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    Fable II

    Game » consists of 13 releases. Released Oct 21, 2008

    An action-oriented role-playing game set 500 years after the original Fable, this sequel starts players out in the role of a street urchin destined for greatness.

    zorkeded's Fable II (Xbox 360) review

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    Fable 2 getting better but there are still flaws

    Ok fable 1 was a great game i mean it was fun had a decent amount of quests and sometimes a 4th playthrew might still hold new things but...what was the problem in that game besides the pre-determined path lv wise well...your character aged like 7 dogs put together were like 90 when you beat the game and there wasent enough to buy you never needed to buy potions or weapons they were kinda...givin to you really but the game was still a opener and got most of us hooked
    But now fable 2 is out and it was a great improvement now you have guns and can target individual parts of a enemy...even the grion and...yea thats crule...also you can buy EVERYTHING and you do have to buy a few things such as books unless your lucky and get them in your travles also that age thing was throw out the window was still there during 1 quest you have the option to turn old but i mean how many people did that....seariously...also marrage is kinda fun and theres no more magic so you can spam it till your hearts content of course low lv spells will hurt them but it wont phase them really...also they introdiced std's but i dont see the real point of them since they dont really have a negitive effect...they also kept some things from the first fable and improved them i mean lady grey has even changed...oops did i let that out...but all and all the game isant a real challange the dlc arena kinda is but not really i mean the last guy in the game the very last BAD GUY is killed without a challange i dont even think he can hurt you also after you beat the game theres really nothing to do i mean you can finish buying everything own all the propertys and well...what else? (i am excluding the dollcatcher achievement since i been playing for like 8 months still havent gotten it) well the new dlc was intresting it offered ohhhhhhh 40 mins of new gameplay but the monetster were kinda......generic i mean red shadow yellow shadow and blue shadow i mean cmon seriously?

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