Games that are considered classic that you never played or finished?

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#1  Edited By NTM

Maybe you can say this is yet another backlog thread, but I thought I'd get a little more specific about it since I'm currently, and not having planned on it, going through Super Mario 64. I've had that game since its release, but I personally never went through the game. It's good timing too considering Odyssey is almost out. Perhaps it's because Mario hasn't changed enough in how he moves around a 3D world, but despite its age, I'm surprised and actually still somewhat impressed by the game (and yes, even its visuals). It's still a great game! I also forgot he could punch and kick, which you can't do in Galaxy (or Sunshine?)

I remember first seeing the game with Mario's face popping up, where you can grab his face with the hand and thinking we were still watching TV, like a cartoon or something, I was wondering if we had to change the input to get to the game. I was five then, about to turn six. The only 3D game I really saw before that was Virtua Fighter at a Circuit City, and I was about three. Are there any games you've had for some time which is widely considered a classic that you never finished? Do you plan on playing through it at any point? To be honest, I never really planned on going back to the N64 to play any game, so to call SM64 a backlog game wouldn't be correct until now I guess.

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Final Fantasy 3, or as it later become known as, Final Fantasy 6. This game came out just as I was losing interest in video games (which turned out to be temporary). I borrowed or rented it and played for a little bit, and I think I ended up watching friends play it a lot more. Even though this is a lot of people's favorite game in the series, it just never connected with me. Years later I bought the version they made for PS1. I got a little further in it, but for whatever reason it just couldn't hold my interest then either. Now I have an SNES Classic and I fully intend to give the game its proper due. But first I have to play through Earthbound, Super Mario RPG, and Secret of Mana, but those don't count with this thread because I never owned them before.

I've also never finished Super Mario 64. I didn't own it until I got a Nintendo DS, again because I had lost interest in games during the late SNES/early N64 era. Regardless, I never beat Mario 64. When GBeast started the Steal My Sunshine feature, I decided to take another stab at Mario 64. This time, I was going to do it on my Wii via the Virtual Console. I was making good progress, but I wasn't able to do it before moving states in August. My Wii still sits in a box, and I don't know when I'll get to it.

Oh yeah, Psychonauts! I first got it as a physical PC release. Then I got it for the original Xbox digitally to play on my Xbox 360. And finally, I got the Steam version. The furthest I've made it was past a level after the Milkman stage. I really liked it, but I need to get back to the game one day. I tried this summer, but again, the aforementioned move happened and that disrupted everything.

I'm sure I have others in my collection.

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Final Fantasy games because I hate them.

Psychonauts because I got bored with it.

Brutal Legend because it went from being a cool 3D platformer into an RTS, which I'm not a fan of.

There are many others.

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Persona 4 is in my top 10 of all time and I never played it

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I forgot to mention Fable 2 and 3, and Dead Space 1-3. Also Mass Effect 1-3.

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I have Final Fantasy 9, Final Fantasy 10 and Final Fantasy 6 just sitting here waiting for the day I play any of them.

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Resident Evil 4 - started it multiple times but never actually finished it. Made it to the second disc back on the GC.

Bioshock - also started this one multiple times but never finished. I just picked up the Bioshock collection to replay Infinite and give this guy another go; I also hear 2 isn't all that bad.

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The Witcher series. I have them, but never felt enough motivation to play them.

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#9 sweep  Moderator

I grew up with a Sega Mega Drive, I never had access to a PC as a kid, so I missed out on that first generation of Adventure games. No Monkey Island, no Day Of The Tentacle, no Grim Fandango, etc. Trying to go back and play those games, even the remastered versions, was very difficult. I guess my brain just isn't wired that way any more.

I never had a N64 and when I would visit friends to play we would only play the multiplayer games, so I have many hours of experience with Goldeneye, Smash Bros, and Mario Kart but almost none with any Zelda or Mario 64.

A lot of the "classics" that people miss are going to be based on which console they had as a kid. It seems like most people grew up with one or two and had limited access to games as they were so expensive. It's not like now where everything is cross platform and games go on sale a couple of months after release and everyone has a huge back-catalogue to play. I never had an Xbox or a Dreamcast so I missed out on dozens of what people would probably call "classics". Halo 2 for example.

In terms of more recent games, I could never stay focused with any of the Batman games. I knew they were well made, they just put me to sleep. I don't know why.

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Super Mario Brothers. I got a second hand SNES as a kid and never ended up with a copy of it. Picking up a SNES Classic recently I figured would finally be my chance to get through what is widely considered one of the great games of all time. Oh boy... as someone who never played it that game is kind of hard to go back to. The slightly floaty jump is completely off putting as someone whose only real exposure to 2D platformers has come from modern games where super tight controls are more common.

I'll probably be chased off the website for such sacrilege but there you go...

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There's a lot of games for me. The biggest of which is Deus Ex. I've played Human Revolution and Mankind Divided, but the original still eludes me. I've tried several times to play it but I've only completed the first area of the game. It's likely I'll never actually finish the game.

Is Trine old enough to be considered a classic? I've had that sitting in my Steam library since around its launch. I don't know why, but I've just never gotten around to playing it...

Alpha Centauri - I've started the game a couple of times, but alas, me is not good at use brain.

Zork. It doesn't get much more classic than this. I'll probably eventually play through this while being drip-fed via a walkthrough.

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Of any "olde" classics, I never played any Final Fantasy games, Zelda Games (except for the very first one and few hours of Link to The Past), any of the 3D Mario games and a whole bunch of classics RPGs like Baldur's Gate.

I'm at least going to fix the Mario problem by getting Mario Odyssey next week, but I doubt I'll ever play any of those other examples, unless they're going to do some re-releases on the Switch. Then I could at least see myself giving some of the 3D Zeldas a try.

If thinking about recent titles, I've put maybe 4-5 hours combined into the Dark Souls series and doubt I'll ever finish any of those games.

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#13  Edited By Kidavenger

I've never played any of the snes classics

Never played either of the Super Mario Galaxy games, I have a Wii, just never enjoyed any of the Mario games.

BioShock, Enjoyed infinite, just never found the time to go back

Deus Ex Played the first area a few times, never felt compelled to go any further.

I've never finished a Zelda game even though I've played and enjoyed almost all of them.

Never Gears of War seemed really doofy

Never Halo: Combat Evolved I have a general distaste for console shooters

The only id Software game I've ever played was the most recent Doom

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#14  Edited By nicksmi56

Guess I'll limit it to the ones I own:

  • Resident Evil 4. Own it, haven't touched it
  • The Last of Us. Got halfway in before I couldn't take it anymore.
  • Bioshock. Played some, but haven't finished it
  • The Witcher. Own it, haven't touched it
  • Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker/Twilight Princess. Haven't really given them a shot, but planning to fix that
  • Super Metroid. Dabbled, haven't finished
  • Metroid Prime 2. Bounced off, but planning to go back
  • Metal Gear Solid. Own it, haven't touched it
  • Any Final Fantasy. I own 6 and 7 but haven't touched them
  • Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Want to beat 3 first. Maybe Rondo of Blood too if I wind up getting that
  • Assassin's Creed 2. Get really bored any time I try it
  • Any of the Kingdom Hearts series. Tried 1, got stuck and gave up, planning to go back some other time
  • Chrono Trigger. Own it, haven't touched it
  • Star Wars: Jedi Outcast. Own it, haven't really given it a fair shot
  • Knights of the Old Republic. Tried it, liked it, but didn't get too far before I got distracted
  • Dragon Age: Origins. Own it, haven't touched it
  • Any Pokemon. I've tried over the years, but I just can't finish them.
  • Need for Speed Underground 2. Only Gamecube-era Need for Speed game I haven't beaten.
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell series up to Chaos Theory. Own them, haven't touched them
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@stinger061: Nah, you're not alone. I just beat that game for the first time like a month ago.

And you're totally right, the physics do suck.

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Oh man, a lot:

  • Never beat a Halo game
  • Never really played Half Life despite HL2 being one of my favorite games. It's always at the top of my pile of shame to go back and play.
  • I never owned an N64 so I missed all those games
  • Never played Super Metroid and never finished Metroid Prime
  • I really liked the first Mass Effect but haven't played any of the sequels. I can't explain it.
  • I never finished MGS4 and haven't touched MGS5.
  • Dabbled in all of the Splinter Cells up thru Chaos Theory but never finished any of them. Haven't played any since CT either, but I don't know that those would be considered classics.
  • A lot of SNES classics like LttP, Yoshi's Island, every Kirby game, Chrono Trigger, etc.
  • Pretty much every PC classic pre-2002 when I got my first computer.

And probably a lot more. I contribute it to not having enough money in my younger years to play every great game. Also, playing a MMORPG and fighting games obsessively really puts a crimp on your ability to play every hot new game that comes out.

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#17  Edited By TheManWithNoPlan

For the sake of simplicity, I'm only gonna list games I own and could realistically get to. There's plenty more of course.

  • Re4 - started this up earlier in the month. Very early still.
  • FF2 and 3 - played a good portion of the former on psp and have the save on a memory card somewhere, while the latter I've yet to start.
  • Windwaker and Twilight Princess
  • Dragon quest 8
  • Paper Mario 64 - bought it on the wii u and played it last year. There's plenty left though.
  • Final Fantasy 7 - I played up until the point you exit midgar. The save is on that damn psp memory card.

(And these are titles that I have a late game save in, but haven't finished)

  • Fire Emblem awakening
  • Super Mario 64
  • Final Fantasy 13 (Not really considered a "classic" I suppose, but thought I'd include it here. )
  • Chrono Trigger - the psp memory card consumes all.
  • Persona 3 portable - maybe it's in my closet inside that cable box?
  • Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - playstation portable, why hath you forsaken me?!

(Finally, games I'll probably never play)

  • Demon's Souls
  • The Witcher 3
  • Earthbound
  • FF10 and 12
  • Half Life 2: episode 2 (I finished 2 proper and episode 1. Unless Valve miraculously decides to put out 3, I never plan to play this last one)

I need to look for my Psp. Never thought I'd say that in 2017.

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  • Metroid Prime
  • Any 90's Final Fantasy game
  • Halo: Combat Evolved
  • Mario 64
  • Zelda Ocarina of Time/Link to the Past/Majora's Mask
  • Half Life
  • Persona 4

Yeah.... I've missed a lot.

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#19  Edited By monetarydread

Persona 3 + 4 - I was really into the concept of a more accessible SMT RPG set in a modern-day Japan. I tried playing P3 and I loved the dungeons, combat, setting, etc., but the game relies too heavily on my two least favourite aspects in games. 1. I just don't give a shit about story, characters, or relationships in games and the dating sim / slice-of-life anime bullshit immediately put me off. 2. The game was put too much focus on time management and stamina bullshit that it became the final nail in the coffin for my enjoyment of the game. Because of the time management aspect of the game Persona became a way-too-hardcore experience for me to enjoy, which is weird because I grew up playing D&D gold box games, Ultima, and Wizardry on my 386 and those are generally considered to be the most hardcore of the hardcore RPG's.

I tried playing P4 as well and ran into the same problems, I guess I will just stick with Persona Q or mainline SMT games.

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Never Played:

  • Mega Man games - Didn't grow up with it
  • Ultima - Same reason as Mega Man. Tried playing it a few times but I was blinded by the extremely outdated aesthetics (Ultima 1 - 7)
  • Super Mario 64 - I did however play Ocarina of Time, which is a better game in my opinion so that's good enough for me
  • Crash Bandicoot - I played Crash Team Racing a whole lot but never the original 3D platformer

Never finished:

  • Deus Ex - Stopped halfway as it got too repetitive
  • Final Fantasy VII & VIII - I never did have the patience playing RPG
  • Life Is Strange - The pace is too slow
  • God of War III - Gameplay felt outdated by the time it came out so eventually I lost interest
  • NightCry - A broken Kickstarter game. I regret pledging it
  • Dark Souls - I enjoy challenging games but Dark Souls is a whole new level of torture. Not doing it
  • The Witcher III - Grew numb with medieval-themed medium
  • Skyrim - Same reason with The Witcher III
  • Psychonauts - I love everything Tim Schafer but this is one game I have trouble playing. I get motion sickness and the plot is very meh
  • Pokemon X & Y - I freakin love Pokemon back in the day but now it feels like digging up lost stamp collection. It was cool back then but now it doesn't have the same appeal as before
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@burncoat: Yeah, and you'd have to have the motivation to get through them, simply because they are long, especially together. The first one can take about sixty hours, the second thirty, and the third, with the DLC, somewhere around 300 if you plan on exploring every nook and cranny of the world. Also, I love the first Witcher game, but it does have a slow start, one that I played on and off, coming back after a long hiatus several times because I just wasn't getting into it. I think it's better than two, other than the fact that it's not swift in its combat (though I like the combat fine).

@sloppydetective: Bioshock 2 is great. If you're playing on a console, just know that two runs the worst, but they're all pretty smooth, with the first and Infinite running near a constant 60fps if I remember correctly. If you're on PC, never mind. I am not someone that thinks Minerva's Den is the best thing out of the franchise, but the last time I went through it, which was when I got the collection on PS4, I appreciated it a lot more. The story is great, with a good twist at the end and a decent personal story. It also has a major story impact for the entire series, which it seems like a lot of people don't talk about.

The first Bioshock is one of my favorite games ever. The only thing that disappoints me about the Collection is that I hear the sound doesn't sound as good as last-gen for the first game, the PS4 versions anisotropic filtering isn't perfect on that specific system either, and the controls weren't updated so they all feel equal. I'm fine with it, but it would have been nice to use LT/L2 to have hold iron sights for what weapons have it instead of the toggle R3. It's a small thing, but a little more updating would have been nice.

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@psykhophear: Deus Ex gives a lot of options. I won't argue whether it gets repetitive or not as I played it mainly one way, but some would say that repetitive and Deus Ex don't coincide. Have you tried the Revision mod? Also, Dark Souls and the games like it aren't that difficult, not as difficult as some may say anyway. I beat the entire game without dying once... Okay, that last part was a lie. I would try it out again, it's not that bad once you understand how to play it.

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Video games have kinda reached a point where you pretty much have to quit your job and spend every waking minute playing games to get through all the "classics" up to this point and even then, I'm not sure that's enough. If you're an adult with a full time job, you've probably already got a backlog of games and not enough time to add to it by thinking about the classics.

What I'm saying is, there are a lot of games I could probably think of that I would like to play more of but just haven't gotten around to and probably never will.

I do feel like I'm fairly well-versed in video game history and genres and classics, though. I can generally tell you something about anything you can reasonably call a "classic", at least on the console side of things. My knowledge starts to wane when it comes to pre-SNES games, though.

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Final Fantasy 8 was the one game that leapt into my mind when I saw the topic name.

I was the biggest Final Fantasy dweeb up until about FF 13, and I had finished every numbered release.... except for 8. Seriously, fuck that game. From the "airship" being a slow-as-molasses, floating school for most of the game, to the nonsensical plot, to the weakest cast of any FF by far, to the fact you could get level 100 on cd 1, and that it meant nothing. Tetra Master might have salvaged the game, but hey, you get a version of it in FF9.

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@ntm said:

@psykhophear: Deus Ex gives a lot of options. I won't argue whether it gets repetitive or not as I played it mainly one way, but some would say that repetitive and Deus Ex don't coincide. Have you tried the Revision mod? Also, Dark Souls and the games like it aren't that difficult, not as difficult as some may say anyway. I beat the entire game without dying once... Okay, that last part was a lie. I would try it out again, it's not that bad once you understand how to play it.

That's true what you said about Deus Ex with the tree branching gameplay but regardless, I still get bored :p

I love Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry and Cuphead. Dark Souls is just not for me. Plus it's medieval-theme, something I'm not a fan of. If it was sci-fi then MAYBE I'd attempt to finish it.

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@psykhophear: I understand. To me it just depends. I am not a fantasy/medieval fan either, but when it comes to games, I can make an exception. That said, I am not a huge fan of Elder Scrolls. I thought Skyrim was okay, and actually put about seventy hours into it, but once I finished the story I was done. The Witcher and the Souls games are far superior to me. To be honest, the Souls games got me back into games like Ninja Gaiden. Before that, I was thinking they may not be for me anymore, but that was incorrect. I have no interest in it, but you ever try The Surge that came out this year? It's sci-fi and like Souls.

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@ntm: I'm watching the game trailers and reviews now. I can't believe I've never heard of the Surge before. I'm interested. Thanks for mentioning it.

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There are plenty of "important" games which I've never even touched, but here are a few notable ones which I started and for whatever reason did not finish.

  • Super Mario 64
  • Super Mario Galaxy
  • Half-Life
  • Doom 3
  • Ninja Gaiden
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • God of War
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  • Super Mario Series
  • Megaman Series
  • Castlevania Series (except SOTN. Finished that one)
  • Sonic Series
  • Bubsy Series
  • God of War Series
  • Ninja Gaiden Series

That's just off the top of my head. Never really been much into platformers in general.

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Just to be clear, some of you are saying that you're leaving it to the ones you own, and while I didn't make it clear in my title, it was my intention to limit to just the games you already have anyway. That's also why I said it in the original post. If we could name all the classics we've never played, then there are a multitude of titles.

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#31  Edited By TopCat88

I've had Mario 64 for a long while, but I can't stand 3D platforming, it just feels so imprecise and I end up getting frustrated real quick. I've tried to play it multiple times now, but I always end up whacking THPS2 in there instead. Skateboarding in a 3D world, not a problem.

Interestingly I love 2D platformers: They're hard as hell, but I enjoyed Meat Boy, Ori and I'm sure I'll enjoy Cuphead when I eventually pick it up.

I enjoy watching Steal my Sunshine because I know I would make Alex look as patient as a saint if I was forced to be on those streams. I want them to succeed so badly, the payoffs on that series really work for me.

I played the orange box, but I don't think I ever played Half Life 1. I bought it for stupid cheap on steam recently, I should really get round to playing it.

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Around the late 90's I kinda took a break from gaming and I regret it I missed these games.

Metal Gear Solid

Silent Hill


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Basically all the late 90s golden era RPGs (Planescape Torment, Baldurs Gate, Fallout 1 and 2.) I was too young to understand them much at the time and now their UI's are too archaic for me to jump back into. I've booted most of them up but barely played beyond 1-2 hours.

I may still get around to them one day but for now with games like Divinity existing its a hard sell.

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Witcher III


I just could not get into them

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Oh yeah, the Metal Gear Solid series! I played through 1 and 2, but MGS3 didn't look interesting to me when I saw the trailer(s) for it. I later bought MGS3: Subsistence, mainly because it had the original Metal Gear MSX games on it. Of course, I never touched really touched any of them. Years later I bought the MGS collection on my Xbox 360, and I did briefly start MGS3 a few years ago, but never got back to it.

I got MGS4 with my PS3, but that was before I got the MGS collection and I didn't want to touch it before playing MGS3. Perhaps one day I'll force myself to go back to them.

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I never finished a 2D Mario game, although I do consider them personally formative classics. In those days the idea of actually finishing a game was mythical to me. I was in awe of anyone who was able to get to the last world.

I never owned an NES in its day, but I did have a SNES with World and All Stars. I played them a lot and knew where the warps were, but never made it very far. In Mario World I hit a wall at Vanilla fortress and would just start new games and play those early levels over and over.

That said, I'm pretty close on my Wii U save. I'm at Bowser's castle and finally beat the Tubular Star Road level after watching the recent SNES classic stream.

JRPGs are quick to loose me. FF6, I tried a couple times, but why keep playing after the heroes Wedge and Biggs die? I got stuck on Earthbound early on and got pretty far into Chrono Trigger and Mario RPG, but never saw them to the end.

Also never beat Gannon in ALttP (but got everthing else) and maybe one day I'll finish Super Metroid.

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Every single Zelda game.

Super Metroid.

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@burncoat said:

The Witcher series. I have them, but never felt enough motivation to play them.

I cried true tears that submerged my keyboard just now.

Upon reading your words, I wept.

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Does MGS2 count? I got to that Metal Gear fight with the 700 robots, kept struggling with it and just gave up. Only MGS game I never finished, other then V which I never played.

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Despite only ever owning Nintendo systems up until the PS2 era, I've never played Castlevania, Metroid, Mega Man (except Mega Man X on the GBA I think?), most of the 2D Zelda games, or pretty much every Final Fantasy game prior to FFX.

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I own several copies of the fantastic classic Homeworld in a similar fashion in that Alex owns several copies of ME2. I consider it a masterpiece. But I never came across to finishing the game. While I finished Homeworld 2, it almost seems strange that I've never completed it.

I watched the last 2 missions I've not completed around 10 or so years ago online but its almost surreal that I own this game so many times and love it, yet I've never completly came around to finish it.

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#42  Edited By OMGFather

A lot of Nintendo games, I had an N64 for a little while but after that didn't own a Nintendo console until the Switch.

  • Super Mario 64
  • Super Mario Galaxy/Galaxy 2
  • Every Legend of Zelda except Breath of the Wild (briefly played a few of the 3DS games but could never get into them)
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Haven't played

  • Any Metal Gear Solid
  • Witcher 3
  • Any Final Fantasy
  • Any Mega Man
  • Any Dark Souls ( I did play Demon Souls & Bloodborne and didn't like them)
  • Any Persona

Haven't finished

  • Any Zelda ( I've come the closest with Link Between Worlds)
  • Any Metroid
  • Any Mario
  • Half Life ( Played and finished 2 multiple times)
  • Any Elder Scrolls
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#44  Edited By hans_maulwurf

Off the top of my head, SOME of the notable franchises I have little to no experience with:

  • Mario (played some amount of an emulated gba super mario)
  • Zelda
  • Metroid (played a little bit of an emulated version of super metroid)
  • Final Fantasy (I own duodecim prologue or whatever it's called, played it for a couple of minutes)
  • Demon/Dark Souls/Bloodborne
  • Doom (I downloaded a standalone total conversion mod based on the doom 3 engine at some point)
  • Quake (played an hour or two of Quake 4)
  • Mega Man
  • MGS (watched MGScanlon season 1 and own MGS V, but only played it for two hours or so)
  • God of War (played a demo of the first psp game)
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Yeah, I own a backlog of classics that I've never finished. I keep meaning to, but I keep either playing guilty pleasures over again (the Arkham series, Elder Scrolls in general) or shifting priorities to work/college/my engagement/etc.. Then I wind up with even more classics that I've skipped, so it's a fun cycle. :-P

Just a few highlights:

  • Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, and Super Mario World. I played all of these on the Super Nintendo, but never to completion. I'm hoping to finish this on my Super Nintendo Classic (oh, and save states rock! Donkey Kong Country was a cruel, unfeeling beast.)
  • Mario 64, which I played two thirds of the way through and never completed. I have it via virtual console, but I just never seem to have the time to get back to it.
  • The Zelda franchise in general. I have all the major releases, but I've never gotten more than an hour or two into each one of them before bouncing off to something else. Breath of the Wild is the one exception to this rule... which was unfortunate, because I ended up not really liking it. <3 to Zelda in general, though.
  • Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. I really wish I'd played this one all the way through back in the early 2000's. It was so unnerving, but the graphics have aged so poorly that it's less unnerving now and more risible. :-( If they made a remastered version, I'd snatch it up in a heartbeat.
  • Jak 2, 3, and Jak X: Combat Racing. I stopped two thirds of the way through Jak 2 when that unmerciful "kill the death droids before they reach the rebel HQ" mission popped up. It was just impossible, and I gave up after a dozen tries.
  • Resident Evil IV. A true classic and masterpiece, but one I've never completed because I'm evil.
  • Half Life 2. I got to the undead headcrab town and just stopped.
  • God of War 2, 3, and Ascension. I've beaten God of War 1 and the two PSP ones... but I've never gotten more than halfway through God of War 2 without losing interest and saying "maybe I'll do more later." Keeping to that idea, apparently.
  • Uncharted 2, 3, 4, Golden Abyss, and whatever that new one is called. Made it halfway through Uncharted 2, heard about the blue people, looked up a video of them, and went "yeah... later." It's been 6 or so years now, so it's definitely "later."
  • Heavenly Sword. I loved that game, but I got to the snake lady boss or something and thought "eek. I'll get back to this later." Whoops.
  • The Metroid Prime trilogy. Bought it digitally for $20.00 on a great, very out-of-character sale by Nintendo. (I think the WiiU was doing so poorly that they did the flash sales to dredge up interest in its virtual console). Great franchise, and I said to myself that I'd play it all later and finally see it. A running theme.
  • The Last of Us. I can see why people love it, but I've never been able to get too into it without sighing and thinking, "eh, zombies and blatant attempts to pull at my heart strings, none of which are working. Eh. Eh." Not sure I'll ever work up the will to finish it.
  • The Witcher Franchise. I own them all, but just have never dug too deep. I tried playing the first one and hit that wall of "PC Master Race" tomfoolery. The menus within menus within menus, overcomplicated crafting, and general convolutedness kind of drove me off. Also, I had no idea what the heck was going on with all the characters and references. Decided I'd read the books first, and I've read 4 so far. Another two and I'll finally jump into this franchise, I think.
  • The Crash Bandicoot original trilogy. I actually own this as the PS4 remastered edition, and I just have never gotten more than half an hour into it without something else popping up. Someday... later.

Incidentally, I think every modern Naughty Dog game is on my list save Jak and Daxter and Uncharted 1. Those are the only ones I've ever completed. Sorry about that, guys and gals, but at least I'm clearly a fan of your work. A fan that doesn't finish any of them, but a fan nonetheless. I'll get to it eventually, hopefully.

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#46  Edited By Relkin

I've had Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines installed on my computer for years now; still haven't even started the application once.

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I have never played any version of Minecraft even though I heard it's the highest grossing game of all time. Is it actually fun and worth playing, or was it simply a hit because of it's accessibility to kids and people that don't often play games?

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There's too many to list, but I proooooooobably should really play Final Fantasy VI.

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#50  Edited By fisk0  Moderator

I rarely finish games, so I'll skip all the ones I've played enough to feel like I get the gist of and just include the ones I've never played at all.

I guess I've not played most Zelda games beyond Link's Awakening, A Link from the Past, Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild, I've also never played any of the proper Metroid games, even though I've played many "metroidvania" ones.

When it comes to games I think I should've played considering my fondness for home computer games, I'll say I've never played Empire (the game that inspired Sid Meier to create Civilization) nor Omnitrend's Rules of Engagement/Breach/Universe series (which were somewhat influential to the development of X-COM, Starflight and Alpha Centauri). I've also not played most Star Wars space sims despite loving the Wing Commander series (not a huge Star Wars fan though, but those games seem to be important beyond their license).

As for more recent (post-2000) titles, I haven't played the Splinter Cell series, Gears of War nor Etrian Oddyssey despite the latter being in my wheelhouse considering I love first person, grid-based dungeon crawlers and actually own one of them.