was pregnant and how it fit into the timeline. Did she already have the kid by 7? The rest of the theater was reacting pretty loudly to this scene so I missed some explanation.

One last note: That zombie cars/"make it rain" sequence was incredible and dumb and amazing.

I thought Theron was good, but didn't have much to work with (that Atomic Blonde trailer that played before the movie looked like a more interesting role for her). Statham was great. The Rock was The Rock, which is to say, a superhuman walking tank and I loved it.

Definitely looking forward to that possible spoilercast.

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If I recall correctly, cop lady said that she was pregnant at the time that Letty had just come back. Therefore she decided to keep it a secret and go away somewhere to have the baby, and only tell Dom after that. However, on her way back to tell him, she was kidnapped by Cipher. Not sure if the timeline works out, but that's what I remember from that part...

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I think I prefer F8 to Fast & Furious and I certainly prefer it to 2 Fast 2 Furious, but I find it difficult to rank it above any of the others in the series. It doesn't lack all charm--Jason Statham is irresistible as Deckard; Tyrese(!) nearly steals the film; The Rock is The Rock--but it's definitely a colder film with a grimmer sensibility than its predecessors. Paul Walker's missing presence leaves a gap here, and the awkward way in which the characters explain away his absence left me with more questions than confidence.

But, the action is bombastic nevertheless. I also can't say enough about The Rock's on-screen chemistry with Jason Statham. If they spin a second franchise off from this series, those two should be the cornerstones.

All of the women get such short shrift in these movies. Building the plot around Elena--whose resigned reticence about Dom and Letty in Furious 6 is one of the lamest character beats in franchise history--and her secret love child was a massive disappointment.

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Last decade we saw the gritty reboot emerge (e.g. Batman Begins) seemingly to atone for the sins of stuff like Batman and Robin in the 90s. Well, if Fast & Furious (09) was this series gritty reset, we've come full circle back to rubber nipples territory because this movie is corny as fuck. 7 feels like a psychological thriller by comparison. This movie felt like it was for 11 year old girls. Non-stop cheesy jokes and rote action. Not quite as bad a XXX: Return of Xander Cage, if you saw that, but bad enough to make me wish the series ended at 7.


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@uhtaree said:


Last decade we saw the gritty reboot emerge (e.g. Batman Begins) seemingly to atone for the sins of stuff like Batman and Robin in the 90s. Well, if Fast & Furious (09) was this series gritty reset, we've come full circle back to rubber nipples territory because this movie is corny as fuck. 7 feels like a psychological thriller by comparison. This movie felt like it was for 11 year old girls. Non-stop cheesy jokes and rote action. Not quite as bad a XXX: Return of Xander Cage, if you saw that, but bad enough to make me wish the series ended at 7.


I mean...that's pretty much the entire franchise, man. Every single entry in this franchise is super corny. The difference is that from 5 on, they became kind of self-aware about how dumb they were and just rolled with it. 8 doesn't really feel much different in that regard, maybe only marginally more-so. Also not sure what about the action was rote. It's pretty in line with the rest of them as well. The only thing I will say is that maybe F. Gary Gray was not the best choice for director. He's definitely competent, but the action doesn't seem like it was directed with the same finesse as Justin Lin's films were. Could be the editing, too, but there is a lot of slow-mo and weird editing choices that aren't conducive to the kinetic flow that we're used to. Even James Wan did a fantastic job with 7. I'd love to see Lin come back for at least the last film.

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#8  Edited By Napstar

This is a great entry in the series.

As a whole I think it's better than 7, which aside from the beautiful ending I thought was a step down from 5 & 6. These movies are at their best when they have some intrigue to ground the action otherwise you're just watching them hop from action scene to action scene. And 8 has plenty of intrigue.

Dom having a baby with Elena is weird and the kid looked what 1 or 2 years old. And I agree with @inevpatoria first Mia now Elena, it's like Letty is the only woman who is allowed as much screen time as the guys.

Charlize was a good villain. They pretty much outdid Spectre (which isn't hard to do) with having her be the real bad guy behind the scenes in the previous films. She was the one who wanted the EMP and Gods Eye. Her motivation is Metal Gear as fuck and her hacking skills are Watchdog as fuck. Hope to see her back in the sequel(s).

Dom meeting up with mama Shaw played by Helen "frickin" Mirren.

The prison break fight was one of the most energetic scenes this franchise has ever had, had a huge smile on my face during that. If you add the babysitter scene in the plane it's clear Statham stole the show in this movie.

And finally the submarine chase was just as awesome as the gang stopping a plane from taking off. The Rock redirects a torpedo, Roman sliding on a orange Lamborghini door, Tej had a tank. Just wow

Obviously the absence of Paul Walker left a big hole while. Torreto is the head of the family O'Conner was the heart.

If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it.

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@onekillwonder_ said:
The only thing I will say is that maybe F. Gary Gray was not the best choice for director. He's definitely competent, but the action doesn't seem like it was directed with the same finesse as Justin Lin's films were. Could be the editing, too, but there is a lot of slow-mo and weird editing choices that aren't conducive to the kinetic flow that we're used to. Even James Wan did a fantastic job with 7. I'd love to see Lin come back for at least the last film.

This is a huge point. Not sure F8 is really more outlandish in context than its immediate predecessors, but the level of craft employed in presenting this story took a regressive step.

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My only problem with F8 is the directing. It feels weird and disjointed in a lot of ways, the action isn't as slick as the Lin made films (or 7 for that matter). But overall I think it was good and dumb, and while it could have been better it's still a good entry into the franchise.

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@uhtaree said:


Last decade we saw the gritty reboot emerge (e.g. Batman Begins) seemingly to atone for the sins of stuff like Batman and Robin in the 90s. Well, if Fast & Furious (09) was this series gritty reset, we've come full circle back to rubber nipples territory because this movie is corny as fuck. 7 feels like a psychological thriller by comparison. This movie felt like it was for 11 year old girls. Non-stop cheesy jokes and rote action. Not quite as bad a XXX: Return of Xander Cage, if you saw that, but bad enough to make me wish the series ended at 7.


I mean...that's pretty much the entire franchise, man. Every single entry in this franchise is super corny. The difference is that from 5 on, they became kind of self-aware about how dumb they were and just rolled with it. 8 doesn't really feel much different in that regard, maybe only marginally more-so. Also not sure what about the action was rote. It's pretty in line with the rest of them as well. The only thing I will say is that maybe F. Gary Gray was not the best choice for director. He's definitely competent, but the action doesn't seem like it was directed with the same finesse as Justin Lin's films were. Could be the editing, too, but there is a lot of slow-mo and weird editing choices that aren't conducive to the kinetic flow that we're used to. Even James Wan did a fantastic job with 7. I'd love to see Lin come back for at least the last film.

I did feel like they went overboard with Shaw's mother and the bit with the baby on the plane, even the intro with Hobb's kid dragged on a bit. Theres quirky then theres cringeworthy.

I enjoyed the film but the thing that really bothered me is how they didnt even acknowledge that Deckard Shaw killed Han and almost killed Dom and his entire family. I get that he saved his son but an apology would've made sense, especially since he seemed to acknowledge how much of a shithead his brother is and that he probably deserved it. (The guy was laughing maniacally while driving a tank over civilians like it was GTA 3) Speaking of which, why the fuck did they bring him back?! Are they going to brush that off like it was nothing too? At this rate I wouldnt be surprised if Cipher was part of their crew in F&F9.

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#12  Edited By uhtaree

There's just zero tension here, the crew just shows up wherever, and it's like--how many henchman's cars are they gonna flip over this time? The plot is just total nonsense in service of setting up the next locale which, admittedly, is long running in this series but just seems worse here when the fate of the whole world hangs in the balance. The humor is definitely cringe-worthy, I don't see how that's up for debate. Jason Statham, now friends with everybody, is winking and cooing at Dom's baby (wearing Beats headphones) in between throwing guys out of a plane!

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Statham, I think, was the stand out role in this movie. He was good in 7, but there he was less of a character and more of a force of nature. A badass force of nature. Here he had lines, and personality, and it was great. Especially everything involving him and Mama Shaw and Baby Brian.

Roman Pierce felt more out of place than usual. It's mostly a product of this being a much more serious in tone movie, and so the comedic relief bits kind of stood out more in spots, but it didn't do much to drag the movie down.

Overall, this felt like a setup movie. Great in spots, but definitely not the highs of 5 and 7, which were both payoff movies in their own way. Definitely felt like the first in a trilogy. I don't know if 8-9-10 are going to be a trilogy, but that's what I'm feeling right now.

I loved every minute of every scene the Rock was in, especially in the beginning with the soccer team.

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Possibly my favorite of the series. And I completely don't understand the "crew is invincible" complaint, especially given what happens here.

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I felt it to be disappointingly middling. The actions scenes were (almost all) spectacularly executed, however I never expected to say this but the movie really lacks a central character, and I didn't expect to be saying this but I missed Brian more than expected. This may have been further impacted by Toretto going rogue and leaving the writing team struggling to find a 'good fit' for the main protagonist. They provided terrific one-liners to the Rock, Statham, and even Gibson, but never selected a captain to steer their drifting sub ship.

I also felt this was the film to finally jump the shark in terms of technobabble. The scenes in New York are extremely egregious in this manner. It felt like the writers had watched a handful of Mr. Robot episodes and figured it was enough to go on. The God's Eye was stupid in a "This isn't possible and they're fully aware so let's have fun with it" manner, whereas this felt like they were pulling straight from the news headlines (Ramsay said Anonymous wowsers ZOMG!!!!111). It's a stupid gripe to have considering Ludacris became a tech God over a week but eh - overkill is a thing. The majority of these moments yanked me from "HOLY SHIT THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER" levels of immersion to audible sighs from fellow cinema-goers.

I went to see the film in glorious IMAX with several friends who also loved the franchise and were ready to be blown away, and we all left with the same feeling - "eh". It might change in time but right now my personal list has it sitting at second-last place, ahead of 2 Fast.

SIDENOTE - Am I the only one disappointed that the Gaijin didn't make an appearance? Wasn't this the perfect time to introduce him. They went to the trouble of adding an extra scene with him and Vin in the last film, the time felt right to bring him in and it would have offered the writers a character for viewers to relate to.

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@jonny_anonymous: He did, but in all fairness, he thought they were a bunch of crooks, thieves, and murderers that rolled in and jacked up his brother without remorse. He went after them the same way Dom went after Braga and his crew, or Johnny Tran. Knowing the whole context of who Deckard Shaw is now, I feel like I view his actions in Furious 7 differently. Actually, the whole movie was good about me viewing the plots of F6 and F7 differently. Unifies a few loose threads and makes it feel like it's really going somewhere.

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@onekillwonder_: Just saw the movie last night and I agree with basically everything you said. The finale of the film was for the most part excellent, and there were some serious ovations in my theater that made it fun for me (though the couple hardcore making out next to me unfortunately distracted me during many of the quiet scenes). The NY scene you mentioned also made me laugh in a good way. That said, there were SERIOUS pacing issues and I felt that the humor sometimes seemed a little out of place in a Michael Bay Transformers kind of way. Part of the reason I can respect these movies so much is that Diesel himself clearly takes them so seriously, but with a few of the scenes in F8 it felt like that respect on the production side was a little lacking, placing some scenes more in the "bad movie" than the "great bad movie" category for me. Still, again, I can't overstate how great the last hour was.

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Saw it in D-Box today which is a good way to experience the movie. I think I'd like them to try and walk back the sci-fi - technobabble - hacker stuff some... overall it's adjacent to Tokyo Drift in the middle of my list.

More fun was coming up with the F&F Christmas special with my friends on the drive back. It's called The Festive and the Furious and Dom saves Santa with a rocket sled.

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@dasboot said:

More fun was coming up with the F&F Christmas special with my friends on the drive back. It's called The Festive and the Furious and Dom saves Santa with a rocket sled.

Does it turn out that that forklift driver really was Black Santa all along?

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In all my previous posts I forgot to talk about the part where The Rock fucking takes rubber bullet shots to the chest and completely no sells them! OMFG I loved that scene SO MUCH, and while in the moment I was already imagining what Vinny's reaction to that scene would be. AMAZING!!

Now just mere weeks removed from watching the films with the Beast Crew, I have already re-watched 1 and 2 with my girlfriend since F8. Some might call it a F&F overdose but I'm lovin' every moment of it. Also very funny to go back and see pre-hacker god Tej once again.

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#22  Edited By turboman

Can someone explain to me how this baby is only one years old? It's been well over a year since F&F 6, also she fell out of a window in FF7 onto a car...

Other than that nit pick, really liked the movie overall. Probably ranks in the middle of the pack.

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#23  Edited By InternetDotCom

@turboman: the rock's pecs can save any pregnancy. We learned in Fast Five that pregnant women can apparently do anything and it is fine.

As far as time.... ummmm.... time distortion

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THANK YOU FOR ECHOING MY THOUGHTS!! The best he should have gotten was, "You saved my baby, I'm not going to hunt and kill you. You can see yourself out". He doesn't get to sit on the table. You know who's chair you're sitting in, Statham?! That's motherfucking Han's chair! How dare you sit where he sat?! How dare you, sir?!

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@quarters said:

@jonny_anonymous: He did, but in all fairness, he thought they were a bunch of crooks, thieves, and murderers that rolled in and jacked up his brother without remorse. He went after them the same way Dom went after Braga and his crew, or Johnny Tran. Knowing the whole context of who Deckard Shaw is now, I feel like I view his actions in Furious 7 differently. Actually, the whole movie was good about me viewing the plots of F6 and F7 differently. Unifies a few loose threads and makes it feel like it's really going somewhere.

Dude, he bombed the house were Brians kids sleep.

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#26  Edited By chaser324  Moderator

I really enjoyed F8, but I also think it's definitely one of the weaker entries in the franchise and a significant step back in a lot of ways when compared to the hot streak they were on with 5-7.

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It was fine but i really dislike the guy they replaced Paul Walker with.

I can't remember his name but he is the rookie cop and he was just a bad mesh with the whole team.

Also didn't really like Roman just killing people in the snow part,Didn't fit his character at all.

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I thought it was a little weird that they mention Brian and Mia, but then they say they don't want them to get involved, implying that Brian is still alive in the series, and they haven't had to explain a death.

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To be fair, that makes total sense based on the ending of 7...

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Wait... was there any Corona in this movie at all?

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@jonny_anonymous said:

Wait... was there any Corona in this movie at all?

Judging from the rooftop scene at the end of the movie it would appear that Budweiser is now the beer sponsor of this franchise, but as soon as I saw them I started thinking the same thing, and it looked like they had a few Coronas (clear bottles) turned so you couldn't see the labels. It was the least they could do.

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#32  Edited By AzHP

Just saw this last night with friends and came away entertained but disappointed at how over the top it's gotten. Aside from the race at the beginning, cars seem like more of an afterthought than ever before. Roman's character really took a nosedive after 5 and now he's just the bumbling buffoon like Joey became in friends. The new cop was completely unlikable in every way and everything he did made me hate him (but not as much as my friends who both drive BRZs and yelled out loud in the theater when he fucked the car up in New York).

The hacker battles were ridiculous, and yeah like many others I still can't forgive Shaw for killing Han, even though he did have some of the better one liners in the movie.

Also, did anyone notice that Vin Diesel and the Rock are not in any scenes together, shot for shot? Is there some sort of beef between them I don't know about?

And yeah, the Budweiser at the end of the movie was a slap in the face. It's like they really don't know what made this series great to begin with. Even though 4 is my least favorite of the series, Justin Lin really had something special going on with 3, 5 and 6.

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#33  Edited By ShadyPingu

Really liked the film overall. Fast 5 was really the last film where these characters are anything approaching human--from 6 on, they transition from devil-may-care vigilantes to an actual mercenary outfit, though I feel like F8 is the one where they finally make that feel something close to natural.

Also, it's weird that the film takes it upon itself to soften Deckard Shaw, probably in acknowledgment that this franchise's cast is shrinking for some reason, and they need to replenish the ranks if they want to make this trilogy. What blows my mind is that Shaw actually manages to ingratiate himself with Dom's crew! Did y'all forget this mo'fucker killed Han?!

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#34  Edited By ichthy

Just a couple random thoughts:

  • I get how they were trying to explain Shaw's motivations in 7 (revenge for his family and all), but man, he still killed Han.
  • How did Dom even get in contact with Shaw's mother? Wasn't he trapped on a plane with a super hacker watching his every move?
  • So like, was the cross necklace always a tracking beacon? Or was that what Dom was fiddling with at the very beginning after being approached by Cipher.
  • The hacking was so stupid.
  • Knew from the beginning they were going to name the baby Brian. Although in universe that's kinda weird, since he's just retired, not dead.
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#35  Edited By bruno0091


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I have so many problems with this movie, but I don't care about them at all!

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The biggest takeaway for me is that NOS is more powerful than the Force.

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#38  Edited By ProZac

@uhtaree said:

There's just zero tension here, the crew just shows up wherever, and it's like--how many henchman's cars are they gonna flip over this time? The plot is just total nonsense in service of setting up the next locale which, admittedly, is long running in this series but just seems worse here when the fate of the whole world hangs in the balance. The humor is definitely cringe-worthy, I don't see how that's up for debate.

If you think this for 8, I don't know how this also doesn't directly apply to 7 (Which I don't find to be a bad thing). The 2 movies are almost identical in style and pacing. I have absolutely no idea what would make you completely flip opinions between the 2.

I was expecting this to maybe be the one where they start to lose it, but I think I enjoyed it more than I did 7. Enough I'm considering going another time.

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This guy has the coolest job:

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#40 sweep  Moderator

I liked it overall, but some notes:

  • Young Detective as a Paul Walker substitute fucking sucks. I want him gone.
  • Mr Nobody had no real badass moment, which is a shame.
  • The Rock has quite a few scenes where he does something ridiculously overpowered, but also you kind believe he could do it because, I mean, fucking look at him.
  • Borderline psychopathic Jason Statham is the best.
  • I don't like the British hacker lady. She doesn't even drive.
  • If Dom had just told Letty "yo I have a son and they're holding him hostage" then the rest of his team would probably have helped him, or at least found a way of dealing with the situation other than making it more problematic for him. The fact that he didn't makes the whole thing very contrived, especially after all the emphasis on family with The Rock at the beginning.
  • I'm glad they gave Roman a break from being a fucking clown the whole time. His "enough of this shit" scene is fucking cool.
  • Tej is now officially the most SuperSpy of all of them. It's like whenever they have a plothole they fill it with Tej. Need a hacker? Need someone who can crack a safe? Knows martial arts? Drive a tank? Operate a submarine? He can do pretty much anything.
  • Special shout for the franchise maintaining such a racially diverse cast. There's not a single white dude in the core team, which is kinda crazy when the rest of the film industry is dealing with accusations of whitewashing and cultural appropriation. Also a second shoutout to Michelle Rodriguez for getting shit done.
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Not in my top 5 F&F films at all, too generic of an action film IMO. I know I think Vinny is banging too much on the continuity drum during the Film and 40's but this movie had me rolling my eyes like they put all the money in the walls of a mobile home.

Steal nuclear codes? Hmm maybe the codes can be changed eh? Nah? Ok.

Oh Russia has lost a base to terrorists and not only that but the base has a sub in it that is up on blocks?? and they don't take it back???

Ahh sub placed on blocks out of the water also still has nuclear missiles (and shitty torpedoes) on board??? sure thing boss, no reason to keep trying to get the base back Russia. And hey good on the terrorists not to take the nuke away eh?

Like stated more than once, YOU DON'T COME BACK FROM KILLING HAN! EVER!!

I don't think the idea to have Dom solo so much in this film worked at all. This film seemed to miss the mark that made 5,6 and 7 goofy but fun.

Oh and final note, I don't go to the theater much these days but man I was sick by the time the 25 minutes of previews was finally done and so many of them had a classic rock song backing track. Gets old quickly.

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I liked most of movie. Really didn't like the first race and the scene with the Dom and the kids looked awful.

Liked most of the action especially the last one as it was so dumb.

Liked all the Dom against family stuff. Though dumb they did it well and he and villain had some good scenes together.

Why get Theron if you arnt going to put her in a car!

But my main problem is Han. Statham killed him and they didn't even mention it! Feels real bad when they say family every second word.

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#43  Edited By wchigo

@sweep said:

  • Special shout for the franchise maintaining such a racially diverse cast. There's not a single white dude in the core team, which is kinda crazy when the rest of the film industry is dealing with accusations of whitewashing and cultural appropriation. Also a second shoutout to Michelle Rodriguez for getting shit done.

But... Vin Diesel?

I know you're likely talking about the supporting crew around him, but it definitely came off a little weird when I read that line the first time. I totally agree on the diversity point, though from a personal (and selfish) standpoint, I feel like Asians are getting a bit of a short shrift. I mean we had Han, and I'm not sure he could be topped because he's Han, but I wouldn't mind seeing another Asian guy or gal being added to the family.

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Vin Diesel is mixed race. According to Wikipedia, while he never met his father he seems pretty confident that he's not all white, and he even looks a fair bit like some mixed race dudes I've encountered.

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#45 sweep  Moderator


Diesel has stated that he is "of ambiguous ethnicity".[7] His mother's background includes English, German, and Scottish.[8] He has never met his biological father, and has stated that "all I know from my mother is that I have connections to many different cultures".[9] Diesel has self-identified as "definitely a person of colour",[10] and has stated that his parents' relationship would have been illegal in parts of the United States due to anti-miscegenation laws in the United States.

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Saw it last night, and while I had fun I think I may rank this one real low on the list, personally.

It just felt weird. While many of the points others here have made (especially the Han one...come on at least acknowledge it) my biggest issue was the tone and pace. It was way to inconsistent with wanting to keep some of the lighthearted charm of 5 and 7, but then going SUPER SERIOUS until like the very end of the final "battle" and It was super noticeable. I also don't think the action felt fluid, might have been something about how it was cut together though, I don't know I'm not a person who knows the inner workings of movie making.

Vin Diesel is fantastic but I don't think he can headline this series alone. Where before it was Vin and Paul as co-stars, and everyone else as backup support, now it is clearly Vin as the main star and the others still backup, and I don't think it works at all. Also did this movie really need 'White cop guy" on the team? It was so clearly the role Paul was meant to be, had he still been around, and the actor they got sucked so much. I was so bummed when I realized that character was going with the team on all the missions.

We have hit Marvel Superhero Movie level of insanity in this series, and I can't say I am on board anymore. The Rock was Captain America, Statham was Falcon, Ludacris was all the tech smarts of Iron Man, etc. It was real weird and I walked out of the theater feeling strange, and not good strange.

Movie was real weird y'all.

grievance aside, the final plane scene with Statham single handedly saves the movie. So if he is guaranteed in F9, I'm in. If not, I might be waiting to rent it.

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@sweep: @davidmerrick: I'm more than happy to be wrong about this but in sweep's quote in particular, I have issues. English, German and Scottish are still pretty fair-skinned and can be considered caucasian/white, but I'll grant you that he could have a whole lot of mixed heritage in the background.

All I'm saying is that the dude looks white, to me at least. I mean, I can self-identify as not being Chinese but anyone who looks at me at a glance is gonna say I'm Asian/Chinese/Korean/Japanese/etc. Regardless, fair is fair and I retract my previous comment.

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#48  Edited By uhtaree

@prozac said:

@uhtaree said:

There's just zero tension here, the crew just shows up wherever, and it's like--how many henchman's cars are they gonna flip over this time? The plot is just total nonsense in service of setting up the next locale which, admittedly, is long running in this series but just seems worse here when the fate of the whole world hangs in the balance. The humor is definitely cringe-worthy, I don't see how that's up for debate.

If you think this for 8, I don't know how this also doesn't directly apply to 7 (Which I don't find to be a bad thing). The 2 movies are almost identical in style and pacing. I have absolutely no idea what would make you completely flip opinions between the 2.

I was expecting this to maybe be the one where they start to lose it, but I think I enjoyed it more than I did 7. Enough I'm considering going another time.

Yeah, I was thinking about that after I wrote this, and I agree with you 7 is basically just as absurd, but there is a lineage in the tone of 7 that you can trace back all the way back to the first one. With this one, I don't think it's just no Paul Walker, I think it's more about the slapdash writing, and what turned out to be a director for hire (the guy who directed Italian Job could have made a better movie than this) to blame for the tone really driving off a cliff.

A couple quick comparisons of similar scenes from 7 and 8:

7: Race Wars: felt like a place if I was 16 and my parents found out I went there I'd be grounded for a year. Music and editing were cool as fuck in this scene. / 8: Cuba: the Archie comics version of a repressed country. Obvious writing. Obvious music, editing, outcome, dialogue.

7: Tight shot Paul Walker putting a car in gear...Surprise. It's a minivan. Remember, he's a dad now. Nice little exchange with the teacher. Quick, funny, works. / 8: Tight shot of the Rock giving to commands to some sort of squad (gee...could it be kids?). Surprise! It's kid's! HAHAHA! So funny! (not funny). The scene then continues for another few excruciating minutes doling out one lame joke after another.

7: Statham fucks up the Rocks office, the Rock, blows up THE house: Damn, dude. Statham is not shitting around. / 8: Not sure, prison scene was fun.

7: Han's funeral. Fuck. Han's really gone, into nice little chase with Statham, into two cars play chicken and no one gets out of the way in the most giant, surreal, noir-ish underpass in the whole city, into holy shit! Kurt Russell's in this thing now?! / 8: Dom's bad now I guess? Oh, and Kurt Russell's got a partner now that looks and talks just like him, could be his son. Not sure if I'm supposed to be laughing... Oh, and the family was out on assignment again and Germany is on fire now. Isn't that just like the family (gosh golly gee wilikers!).

Everything in this felt like the saturday morning cartoon version of something that used to have at an edge to it. Like in the 80s/early 90s where there would be a cartoon show or kids toys based on an R-rated movie (Robocop, Terminator, etc. I'm pretty sure the F&F were all PG-13, but you get the idea). The crew aren't outlaws or antiheroes anymore, they're a clownish superhero force, each with their own skills and personally traits to set up more and more ridiculous scenarios. At least give them some Avengers-like aircraft carrier and color-coded unitards or something in the next movie if this is gonna continue. I dunno, that's just where I'm at with it.

Honestly can't remember the last time I was this disappointed in a movie, I think I let myself get too hyped up about this franchise in the last six months when I started watching the ones I hadn't seen (1, 4, 5). If I was a little older at the time I think I would have been about as insulted by The Phantom Menace. I thought Die Another Day (some obvious parallels to F8: Cuba, fast cars on ice, omnipresent supervillain/weapon, fisticuffs in a cargo plane) was pretty stupid when I saw it in theaters, but it is now one of my favorite Bond movies. We'll see how this fares over the long run, but Die Another Die has sexual innuendo with Halle Barry and Pierce Brosnan one liners that genuinely make me laugh, whereas F8 has Taylor Swift jokes with the Rock that force me to audibly sigh to strangers in a darkened theater.

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#49  Edited By BoOzak

@azhp said:

Also, did anyone notice that Vin Diesel and the Rock are not in any scenes together, shot for shot? Is there some sort of beef between them I don't know about?

I read this on IGN so take it with a grain of salt but apparently Vin & Dwayne had some falling out, so much so that they had to secretly film a hidden scene for the end credits involving The Rock and Stathem setting up some kind of spin-off that Vin supposedly cut out due to his producer privileges.

(it could've just been a shit scene or more likely fake drama to get clicks)

To be honest i'm kind of done with post credit stingers, especially since the Marvel ones are such garbage.

(Kojima's ones are so dumb that they're entertaining in their own right though)

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#50 sweep  Moderator

@wchigo said:

@sweep: @davidmerrick: I'm more than happy to be wrong about this but in sweep's quote in particular, I have issues. English, German and Scottish are still pretty fair-skinned and can be considered caucasian/white, but I'll grant you that he could have a whole lot of mixed heritage in the background.

All I'm saying is that the dude looks white, to me at least. I mean, I can self-identify as not being Chinese but anyone who looks at me at a glance is gonna say I'm Asian/Chinese/Korean/Japanese/etc. Regardless, fair is fair and I retract my previous comment.

I mean it's no big deal, that's just what it says on his wikipedia page. I think it's cool that he's embracing whatever heritage he's got rather than just associating as a white dude, and I think it's cool that the focus of the film is on people who would otherwise be referred to as "minorities".

Anyway, this wasn't supposed to turn into an argument about race. Let's get back on topic :P