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    BlazBlue: Continuum Shift

    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Nov 20, 2009

    The second main installment of the BlazBlue series of fighting games, continuing Ragna's tale of manipulated time while revamping some of the original game's gameplay systems.

    "Help Me, Professor Kokonoe!" (FAQ/Advice thread)

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    #1  Edited By DocHaus

    Well, they have a similar thread in the SSF4 forum, so I figured we could use one here. 
    This shall be a place to air your grievances about matchups and game mechanics or impart your glorious wisdom to the masses to solve those problems. Just to add some content to this thread, I will try to start off with some basic FAQs.

    What are the controls?

    For the record, the control scheme usually used is numbers 1-9 to describe direction, and letters A-D to describe the button used.
    Imagine your character is on the left side facing the opponent on the right. the stick by default looks like this.
    So if someone says "236C" for example, start at the bottom and rotate the stick a quarter-circle forward (or QCF in Street Fighter terminology) just as you press the C on 6.
    By default, the A-B-C-D on a controller looks sort of like this.
        /       \
    A            C
         \         /
    If that looks awkward, blame the shitty formatting, but on a 360 controller...
    A= B= C= D=     
    And on PS3...
    A= B= C= D=  
    Feel free to change it to whatever suits you, that's why we use A through D instead when referring to button presses. Or just buy a fighting stick (unlike me).

    How do I play this game?

    There's a tutorial mode at the start menu. Go into it, and the voice of Rachel will teach you all the basics with Ragna, possibly the closest thing they have to a Ryu we have in this game, though don't expect any fireballs with him.

    I don't wanna do a training mode!

    Look, this training mode doesn't just teach you about the game, it teaches you the basics not just for Continuum Shift, but some fundamental things about fighting games in general like cancelling, guard breaking, and pulling off combos with special moves. Just deal with it. You'll even get an achievement/trophy for finishing it!
    You're still here, aren't you?
    Okay fine, I guess I can try and sum up the basic mechanics that are relevant to this particular game.
    -- Movement: Pushing the stick towards your opponent moves your character forward. Pushing it in the other direction moves them backward. Pushing the stick down will cause your character to crouch, and pushing it up makes them jump. Simple, no?  Pushing backwards while the opponent attacks will make your character automatically attempt to block it. Pushing diagonally down and backwards will make your character block low, while pushing normal backwards will make him/her/it block high. This is important, as low attacks will go under a high block, and overhead attacks will beat a low block. On top of that, there are special grapple and unblockable attacks, but don't worry about those yet. Master basic motor functions, then come back.
    -- Basic Attacks: Pushing the A-D buttons will cause your character to attack with varying degrees of speed and power. For example: the A button will usually be a short, fast attack with minimal damage. Such attacks are useful for poking your opponent to gauge the distance of your attacks or to pre-empt your enemy when he/she/it tries to launch a stronger but slower melee attack. B button attacks will often have longer range and more power, but are slightly slower than A. C attacks are useful for dealing out pain, but are not as fast as the previous two.
    -- Drive Attacks: Every character has a unique Drive that can be activated by pressing the D button. Ragna's Soul Eater allows him to steal a tiny fraction of health and dish out more damage than normal when he connects. Jin can freeze you in a block of ice. Noel can dance around and perform gun-kata moves. Taokaka can fly across the whole screen and claw you in the face. Try different combinations of the D button with the stick and see how it works with your character.
    --Barriers: If you ever touched a fighting game before, you know that pushing the stick away from your opponent as he/she/it attacks will make your character block. Pushing block and hitting the A+B at the same time, however, will bring up a barrier in front of your character that will block the attack AND any chip damage. Unlike your normal block, it takes slightly longer for you to transition into an offensive move. However, barriers can cause the enemy to be pushed back a little further when he/she/it strikes your barrier. Keep in mind that like a normal block, barriers can be beaten if, for example, the enemy uses a low attack while you block high or vice-versa. Also, you can run out of barrier energy if you use too much at once, so be careful not to turtle with barrier too much.
    --Meter: That blue glowing bar on the bottom of the screen lets you do Distortion Drives, Astral Heats and some special cancelling. Like SSF4, you can gain meter by attacking your opponent, blocking your opponent, or eating your opponent's moves. Unlike SSF4, you gain more meter by wailing on the opponent than having them wail on you. 
    (NOTE: Hakumen's meter is slightly different in that it will charge up with time passed, regardless of what you do with it. The downside is that nearly all of his special moves require at least some dots above the meter, or "magatama", to be filled and will have to be refilled once the special is launched.)
    --Instant Blocking (IB): If you block or block with barrier at the exact moment your opponent's attack hits you, then your character will briefly flash, giving you an extra few frames of time to counterattack. Quite useful when your opponent is spamming you with Jin's Ice Car or Ragna's Hell's Fang, and as a bonus, you get some more meter filled! As Rachel says in the tutorial, time your block/barrier block just a moment before you think the attack will hit you, so if you're right, you get an IB. If not, then you get a normal block and take less damage anyway.
    --Rapid Cancel: There are normal cancelling moves you can do by dashing or jumping when the animation for an attack is just about finished, essentially stringing together combos that would otherwise be difficult with your character's reach. There is also a Rapid Cancel in this game. If you have at least 50% meter, hit A-B-C at the same time in the middle of a combo. The announcer will say "RAPID" and your character will drop whatever he/she/it was doing so you can restart your combo or transition into a new one. Be certain you have some other attack lined up when you use this, because otherwise you just pissed half of your meter down the drain for no reason.
    --Bursting: Hitting all four attack buttons at the same will cause your character to unleash a sort of anime chi explosion that will send your opponent flying across the screen. Particularly useful if your opponent is rushing you down and/or raping you in the corner. However, you only have a total of 2 to use in the entire match, so don't plan on using it unless you really have to. 
    (NOTE: If you play in Beginner Mode, you will not be able to Burst at all. On an unrelated note, if you continually play in Beginner Mode online I will hate you forever.)
    --Guard Primer: Those little yellowish nubs below your health bar? Those indicate your "Guard Primer." This is done to prevent turtling, and the amount of yellowy nubs you have varies from character to character (for example: Tager gets 10 while Noel gets 4.) Some attacks will weaken or eliminate a Guard Primer when they hit a guarding opponent, and when all of them are gone, the character enters Guard Crush. Essentially, this means you are stunned for several seconds and the opponent can go to town on your ass. Also, Bursting will eliminate half of your Guard Primer as payment.
    --Throwing and Escaping Throws: To do a basic throw move, hit B+C at the same time. Every character has three different basic throw moves: the standard move which can be triggered by hitting B+C with your stick in neutral or forward position, the backwards throw that is done by hitting B+C and moving the stick away from the opponent, and the air throw that can be used, hitting B+C in the air. Some characters also have special throw moves as well, like Tager's 360 A or B. To escape almost any of these throws, whenever you see a green or purple exclamation point above your character's head, mash B+C as fast as you can or you will be tossed like a fresh salad. If the ! is green, you will only have a few frames to escape. If the !! is purple, then you will have a slightly longer time frame to escape.
    --Superjumping and Airdashing: One cool thing about this game is that you can fly around the screen to create wicked combos or at least keep some distance from your opponent. If you have to braincells to spark together, you should know that pushing the stick up will make your character jump. To do a "super jump," briefly tap down on your stick before you tap it up again to let your character achieve greater heights than before. As for airdashing, after your character jumps in the air, simply tap forward or backward twice and your character will dash towards or away from the opponent.
    (NOTE: Tager can do a standing backdash and a normal jump, but he cannot dash forward or airdash at all due to his GIGANTIC!TAGER size. Taokaka and Arakune can airdash twice, and Bang can do it as well if he hits a well-placed nail.)
    -- Distortion Drive/Astral Heat: You know what a super/ultra attack is? Essentially, the screen gets a bit darker as your character pulls off a super special move that can turn the tide of battle or humiliate your opponent if used correctly. Every single character has different Distortion Drives to learn and conditions to be successful, but the one thing they have in common is that you need at least 50% to pull them off.  Some, like Ragna's Carnage Scissors, can be used to cross the screen in an instant. Others, like Tager's Magna-Tech Wheel, require you to be within a short distance of the target. Practice them to learn the situations for when they will or will not work or you will have burned through half your meter for nothing.
    As for Astral Heats, there are a few conditions that have to be met before you can pull one off: First, you need 100% of your meter filled. Second, you must have at least one Burst icon left. Third, your opponent must be at 30% or lower health (their health bar will be orange to indicate this). Fourth, the round where you pull off the Astral Heat must be the last one you need to win the match if it connects. Like Distortion Drives, every character has a different method and a different animation to pull them off, so be aware of them as well.
    Having said all that, Astral Heats are mostly used to humiliate your opponent rather than a reliable tactic, so if you are a beginner to this game, do not worry so much about pulling them off and focus on the basics instead.

    Where can I find some more info on this game?

    Look, I'm not the best BB:CS player (after all, I'm currently maining Tager fer crissake), but you can learn from people who are better than me at this thing or main the character that you prefer.
    For starters: go to the Dustloop forums. They have everything you want from general strategies and videos to character-specific info and threads. People there will be willing to answer most of your questions if you wish to delurk and post, but like all forums with...dedicated people, there are posters who will verbally chew you out if you sound too whiny.
    Also, Taunt Loop and the BBVlog post some interesting BB:CS videos on YouTube every so often, so check them out.

    How do I unlock Mu-12?

    Beat the Story mode's "True Ending." At minimum, you have to run through the stories of Ragna, Jin, Noel, Tsubaki, Hakumen and Hazama before you can reach the True Ending. Winning the matches in story mode on default difficulty is about as hard as beating up a 5-year-old, so don't worry about it, though Unlimited Hazama can be annoying on some characters' stages. It should take you about 3-5 hours if you get the Clear story ending for the aforementioned characters, though every character (except for Hakumen and Hazama) has three endings: a normal CLEAR ending, an alternative "bad" ending (which results in a "Help Me, Professor Kokonoe!" sketch), or a Joke ending which can range from annoying to hilarious. Except for Lambda-11. All her endings are just depressing.
    If you want a summary of how to complete each story path and can deal with Kokonoe hating you, then go here.
    Or if you would prefer not to deal with the story of ANIME: THE GAME and have money to burn, you can pay the equivalent of $2 and unlock Mu-12 instantly from the XBL/PSN marketplace.

    How do I unlock Unlimited characters?

    Beat the Score Attack mode, you will unlock the Unlimited version of the character you beat it with. I'm sorry, I know you are probably going to rend your garnments and gnash your teeth just to win with a good character, let alone Rachel, with this method. Unfortunately, this is one of the ways that ArcSys hates you. The first character may hurt beginners, while the Unlimited Versions with the cheapass AI will make even the experts curse everyone involved in the making of this game.
    Alternatively, you can pony up $1 to unlock an individual's Unlimited mode or $5 for the whole set, so if you have an hourly paycheck or can beg your parents for enough cash I'd say go for it and save yourself the stress-inducing ulcer. Don't feel bad, even some of the tourney-level players hate this grinding method. On the other hand, do consider that you won't be able to play an Unlimited character outside of a Player Match or offline match that allows it, so ask if you really need to spend money on it. 
    On another note, the DLC characters come packaged with their Unlimited mode already unlocked.
    (NOTE: Unlimited chars on PSN are $5.99 but the package includes Mu-12)

    How do I unlock Makoto/Valkenhayn/Trinity?

    Pay the equivalent of $7-8 each when they come out. There might be a combo pack when all three are released, but right now I don't have any proof if that will happen, just conjecture. I know, you don't want to hear this, but do consider that you already got the game $20 cheaper than a normal release would have run. The online patches will allow you to still play against people who do have the character, so if you don't feel like playing as Squirrel Tits or Vampire Butler, then save your money and beat on those who paid for them with your favorite character.
    Welp, that's it for now. If there are any more questions that need answering, I will do my best to answer them, but for most character-specific questions you should probably lurk around Dustloop rather than listen to me. I will do my best to sum up stuff I find, and hopefully others around here will contribute as well.
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    #2  Edited By mwng

    Super! Jubei approves.
    Aksys provided some videos to help with the transition too.

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    #3  Edited By Ace829

    This is magnificent.
    Might as well add something too.
    Here's the DLC list as of right now from the Aksys Games site.

    Additional Character Colors #1 – 320 MS Points / $4.99 PSN
    Additional Character Colors #2 – 320 MS Points / $4.99 PSN
    Additional Character Colors #3 – 320 MS Points / $4.99 PSN

    Additional System Voice Type-M – 400 MS Points / $5.99 PSN
    Additional System Voice Type-C – 400 MS Points / $5.99 PSN
    Additional System Voice Type-K – 400 MS Points / $5.99 PSN

    Gamer Picture Pack: Rebel 1 – 160 MS Points
    Gamer Picture Pack: Rebel 2 – 160 MS Points
    Gamer Picture Pack: Rebel 3 – 160 MS Points
    Gamer Picture Pack: Rebel 4 – 160 MS Points
    Gamer Picture Pack: Rebel 5 – 160 MS Points
    Gamer Picture Pack: Rebel 6 – 160 MS Points
    Gamer Picture Pack: Rebel 7 – 160 MS Points

    Unlock Unlimited Ragna – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Hazama – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Mu – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Haku-men – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Lambda – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Tsubaki – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Carl – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Bang 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Arakune – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Taokaka – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Rachel – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Litchi – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Tager – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Jin – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock Unlimited Noel – 40 MS Points / $.59 PSN
    Unlock All Unlimited Characters – 400 MS Points / $5.99 PSN

    Unlock Playable Character Mu – 160 MS Points / $1.99 PSN

    Makoto Nanaya Playable Character – 560 MS Points / $7.99 PSN

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    #4  Edited By Ghost249

    Unlimited Chars on PSN are $5.99 But it includes Mu-12
    Also  try this and this for PS3

     A= B= C= D=
    and this for Xbox 
     A= B= C= D=
    Edit: Hope this helps a bit

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    #5  Edited By DocHaus
    @Ghost249: Thank you, I stole some of your info and pasted it in the OP. Hope you don't mind.
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    #6  Edited By DocHaus

    Sorry for the double-post. I considered adding this to the OP, but seeing this will be highly subjective, I thought I'd just make a new post instead and see if any flame wars start as a result. 

    Which character should I use to start off with?

    Well...I think you should fiddle around the story or arcade mode with each one until you can find a character you do decently well with. However, if you want some advice on each character's playstyle, I guess I can sum up their main points.

    Ragna the Bloodedge

    If you like slightly easy combos, special moves that can quickly close the distance, draining your opponents' health and hearing INFERNO DIVIDAH! (think: Shoryuken! with a sword) several times, choose this guy.

    Jin Kisaragi

    If you are new to the game and like ICE CARS, flying ICE BLADES, freezing opponents in blocks of ice, Iaido-based attacks (a la Johnny), and did I mention ICE CARS? Then pick this guy.


    If you like fragile speedsters with ADHD who fly across the screen faster than anyone else and are skilled enough to give your opponent death by a thousand cuts, and if you have the patience to learn her combos while dodging your enemy's attacks, Taokaka is your main.

    Noel Vermillion

    If you like small rushdown characters with surprisingly close-range gun-kata moves, are willing to put forth the effort to learn her combos, or just like annoying the fuck out of "scrubs" online by spamming the Drive button until they smash their controller in RAGE, then pick Noel.

    Litchi Faye Ling

    If you like having some of the greatest melee range in the game, a staff that can help set up combos practically anywhere on the screen, a cute, tiny panda living in your hair or are just a whore for tier lists, then pick Litchi.

    Iron Tager

    If you like doing REAL SOVIET DAMAGE! with minimal effort, the POWER OF MAGNETISM! or if you prefer grappling characters in your fighting games then Tager is for you. If you don't like  being the slowest character in the game or having a Texas-sized hitbox, then pick someone else.


    If you like curses, BEEEEEEEEEES! or annoying your opponents and playing a good defensive zoning game (again, with BEEEEEEEES!) while learning combos capable of delivering damage of up to several thousand HP in one string, then Arakune is your main.

    Carl Clover

    If you like putting in a good amount of time and effort and you think you can turn a character with incredibly low HP and attack power into an unstoppable combo machine with the help of his robotic "sister," or if the idea of controlling two characters at the same time sounds like a good challenge to you, then pick Carl Clover (and pick up his sister Ada/Nirvana for free!).

    Bang Shishigami

    If you like self-parodying anime characters, BURNING SPIRIT, or combining surprising speed and attack power into combos of awesome fury, then Bang is for you.

    Rachel Alucard

    If you like being a masochist and playing a defensive zoning game with almost none of the damage to help you back it up, if you like placing lightning rods or frogs or cats that turn into chairs that shock people just to fuck with the enemy, or if you like playing as Dan in the Street Fighter series just to prove a point against "scrubs," then pick Rachel, and good luck.


    If you want to do lots of damage with almost no combos necessary, if you like the idea of a Drive that focuses on countering the enemy's attacks, or if you just like holding a Big Freaking Sword in your hands that does tons of damage with each swing, then pick Hakumen.


    If you want to play a mostly long-range character who can summon magic swords out of thin air and cut through the opponent with them, Lambda is your main.


    If you like big butts and you cannot lie, long-range magic sword attacks, and lasers that can bounce around and hit the enemy almost anywhere around the screen, then Mu is for you.

    Tsubaki Yayoi

    If you like having the amazing combos and flashy attacks of Ragna with only about 80% of the damage and like the extra challenge of building up a power meter for Drive attacks before the opponent smacks you out of your charge, then pick Tsubaki.


    If you like being a scheming evil bastard, learning to keep your opponent in the air longer than a small child on a moonbounce, cutting your foes to death with a knife or kicking your opponent so hard he/she/it hits the ceiling (JAYOKU HOUTENJIN!), then Hazama is your guy.

    Makoto Nanaya

    If you like squirrel tits, fast mix-ups, Drive attacks that charge a lot quicker than Tsubaki, breaking the fucking moon with your fist, a counter that can negate nearly 75% of attacks if timed right or simply liked to play as Dudley in SSF4, then Makoto should be your new best friend.
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    #7  Edited By Urmean

    I thought that in this game, they changed Haku-men's meter; that attacking helped to fill it up faster.

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    #8  Edited By Hailinel
    @DocHaus:   That is an awesome rundown of the characters.  Though, you left out one reason to pick Rachel.  The enjoyment of lording over your inferiors in a condescending manner.
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    #9  Edited By ESREVER
    @Hailinel said:
    " @DocHaus:   That is an awesome rundown of the characters.  Though, you left out one reason to pick Rachel.  The enjoyment of lording over your inferiors in a condescending manner. "
    I had to sit in a corner and cry after I got done playing the tutorial for BB:CS. I'm not use to that kind of verbal abuse ;-;
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    #10  Edited By Hailinel
    @ESREVER said:
    " @Hailinel said:
    " @DocHaus:   That is an awesome rundown of the characters.  Though, you left out one reason to pick Rachel.  The enjoyment of lording over your inferiors in a condescending manner. "
    I had to sit in a corner and cry after I got done playing the tutorial for BB:CS. I'm not use to that kind of verbal abuse ;-; "
    Continuum Shift has quite easily the best fighting game tutorial I have ever seen in my life.
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    #11  Edited By ESREVER
    @Hailinel said:
    " @ESREVER said:
    " @Hailinel said:
    " @DocHaus:   That is an awesome rundown of the characters.  Though, you left out one reason to pick Rachel.  The enjoyment of lording over your inferiors in a condescending manner. "
    I had to sit in a corner and cry after I got done playing the tutorial for BB:CS. I'm not use to that kind of verbal abuse ;-; "
    Continuum Shift has quite easily the best fighting game tutorial I have ever seen in my life. "
    Oh I agree. It would have been neat to have been able to pick your tutor though. You know, for those of us who do not wish to be barraged by verbal insults. But it accomplishes what it sets out to do, and that is to teach the player the mechanics of the game while cutting them down to size via Rachel.
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    #12  Edited By Vade

    Challenge mode. I am disappoint. Carl challenges way too easy. They should have had stuff like Hazama #10.

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    #13  Edited By Urmean

    I am literally seething with rage at Score Attack's Hazama. The speed he can do inputs and the combos he does have reduced me to a jabbering man-ape, yelling and screaming at the screen.

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    #14  Edited By DocHaus
    Even good players have a hell of a time beating Unlimited Hazama in Score Attack mode. At some point, the AI just becomes a cheating bastard, and there's not much you can do about it. The only advice I can give is to try and keep your distance from Hazama, maybe do an occasional neutral jump and bait him into making the first move so you can hit him with a combo in response. If he's got heat >= 50%, then be careful of his "Rekkasan" DD which can hit you as long as you are standing on the ground when he activates it. Aside from that, good luck, as I didn't even get that far.
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    #15  Edited By CrimsonHigh
    @DocHaus:  Unlimited Hazama button reads but he does not take distance into account, so you can spam 5A to "bait" out a Houtenjin from a safe distance. 
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    #16  Edited By Karolis

    All of this is great, but shouldn't it be in a guide? And you could use this thread to keep each other posted with the changes and whatnot. Just my 2 cents, feel free to disregard.

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    #17  Edited By DocHaus

    UPDATE: There is now version 1.0 of a BlazBlue: Continuum Shift guide, huzzah!
    I'm considering adding in character-specific information later on. Good news is the code-monkeys fixed it so the table of contents can be rearranged. Bad news is you're only allowed to move any section up or down one space at a time, and lord help you if you have to move it through a subheading section. Still better than the previous version when you had to deal with a table of contents that stayed static and wouldn't let you change anything.

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    #18  Edited By Hailinel
    @DocHaus:   Nice work!  Thanks for putting the guide together. :)
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    #19  Edited By Three0neFive

    As a fighting game newb I've been curious about BlazBlue for a while now, but I think this thread finally gave me the knowlege (and courage :P) I need to break into it. Definitely buying as soon as I get my broke ass some money.
    Seriously, thanks. This thread is awesome. :)

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    #20  Edited By mwng

    Awsome! Look forward to the updates!

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    #21  Edited By DocHaus

    Version 1.01: Fixed a couple spelling errors and added some gameplay info on Ragna the Bloodedge thanks to Dustloop, GameFAQs, and what I remember from my own playing time before my XBOX went kaput. Countdown to pro Ragna player telling me how wrong I am begins now. I figure more info is better for a guide, so let me know if there are any other things you would like to contribute or see me add to it.

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    #22  Edited By mwng
    @DocHaus: Thought I'd try and add a section on Tao in the same style as your Ragna guide. Take it or leave it! (Also suggest adding your Ragna guide to the Ragna page!)


    • Fastest character of the cast.
    • Relitively high damage combos.
    • Many options for mix-ups.
    • Has the lowest HP of the cast (9500).
    • Complex combos.
    • Very few defensive options.
    • Dancing Edge: Reckless Kitty (D): Taokaka's drive will propel her across the screen towards her opponent, claws out. She can do this up to 3 times in the air, the 3rd drive always being neutral. At any point (even if it makes contact with the opponent) the drive can be cancelled using any of the 3 attack buttons. Pressing A will cause Tao to come to an abrupt halt, pressing B will cause Tao to use some ninja skills to pass through her opponent and finally C will cause her to stop by jumping up in the air.
    Basic Special Moves:
    • Cat Spirit One! (236A): Tao reaches out with her claws for a slash attack that can be repeated multiple times. Quick but not very damaging.
    • Cast Spirit Two! (236B in midair): Tao attacks horizontally with her feet for a total of 5 hits, the 5th hit being more powerful and knocking the opponent away. Normally used to end air combos.
    • Cat Spirit Three! (236C): Much like Cat Spirit One! this move is repeatable, only this time Tao will advance across the screen with each hit. Cat Spirit Three! is also far slower, but the initial hit has an overhead property and can be used as a launcher for Tao to break into an air combo. This move is also delayable by holding the C button and can be used to follow up a successful 6C hit or back throw.
    • Kitty Litter Special! (214A/B/C): Tao will hurl a variety of objects at her opponent depending on the button and her mood. The A version of this move will throw items in an arc and can be used to knock opponents out of the air, although it's not recomended. The B version will throw projectiles straight at the opponent; baseballs will travel the screen twice if they do not hit the opponent first time. C will cause Tao to pull a bowling ball from... somewhere? Rolling it slowly along the ground, the C version is also delayable by holding C. Tao is not really designed to be throwing stuff other than herself at her opponent so these moves are often largely ignored. 
    NOTE: Taokaka can actually crawl under most projectiles in the game using 1 or 3!
    • Cat Jump! (214D): Tao will jump right next to her opponent causing no damage.
    IMPORTANT: This move is the main component of the fabled "taunt loop". Taunt loops are Tao's ace in the hole and consist of: S (taunt) > 214D > j.2D~B, they can technically be executed forever but require some pretty exact timing. Even with BlazBlue's great net code they can be very difficult to perform online.
    • Sticky Kitty! (214D in midair): Tao will attach herself to the side of the screen and slide down for as long as D is held down. This move is all kinds of useful for nudging your opponent out of the corner or just general mix-ups.
    • Trick Edge (charge 2-8D): Tao will look like she is performing "Sticky Kitty!" but will then drive toward her opponent for slightly higher damage than a regular drive.
    • Slashy-Slashy! (22C): Tao will crouch and shoot her nails upward for multiple hits. This move isn't particularly useful.
    Distortion Drives:
    • Cat Person's Secret Art: Hexa-Edge (236236D): Tao explodes towards her opponent claws out swiping at them 5 times, the 5th hit doing the majority of the damage. When trapped in a corner, this, bursting and counter assault are your only ways out.
    • I'mma Beat The Crap Outta You! (214214C): This is for that tuna! Tao pounces on her opponent command grab style and after "beating the crap outta them" will launch her opponent into the air allowing for a follow-up on the way down. While this cannot be teched, simply ducking will void the pounce making it easy to punish.
    • Almost Becoming Two! (236236B): Tao creates a shadow clone that will follow her every move (17 frames slower) for a short period of time. However damage is cut in half for the duration to balance out the extra hits. There are a lot of very strange gimmicks you can pull with this distortion drive, although it's not the most reliable source of damage.
    Astral Heat:
    • Attack Meow Pow! (charge 4-128D): Much like "Trick Edge" Tao will jump back to the edge of the screen and perform what looks like a "Sticky Kitty!" before driving at her opponent, transporting them to magical fish land, juggling them around with Kaka kittens and having Jubei finish them off. This will not hit if your opponent is a full screen length away and can be jumped/countered or blocked. All of which will leave you VERY open to attack.
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    #23  Edited By Vade

    Nice job, both of you. I'd do Carl but I'm lazy and no one would read it anyway. Anyone who mains Carl has dustloop on bookmarks and they're usually very competent. Except me, I drop combos like no tomorrow.

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    #24  Edited By DocHaus
    Thanks, Taokaka info has been inserted into v1.02

    If you wouldn't mind doing a small writeup for Carl Clover, that would be appreciated. Yes, I know that people are more likely to hit Dustloop than GB for character-specific info, but I'm trying to reach out to those folks who don't quite know about the wonders of Dustloop, let alone BlazBlue:CS.
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    #25  Edited By mwng
    @DocHaus: No worries! You might have sheared a little off the end of the astral finish paragraph though :P
    Edit: Noticed you added a drive section to the guide too! Edited the Tao post accordingly (also fixed the taunt loop input as it makes more sense this way round, sorry!), although yours is equally as good. Also nice work on the Tager write up!
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    #26  Edited By DocHaus

    Version 1.04, now with Jin Kisaragi info as I wait for my console to return.

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