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Internet man with questionable sense of priorities

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hello I'm twitch dot tv slash ArbitraryWater and I'm here to say

1. Shadow Warrior 3

2. Battletoads (2020)

you're welcome Game Pass Club

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Something I always note with Evo is how pathetic the Western developed fighter scene really is. On the Japanese side you always have tons of games from various companies, and even more excluded because there just isn't room. On the Western side you have Netherrealm if they have a new game out and...nothing else. There are Western studios making fighting games (such as the various Smash clones that have come out recently) but they are much fewer and generally not very high quality. Killer Instinct from 10 years ago (with a recent update) was good but there's just not a lot out there.

I wonder why that is. The fighting game scene was always Japanese focused, but it's not like there weren't a lot of Western developed games back in the 90s and early 2000s. Midway made a ton of them but pretty much every publisher tried with something. Some of those games like the wrestling and dinosaur fighting games were even interesting, if not necessarily good. Now fighting games are a big genre again but all the developers are either Netherrealm, indie, or Japanese. You'd think that someone else would give it a shot but other than Killer Instinct there hasn't really been another try for a long time.

I think part of that has to do with most western fighting game expertise outside of NRS being on the indie end of things. God bless the devs of that game for still supporting it, but the five people who are into Skullgirls are probably not the critical mass needed to warrant a main stage presence at EVO. Same goes for Them's Fightin' Herds and Idol Showdown. It feels a lot closer to the doujin side of things, and I'm just happy that end of things exists in the side booths and hotel bathrooms of EVO.

Quite frankly, I don't think any of the increasingly risk-averse western publishers have the stomach to invest in the kind of talent, infrastructure, and player base needed to sustain a major fighting game. Maybe Microsoft will get Iron Galaxy to do another KI at some point, but outside of that I wouldn't be surprised if Riot's Project L ends up being fucking huge.

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@nodima: thank you for your endorsement. as a self indulgent bloggeman I can confirm I only keep doing this because my brain is broken and I need to express stupid thoughts about bad old video games somewhere. Please look forward to more discourse on horror games nobody has played in the near future because I still enjoy writing.

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Very excited to pay $10 for a month of game pass and go "yeah this sure does seem like they took eight years to make another one of these"

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Might wanna reach out to the GB discord and see if you can get any traction there. Anyway, vote for SOMA

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Going to continue to vote for Mortal Shell just so one of you makes the mistake of actually trying it out

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So Here I Am

Doing Everything I Can

Holding On To What I Am

Pretending I'm A Superman

(Ska intensifies)

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@personz said:

Fun fact, the GBC version of Alone in the Dark a new Nightmare is one of the games on Nintendo Online's subscription service. Not sure who decided that would have been a game to gun for but there it is.

It was a bit surreal watching your streams and seeing how many times people kept trying to throw you into the portable games mess. I honestly don't think there are any portable horror game releases left aside from the ones you played. I guess it did not play well with the portable market. The only other one I could think of are the PSP release of the Obscure 2 game, which I would wholeheartedly suggest against playing.

I dunno how Alone in the Dark managed to eke its way onto the Nintendo Switch Online thing, but if more people can witness how weird of a thing that game is I'm all for it.

I would argue Resident Evil Revelations probably counts under the portable category, even if I'd inevitably play the PC port on stream. But also at this point in my life, should I move forward with more horror game streams, fuck if I want to play Revelations 1 or 2 again. They're both entirely middling.

Should the tower ever return, we still have the likes of Overblood, Deep Fear, Clock Tower 3, and Galarians to tackle, not to mention a veritable trove(?) of more modern indie horror games. Oh, and of course, Daymare 1994 when that comes out. Can't forget that. Oh, and the rest of the Corpse Party series. I don't think we'd need to revisit the portable category, I'll say that much.

@daavpuke said:

I rushed to get here as soon as I saw Countdown Vampires. Holy shit, what a perfect assembly of garbage you got for us today!

You pretty much nailed it. I can't believe anyone still remembers Countdown Vampires, but I'm even more shocked that a team sat down and made the entire nonsensical thing in the first place. It's an art piece, in the same way that one guy who put a urinal in a museum is art.

Also nailed it on Corpse Party. It's pretty much 'Every Shithead With An Anime Avatar You've Met Online'. And while I, personally, respect its proto-trash status, I can totally understand why no one else would want to touch it. I don't think I've seen more than a good hour of it, before having my fill.

What a feast this was, good stuff!

I think I said it multiple times, but Countdown Vampires really is the closest a video game has ever gotten to "So bad its good" territory for me. I've loved some bad games in my time, but rarely does it feel like the developer reaches genuine "I have no idea what I'm doing" levels of execution.

I probably should've mentioned Corpse Party's contributions to edgelord trash anime in more detail, because it truly is just the worst. Just a bunch of 15-year-old boys sitting in a semi-circle trying to tell a ghost story but eventually it just degrades into one-upsmanship over who can be the grossest. The more interesting thing for me was going back and looking at how it was received by folks back in 2011, with a lot of people taking it at face value and going "wow what an interesting story." I just assume weebs had lower standards back then. Or the people I'm thinking of were the target demographic.