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    My Terrible Art :)

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    Edited By Soap

    A little bit of background reading, I'm a graduate having studied Interactive Video Games Design at the University of Gloucester which ended in July 2010. Since then I've been looking for a job within the industry and also attempting to improve my skills as an artist both 3D and 2D work. However due to the current climate for work getting a job within the industry has proven difficult and here I am six months later still unemployed, which can be a bit of a downer.    

    Ok, so I've been working my hardest to improve my skills throughout the previous months and have decided that I would love some feedback from the Giant Bomb community. 
    Here are 3 pieces that represent my standard of work, although at the moment I would say I'm improving and changing how I draw so much that some of this stuff is already outdated.  

     This is the oldest of the three pieces, I created it in black and white to try and concentrate on my tone as I can struggle with colour. I personally feel the shading could be a bit darker now.   
     This is the oldest of the three pieces, I created it in black and white to try and concentrate on my tone as I can struggle with colour. I personally feel the shading could be a bit darker now.   

     This is a more recent piece, I was trying to use a wider range of colours and to create realistic skin tones and details on the bike. I really like the leg shown as I think that and the foot look pretty realistic. 
     This is a more recent piece, I was trying to use a wider range of colours and to create realistic skin tones and details on the bike. I really like the leg shown as I think that and the foot look pretty realistic. 

     This is my latest piece, unlike the other two this one used zero reference images at all, I think I still have a long way to go before I can even attempt to create work without references but it was a fun challenge. 
     This is my latest piece, unlike the other two this one used zero reference images at all, I think I still have a long way to go before I can even attempt to create work without references but it was a fun challenge. 
    So that's my work at the moment, what do you guys think? I suppose it's hard to pass judgement on anything like this without having seen any of my previous works so here is a piece of concept art I created at university for a game project, it reflects my level of skill at the time, lack of ambition and the tight deadline that I was under when I made it. 

     I'm actually kind of ashamed of this now, but I think it's an important piece of work to understand were I have come from in my development and even looking at it now I can see lessons I need to learn in my current art work.
     I'm actually kind of ashamed of this now, but I think it's an important piece of work to understand were I have come from in my development and even looking at it now I can see lessons I need to learn in my current art work.
    So yeah, that is it. I hope you guys enjoy looking at my crap and if you have any suggestions or general feedback I would love to hear it. If anyone would like to know more about my work or to simply follow what I do you can PM me on the site or follow me on Deviant Art at (sadly a necessary evil) and if this proves to be anything other than a huge failure I may consider making more issues of this blog.  
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    #1  Edited By Soap

    A little bit of background reading, I'm a graduate having studied Interactive Video Games Design at the University of Gloucester which ended in July 2010. Since then I've been looking for a job within the industry and also attempting to improve my skills as an artist both 3D and 2D work. However due to the current climate for work getting a job within the industry has proven difficult and here I am six months later still unemployed, which can be a bit of a downer.    

    Ok, so I've been working my hardest to improve my skills throughout the previous months and have decided that I would love some feedback from the Giant Bomb community. 
    Here are 3 pieces that represent my standard of work, although at the moment I would say I'm improving and changing how I draw so much that some of this stuff is already outdated.  

     This is the oldest of the three pieces, I created it in black and white to try and concentrate on my tone as I can struggle with colour. I personally feel the shading could be a bit darker now.   
     This is the oldest of the three pieces, I created it in black and white to try and concentrate on my tone as I can struggle with colour. I personally feel the shading could be a bit darker now.   

     This is a more recent piece, I was trying to use a wider range of colours and to create realistic skin tones and details on the bike. I really like the leg shown as I think that and the foot look pretty realistic. 
     This is a more recent piece, I was trying to use a wider range of colours and to create realistic skin tones and details on the bike. I really like the leg shown as I think that and the foot look pretty realistic. 

     This is my latest piece, unlike the other two this one used zero reference images at all, I think I still have a long way to go before I can even attempt to create work without references but it was a fun challenge. 
     This is my latest piece, unlike the other two this one used zero reference images at all, I think I still have a long way to go before I can even attempt to create work without references but it was a fun challenge. 
    So that's my work at the moment, what do you guys think? I suppose it's hard to pass judgement on anything like this without having seen any of my previous works so here is a piece of concept art I created at university for a game project, it reflects my level of skill at the time, lack of ambition and the tight deadline that I was under when I made it. 

     I'm actually kind of ashamed of this now, but I think it's an important piece of work to understand were I have come from in my development and even looking at it now I can see lessons I need to learn in my current art work.
     I'm actually kind of ashamed of this now, but I think it's an important piece of work to understand were I have come from in my development and even looking at it now I can see lessons I need to learn in my current art work.
    So yeah, that is it. I hope you guys enjoy looking at my crap and if you have any suggestions or general feedback I would love to hear it. If anyone would like to know more about my work or to simply follow what I do you can PM me on the site or follow me on Deviant Art at (sadly a necessary evil) and if this proves to be anything other than a huge failure I may consider making more issues of this blog.  
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    #2  Edited By HitmanAgent47

    Stay with painting since you can paint better than you can draw. Practice more life drawing and learn anatomy. I think the tone is good, yet you want to establish a light source like where the light is from and where the shadows are going to be because of the light source.    

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    #3  Edited By mubblegum

    I like the painting style you have. You have a good background to work from - I would suggest attending life-drawing, as it comes in very handy for game design and is favored quite well. The one you did most recently without any reference image is fab! Love it. Great use of conveying movement and the style is fantastic. 

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    #4  Edited By Cramsy

    nice art. I'm so sick of the  "omg my art is so bad" shit. Be happy with your work, it looks like you've put a lot of time into it and you should be proud of your skill. 

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    #5  Edited By JJWeatherman

    Not bad. 
    @Cramsy said:

    " nice art. I'm so sick of the  "omg my art is so bad" shit. Be happy with your work, it looks like you've put a lot of time into it and you should be proud of your skill.  "
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    #6  Edited By Soap
    @Cramsy said:
    " nice art. I'm so sick of the  "omg my art is so bad" shit. Be happy with your work, it looks like you've put a lot of time into it and you should be proud of your skill.  "
    Yeah sorry about that, I used to not be that way and I can understand how it can annoy people, sometimes I see the most incredible work and people say it's shit and I just want to freak out at them as it's incredible! 
    I only really got like this a while ago after I went to a jobs fair and someone from a major games company pretty much told me I suck and should give up. :/
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    #7  Edited By inkerman

    I don't like your style, but that's just a personal taste thing, I prefer 'cleaner' pictures.
    What I will say is to work on bodies and anatomy a bit, they're just a little bit off (I would say 'contorted'), especially on the first picture, where one leg seems to be super long, and the character has almost no lower torso.

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    #8  Edited By mubblegum

    It's good to have confidence in your work but remain modest! 

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    #9  Edited By tebbit

    I like it! It's kinda wacky, but that gives it a real charm. 
    @mubblegum said:

    " It's good to have confidence in your work but remain modest!  "
    Or be a total asshole. No half-measures!
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    #10  Edited By HitmanAgent47

    Look maybe go to artschool and fix some of your anatomy mistakes, that's what all the ppl from the videogame industry is looking at. It's not how cool it looks or how stylised things look, it's about how correct things are. There are tons of artist out there that doesn't have any sort of pizass (I can't believe I used that word) to their drawing, yet it's entirely correct. I'm talking about the fundementals. I remember going to life drawing and only paying a few dollars to draw women naked for quite a few hours. I probally went to this for years, yet the figure skills didn't show up in my drawings that well. You should look at some art studios if there is any life drawing sessions available because you need to use the same type of anatomy for figure drawing and cartoons. Like you need to know how the joints connects and stuff like that.

    It's equlivent to throwing punches and kicks with some power, yet making mistakes yourself because you never had an instructor to fix things. Then going out there and getting knocked out in a martial art fight, sort of like the videogame industry or ppl who hires these fighters. Look your not the only one who got a harsh critique from pros in the industry, I got the same thing before. I improved alot from that point, yet I still have alot to improve on. I hope you don't mind me being brutally honest. I still see some potential with your work, however your climb up the mountain will be very steep until you learn better climbing techniques. I myself make mistakes too and i'm aware of it now, so it's good to ask ppl what your mistakes are and try to improve on them. No one is going to look at your work in the industry until you can draw figures correctly, they all see that to tell you the truth. Every artist who is a professional has the same fundemental skills, just different styles, so find out what these fundemental skills are. Good luck.

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    #11  Edited By Soap

    I actually recently completed a 12 week course as St Martins Art School in London for life drawing, it really helped a lot. Having said that it was only once a week and a beginners class, I should look into taking another one. 

    " I like it! It's kinda wacky, but that gives it a real charm. 
    @mubblegum said:
    " It's good to have confidence in your work but remain modest!  "
    Or be a total asshole. No half-measures! "
    If I ever get super good, that is totally my plan ;)
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    #12  Edited By mubblegum
    @Soap said:
    " I actually recently completed a 12 week course as St Martins Art School in London for life drawing, it really helped a lot. Having said that it was only once a week and a beginners class, I should look into taking another one. 
    " I like it! It's kinda wacky, but that gives it a real charm. 
    @mubblegum said:
    " It's good to have confidence in your work but remain modest!  "
    Or be a total asshole. No half-measures! "
    If I ever get super good, that is totally my plan ;) "
    Ahh St Martins is a great uni for that stuff. My friend goes there for graphic design. You're on the right path, just gotta keep going up. It's a very competitive and difficult field.
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    #13  Edited By HitmanAgent47

    If you have been through life drawing classes, I suppose the next class you should take is anatomy. Or else you can simply take an anatomy book then draw out the skeleton then muscles. Do a real study on it drawing stuff from the front side and back angles. It usually ppl makes progress more that way after they get better at life drawing. It sort of puts everything in the right place I suppose.  
    Later steps involves learning light sources and color, however your quite good at coloring, so that should be much easier later on when you get there. For now, once you get the anatomy down, then things will be alot more correct.

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    #14  Edited By valrog

    I'm confused. Why does it say "terrible" in the title?

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    #15  Edited By Jeust

    It's not bad. Better than mine. ahaha

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    #16  Edited By Jambones

    Man, I can't color worth anything, but you seem to pretty adept at it.  
    My only comment is that while I like that you're going for realism, I'd love to see some more dynamic poses such as the first image, The Rider is awesome, but I think it needs a little more "action" in the shot. More perspective? I don't know, lol. It's been a while since I tried my hand at anything vaguely artistic like this.

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    #17  Edited By AhmadMetallic

    you're pretty fucking good brah

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    #18  Edited By Soap
    @Ahmad_Metallic said:
    " you're pretty fucking good brah "
    Thanks Brah!  
    I guess I will probably post another one of these blogs in a few weeks to see if I have made any real progress since now :)
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    #19  Edited By nintendoeats

    I really like everything but the people. Even they are mostly right. Its primarily the faces, which I know are quite difficult. And the positioning on the guy in the first one looks a little off somehow (but don't ask me how, I'm not an expert in such things).

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    #20  Edited By Soap
    @nintendoeats said:
    " I really like everything but the people. Even they are mostly right. Its primarily the faces, which I know are quite difficult. And the positioning on the guy in the first one looks a little off somehow (but don't ask me how, I'm not an expert in such things). "
    Yeah I actually really struggle with the faces, I've been planning to make that my next area to address as  think it will hopefully make a big difference. 

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