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    The Fallout franchise is a post-apocalyptic series of role-playing and tactics games originally developed by Black Isle, and most recently, Bethesda Softworks and Obsidian Entertainment.

    Will Fallout 4 contain vehicles?

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    Poll Will Fallout 4 contain vehicles? (126 votes)

    Yes 27%
    No 63%
    Only in DLC 10%

    I love the Bethesda Fallout games but this has always bugged me. Walking everywhere gets real boring after 20 hours and the fast travel system only works when you discover a new place. In TES Bethesda put horses and although some of the physics are weird, they work as a great alternative to walking.

    Assuming Fallout sticks to the first person gameplay in the next installment, I would love to see them incorporate some form of transport that is faster than walking. A weird mutant horse, a bicycle, some weird hovercraft made by a reclusive scientist....there are plenty of ways of getting around even if the roads are destroyed. Having to manage fuel on a powered vehicle would add an extra layer of challenge in a hardcore playthrough (if they kept that option from NV).

    Is this something you guys want? Why or why not? What would you put in if you had it your way?

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    Only if the map was way bigger. Those games tend to be really dense and putting vehicles into that environment could get pretty awkward. Managing fuel would be cool but that kind of gameplay doesn't seem to interest Bethesda much

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    I'd love to have some crappy little buggy that I could bolt random parts on and customize throughout the game.

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    I'd be in favor of it, as long as it wasn't too fast. You make the TES horse analogy, which is certainly valid, but even the fastest horses only go about double your speed on foot. Any sort of automotive vehicle (car, dune buggy, motocycle, etc) would be going at the very least 5 times as fast as your character moves, which could not only make the world feel smaller, but also cause you to miss out on stuff as you zoom past.

    If they went with something that traveled at about the speed of a TES horse I would be all for it.

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    #4  Edited By LiquidPrince

    As lead Director of not only Fallout 4, but also Fallout 7 and 8, I can confirm that there will indeed be a form of transportation that is not walking. We are currently experimenting our new bipedal tank vehicles as well as bipedal robot feet tech. Look for more new info at E3, Gamescom, Pax, Tokyo Game Show, and then E3 again.

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    As much as I think it would be cool, I doubt it. Although, if they make a world as large as Skyrim, possibly. It would have to be something that isn't easy to get around in, though. Maybe a bicycle of sorts? Sort of like the horse in Skyrim. You don't feel like you're traversing the world too quickly, but it definitely helps you get from point A to point B.

    That's my two cents! I voted no.

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    I hope not. I don't even use fast travel sometimes because I'm a crazy person, I love walking the wasteland.

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    if they had Rage style buggies that might be cool but now suddenly you have this whole other game to develop.

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    #8  Edited By ll_Exile_ll

    @gaminghooligan said:

    I hope not. I don't even use fast travel sometimes because I'm a crazy person, I love walking the wasteland.

    I am someone that never, ever uses fast travel, but I would actually be all for a slowish vehicle. In my mind fast travel is cheating, and I always fear I'd miss something on the way to my destination, but horses in TES (or a potential vehicle in Fallout) is a, for lack of a better word, canonical means of traversing the world a bit quicker and doesn't bring with it the risk of missing out on exploring the world.

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    #9  Edited By gaminghooligan

    @gaminghooligan said:

    I hope not. I don't even use fast travel sometimes because I'm a crazy person, I love walking the wasteland.

    I am someone that never, ever uses fast travel, but I would actually be all for a slowish vehicle. In my mind fast travel is cheating, and I always fear I'd miss something on the way to my destination, but horses in TES (or a potential vehicle in Fallout) is a, for lack of a better word, canonical means of traversing the world a bit quicker and doesn't bring with it the risk of missing out on exploring the world.

    I can get behind that I guess, I think I'd want some ratty ass motorcycle like:

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    My uncle works at the factory where they make Fallout 4 and he said they're making vehicles.

    I think it'd be pretty awesome to have mounts though. Burst into an area full gallop on a mutant horse and VATS fools to death.

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    #11  Edited By Tom_omb

    I have never even considered the need for vehicles in a Fallout game. Even Horses in Skyrim I never had much use for. Fast travel in those games is great for getting to places you've been. Being on foot is ideal while exploring the world for places you have yet to discover. Think of all the stuff you'd miss if you speed right through the wasteland on a dune buggy.

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    @pie: Well survival mode in New Vegas was something akin to monitoring fuel...

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    This would break the game and all the story behind it. It's like asking NBA 2K games to add snowmobiles next year, because wouldn't it be more fun and exciting to play basketball on snowmobiles? You walk everywhere for a reason, the freaking nuclear war happened and everything went to shit. Even if they managed to somehow make vehicles, where would they get the fuel for them? Would they be the generation, that figured out how to power cars without using gasoline?

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    #14  Edited By Jesus_Phish

    Fallout 2 had a car (just the one), which doubled up as a storage unit because you could put your stuff in the boot. You could use it to drive around, but you have to keep it fueled which was expensive. If you ran out of fuel you had to get out and go back to walking, find some fuel and bring it back.

    I wouldn't mind seeing you be able to get access to a vehicle but only if they keep the fuel system in.

    I hope they reintroduce the bugs for the car too. Like when you travel to a new city but the boot of the car stays in the old one.

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    @pie: Well survival mode in New Vegas was something akin to monitoring fuel...

    Yeah and I really liked that but remember that that was Obsidian. I would assume Fallout 4 will be Bethesda

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    This would break the game and all the story behind it. It's like asking NBA 2K games to add snowmobiles next year, because wouldn't it be more fun and exciting to play basketball on snowmobiles? You walk everywhere for a reason, the freaking nuclear war happened and everything went to shit. Even if they managed to somehow make vehicles, where would they get the fuel for them? Would they be the generation, that figured out how to power cars without using gasoline?

    I thought all the cars in fallout had little nuclear reactors in them or something

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    They should just let you tame Yao-Guai or whatever those are called (been a long time since I've played) or just go with Horses. It wouldn't be too fast and it could fit. Like someone has a few horses or a farm and they use those for trade or something.

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    #18  Edited By RazielCuts

    I think vehicles would kind've negate the whole exploration aspect of the games I love so much, going through every nook and cranny and finding cool shit. If I was speeding by all that stuff in a vehicle it would kind've be annoying. I wouldn't say no to a steam/radiation powered airship though.

    I guess in Point Lookout it was alright having the boat to go back and forth but that was more just a fast travel between DLC. Having like a movable house might be cool, instead of just fast travelling back and forth to your pack rat spot with new gear and trinkets, a literal caravan.

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    Considering Fallout 4 is set in Boston, a vehicle seems like it would only be useful in certain environments, making it kind of annoying if that was part of the game. Fallout 3 was DC, and sure, a lot of it was just empty wasteland, but that was aided by the fact that that city has a lot of open areas in and surrounding it already.

    Something to ride in a game like New Vegas would have fit a lot better.

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    It would be so cool if you could transform into a car.

    No, I don't think there will be. But maybe I lack an imagination, because others here are suggesting more interesting ideas than I thought of.

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    There is a mod for New Vegas that adds a ton of drivable cars, if modders can do it why not professional game devs. Would be pretty sick having a bike or something where you had to be conscious of gas and maintenance.

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    Yes. It will be a nuclear powered post-apocalyptic Segway... With raider spikes

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    #23  Edited By Itwastuesday

    @jesus_phish said:

    Fallout 2 had a car (just the one), which doubled up as a storage unit because you could put your stuff in the boot.

    I came here to post about this! I'd also like to see the car come back, they could even bring back the story line where (FO2 spoilerz) your car is stolen. I thought that was kind of a fun thing to do to the player after going through all of the trouble of getting the car.

    I mean, they have horses in TES, why not?

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    #24  Edited By penguindust

    I doubt it. If people have faster transportation other than "fast travel", I'd think they'd tend to just pass quests and such right by in pursuit of the next map marker. I know when I had a horse for a while in Skyrim (until it wandered off or something), I got to where I was going faster, but I am sure I missed a lot of stuff in between. "Ooh, a cave. I wonder what's in there" are the best moments in Bethesda games.

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    Of course, I wouldn't turn down a hoverboard. That would be sweet.

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    i'd rather them not put in vehicles, unless i'm riding on top of a giant radscorpion.

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    I hope so. Fuck walking.

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    Short answer: that's what fast travel is for.

    Long answer: the one advantage Fallout 3 has over New Vegas is that the Capitol Wasteland is way more entertaining to explore than the Mojave. Since Bethesda is (presumably) working on this (completely unannounced and possibly nonexistent) game, I have high hopes that the environments will be fun to explore.

    The reason Fallout 2 had a car was because most of the game world didn't exist; you traveled around on a map, which took in-game time, and a car made going between major hotspots easier and quicker. Actually, if you take Fallout 3 and New Vegas and spread out the major locations a bit more, there isn't a terribly large amount of dead space in-between cities and such. As long as they make the overworld somewhat variable and as well-designed as Fallout 3 and Skyrim I see no reason to have any form of fast transportation.

    I wouldn't object to a sprint ability, however.

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    if they had Rage style buggies that might be cool but now suddenly you have this whole other game to develop.

    Look how that turned out for RAGE! Buggies were easily the worst part of that game. Having to restock ammo, shields, gadgets, every time you went from city to city was a tedious, awful money- and time-sink. Ugh.

    Regardless, Bethesda's engine would crumble having to deal with something moving that fast over such uneven terrain. There's not a doubt in my mind that the game would be a broken mess if they added that in.

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    Personally I love the act of walking around in the Fallout world because there are always random encounters and places you might stumble across just by running around the wasteland instead of fast travelling everywhere. Vehicles might speed up the process, but it doesn't improve the experience in my opinion.

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    I don't see how they can do it without damaging the feel and scope of the game. Fallout is a game where you are supposed to trudge slowly into each new town and poke around in every nook and cranny. The idea for me is that you are a Wasteland wanderer not some Mad Max style petrolhead.

    That said I am one of these freaks who won't even use fast travel because it feels like cheating. I would accept is some Skyrim style horse and cart, but even then this encourages the player to miss out on all the crazy random encounters which come along.

    Basically I wouldn't be totally opposed but I would be really disappointed if everyone was zipping around in dune buggies or jeeps. There is some potential but they would have to make the map a lot bigger and I think it would have to be something you couldn't use all the time - like a vehicle that you need to collect parts for, and petrol is like gold dust. It could work if movement was restricted and it was based around a few mission storylines - but not as something you have at all times, like Fallout/GTA or something. Maybe if it was needed to reach a certain point on the map and then after completing that mission it either didn't work again or you could only find enough petrol for a few trips.

    Basically constant driving NO, mission based vehicles MAYBE

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    I have not played Fallout games very much, but I know that in ES the world maps are very much built for walking in most cases. If Bethesda were to add vehicles to the Fallout games I assumed they'd have to enlarge the maps and have them be much emptier than they are now.

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    @geraltitude said:

    if they had Rage style buggies that might be cool but now suddenly you have this whole other game to develop.

    Look how that turned out for RAGE! Buggies were easily the worst part of that game. Having to restock ammo, shields, gadgets, every time you went from city to city was a tedious, awful money- and time-sink. Ugh.

    Regardless, Bethesda's engine would crumble having to deal with something moving that fast over such uneven terrain. There's not a doubt in my mind that the game would be a broken mess if they added that in.

    nah, wasn't my experience. Loved the buggy stuff a lot in Rage. Did all the races, had a great time just blasting bandits wherever I went.

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    Okay I'll agree that any vehicle besides a horse would be extremely difficult to use on the terrain in a fallout game. All those bumps on the road, rocks to climb, radioactive streams, etc...

    However, there were rumors that the next game would deal with androids, and the possibility of the player actually being a cyborg or some sort of machine instead of a human. Now what if that was true and as it turns out that as a robot man you have a crazy dash move or super sprint or super jump or hover feet or whatever that would be a great help in getting around.

    Would that be out of place in Fallout?

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    #34  Edited By jArmAhead

    People keep bringing up the scale of the next game, but one would hope with a jump to a new generation they would make significant efforts to make the world much bigger. And I've always wished for a little more white space in Fallout just to have a bit more wilderness and space for variety.

    And it's not like the world would likely be very vehicle friendly. It'd be cool to have some sort of clunky hoverbike or something that's unwieldy and feels cool to tool around on but isn't great at handling the terrain so it has limited uses.

    Imagine if the world was much much larger, and you were cruising down a highway piled up with abandoned cars, but in order to travel the last couple of miles to where you were going, off the beaten path, you'd have to leave your vehicle. They could even make it the sort of thing that if you didn't hide it somewhere there would be a chance it'd get lifted.

    I never felt like Fallout had much "scale". It felt like a small slice of a dense world, rather than just a big world. New Vegas was bigger but walking across New Vegas got kind of tedious. Scaled up to match the new generation of systems, I could see that sort of space used for a new level of gameplay, while the normal density of Fallout could be maintained in certain areas that would be treacherous for vehicles. So you could have more potential for new and interesting "random encounters." And it's not like you'd be screaming through town in a Lambo or something, you'd still easily get random encounters.

    Hell, even if it wasn't really much faster I'd like alternative transportation. Walking everywhere is so impractical and unrealistic.

    Now that I think about it, even in a dense urban environment it would be cool to have something like a hover bike. Especially if I could keep supplies on-board, and if they gave us a really big urban environment to explore around.

    @vinny_says said:

    Okay I'll agree that any vehicle besides a horse would be extremely difficult to use on the terrain in a fallout game. All those bumps on the road, rocks to climb, radioactive streams, etc...

    However, there were rumors that the next game would deal with androids, and the possibility of the player actually being a cyborg or some sort of machine instead of a human. Now what if that was true and as it turns out that as a robot man you have a crazy dash move or super sprint or super jump or hover feet or whatever that would be a great help in getting around.

    Would that be out of place in Fallout?

    I don't remember androids having those kinds of abilities, and I don't really want that kind of stuff. I like just being some schmuck in the wasteland. I wouldn't find super human speed or jumping very fun in that universe. If anything I want more opportunities for slower more methodical gameplay. Stalking, sneaking, hunting etc.

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    Sure, they'll just be beyond repair and strewn about the highways and towns.

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    #36  Edited By ch3burashka

    The real answer, the Fallout games aren't for you, apparently.

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    @the_nubster said:

    @geraltitude said:

    if they had Rage style buggies that might be cool but now suddenly you have this whole other game to develop.

    Look how that turned out for RAGE! Buggies were easily the worst part of that game. Having to restock ammo, shields, gadgets, every time you went from city to city was a tedious, awful money- and time-sink. Ugh.

    Regardless, Bethesda's engine would crumble having to deal with something moving that fast over such uneven terrain. There's not a doubt in my mind that the game would be a broken mess if they added that in.

    nah, wasn't my experience. Loved the buggy stuff a lot in Rage. Did all the races, had a great time just blasting bandits wherever I went.

    To each their own. To me, the buggy stuff was in-depth enough to be an issue you had to consider enough while traveling the overworld, but not felshed-out enough to be something that felt meaningful to spend my time doing. As a result, every buggy sequence felt like wasted time and money to me, just an obstacle that got in the way of the shooting. It could have been worse; the vehicle stuff in Borderlands was always so bland, so it was nice to play a similarly-themed game with some actual emphasis put on the vehicles.

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    #38  Edited By Vahleticar

    The car in Fallout 2 (can't remember if the original had a car) would not only get you around the world faster but affected your outdoorsman skill meaning less chance of being ambushed and higher chance of weird rare encounters. It had a trunk for your stuff too. I agree that too much of the same thing and it gets stale. I just don't think we'll find out any time soon

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    I hope there are some options for them. Two of my favorite mods for Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas is a truck for NV and a bike for F3. They are both simply a fast travel vehicle, but requires gasoline (made through crafting), maintenance, and you have to find a spot before you can travel to it. Instead of functioning like a horse in Skyrim, they immerse you in the game and gives a better solution to fast travel around the wasteland without making it feel like teleportation.

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    #40  Edited By Vinny_Says

    The real answer, the Fallout games aren't for you, apparently.

    Yeah guess you're right...what a bunch of boring walking n shit....who would waste their time playing such garbage?

    No Caption Provided guess I'm the idiot :(

    I can't wait for the next Fallout, vehicles or not ;)

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