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My Villainous Cronies

If I were to take over the world, I would need an evil crew to help me in my world domination. Here are the video game characters I would pick for my team:

List items

  • Position: Main Sponsor and Distributor


    Purpose: Where my unlimited funding comes from.

  • Position: Main Headquarters


    Purpose: My hometown. My main base. My sanctuary.

  • Position: Sidekick


    Purpose: My loyal and trustworthy partner in crime. Has a thing for killing frogs and toads. Strange hobby but what the heck, she's mine!

  • Position: Personal Assistant (PA)


    Purpose: Ensuring that my evil schemes are working according to plan.

  • Position: Personal Bodyguard


    Purpose: To protect me 24/7. During his spare time, Andore enjoys choking random pedestrians to death. Now that's what I call taking the initiative.

  • Position: Personal Bodyguard


    Purpose: To protect my beloved queen 24/7. The Witch is also a great scout who can buy pizzas and diet cokes in record time due to her speed. Tends to have mood swings and will often cry for no apparent reason.

  • Position: Base Bodyguard


    Purpose: Protects my base around the clock. He was originally my personal bodyguard but due to his slow pace, the Pyramid Head is demoted into guarding my quarters.

  • Position: Evil Mad Scientist


    Purpose: To help create the most diabolical and satanic creatures/ soldiers. A very high maintenance doctor due to his ability to only exist on a 16mm film projectile.

  • Position: Evil Mad Scientist, Researcher


    Purpose: To build soldier robots with gay names and invent weapons of mass destruction.

  • Position: Head of Research


    Purpose: My key researcher. Suffers minor brain damage and cannot pronounce certain words correctly. Very passionate with "the loyfe cycle of nature."

  • Position: Head Accountant


    Purpose: Oversees my organization's finance, audits and salaries.

  • Position: Weapons Expert


    Purpose: Provides supply of weapons and ammunitions.

  • Position: Military Advisor, Psychic Expert


    Purpose: Advices on wars, battle tactics and prank calls.

  • Position: Head of Medical Dept.


    Purpose: Acts as my organization's nurse, doctor and surgeon. Has the tendency of killing her patients. Naughty naughty.

  • Position: Druglord


    Purpose: To obtain resources and connection from underground mob bosses.

  • Position: Head of Mars Division


    Purpose: He's in charge of my base in Planet Mars. Yeah, that's right. I have a base on Mars too.

  • Position: Chief of Military, Recruiter


    Purpose: In charge of the welfare of my battalions.

  • Position: Demonic Recruiter


    Purpose: In charge of recruiting demons and monsters from Hell.

  • Position: Chief of Security & Extermination


    Purpose: In charge of security and household pests.

  • Position: Warden


    Purpose: In charge of my prisoners.

  • Position: Head of Humanoid Soldiers


    Purpose: First-in-command, all soldiers obey his orders.

  • Position: Lieutenant


    Purpose: Second-in-Command of my chaotic combatants.

  • Position: Head of Demonic Soldiers


    Purpose: To lead the hellspawns from Hell.

  • Position: Dungeon Keeper (What a coincidence!)


    Purpose: Takes care of VIPs (Very Important Prisoners) by keeping them in the dungeon, torturing them, starving them to death, and make them play awful games such as E.T., Superman 64, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, etc.

  • Position: Sergeant, Soldier


    Purpose: In charge of infiltrations and covert operations.

  • Position: Spy


    Purpose: To obtain top secret information from the enemies. The Chameleon is a gifted master of disguise who can imitate anyone.

  • Position: Spy


    Purpose: To misinform my competitors/ enemies.

  • Position: Scouts


    Purpose: To create havoc to my competitors.

  • Position: Informer, Soldier


    Purpose: Obtain reliable information from street gangs, soldier.

  • Position: Annoying bastards, Soldiers


    Purpose: To be annoying to my enemies by chewing the crap out of their heads

  • Position: Soldiers


    Purpose: Soldiers.

  • Position: Soldiers


    Purpose: My unit of destruction.

  • Position: Soldiers


    Purpose: My unit of destruction.

  • Position: Soldiers


    Purpose: My unit of destruction.

  • Position: Fortune Teller, Witch Doctor


    Purpose: Predicts my future and the future of my Villainous Cronies. If the future is not what I want it to be then she'll make it happen.

  • Position: Pet Monster


    Purpose: To keep me entertain. Fluffy and cute, I treat it as my indoor cat. Loves to burn people into skeletons. Awww, isn't that cute?

  • Position: Pet Monster


    Purpose: To keep me entertain, to guard my backyard and front yard. Its favorite food is faces.

  • Position: Chef


    Purpose: To prepare meals for me and my evil units.

  • Position: Gardener


    Purpose: To take care of my ginormous garden. His duty is to mow the lawns, trim the hedges and water the plants. While he's at it, he cuts trespasser's heads off with his big ol' scissors.


    (Thanks to EightBitShik for the gardener suggestion)

  • Position: Slave


    Purpose: Amusing me, fetching me a cup of tea and perform various labour works. She was originally my hostage but after her knight in shining armor got tired of saving her worthless butt repeatedly, he personally told me to do whatever I want with her. Heh, whatever you say!

  • Position: Jester


    Purpose: A gifted clown and entertainer, his purpose is to amuse me and my beloved Queen with his cheap circus and magic tricks. Salary none.

  • Position: Former Advisor


    Purpose: Was my military advisor. I had him executed for almost taking control of my leadership. Plus he was flirting with my Queen. THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW!!