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    Object » linked to 423 games

    A round ball used in the sport of baseball, the American pastime.

    Short summary describing this thing.

    Baseball last edited by gonzalomoya1 on 01/23/19 07:26AM View full history

    A perfect baseball.
    A perfect baseball.

    A Baseball is a ball used in the sport of the same name. It is a round ball weighing aproximately 5 ounces or 142 grams. The interior of the ball is traditionally filled with cork or rubber. Some balls contain a mixture of the two. It is then covered in a leather shell and held together with 108 red cotton stitches.

    Depiction in Video Games

    Pre 8-bit Generations

    Two strikes, one run has scored
    Two strikes, one run has scored

    Prior to the b-bit generations of video game platforms, A baseball would typically be rendered as a single pixel. Most all objects in this era were at most 10 pixels. The baseballs were 100% square and 100% understand by gamers that it was a baseball. Imagination is a wonderful thing.

    8-bit Generation

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    During the days of Sega Master System, NES. The baseball became to take its iconic shape. The baseball is now round and various games include the stitches, some don't. Some even put words on the baseball, usually the name of the publishing company for example.

    16-bit Generation

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    The baseball itself hasn't improved a great deal. The stitch work is usually more detailed with the increase of graphics engine. This generation the physics behind the baseball really start to come into it's on and become 'lifelike' If I throw a baseball in dirt or grass I would expect it to respond differently. If a baseball is thrown I would expect an arch to as it fights gravity. the 16-bit Generation begins this process of appling real life physics to the various animations and gameplay mechanics.

    Post 32-bit Generations

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    After the 16 bit era, the rest of the generations continues to perfect the physics as well as apply a style to the baseball that matches the artistic style of the game around it. The physics and the graphics rendering of the baseball are now on the same page and they seem to improve at the same rate.


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