The Community Spotlight 2022.10.01

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Edited By Marino  Staff

Welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host as we look back at the best community-created works from the previous week. With the site's staff girding their loins for the first in-person live studio event in over two and a half years, sentiment is at an all-time high. Speaking of which, if you still are confused, the Great Giant Bombathon: LIVE will be an all-day stream of in-person content starting at 12 PM EDT on Wednesday, October 5th. Nonetheless, we are getting ahead of ourselves! Without further ado, let's get into the site-related news and wonderful things the community has been up to recently.


It's time to review a new batch of news and information about the pull t-shirt designs. First, and foremost, Giant Bomb is not going to reprint the recent shirts until they find a new merch partner. The store has been shut down and is on "hiatus" until further notice. An email about shirt refunds should've gone out to everyone who tried to buy one. If your order has been cancelled and you did not get a refund, please drop a comment in the previous thread. If you are wondering what the end-goal might be, Rorie believes that the site will reprint the new designs and its previous merchandise in a few months but it will involve a whole different billing/shipping situation.

We have a few programming notes. First, to fans of JeffJeff's Bizarre Adventure, the podcast will return on the week of October 10th. Also, some have been asking how Jason is doing he used PTO to visit family and friends in Florida and ended up sick and stuck there due to Hurrican Ian. He's safe, but send him you best wishes on Twitter if possible.

It was a good week for staff members appearing on other sites as guests. Jeff Bakalar guested on the 99 Questions Podcast and you should give it a listen if you want to hear him talk about the current direction for the site as well as hockey, the great state of New Jersey, the raw energy of an alpaca, Danny DeVito, slime thievery, and pinball. Tam and Jan were interview by the official Naruto English account about their favorite story arcs in the franchise.

Some are reporting that non-YouTube site-hosted videos are NOT uploading or progressing at 8000 kbps anymore. If you have noticed this problem, please drop a comment in the bug reporting thread about this specific issue.

Finally, Giant Bomb's Extra Life Team finally crossed the 30 members mark! Also, with a little more than a month to go, the team has already raised over $2,000! If you are interested in joining, please click the link! If you can't join, please consider donating to any of the team members still at $0!



Live in New York! The Great Giant Bombathon LIVE! (By: @jearum)

HOLY SHIT! To mark the impending start of the Giant Bombathon LIVE! jearum decided to make a poster to commemorate the event. What they ended up making is one of the most impressive works of Giant Bomb-themed art I have seen. Also, below the full poster I have a few close-ups jearum posted on their Twitter which you should consider following and supporting.

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Jess & Grubb Book Cover (By: @kone)

What if the Giant Bomb staff started writing books? That was something Kone was thinking about this week and they had fun with the "topics" some of the staff would write about if they were to pen a whole novel or autobiography.

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Replacement Shirt(By: @kone)

Kone had fun taking one of the new shirt designs and pretending to be the site's original pressing company. Honestly, I think it looks pretty solid.

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RIP Stadia (By: @kone)

Mike Minotti and Jeff Grubb both reacted to the Stadia news this week the same. Mike even went so far as to say on Twitter he regrets not being more snarky about the inevitability of Stadia's death and Kone replied "Don't worry, I hesitantly got you."

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Sonic Saves Dan (By: @Sublime50lbc)

Over on Twitter, Sublime50lbc decided to have fun with the idea of Sonic carrying Dan through think and thin as if they are an inseparable couple. I think they nailed it.

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It's time for some beat 'em up action!
It's time for some beat 'em up action!

TMNT: Shredder's Revenge Is The 18th Selection Of the UUGPGC. Completion Date 10/3/22. Mark All Spoilers! +

Unsanctioned Unofficial Game Pass Game Club Voting Thread For Cycle Starting 10/5/2022 (By: @bigsocrates)

Don't forget that the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Game Pass Game Club is for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge! If you have any non-spoiler impressions of the game, click the first link! Also, Paradise Killer, Olija, Inside, Coffee Talk, Immortality, Metal: Hellsinger, You Suck at Parking, and Tinykin are the nominees for the next edition of Giant Bomb's Community Game Pass Game Club! Vote for two games from that list you would like to play!

It' time to get METAL on this site!
It' time to get METAL on this site!

The GB Album Club 008 - Masstaden Under Vatten By Vildhjarta (By: @facelessvixen)

It's time for Swedish progressive metal with this week's edition of the community Album Club! The topic this time around is Masstaden Under Vatten by Vildhjarta and you can join the fun by clicking the link above!

Hyper Demon GB Leaderboard (By: @stanleytree)

To those of you in the community playing Hyper Demon, here's a link to the community leaderboard thread! If you have been playing the game and it hasn't ruined your eyes, consider dropping a comment to populate your leaderboard!


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It's time for some good old fashioned adventure game nonsense!
It's time for some good old fashioned adventure game nonsense!

The Quest For The Worst Adventure Game Puzzles - The Legend of Kyrandia: Book One [Part 1] (By: @zombiepie)

Moderator ZombiePie restarted their "Quest For The Worst Adventure Game Puzzles" series on Giant Bomb and this episode is about The Legend of Kyrandia - Book One! If you are wondering, yes, they talk about the fireberry and cave sequence.

All PS1 Games in Order: Part 010 (By: @borgmaster)

borgmaster latest blog looking at the PS1's catalog in chronological release date order checks out Zoop, Agile Warrior: F-111X, Lemmings 3D, and WipEout! If you have any fond memories of those games, give it a read.

I will go to my grave saying Rare never once made a game with a decent camera on the N64.
I will go to my grave saying Rare never once made a game with a decent camera on the N64.

64 in 64: Episode 16 +

Indie Game of the Week 289: Grizzland (By: @mento)

Jet Force Gemini and Snowboard Kids are the subjects of Mento's latest retrospective blog about the N64's back catalogue! Read if either cult-classic holds up by modern metrics. Also, Grizzland is the topic of moderator Mento's latest "Indie Game of the Week" blog! Click the second link to read why the monochromatic Metroidvania platformer failed to keep their interest all that long.

Discussion Threads

Let's get excited!
Let's get excited!

Giant Bombathon Returns Next Week, Oct. 5th, Live And In Person! (By: @finaldasa)

If you have any questions about the Giant Bombathon next week, feel free to drop them here! Staff and moderators are answering questions when they can. Also, feel free to share your excitement for the return to in-person studio content!

Google Stadia Will Be Shut Down On January 18 But At Least People Will Get Full Refunds (By: @bigsocrates)

What is everyone's reaction to the news of Google shutting down Google Stadia? Is anyone in the community surprised by the news? How many of y'all bought Stadia hardware?

Overwatch 2 Had A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week (Also Overwatch 1 Servers Go Down Soon) (By: @zombiepie)

Overwatch 2 did not exactly make a great first impression with the press and last week's news cycle for the game was not a positive experience either. Share on the site how you feel about game's pending launch and the apparent "death" of Overwatch 1.

Death Stranding Feels Like A Kojima Productions Game But Not A Hideo Kojima Game (By: @giant_gamer)

Doomed from the start? You tell me!
Doomed from the start? You tell me!

With the game now on Game Pass, many are finally getting around to Death Stranding for the first time. A current discussion is how the game feels like a "Kojima Productions Game" instead of a "Hideo Kojima Game."

Reviewing An Old Review (By: @spacemanspiff00)

Some have had strong reactions over IGN hosting a roundtable debating casting doubt over a review that gave Deathloop a 10/10. Do you feel like debating the validity of a review a year after it has published is healthy or unhealthy for the games press?

Can You "Sell" Platform Accounts? (By: @sombre)

Well... this game sure is off to a bad start.
Well... this game sure is off to a bad start.

Here's a discussion thread that has many in the GB community sharing their thoughts! Have you ever considered selling your online account to a platform or digital marketplace? For example, after wiping it of personal information, would you ever consider selling your Steam account?

Can Splinter Cell Modernize? (By: @topcyclist)

Ubisoft seems confident it's no big deal, but how easy do YOU reckon it is to "modernize" the Splinter Cell franchise? What parts of the franchise's identity are timeless and what parts are in dire need of a rehaul?

Activision's New Anti-Cheat Program (By: @av_gamer)

Can you modernize Splinter Cell without having the jingoism?
Can you modernize Splinter Cell without having the jingoism?

Some in the Giant Bomb community have had positive and negative run-ins with Activision's new anti-cheat program while playing the Modern Warfare 2 beta. Have you experienced false positives or do you think the system are working as intended?

Origins Or Odyssey - Which Assassin's Creed Is Best? (By: @isomeri)

There's an active poll and discussion thread debating whether Assassin's Creed Origins or Odyssey is better. When you include all of the DLC in both games, which one do you think stacks up the best?


Some real all-time bad jumps in this list.
Some real all-time bad jumps in this list.

10 Worst Jumps In Video Games (By: @daavpuke)

daavpuke spent a lot of time recently making some shitty jumps in games. That made them think of even more shitty jumps in other games. So, after a lot of looking back, here's a list of the top 10 shittiest jumps in games they have played or experienced.

User Reviews

Mento wasn't the only person covering N64 classics this week!
Mento wasn't the only person covering N64 classics this week!
  • @chlomo's Elden Ring review articulates why playing the game after the hypes has settled and relays why they cannot help but feel a little disappointed with where the game stands today.
  • @rogerwazup007 felt inspired to go back to Perfect Dark on the N64 in light of the growing popularity of "Boomer Shooters." Read in their review why they think the game is a timeless gem that holds up remarkably well.
  • @danryback is aware Medarot Navi Kabuto/Kuwagata has always been a bit of a darling in the fan-translation and Medabots communities, but uses their review of the game to share why they think this passion is misplaced.

Wiki Of The Week


Xtreme Naming

It's time to get XTREME with this edition of the "Wiki of the Week" feature! Remember when dozens of games would come out with the letters "X" and "Z" used in the title to make them seem edgier than any of the other games they were up against? Good times!

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Awesome art for the Bombathon. Really looking forward to it.

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They should sell that Bombathon art as a poster. You know, once they find a merch partner that isn't awful.

Thanks for once again including my dumb list! I love dumb lists.

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As many others have commented across the net, I cannot express how badly I need that Bombathon on my wall, as my wallpaper, on my body, all of it. Holy hell please.

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Thanks for featuring my stuff again, ZomBeeMoviePie. I have some dumb ideas for Bombathon art I'm cooking up, so look out for those next week.

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Thanks for putting this together, great as always!

I'll add to the chorus of people saying that jearum poster is sick as hell.

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I'm in awe of the pure chaotic bliss this weekly posting brings. You're doing amazing work and frankly I think you should team up with Dan Ryckert to present a weekly spotlight report video!

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Man that art is fantastic!