I like Giant Bomb a bunch

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I don't know, there's been a few negative posts hanging around the front page recently so i figured i'd try and balance it a bit, humanity doesn't tend to want to talk about positivity or give praise.

I enjoy Quick Looks, still the best way to find out what a game actually is, the random games the east office check out, filling out the Ranking of Fighters list waiting for Tekken to take the top spot :P, the podcasts so i can stay somewhat connected with the staff and their lives in and around games, and of course all the E3 and GOTY content, looking forward to the upcoming God Hand feature though... maybe not the quality of play for the first few hours :P, that game can always use some attention.
I've been around from the start and i still come here daily, yes i own a spinner with Jeff's face on it.

But that's enough about me, let's try and rework this into a question, do you have a favourite GB moment that stands out for you?
I watched the famous Playstation crash zoom incident live and sharing that laugh with Brad is one of my favourites.

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So do I. I haven't been around the first two years of the site, but it sure seems like it was something different than when I came on during the DP ER. And the site has changed a lot in the years since as well, at times for really sad reasons. But even then this site and the community pulled through, and I liked every iteration and every crew in its own way.

There are too many great moments, but a personal favorite that comes to mind right now is this.

As far as current features go, I loved 13DS, I love Demo Derby and hope it becomes more than a biannual thing again. Also Garfield with Gerstmann is terrible and great and also really terrible.

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Great idea for a thread.

I’d have to give some serious thought for my favorite GB moment, but a moment that immediately comes to mind was Drew’s comeback to win the live Mario Party.

One of my favorite old school moments was the first time I heard Jeff and Vinny ripping on King Moron in the P4ER.

More recently, the first time they played that spinning game where everyone falls off and screams over and over in the Fuzion Frenzy Frenzy video.

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I was introduced to the site 5 years ago, and have been a premium member for the past 3 years (and look forward to many more).

My favorite memory of this site has to be the east coast crew's Project B.E.A.S.T. I couldn't wait until the newest video would upload every week!

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I get more excited in anticipation for the Beastcast every Friday than I do getting paid.

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Also love this site and have since I found it. For me it's always been about seeing people in their elements and being a bit more "real" than just fake personas or what have you. GB always filled that void. Sure they goof around and sometimes get carried away but they also know when to reel it in and when to have serious discussions. You mentioned the E3 content, the night shows are a great example of them juggling all sorts of talking points and tones and nailing it.

As for favorite moment, I mean...individual moment? I'd probably have to go Inca People, when they play through and Jeff starts dancing out of nowhere. Then randomly as everyone loses it Brad goes "pan flute solo!"

My favorite full on feature is either Hitman or Contradiction Spot The Liar.

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@moderp said:

I get more excited in anticipation for the Beastcast every Friday than I do getting paid.

This is too true lol. The podcasts get me through the weeks and my monthly 5 or so hour drive to and from home.

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#8  Edited By BrunoTheThird

I've been following the site daily since their "How to Build a Bomb" videos, which must be very close to the beginning, and it will never not be part of my internet ritual. Vinny, Ryan and Jeff were funny as fuck together, which is what attracted me initially, and that hasn't changed. I was more excited by Ryan and Kasavin's thoughtful reviews and endearing natures in the Gamespot days, but I feel like Jeff really came into his own on this site and brought the best out of some great people. I think being fired is the best thing that ever happened to him, and I mean that as a huge compliment, as someone who is obsessed with destiny and what ifs. Would we be here if he'd loved Kane and Lynch? Stuff like that drives me crazy.

Favourite moment, though, that's hard. I have hundreds... I think the earlier favourite moments I have were mostly from the bombcast, like Jeff's creepy Oculus Rift roller coaster man, the night vision goggles conversation, etc.

The Holiday Specialtacular 2016: Hitsmas video might be my favourite one-off video they've ever done. The Hitman fan video and reaction was also amazing.

Okay, I've thought of my absolute favourite moment, and it's the hardest I've laughed in these 10 years, period: When Jeff, impersonating the StreetPass Bunny, says, "I'll suck yo dick." I literally collapsed and cried with laughter. Absolute gold.

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I like this site.... less than I use to? Party because I don't have the time to watch much any more, party because the stuff there doesn't interest me enough. I love the staff and I eargly await all systems goku, beastcast and especially the Giantbombcast every single week!

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It's really hard to narrow down, but a few of my favorite moments are:

Drew blowing up the plane on the tarmac during the DCS A-10 QL.

The entire Euro Truck Simulator QL.


Jeff getting furious at random Sims coming in his house in the Sims 4 QL.

The "fireboylt" incident during the Shenmue ER.

The CollectSHUN GOTY sketch.

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#11  Edited By matiaz_tapia

I absolutely love the Beastcast every Friday. It just gives me energy. But just to generalize, I think I love my GB content the best when they discover something new for themselves... and like it! Basically games they would not generally play.

Alternatively, when they stumble on a game that is particularly bad makes for a lot of good moments.

Problem is that you can't really plan for either, but they are consistent of making the best out the "gaming situations" the get themselves into.

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#12  Edited By nutter

Started with Arrow Pointing Down.

While the site is no longer “IT’S TUESDAY” levels of amazing, it’s still best in class (and all that old stuff is still out there, if I want it). I do wish I’d get to hear Vinny and Jeff riff off each other more, too. Those two have great chemistry.

Over the last decade, I’ve easily absorbed more entertainment from Giant Bomb than any other single source.

I’ve never missed a Bomb or Beastcast, either. Still loving this site.

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There's way too much to pick from to declare a favorite moment, but I think the whole Nintendownload Xpress crash-and-burn (the "storyline" of Jeff tricking people onto the segment and eventually hiding from Ryan to do clandestine reports) is easily among the top.

I think Dan's crazed "FIGHT ME!" during Fuzion Frenzy Frenzy is a super recent one that I'll look back fondly on as well. Oh man, I was crying with laughter.

Five other favorites off the top of my head:

The "The Day Mario Cried" GOTY mockumentary

The live Mario Party

Disneyland Kinect QL

Vinny vs. the shock game

Jeff's "creepy uncle" Duke Nukem impression

GB isn't without its dry spells, but when the crew is firing on all cylinders, they still put out some of the best video game/comedy content out there ten years on.

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@brunothethird: Don’t introduce the Streetpass Bunny to Silky the Fairy or The Saucepan Man...it’ll lead the bunny down a dark road...

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I’ve been on the site since it was a blog first and listened to the arrow pointing down podcast before it became what it is today. I think giant bomb has changed because the gaming landscape on the internet has changed. I think they have hired cool people over the years and I think everyone who has been part of the site has brought something you could enjoy in some way.

I don’t watch every quick look anymore but I like the longer form stuff they have done over the last couple of years. I was feeling nostalgic as it’s been 10 years and re watched contradiction and really enjoyed it just as an example. I think for news stories and stuff like that I think they know other places have your back for that, they even call out other sites stories to give you more detail. I think giant bomb has found there niche and just going all in on that.

I check the site daily and listen to each podcast they produce every week. I think they really bring across why I started to play games in the first place, Because they are fun first and foremost. To see other people who though I don’t know directly but who I have watched for over 10 years enjoy them is still rewarding and fun for me.

Some key highlights for me though would be the Inca people section of the cdi games, the sleeping dogs series of videos, Euro truck simulator 2, phantasmagoria, and there’s too much to mention. But for anyone new or just starting with the site. Go back and view that 10 years page there’s some really good stuff on there!

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Yea, been really surprising to see how much people taking to the forums for self-validation that they have grown out of the site, it’s been sort of depressing, but I also understand in a way, I’m glad you made this “I love giantbomb thread” though

I for one have been following Jeff and the gang since about 2005 during the gamespot days, and been here on GB since the beginning, and I have no intention of leaving the site or to stop my support,

Jeff and everyone else have had a sincere massive influence on my life over the years (especially Jeff with his points videos back at gamespot), down to the way I act and how I think about games, and quite literally some of the content over the years has saved me from massive bouts of depression throughout my life when shit was rough

Ryckert, for all the crap he can understandably get for being overly rowdy at times, straight up changed my life just from introducing meditation, and he brought that Ryan level energy to the site when it needed it,

And not to throw shade at everyone else that works at GB as they all are genuinely excellent, it’s just these two for me had a very personal impact for me.

I’ll have swings when it comes to how much giantbomb content I consume and how much I like pieces of content they do,

(Example I think kingdom heartache beats the FarmVille series they did for the worst series on the site, but I think all systems goku, metal gear scanlon, ranking of fighters, and thirteen deadly sims are some of the best pieces of GB content in years, as it just has that spontaneous giantbomb magic that a lot of the greatest features over the years had)

But even with the swings in content, this site is too engrained in my life to really part ways in any form, and there’s nothing really “quite” like giantbomb out there and i hope they continue to grow in the years ahead

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I'll echo the sentiment that Nintendownload X-Press was a highpoint for podcast-based comedy in general. Every time Jeff goes into a Duke Nukem riff slays me as well. The hiring of Dan was an awesome moment, as someone who'd only seen him on the couch for an E3 after show and heard Ryan refer to him in passing from time to time, he brought his unique energy to this site at just the right time. I feel like there's an alternate reality where Dan doesn't want to leave Game Informer and Giant Bomb slowly trickles to a halt as a result.

What I dig most about this site, though, is that I honestly don't care what they're playing. To be honest, a lot of times I'm not even watching the videos. Everyone on the site just has something I can latch onto as something I have in common with them, and as someone with pretty powerful social anxiety who also happens to bartend, sitting down and listening to / watching a Giant Bomb video or podcast is a wonderfully low stakes way to have a one-sided friendship with people while decompressing from all the real and fake friendships I'd just been maintaining for the past several hours. There are some series I've fallen off of, like X-Com and The Sims, but that's primarily because you had to be watching most of the video, I felt, to get the most out of them since they were so laser focused on certain tasks.

I live for Demo Derby, the Beastcast, Garfield W/ Gerstmann, Game Tapes, the Bombcast, whenever a Quick Look goes horribly awry. Giant Bomb is generally the first website I log in to when I pull up to a computer, and I don't see why that would change any time soon. It's already survived losing so many distinct personalities and come out the other side just as vibrant as before in new and exciting ways each and every time.

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This site is my comfort food.

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@ungodly said:

This site is my comfort food.

Big same

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#20  Edited By handlas

Same... I look forward to Unprofessional Fridays and East Coast's stream every weekend to watch and relax. I'm not sure what people expect out of a video game website. Like the one guy posting that things have changed since the beginning. I mean, ya, things changes. But they still do fun streams and that's what makes me subscribe. Hard to believe it's been 10 years.

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There are a lot of great moments on this site, so it's hard for me to narrow it down to just one, but I think these are my top 3:

-The entirety of the Persona 4 Endurance Run

-Drew's live victory in Mario Party 5

- Ryan's attempts to play Motion Sports, AKA "Rider meet Horse, Horse meet Rider"

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#22  Edited By shorap

This site has given me so many great memories over the decade including: all the ERs, Playdates of old adventure games, Random PC Game, Beast in the East, Demo Derby, Game Tapes, MGScanlon, Bombcast/Beastcast/ASG, 13 DS, Mario Party Party's, the quicklooks of Mars War Logs, Raven's Cry, DC Universe Online, Ravaged, Crash Time, Hatoful Boyfriend, Human Fall Flat, etc, etc.

I hope they get back to Noctropolis though. That game had so much funny, dumb shit in it.

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#23  Edited By poobumbutt

I became aware of GB due to the Persona 4 Endurance Run, but wouldn't join up with a premium membership until years later in 2014.

I must say, on the list of "things I wish I had watched live", Brad beating the Mile High Club on the hardest difficulty is way up there.

Unfortunately, I didn't know GB existed until quite a while after the P4 ER was done. Since I used the ER to supplement my own experience grinding levels in P4, I'll say that's definitely one of my favorites.

The thing that initially drew me to Giant Bomb, and more specifically a GB premium subscription, was Spookin' With Scoops. Horror games have always been a personal favorite of mine, so learning there was a pretty decent backlog here got me excited. Seeing Patrick's near violent reaction to the VR horror game Dreadhalls was both hilarious and vicariously terrifying.

Dan tricking Danny into picking his lie on Fibbage is awesome. As in, actually awe-inducing. Danny's "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Was probably heard by Alex 2,500 miles away.

One of the other things I did when I first really became interested in GB was I joined up with premium for one month (I was a college student, please don't hate me) and used that time to download ALL the UPFs available at the time. There are some very, VERY good moments from those that really warm my heart when I think of them. The one which comes to mind right this second is part of the FMVinny collection. I give you, "The Camel Did It".

Note: this link probably won't actually embed the video; it never does with my tablet.


EDIT: I just realized I had some weird bias toward listing "new" stuff. I guess I'm a hipster at heart...? Added new entry to balance this.

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#24  Edited By eladren

Too many to mention... #TEAMBRAD, Ryan flushing the cake, Vinny's magical hitmass run, Mario Party 5...

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Yeah, Giant Bomb is pretty cool, I guess. If you like amusing people having fun and playing stuff. Damn it.

In all seriousness, I might be more into Giant Bomb content now than I ever was. Ranking of Fighters has actually been a big part of my relatively new interest in fighting games, All Systems Goku is outstanding, and I went from almost never watching Unprofessional Fridays to watching it every week. Everybody has different feelings on what they would like to see, but overall I've really enjoyed the site the last couple of years.

Oh, but you wanted a great moment. How about when Helmut Kruger could've killed that woman, but instead did something so much weirder.

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Giant Bomb is one of the best spots on the Internet. The crew has managed to foster a great community here. And their hard work is evidenced in the content they produce. I like their spontaneous shows and structured content in equal measures.

Sometimes I would listen to one of the podcasts if I can't sleep, and on occasion, I would wake up after falling asleep, giggling because I'd heard something funny. It's the best feeling.

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Giant Bomb likes you too!

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It’s easy sometimes to forget how unique Giant Bomb really is. Not just in the online video game space but just as an entertainment based site there really is no other place like it. Others have tried to ape its formula for years but none have come close. Just in the way this community works, and how content gets put out and how it all melds together. Jeff, Ryan and the rest of the crew were so ahead of the curve it’s kind of crazy.

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I appreciate this site and all of you!

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#31  Edited By TwoLines

Been here from the beginning. Been supporting them for as long as they had premium content and I have seen 99% of videos on site. I ain't never gonna leave.

Favorite moment: Gonna go with P4 ER. It was my first let's play type series, and I was super excited when they fought Yukiko's shadow. It wasn't even live, but I was glued to the freaking screen. That was... almost 10 years ago? Holy crap.

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@nutter said:

Started with Arrow Pointing Down.

While the site is no longer “IT’S TUESDAY” levels of amazing, it’s still best in class (and all that old stuff is still out there, if I want it). I do wish I’d get to hear Vinny and Jeff riff off each other more, too. Those two have great chemistry.

Over the last decade, I’ve easily absorbed more entertainment from Giant Bomb than any other single source.

I’ve never missed a Bomb or Beastcast, either. Still loving this site.

Pretty much this.

Personally I still get the "It's Tuesday" Level of amazing from the site from GBEast.

For me the only downturn has really been in the Forums, which are not as active as they were at their peak.

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There's always been waves of negativity. People forget Ryan had a talent for pissing people off, then people would complain about the direction of the site. A lot of people hated Vinny for some reason because he wasn't a "real gamer" and "just a camera man". Then people were over analyzing things Brad said and did. And you always get someone complaining about how critical Jeff is and he just doesn't understand a game. And now people complain about Abby. Same shit, different day.

People have always been crazy, I remember Rod Serling complaining about the sheer amount of hate mail he would get and that was when people barely had phones.

That being said. All Systems Goku is a gem, the beginning of Persona 3, when Yosuke says he loves balls, and Jeff and Vinny realize what kind of game it is.

Then there's when Dan learns what Gal Gun is and becomes concerned he is committing a crime.

Edit: Just realized everything I suggested is related to anime and I don't watch anime. This site has ruined me. Shut it down.

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Started listening to the podcast in about 2011, I think, without watching many videos. When Ryan passed I kinda fell off, but when I found out Dan was coming here from GI I hopped back aboard and have been riding the bandwagon ever since.

As for one of my favourite dumb moments? This is high up the list.

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Social link with the fox.

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@ungodly: Couldn't have said it better myself. Like a big'ol bowl of mac and cheese on my TV.

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i dont think im in the minority but i would listen to the cast talk about anything. If they dedicated a podcast where they talked about anything BUT video games I would be interested. Their stories and opinions are interesting to me.

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I've loved Giantbomb ever since I applied it to the forehead about 10 years ago.

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#39  Edited By BrainScratch

I don't think the posts you're referring to were exactly being negative, they were threads for people to freely express what they like and dislike about the site. I believe that type of communication can be healthy for the community and healthy for the site's growth, as long as it is kept civil and respectful. It seems weird to me that we can't have any kind of less positive opinion regarding something about the site. There's nothing wrong with some constructive criticism, we can love something and still have some details that wish were better.

But since this is a positive thread and I don't want to be seen as negative: I like Giant Bomb too!

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#40  Edited By confusedowl

Giant Bomb has been the only games media I've actively followed for the 7 years I've been a member of this site. Don't post too much on the forums nowadays but it's still my favourite place on the internet easily.

As for favourite moment, too many to count so here's a few:

  • Brad's inappropriate joke during the Volgarr the Viking Breaking Brad is maybe the hardest I've ever laughed during a live show
  • Vinny putting the shock game down his pants for Extra Life
  • Barkerville
  • Tim Allen's Idea Exchange
  • Vinny and Brad watching a professional Ravaged player fly a helicopter during the quick look.
  • Steak-umms
  • And many more

Will probably follow this site for as long as it exists at this point, and I hope that's for a long long time.

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wash your mouth.

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@ungodly said:

This site is my comfort food.

This is probably the best way to describe this site. I've been coming here since the start, and it's always been the thing I turn to when I want to unwind.

It's also been a huge help getting through some tough things in my personal life. Whenever things get tough and I need a distraction, I turn on a video from here I know will cheer me up or help me take my mind off of things.

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I remember the big live live shows always being amazing. Just a contineous stream of GB adjacent stuff happening. Extra Life streams are always a high point as well.

My favorite feature was Choose Our Own Adventure. That was such a fun interactive segment and a fantastic reason to play more FMV games with Vinny :)

All Systems Goku & Project Beast are great as well.

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Giantbomb is incredible. I have been a regular user on the site now for about 9 years and I honestly can’t imagine it not being a part of my life.

I know that I don’t actually but it really feels like I know the staff and genuinely care about them, and actually see them as people and not just entertainment. That might sound weird but I always figured that’s what they’re going for.

Ryan screaming when the car shot in the air in a Sleeping dogs video is definitely a highlight for me.

I had a vasectomy a few days ago and GB videos are doing a great job of taking my mind off the pain.

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#45  Edited By Nev

Ever since I 'rediscovered' the site in 2009 - by watching random TANGs, funny enough, I've been completely enamored with the place. At this point I barely watch any television, (and never really watched movies much), and pretty much when I'm not listening to music, I've got GB running on my iPad to the side, as I play games. This site has never really done me wrong, and I don't think there's been more than a day or two I've not been premium since it's announcement, nor has there been a point I've even considered cancelling it.

As far as favorite moments, some that come to mind are watching Brad succeeding at mile high club, as well as watching them get their chicken dinner in PUBG, live. The chat eruptions during those were fantastic. I seriously took a screenshot of the fucking browser window, like I just got some crazy drop in an MMO, during the PUBG moment. It was like a weird reflex. Ended up getting out of my chair yelling "FUCK YES!". It was like a months long journey watching them play, then finally succeed.

My reactions were pretty silly, but it was just a great moment to witness live, even being games I don't give a shit about like PUBG, or CoD, - they make it fun.

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For ten years this site has been a paradise in the sea of garbage that is other people trying to be funny over video games. It's the best place on the internet.

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I go through peaks and valleys with the site. I'll get really into a new series or something and then back away for a week or two. But it'll always be there, and I can always come back.

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#48  Edited By haneybd87

I’m so glad I found this site around 5 years ago. After the 1upocalypse I was kind of adrift when it came to good video game coverage. Giant Bomb gives me a lot of what I missed about those days.

The sheer number of work hours Giant Bomb’s podcasts have helped me through is a big deal to me. I also can’t count the number of times I’ve just been feeling depressed or anxious and I could find some comfort in their podcasts or video content. They’ve definitely helped (and continue helping) me through hard times.

As for favorite moments, I think every E3 press conference has to be mine. It’s always exciting seeing what new things are being shown at E3 and listening to them add their own commentary just adds a whole extra layer of fun entertainment.

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It's my favorite gaming site on the internet. Still.

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Giant Bomb has been a keystone of my entertainment consumption and sense of humor for almost 10 years now. Not to get too sappy or weird with it, but the site has been there for me in a lot of dark times and it's had an indirect hand in bringing about some of the best things in my life (including meeting my SO of 4+ years). I love this goofy-ass website in all its iterations and I don't see that changing any time soon.

As for favorite moments, I lost count years ago. For a smattering: 2Human, the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince QL, Ryan's A Narc, #teambrad, #skate4, all the Dave/Johnny/Adam E3 segments, Pick Up The Purse, VBOMB!, Jeremiah, the Euro Truck 2 QL, Weed3, the Fiasco podcast, Tender Loving Care, the Celebrity Poker QL... There's so much good stuff, y'all.