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Giant Bomb News


The Community Spotlight - 04/22/2017

This Community Spotlight is awakening some feelings in me that I didn't know existed.

Congratulations to the Beastcast for reaching its 100th episode!
Congratulations to the Beastcast for reaching its 100th episode!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and as always I, ZombiePie, am honored to be your host. We have a lot to talk about this week. Whether it be ill-fated charity drives, or podcast milestones, a lot happened in what should have been a "quiet" Springtime week. Nonetheless, feel free to read all about what the community has been up to over the past few days. For example, let's talk about recent additions to the Giant Bomb Moderation Team!

Clips Of The Week

Beastcast Episode 99 GB Animation! (By: @clintlandon)

clintlandon animated the Beastcast pretending to be a children's show on its 99th episode in honor of the podcast reaching its 100th episode recently. Give it a watch, and thank him for animating the clip!

Best of Film & 40s for Tokyo Drift (By: @mendelson9)

Mendelson9 synched the funniest quips from Giant Bomb's Film & 40s for Tokyo Drift to the movie! Enjoy the racing-based hilarity.

DuckTales DMV (Dan Music Video) (By: Ucantalas)

Ucantalas synched Dan's rendition of the DuckTales theme with the actual T.V. opening on this DMV (i.e. Dan Music Video).

Giant Bomb Galleria

BANNER - Beastcast 100th Episode Tribute T-shirt (By: blakestevenson)

Over on Twitter, blakestevenson created this AMAZING T-shirt design as a tribute for The Giant Beastcast's 100th episode!

Community Activities

Help raise money for Pencils of Promis NOW!
Help raise money for Pencils of Promis NOW!

Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run VII (By: @thatpinguino)

The Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run is back, and this year is trying to raise money for Pencils of Promise's WASH Program! Speaking of which....

My GBCER7 Plans Are Varied And Dumb (By: @thatpinguino)

ThatPinguino has a plan on how he's going to raise money for charity for the GBCER VII! Read about it, and learn how you can help him!

Fighting Final Fantasy: Charity Edition (OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE!) (By: @zombiepie)

Meanwhile, Giant Bomb moderator ZombiePie has an idea for his GBCER VII charity stream. It's a bad idea that could "BREAK" HIM.

Best Of Blogs

It seems everyone can't stop thinking about Persona 5
It seems everyone can't stop thinking about Persona 5

Persona 5: Friendship, Freedom, and Fresh Music (After Game Thoughts) [SPOILERS!] (By: @revolve)

revolve finished Persona 5, and drafted this blog on why he enjoyed its depiction of friendship amidst despair, and why he is going to miss the game.

Persona 5 Pulls its Punches (By: @ghosthouse)

GhostHouse has been playing Persona 5 and talks about why he thinks its story "pulls its punches" as the game reaches its final act.

My Attempt To Conceptually Improve The Souls Games (By: @ezekiel)

Ezekiel believes there is a way to objectively improve the Souls games conceptually while preserving the spirit of the franchise. Give it a read and comment if you think his plan could work.

Say it aint Souls!
Say it aint Souls!

More Overwatch Co-op Can And Will Be Good (By: @dinoracha)

Dinoracha's latest blog is on how Overwatch would benefit from expanding its lore by developing more Player versus Environment events.

BOXBOY! Is A Miniature Gem And Yet More Proof Of Nintendo's Mastery Of The "Small" Downloadable Game. (By: @bigsocrates)

BigSocrates found BOXBOY! to be a "perfect puzzle platformer." Whether it be its bite-sized levels or undeniable charm, BigSocrates was thoroughly impressed with his time playing BOXBOY!

All-New Saturday Summaries 2017-04-22 (By: @mento)

Boxboy is the most charming polyiginal box in video games!
Boxboy is the most charming polyiginal box in video games!

Mento rounds up another week of content including his musings on Super Famicom games fit for the SNES Mini, his time with Severed, and another dectet of PS2 games for his "The Top Shelf" feature to evaluate.

April Vita Lineup And Upcoming Titles (By: @blacklagoon)

BlackLagoon is a bit late, but his helpful blog post annotating every game set to release for the PlayStation Vita can be found here.

Fighting Final Fantasy X Parts 26-37: Let's Talk About Blitzball and THAT SCENE... Yes "THAT SCENE!" (By: @zombiepie)

Giant Bomb Moderator ZombiePie continues his playthrough of Final Fantasy X despite a myriad of bumps and bruises. This week he talks about Blitzball and THAT SCENE... you know what I mean by "THAT SCENE!"

Join The Discussion

This game has
This game has "STYYYYYYYLE!"

Persona 5 Spoiler Discussion Thread (By: @rodin)

Are you itching to talk about Persona 5 spoilers? Don't let "The Man" (i.e. Atlus Co., Ltd.) hold you down! Join our ending discussion thread right now.

When Will The Eighth Generation (2012–present) Of Console End? (By: @monkeyking1969)

When will the Eighth generation (2012–present) of consoles end? Vote and discuss how much longer you think the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 have to go.

For A New Buyer: Slim Or Pro? (By: @relenus)

For a new buyer would you advise someone to buy the PlayStation 4 Slim or Pro? Join our community discussion on the issue.

FMV goodness for all to enjoy!
FMV goodness for all to enjoy!

Late Shift Discussion Thread (By: @glots)

Have you checked out Late Shift? With cinematic choice-driven FMV games becoming a new popular "thing" on Giant Bomb, feel free to share if you think Late Shift justifies its format.

Full Throttle Remastered Discussion Thread (By: @glots)

What are your impressions of Full Throttle Remastered? Share with the community whether the game's new artstyle impressed or disappointed you.

Games You Love In Large Part Due To The Soundtrack? (By: @beachthunder)

Has an original soundtrack ever elevated a game to greatness? Discuss the games you love in large part due to their soundtracks.

Anime terrorists?
Anime terrorists?

Cosmic Star Heroine Discussion Thread (By: @fredchuckdave)

Have you given Cosmic Star Heroine a try recently? Join the rest of the Giant Bomb community in mulling about the game's ins and outs.

Lovable Lists

Where does Double Dash rank on MormonWarrior's list? FIND OUT NOW!
Where does Double Dash rank on MormonWarrior's list? FIND OUT NOW!

A Perfect World's SNES Classic Game List (By: @devoureroftime)

DevourerOfTime lists the games he most wants to see in the SNES Classic, and assesses the odds of them being included in the package.

Mario Kart: Best to Worst (By: @mormonwarrior)

MormonWarrior ranks each entry in the Mario Kart franchise from best to worst on this exhaustive list worth checking out.

Underappreciated Games (By: @undeadpool)

Undeadpool looks at notable games with central ideas he thinks simply didn't get highlighted as much as they should've.

Favorite Genesis Games (By: @elyk247)

Elyk247 took the time to list his nine favorite Genesis games, on this wonderfully enlightening and historical list.

Useful User Reviews


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The kid's show animation needed to be done. I'm happy to be a part of a community that agrees.

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Edited By MikeLemmer

The kid's show animation needed to be done. I'm happy to be a part of a community that agrees.

The blood might've been a tad much. Although perhaps it was not enough. I'm talking geysers here.

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"I'm the tax balloon!"

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Edited By kippers

I love the 'I'm a tax balloon' line and just how quickly Vinny moves on from that. Alex is the real star of that segment though. Amazing.

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I like that Beastcast shirt except I can't figure out what the tv and game console are sitting on? Is it a stack of wooden pallets? Pizza boxes? Steak-umms?

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sgtsphynx  Moderator

@citizencoffeecake: I think it's supposed to be pallets, but I could be wrong, Steak-umms sounds like a reasonable possibility

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@mikelemmer: What's funny is when I showed my girlfriend before I posted it, she demanded I actually popped him! Originally he just deflated. I debated hand animating him completely exploding with blood and guts covering everyone, but that would have taken another week. How it ended up was a compromise of sorts.

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@clintlandon: You should have just gone the Army of Darkness route with a giant geyser of blood spewing out constantly.

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@mikelemmer: Lol, agreed. Sadly I only had "spurt" effects readily available. Also I worried the scene would start getting too busy and their lines would get lost in the madness. Nonetheless, when I finally pay for the Pro version of the software, I'll be re-rendering all of these in HD/4K (right now they're all 480p uprezed), I might revisit the effect ;-)

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The bit with puppet Alex sensually rubbing the tax balloon killed me. I'm dead now.

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Shirt sold out :(

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I'm always legitimately surprised to see my name show up in these from time to time. I'm all, 'Oh hey, look at all this good content for me to watch and read and- wait what am I doing on here.'

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man that beast cast animated oh man....I have no idea if they plan those opening bits before hand or if they are just total improvisation but man are they hilarious - and if they are improvisation that makes them all the more amazing.

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Sliiiiide down.