What is the point in being a PC gamer anymore?

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#1  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns

I have been getting upset recently with all the talk of the PC being dead. Now I don't give a **** if someone already posted something much like my post. So don't bother commenting if that is your comment, cause I have something to say.

I watched E3 with my fingers crossed, hoping to see the next big PC game. But I was thrown a loop by the amount of console games vs pc games. Also the fact that games like Killzone 2 blows every other game out of the water in terms of graphics, even Pc games. Now I purpose a question to all of you thinking of "staying true" to the PC. Where is the PC's killzone, or GoW2, or halo, or any game that really stands out. You might say "what about wow, or spore, or crysis". To which I will reply, they are fun but they aren't competitive like their console brothers. Wow is an mmo, yes they have arenas, but it isnt like a GOW where you and your friends can jump in and have fun for a few hours without half of the time you spend ingame is getting to the arena. Spore, is not multiplayer, and Crysis is NOT optimized, idc what anyone says it is not. Then you can look at games like far cry2, left for dead, ect. But those games are also coming out on consoles, and will be limited in graphical power.

When is a developer going to go "balls to the wall" with a title for the PC. I see a lot of European developers going that route, but i am sorry, they dont have the proper resources or knowedge to really optimize a game like Western developers (crytek, funcom vs an american blizzard).

The thing that gets me, is when i spend $2000+ on a computer (one that i built myself) and where my GPU is the same price as the PS3, and games are looking much better on the PS3 then on the PC. Where is the justice in purchasing something that expensive(a PC) and not being rewarded with any software that makes it look or play better then any console AAA title on the market now.

When the **** are PC developers, NO, PC gamers going to wake the **** up and try and do something about this problem? When?

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#2  Edited By BlackWaterCO

I don't like PC gaming

360 and PS3 make up for it

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#3  Edited By atejas
Cherrypopp1ns said:
"I have been getting upset recently with all the talk of the PC being dead. Now I don't give a **** if someone already posted something much like my post. So don't bother commenting if that is your comment, cause I have something to say.

I watched E3 with my fingers crossed, hoping to see the next big PC game. But I was thrown a loop by the amount of console games vs pc games. Also the fact that games like Killzone 2 blows every other game out of the water in terms of graphics, even Pc games. Now I purpose a question to all of you thinking of "staying true" to the PC. Where is the PC's killzone, or GoW2, or halo, or any game that really stands out. You might say "what about wow, or spore, or crysis". To which I will reply, they are fun but they aren't competitive like their console brothers. Wow is an mmo, yes they have arenas, but it isnt like a GOW where you and your friends can jump in and have fun for a few hours without half of the time you spend ingame is getting to the arena. Spore, is not multiplayer, and Crysis is NOT optimized, idc what anyone says it is not. Then you can look at games like far cry2, left for dead, ect. But those games are also coming out on consoles, and will be limited in graphical power.

When is a developer going to go "balls to the wall" with a title for the PC. I see a lot of European developers going that route, but i am sorry, they dont have the proper resources or knowedge to really optimize a game like Western developers (crytek, funcom vs an american blizzard).

The thing that gets me, is when i spend $2000+ on a computer (one that i built myself) and where my GPU is the same price as the PS3, and games are looking much better on the PS3 then on the PC. Where is the justice in purchasing something that expensive(a PC) and not being rewarded with any software that makes it look or play better then any console AAA title on the market now.

When the **** are PC developers, NO, PC gamers going to wake the **** up and try and do something about this problem? When?


diablo 3
starcraft 2
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#4  Edited By LuckyWanderDude

PC gaming rocks! It's a unique brand of gaming and it's worth it for those who enjoy more custom options and a wide-variety of titles.

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#5  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns

Diablo 3 and starcraft 2 are not coming out for a least another year. Even then i want a FPS my friends an i can jump into and just have fun in like a halo or a Gow, with controls that use a mouse and not a controller is all i fucking ask for. But it isnt that simple. My friends computer is low end and he has trouble running TF2 on it. So is he going to spend at least 1200 on a new computer OR 300 on an Xbox 360? seriously what would you do? With that HUGE price difference i should be shitting on console games with my pc. But i am not, there is no justice in purchasing a gaming computer over a 360, which is why i have to believe pcs as gaming plateforms are dead compared to the consoles. for what i am looking for anyway.

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#6  Edited By MrTaco
dcpc10 said:
"'''''''''''''''''The thing that gets me, is when i spend $2000+ on a computer (one that i built myself) and where my GPU is the same price as the PS3, and games are looking much better on the PS3 then on the PC. Where is the justice in purchasing something that expensive(a PC) and not being rewarded with any software that makes it look or play better then any console AAA title on the market now.'''''''''''''

I totally agree with you on that. With a 600 dollar GPU, you should be able to max out all the PC games you get for the next 10 years. But instead, a 600 dollar GPU cant even max out a game like Crysis (I know Crysis is a really high-tech game at the moment but I cant stand buying a game that I KNOW i wont be able to look at in its full potential).
Its called future proofing...Crysis is a game that will continue to look good as time goes on.  I mean think about it, its been almost a year since the original crysis came out and there still isn't a game that looks as good as it.

Anyway, think you what must but I'm perfectly happy with PC as a platform.  While the PC may not get a ton of exclusives any more, I still find games on PC much superior to their console versions.  The PC will simply always have better graphics due to the fact consoles are just PC's built with technology available AT THAT TIME, not to mention the Mouse and Keyboard controls are so much more preferable IMO.  Also can't forget the companies such as Blizzard who put out great games dedicated to the PC.  Even companies like Valve, that even though they are porting their games to consoles, are still dedicated to the platform.  Just look at Team Fortress 2, the PC has gotten so many updates since its been launched, while they have left the console versions hanging.  Or how about Call of Duty 4, and how the PC got the Map Pack for FREE.

Can't forget the community of modders and other companies who develop software for the PC even if it isnt a game.  Just look at Valve's Steam platform, providing an online store to buy games and has many community features as well...wonderful platform that I think is really going to give PC Gaming a boost thanks to how it fights some of the problems like piracy.  Xfire is another PC tool, that lets me instantly join games and chat with friends...something that we've been enjoying for long before the 360 came out.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not fanboy.  I keep my facts straight, and I'll admit that the PC isn't exactly in a high time right now.  I'll still be picking up a PS3 this year for some exclusives, one in mind is Socom (I used to be pretty major into the previous games).  At the same time, its still my favorite gaming platform...and I will continue to love it.

Oh and PC Games are still $50 =p
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#7  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns

CRYSIS IS NOT OPTIMIZED, THEY FUCKED UP WHEN THEY MADE THAT GAME. AND FUTURE PROOFING?!??!!? why would i go back in 3/4 years and play that game when NO ONE IS PLAYING IT NOW. AND WHEN THERE WILL BE NEWER GAMES THEN ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR this is the stupidity that is killing PC gaming

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#8  Edited By phatkav

You spend 2000+ on a PC that you built yourself? Wow. Just wow.

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#9  Edited By atejas
Cherrypopp1ns said:
"CRYSIS IS NOT OPTIMIZED, THEY FUCKED UP WHEN THEY MADE THAT GAME. AND FUTURE PROOFING?!??!!? why would i go back in 3/4 years and play that game when NO ONE IS PLAYING IT NOW. AND WHEN THERE WILL BE NEWER GAMES THEN ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR this is the stupidity that is killing PC gaming"

calm down and count to ten.......RAAAAAGGE isnt good for anybody.
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Blog it?

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#11  Edited By Guiltyspark
Sentry said:
"Blog it?
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#12  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns
phatkav said:
"You spend 2000+ on a PC that you built yourself? Wow. Just wow.

Yes, go on NEWEGG.com and build a top end gaming Rig and you will see how much it costs. Then compare that to the price of high end DELL computers and you will see how bad they fuck over the consumer when selling a "High End System"
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#13  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns
Tarsier said:
"I posted something here and it's gone, that pisses me off."

Thats gay.

Tarsier said:
"You made two threads."

yea i know i posted one in general and one in PC. I posted it in general thinking it was PC and then people started writing in it so i was like OH? and it felt wrong to delete it 
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#14  Edited By Guiltyspark
Cherrypopp1ns said:
"CRYSIS IS NOT OPTIMIZED, THEY FUCKED UP WHEN THEY MADE THAT GAME. AND FUTURE PROOFING?!??!!? why would i go back in 3/4 years and play that game when NO ONE IS PLAYING IT NOW. AND WHEN THERE WILL BE NEWER GAMES THEN ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR this is the stupidity that is killing PC gaming"
the stupidity that is killing PC gaming are people like yourself

PC has better mature hardcore games that the consoles will never have , but im talking to somone who thinks killzone 2 looks amazing so i might as well be talking to a shoe with a turd in it  
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#15  Edited By phatkav
Cherrypopp1ns said:
"phatkav said:
"You spend 2000+ on a PC that you built yourself? Wow. Just wow.

Yes, go on NEWEGG.com and build a top end gaming Rig and you will see how much it costs. Then compare that to the price of high end DELL computers and you will see how bad they fuck over the consumer when selling a "High End System""
sigh.... please stop being a joke. You can get a very excellent PC for less $2000. It's been proven by everyone. A lot of people have done it countless times on system wars on GS.
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#16  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns

I hate the little kids on xbox as much as anyone else. But the way they have xbox live organized is amazing. And dude, calm down, you sound like an ass. I am making legit arguments about the industry and all you are saying is i sound like a dumb ass...good job there ;-). The point i am maing is that there needs to be some sort of change in the PC industry. Either they optimize games better or sell the hardware at cheaper prices. Bc you have to upgrade every year to stay high end, and even then most games still shit on your PC. Even if they dont look amazing, like Killzone 2 graphiclly looks amazing, the AI in the game IS amazing. Much better then in Crysis. They have a lot riding on that game it IS NOT going to get  a 6. So before you come on forums and post some bullshit about the author of the post, why dont you read some real articles from people in the industry who have had hands on with Killzone 2. Dont judge something without knowing anything about it. That, sir, is the stupidity i am talking about.

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#17  Edited By phatkav

And I thought stupidity couldn't get any worse. Upgrade every year? Wow. Please make some legitimate arguments next time and stop making BS. 

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#18  Edited By Guiltyspark
Cherrypopp1ns said:
"phatkav said:
"You spend 2000+ on a PC that you built yourself? Wow. Just wow.

Yes, go on NEWEGG.com and build a top end gaming Rig and you will see how much it costs. Then compare that to the price of high end DELL computers and you will see how bad they fuck over the consumer when selling a "High End System""





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#19  Edited By Guiltyspark
dcpc10 said:
"Guiltyspark said:
"Cherrypopp1ns said:
"CRYSIS IS NOT OPTIMIZED, THEY FUCKED UP WHEN THEY MADE THAT GAME. AND FUTURE PROOFING?!??!!? why would i go back in 3/4 years and play that game when NO ONE IS PLAYING IT NOW. AND WHEN THERE WILL BE NEWER GAMES THEN ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR this is the stupidity that is killing PC gaming"
the stupidity that is killing PC gaming are people like yourself

PC has better mature hardcore games that the consoles will never have , but im talking to somone who thinks killzone 2 looks amazing so i might as well be talking to a shoe with a turd in it  

Oh god, why the f*** dd you have to bring killzone 2 into this??? I could rite 2 paragraphs about how your wrong but by then, this thread will be locked rite before i click submit."
why the hell do you care?
grow up
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#20  Edited By darianw

PC gaming is mostly dead. Outside of the very slim handful of *good* PC-only games, a gaming PC isn't worthwhile. The PS3 and XBox 360 have basically closed the gap between console and PC games. In 5 years from now we'll wonder how PC games ever made it. Why bother with paying a few grand every couple years to play something on a PC when you can use a nice HDTV and a *simple* console and play the same game in an equal (and often times better) gaming environment.

It's sad to see the PC dying, but face it, it's almost dead.

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#21  Edited By atejas
dcpc10 said:
"Guiltyspark said:
"Cherrypopp1ns said:
"phatkav said:
"You spend 2000+ on a PC that you built yourself? Wow. Just wow.

Yes, go on NEWEGG.com and build a top end gaming Rig and you will see how much it costs. Then compare that to the price of high end DELL computers and you will see how bad they fuck over the consumer when selling a "High End System""












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#22  Edited By phatkav
darianw said:
"PC gaming is mostly dead. Outside of the very slim handful of *good* PC-only games, a gaming PC isn't worthwhile. The PS3 and XBox 360 have basically closed the gap between console and PC games. In 5 years from now we'll wonder how PC games ever made it. Why bother with paying a few grand every couple years to play something on a PC when you can use a nice HDTV and a *simple* console and play the same game in an equal (and often times better) gaming environment.

It's sad to see the PC dying, but face it, it's almost dead.
Stop with the BS please. PC has more exclusive games than consoles. And the profit of PC gaming is still better than any other individual console. Again no need for BS.
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#23  Edited By Guiltyspark
darianw said:
"PC gaming is mostly dead. Outside of the very slim handful of *good* PC-only games, a gaming PC isn't worthwhile. The PS3 and XBox 360 have basically closed the gap between console and PC games. In 5 years from now we'll wonder how PC games ever made it. Why bother with paying a few grand every couple years to play something on a PC when you can use a nice HDTV and a *simple* console and play the same game in an equal (and often times better) gaming environment.

It's sad to see the PC dying, but face it, it's almost dead.
stalker clear sky
diablo 3
starcraft 2
doom 4
empire total war
crysis warhead
far cry 2
battlefeild 3

I would have to say there are many reasons to own a gaming pc
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#24  Edited By MrTaco
phatkav said:
"Cherrypopp1ns said:
"phatkav said:
"You spend 2000+ on a PC that you built yourself? Wow. Just wow.

Yes, go on NEWEGG.com and build a top end gaming Rig and you will see how much it costs. Then compare that to the price of high end DELL computers and you will see how bad they fuck over the consumer when selling a "High End System""
sigh.... please stop being a joke. You can get a very excellent PC for less $2000. It's been proven by everyone. A lot of people have done it countless times on system wars on GS.
Indeed, mine costed $1200 and I have one of the better PC's of my friends.  Now a days, you can get something MUCH better for MUCH less.  Seriously, Toms Hardware had an article up for a "Under $1000 PC" and it was really nice...had 8800 GT's in SLI.  One of those alone would be enough to run Crysis on High, as I have a 8800 GTS 512 (which is just an overclocked 8800GT with a dual slot cooler...but I have a pretty old CPU at the same time) and it can run Crysis on high.  So you could even cut down on it, and end up with a very good PC.

And for Crysis being "unoptimized" ...while it may be a little, I play on high and there is still NO game that comes close in graphical quality...a year after its release.  I don't see why people expect the most graphically powerful game to run like gold on every PC.
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#25  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns


phatkav said:

"And I thought stupidity couldn't get any worse. Upgrade every year? Wow. Please make some legitimate arguments next time and stop making BS. 
IF you want to have the highest end pc, then you upgrade every year. That makes sense to someone who realizes that new shit comes out every year. So maybe you didnt know that... ok. moving on.

dcpc10 said:

"Guiltyspark said:
"Cherrypopp1ns said:
"CRYSIS IS NOT OPTIMIZED, THEY FUCKED UP WHEN THEY MADE THAT GAME. AND FUTURE PROOFING?!??!!? why would i go back in 3/4 years and play that game when NO ONE IS PLAYING IT NOW. AND WHEN THERE WILL BE NEWER GAMES THEN ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR this is the stupidity that is killing PC gaming"
the stupidity that is killing PC gaming are people like yourself

PC has better mature hardcore games that the consoles will never have , but im talking to somone who thinks killzone 2 looks amazing so i might as well be talking to a shoe with a turd in it  

Oh god, why the f*** dd you have to bring killzone 2 into this??? I could rite 2 paragraphs about how your wrong but by then, this thread will be locked rite before i click submit."

I brought up killzone 2 in the opening of this forum. About how console games are closing the game on Pc games on a graphical level... so maybe you shoul learn how to read before you post. and lastly.Guiltyspark said:
"Cherrypopp1ns said:
"phatkav said:
"You spend 2000+ on a PC that you built yourself? Wow. Just wow.

Yes, go on NEWEGG.com and build a top end gaming Rig and you will see how much it costs. Then compare that to the price of high end DELL computers and you will see how bad they fuck over the consumer when selling a "High End System""






You obv have no idea what high end means do you? And it would be good for you to actually post something real for once other then how i sound stupid. so Fuck you.

Maybe most of you dont realize what i realize. That was the point of this post. But i forgot how ignorant people in forums can be. I have a legit point, and if you are not willing to listen and understand and have a REAL conversation on a topic, then dont bother coming on forums. 

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#26  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns

Stalkers story is bawls dude stop toating it like its the fucking bible

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#27  Edited By InuFaye

Your prices are very inflated. Tell your friend to buy an 8800gt for around 120 dollars, and you can play almost everything maxed out.

PC gaming is much more open then console gaming is.

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#28  Edited By MrTaco
Can we argue maturely here people?



phatkav said:

"And I thought stupidity couldn't get any worse. Upgrade every year? Wow. Please make some legitimate arguments next time and stop making BS. 
IF you want to have the highest end pc, then you upgrade every year. That makes sense to someone who realizes that new shit comes out every year. So maybe you didnt know that... ok. moving on.

dcpc10 said:

You dont need the highest end PC to play games.  If that was true, consoles would either be upgradable or not exist all together...because as soon as they come out they're dwarfed by some new PC hardware.  While Killzone 2 is a pretty game, its just due to the fact that Sony actually made a slight attempt at making the PS3 not be dated as soon as it came out.  In a year or two, I'm sure were see some games for PC that just blow it away...if Crysis doesnt already.  At least Crysis has color...black and white is a lot easier to pull off graphically than a colorful game.
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#29  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns

i know crysis is a great looking game, i own it. But the multiplayer isnt really that run. I mean cmon, there isnt even a team DM... that is shit.

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#30  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns
MrTaco said:
"Can we argue maturely here people?



phatkav said:

"And I thought stupidity couldn't get any worse. Upgrade every year? Wow. Please make some legitimate arguments next time and stop making BS. 
IF you want to have the highest end pc, then you upgrade every year. That makes sense to someone who realizes that new shit comes out every year. So maybe you didnt know that... ok. moving on.

dcpc10 said:

You dont need the highest end PC to play games.  If that was true, consoles would either be upgradable or not exist all together...because as soon as they come out they're dwarfed by some new PC hardware.  While Killzone 2 is a pretty game, its just due to the fact that Sony actually made a slight attempt at making the PS3 not be dated as soon as it came out.  In a year or two, I'm sure were see some games for PC that just blow it away...if Crysis doesnt already.  At least Crysis has color...black and white is a lot easier to pull off graphically than a colorful game.
I agree with what will happen in 2 years. But by then to play those games at the level they are at on kill zone 2, then we will have to blow a lot of money on upgrading our Pcs.
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#31  Edited By hazelnutman

One word imo: Piracy.

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#32  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns
hazelnutman said:
"One word imo: Piracy.

For hardware????? which is what this thread is about?
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#33  Edited By MrTaco

I don't think Killzone will be "THE" multiplayer game either.  I'll be playing Socom for that.  For PC though, Team Fortress 2 continues to be my favorite, followed by Call of Duty 4.  Which, while both are on console, neither have recieved the support they have on PC (TF2 especially, tons of currently exclusive content plus the huge modding community) compared to the consoles.

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#34  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns

A gtx 280 or a gx2 will not really be able to play games on the pc and PS3 quaility once games start looking like killzone 2 on the PC.

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#35  Edited By Guiltyspark

Okay first of all this is the biggest noob shithead i have seen yet on these boards and to beat the sony fans thats quite an accomplisment.

Okay you say high end gaming machine right?
It costs 2000 dollars right?

Wrong , if you want a pc that will keep you playing games on high for around 3-4 years the most you would EVER have to spend is 1000 bucks.
All you would need for a future proof computer is this

Dual core http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115037
ATI 4870 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102748

go and look it up

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#36  Edited By hazelnutman
Cherrypopp1ns said:
"hazelnutman said:
"One word imo: Piracy.

For hardware????? which is what this thread is about?"
Piracy seems to be screwing everything PC related up :|
Or are you saying that the software has NOTHING to do with the hardware? Because if so, then you need to wake up.
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#37  Edited By SmugDarkLoser

PC gaming is for certain people.  Some people will be into it, others won't.  Console gaming is simply different from pc.  For the most part,  I view the pc as a platform for strategy games and shooters as well as the occassional rpg.  

It's not that it's neccessarily so bad or so awesome, it's just for different folks.

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#39  Edited By Guiltyspark
Cherrypopp1ns said:
"i know crysis is a great looking game, i own it. But the multiplayer isnt really that run. I mean cmon, there isnt even a team DM... that is shit."
such a noob
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#40  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns

shit i guess i need to give you a play by play... ok shit

4870x2 (which is what HIGH END IS. the 4870 is mid range u noob)-gonna be 450-500

Q6600-194 (there was just a price drop on this, and this is NOT high end either. If you want high end http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115026 )

antex 1200    $215      http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129043&Tpk=Antec%2bTwelve 

HDD - $100 if you only want one, which high end usually have 2 for raid conigs. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822145166&cm_sp=DailyDeal-_-22-145-166-_-Homepage

ram 4 gigs -$100 ram is cheap nowadays http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145194

MB (thats motherboard ...) to get one that is high end and that will use pci x16 2.0 and have a good FSB $450 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131321

Power supply to "Future proof it", you need something that will let you have sli on the high end card you currently have... that is a LOT of power needed. $330 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817121040

Then sound card is around 100, AND i wont even go into power protection.

Monitor. What is the point in having all this GPU power without a high end monitor? $380 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001282

The GRAND TOTAL comes out to about 2300-2400

OR you can just by one pre build with different specs for $3900 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227076

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#41  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns
Guiltyspark said:
"Cherrypopp1ns said:
"i know crysis is a great looking game, i own it. But the multiplayer isnt really that run. I mean cmon, there isnt even a team DM... that is shit."
such a noob

Dont come in this forum if your just going to be a fgt. You obv dont know shit about anything. and i just fucking owned you  with this... Cherrypopp1ns said:

shit i guess i need to give you a play by play... ok shit

4870x2 (which is what HIGH END IS. the 4870 is mid range u noob)-gonna be 450-500

Q6600-194 (there was just a price drop on this, and this is NOT high end either. If you want high end http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115026 )

antex 1200    $215      http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129043&Tpk=Antec%2bTwelve 

HDD - $100 if you only want one, which high end usually have 2 for raid conigs. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822145166&cm_sp=DailyDeal-_-22-145-166-_-Homepage

ram 4 gigs -$100 ram is cheap nowadays http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145194

MB (thats motherboard ...) to get one that is high end and that will use pci x16 2.0 and have a good FSB $450 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131321

Power supply to "Future proof it", you need something that will let you have sli on the high end card you currently have... that is a LOT of power needed. $330 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817121040

Then sound card is around 100, AND i wont even go into power protection.

Monitor. What is the point in having all this GPU power without a high end monitor? $380 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001282

The GRAND TOTAL comes out to about 2300-2400

OR you can just by one pre build with different specs for $3900 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227076

So STFU and dont post again unless you have something real to say... 
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#42  Edited By phatkav


The stupidity continues...

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#43  Edited By Guiltyspark

wow your dumb

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#44  Edited By Guiltyspark




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#45  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns

wow... i dont even know how to reply to you... it is like talking to an 8 yr old. Do you understand that once this card and this hardware becomes outdated. That if i would want to play the newest games on the highest settings ( which IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT WHEN I SAY HIGH END... just to clear shit up) that i would either need to upgrade my entire PC bc there are new compatability issues or i could just add another card... you are just stupid... how old are you? Do you have any idea what you are talking abot when i say high end? oh no wait.. you are just going to say i am a noob or i am stupid... but then follow up with zero evidence... which then in turn makes you look retarded

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#46  Edited By EntwineX

Only a hardware enthusiast buys something like that, you definately don't need to spend that much to play games on PC. If you buy a rig like that, and then feel bitter about it because there are no games to take advantage of it, you only have yourself to blame. Why on earth would a software company make a game targeted to people who own that type of rigs, when it would cost more money to develop and would reduce the potential buyers into a handfull of rich nerds.

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#47  Edited By Cherrypopp1ns
EntwineX said:
"Only a hardware enthusiast buys something like that, you definately don't need to spend that much to play games on PC. If you buy a rig like that, and then feel bitter about it because there are no games to take advantage of it, you only have yourself to blame. Why on earth would a software company make a game targeted to people who own that type of rigs, when it would cost more money to develop and would reduce the potential buyers into a handfull of rich nerds.

why not optimize the high end? is what you are saying? Well what i am saying is that, well lets look at the 8800gtx. right now it cant run crysis on very high above 20 fps at 1680... That card was high end one year ago. Now that cant run many of the newer games on very high either.... sooo when are they going to utilize the hardware like you were saying?
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I think PC gaming is dying, and you would have to be blind to disagree with that. It's not what it used to be and its not becoming what it used to be again anytime soon, its going the opposite way.

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#49  Edited By Falkien

PC gaming owns console gaming in every way... gameplay, graphics and game selections!!!

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#50  Edited By SmugDarkLoser

if pc gaming was dead, people wouldn't say it was dying now, would they?