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    Object » linked to 156 games

    Items used to protect hands. Often infused with magic to strengthen the user.

    Short summary describing this thing.

    Gauntlets last edited by captainofthestars on 02/21/22 10:28PM View full history


    Protection with a Punch
    Protection with a Punch
    Gauntlets are armor that protect the hands. Usually consisting of sections of leather or metal plates, they are worn like gloves. Having articulated joints in the fingers, they still allow the wearer to grip a weapon. Some gauntlets may also have spikes or hard studs that give them a more damaging punch.

    Gauntlets as weapons

    Though uncommon, some video games feature characters that specialize in unarmed combat, who are allowed to equip gauntlets to do more damage. Vhaidra Uoswiir from Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2, Zell from Final Fantasy VIII, and Rikku from Final Fantasy X and X-2 would be good examples.

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