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    BlazBlue: Continuum Shift

    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Nov 20, 2009

    The second main installment of the BlazBlue series of fighting games, continuing Ragna's tale of manipulated time while revamping some of the original game's gameplay systems.

    Rare Horrible Rating Review

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    #1  Edited By AnnouncerGXZ

    if this have been talked about before then my bad. everywhere i go i seems to hear people talk good on continuum shift and positive feedback about the game both via reality and internet. now today i stumble on this rare horrible rating of Continuum Shift from.... i think amazon.
     NOTE: I would like to make the "fun" level of stars at 4 but the amazon system won't let me, this review is an OVERALL veiw of the game and how the publisher did it's buyers which is why it's two stars for the game itself, so keep in mind as for the fun level of the game itself is pretty good

    "Before I start let me say I loved Blazblue Calamity Trigger, it was one of the best fighters of the year without a doubt
    As time went by though there became serious problems with the gameplay and it's balance, it needed a patch badly to fix the unfair characters the rules the online play
    Then they release Blazblue continuum shift, and fail miserably
    Characters that were problems such as nu and arakune have been tonned down, but way too tonned down to the point of almost trash unless you're a really experienced player then maybe you can get by, thus making any new players wanting to pick them not likely, others have been tonned down as well but sadly a few weren't, characters like litchi and bang were left not only untouched, but made better
    this ends up making the gameplay more unbalanced and unfair for players than it did when we left calamity trigger

    Other problems is the overpriced game, 40 dollars at first glance looks cheap for a new ps3 game, and infact if you have never played calamity trigger then this is a goood price for you, but for a "new sequel" there hardly isn't anything new
    the main new things are tutorials for players getting started into the game for the first time which isn't much to those that have already played and a poorly written continued story from the last game hardly much new especially when there aren't many that care about the story unless you're a hardcore anime fan
    there are also only 3 new characters, not that they're bad but for a 40 dollar price tagg, moving from calamity trigger to continuum shift isn't a price worth bargaining for, there are other new characters in DLC but each will cost you 8 dollars a pop for 1 character so each new one will cost you 1/5 of what you bought the whole game for, there are also unlimited versions of characters that are new but almost impossible to unlock as you have to beat score attack mode with each one of them to get it (which is REALLY HARD) or you could pay for them online, they're cheap but for a new 40 dollar game the things should have been free and already in the game with a much less impossible way to unlock them that everyone could do

    If you noticed the pattern Aksys is overcharging you for DLC for things that should have come with the game to begin with like more colors, more characters (these characters were obviously in porduction and probably ready by the games release, they just wanted to squeeze every last penny out of you that they could)extra vioces?, and unlimited modes that are almost imposible to unlock normally

    all in all this is just a release full of cheap tricks to make Aksys Games get every last penny out of you that they can
    all the content on this game could have easily been turned into a 25 dollar DLC that they turned around into a 40 dollar game, and still they want to overcharge you with other DLC after you bought the whole new game

    If you don't have Calamity trigger, then you could give this a try, I suggest a rental before buying becuase the gameplay is intense and the unbalanced characters online can drive you insane, or if you never plan to be a type of person to play online or only play with a select group of friends you could also give this a try
    For anyone else, especially those that bought and loved calamity trigger, this is nothing but an overpriced patch being sold to you as a whole new game full of dissapointment

    an article that gives some details about the DLC's can be read here at Japanator titled: Blazblue gets ready to squeeze every last penny from you"
    I would like to say I agree with it but you must know that I dont own the the first blazblue nor have ive played blazblue before. I abslutely agree with the above. it seems more like a patch/dlc than a stand-alone game! i mean come on only TWO new characters added at default and 1 paid character to begin with and 4,5 paid character to come later. why must pay for characters? SUPER SF4 got away with it cause it adds fucking TEN new characters!!!!! thats more than enough to justify a 40 bucks stand-alone game! but contiuum shift just cant justify the 40 bucks! again continuum shift looks more like a dlc or patch! and wtf dlc for new music theme?> voices? ahahaha funny poeple pay for that shiet.
    fun factor of blazblue is top notch i can say that without even playing it yet cause im not just-born fps kiddos. been playing most 2d fighters since the 90s sf2, all kof ect.... and i was in the era of first gen nintendo. blazblue is top notch fun factor... i mean all 2d fighter sis top notch. but just talking about the 40 bucks... its just not justify it. again SUPER sf4 gets away with it due to TEN fucking characters added right off the bat! but contiiuum shift is only fucking TWO new added right off the bat.
    the review above is like taking words right out from my mouth. ive been kepting my opinion quiet cause i wasnt sure of my own opinion due to many people always positive about continuum shift. finally today i stumble upon a rare horrible rating review that i can agree on. 
    at the end of the day for someone who dont own the first blazblue, i bought continuum shift out of fun factor regardless of my pride losing 40 bucks to something that dont worth to be a stand-alone 40 bucks game. i also like the art style, sexy andruids, sexy furries and astonishing 2D-HD graphic. also would like to add that why i didnt bought the first game is cause its only 12 characters! 12 fucking characters!!!!! that reminds me of late 90s Ranma fighting game on super nintendo. this is 2010 12 character is just too less. i promise to myself that whenever a second blazblue game exist, i will not hesitate to get it regardless of anything.... its like a gamble to myself. now second blazblue came quicker than i imagine and it only add 2 characters at default and everything almost the same shiiZzy. yet i fullfill my promise of getting it.
     i think the above gave the fun factor a 4 out of 5 but im giving it a 5 out of 5 or 10 out of 10. 
    if it wannabe a stand-alone game it could of atleast be 29.99.... yeah 29.99 retail would be my opinion if i were give it a price. 29.99 is fair price although still a bit much but makes everybody happy. oh yeah now the 29.99 rmeinds me of tekken 5 dark ressurection. continuum shift seems to be like an update like tekken 5 to tekken 5 dark ressurection and dark ressurection only is 29.99 plus it is in HD. continuum shift suits to be 29.99, dark ressurection added TWO new character and continuum shift adds TWO new character at default... get the similarity? therefore 29.99 would of been for continuum shift. tekken 5 dark ressurection when it first came out it was 29.99 right?
     i want to hear from you too if you have a rare horrible review of contiuum shift also.
    i made a mistake.... i dont give the fun factor a 10. i jus played the game throughly and the fun factor is shiet! 4 out of 10 for fun factor. its fucking too simple! taokaka jus spam x x x x x x and win. noel jus spam hold back x x x x x x x x the commands is too fucking simple.

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    #2  Edited By mwng
    @AnnouncerGXZ said:

    "I would like to say I agree with it but you must know that I dont own the the first blazblue nor have ive played blazblue before. I abslutely agree with the above. "

    You're agreeing with a review and forming your own opinion of the game before playing either version of it?
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    #3  Edited By DocHaus

    First, you are making Mr. Period cry. Learn about these things called "grammar" and "spelling." All the cool kids are doing it.
    Second of all, no one cares about your bad review on Amazon except for those who want to reinforce their own predispositions. PROTIP: Quite a few people on Amazon give bad and good reviews to things without ever using them just to feed the hype machine or make a dumb statement.
    Third, despite your bitching you say that you give it a "fun factor" of 5 out of 5? Then why the fuck are you complaining? The price is too high? Wait for it to fucking drop then. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy the game or the DLC. You already bought it or you thought of buying it? It's a bit hard to tell what with the awful grammar (see point #1).
    Fuck, I just wasted a few minutes of my life responding to a troll.

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    #4  Edited By CaptainCody


    God, my head is full of fuck.
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    #5  Edited By trophyhunter

    I've seen a dozen street fighter 4 reviews that give it a 1 out of 10, because they didn't know what a quarter circle was.

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    You found that review on amazon?  Or you wrote it out yourself?
    And that review is too nonsensical to refute. 

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    #7  Edited By Lind_L_Taylor

    I didn't bother reading all that crap.  Far too convoluted. Was he saying the
    game sucked or not?  I'm assuming it did.

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    #8  Edited By Amethyst

    The mere fact the reviewer starts complaining he can't numerically display the ethereal "fun" factor through a star rating is only one of the many things wrong with this review. I'm all for disparate points of view, but this is just poorly written and uninformed. Then again, it's an Amazon review.   Also, I fully agree with the following:

    " @AnnouncerGXZ said:

    "I would like to say I agree with it but you must know that I dont own the the first blazblue nor have ive played blazblue before. I abslutely agree with the above. "

     You're agreeing with a review and forming your own opinion of the game before playing either version of it? "
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    #9  Edited By ricetopher

    I don't care if I can't quite understand what he's trying to say, AnnouncerGXZ's posts are so unintentionally funny that it makes my day.

    I salute you, AnnouncerGXZ and your not very solid grammar.

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    #10  Edited By vaiz


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    #11  Edited By drac96

    The story was badly written? Judging by the extreme nonsensical nature of the review, I'd say the reviewer has absolutely no idea what a well written story is like. Also how the hell were Litchi and Bang untouched, but got better? Impossible!

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    #12  Edited By Vonocourt
    @AnnouncerGXZ said:
    "fun factor of blazblue is top notch i can say that without even playing it yet cause im not just-born fps kiddos. been playing most 2d fighters since the 90s sf2, all kof ect.... and i was in the era of first gen nintendo. blazblue is top notch fun factor... i mean all 2d fighter sis top notch.  "
    I'm sorry, but this does not make any sense.
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    #13  Edited By Ghost249
    @AnnouncerGXZ said:

    This entire statement from the guy on Amazon, is trash...
    1. He's contradicts himself...
    2. BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger had more unbalanced characters... (in my opinion: Tager, Arakune, and Nu-13)
    3. Quit bitching about the price, BB:CT was $60 on launch, so BB:CS $40 is better for a sequel
    4.Your grammar sucks, and ever heard of Spell-check?
    5. They made it score attack for unlimited characters so that people who would like a challenge of earning their unlimited rather then buying them. P.S. Score attack is not impossible, you just suck (I did it with lambda and that was HARD not impossible :| )
    6.  Like Dochaus said

    No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy the game or the DLC. You already bought it or you thought of buying it? It's a bit hard to tell what with the awful grammar (see point #1).

     and the hell is this?
    And this is the most horrifying shit I ever saw...I rather gouge my eyes out...
    also once again, Hypocrite... seriously...the fuck kind of complaining is this?
    I cannot believe I let this ruin my day and having me rage after reading this >.<
    There's always idiots on the internet somewhere...
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    #14  Edited By EuanDewar

    "then this is a goood price for you "  
    Its goooooood
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    #15  Edited By Ace829

    AnnouncerGXZ is the new govermentcheese?

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    #16  Edited By Jazz

    You know...I totally agree with this guy. 
    I too have been waiting for a negative review of this game i have played in order to make my voice be heard..for I can not speak alone. I am legion. 
    I have been playing 2d fighters since SFII on the amiga and while I give Blazblue: CS a fun rating of 7/9 I have to say that it's a ripoff of the largest kind. 
    My first problem with Blazblue is one i've had since the first game. The story. Everyone knows that fighting game stories have 3 things. a) Evil Corporation/Criminal agency. b) Determined main character looking for revenge due to a tragic past caused by a) and finally c) Tournament of fighters. Blazblue does not follow this mold. It's a travesty. They actually attempt to tell a coherent narrative in an anime (is for jerks) style. Well look who's laughing now Arksys. Nobody cares about Rawgna and Jun kissyourassi.
    My second problem is the lack of new characters. SSFIV has 10 new characters, old favourites like T.Hawk, Deejay, Cody, Guy and new challengers like Juri and the Oily guy. Blazblue has the indecency to only offer 2 completely new characters, 1 reworked clone, and 3 DLC characters. How can they get away with this? 2 new characters against..........Juri and oily guy? 
    Also the DLC. How dare they make me pay for new colours and unlocking of the unlimited characters when they are obviously on the disc. No other fighting game makes you pay through the nose for new costumes and unlocking characters they don't have...which you can get through score attack. 
    but most of all 
    How DARE they make it difficult to pull off combos that they show you in the challenge mode while using an arcade stick. 
    This game sucks so badly, i may just use the disc as a drinks coaster.

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