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    Tomb Raider: Underworld

    Game » consists of 26 releases. Released Nov 18, 2008

    With an improved graphics engine, Lara Croft is back and is looking better than ever. This time around she'll be going on an adventure to find the sacred Mayan underworld of Xibalba in Southern Mexico.

    I am surprised at how broken Tomb Raider: Underworld is

    Avatar image for zanzibarbreeze


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    Reviews: 14

    User Lists: 6

    Edited By zanzibarbreeze

    I have not completed Tomb Raider: Underworld. I grew too frustrated with it. I was not having a good time. Moreover, there was one major glitch I encountered that broke the game for me. Naturally, this experience has colored any opinion I have about the game. If you do not think it is right for someone to write about or review a game they have not completed, then you should not read the following.

    Underworld frustrated me beyond belief. As I said, it is what I assume to be a glitch that broke the game for me, rendered my progress nil, and caused me to stop playing. The game allowed me to carry an essential item into an area where I would not be able to take it back to where I needed it. The item got stuck there. The game autosaved at a checkpoint I had already cleared several checkpoints back, and I was unable to continue on. On principle, I can no longer play Tomb Raider: Underworld. It breaks my heart, so to speak, because this game so desperately wants to be good. It looks great; it has some great ideas. Ultimately, years of hard work amounts to nothing when crippling glitches and atrocious design destroy the game. Here’s some of what went right, and everything that went wrong.


     I actually didn't know I could climb up this pillar.
     I actually didn't know I could climb up this pillar.

    The game is not good at letting the player know where to go

    One of my concerns with Underworld is that it is not linear enough. This may seem a bizarre complaint, but it most definitely is not. Open games are absolutely fine, but it is essential that the player is informed of where they have to go. This is an area where Underworld is desperately lacking. I find myself floored at how such a design oversight could be made. Ledges that the player is expected to clamber upon are almost identical in color and design as the walls, so there’s no sign that they are actually meant to be traversed. Some environments are big, but the different rooms and hallways all look the same. Paths for climbing up ledges and platforms are completely masked. Summarily, the path to continue is indistinguishable. The world all looks the same. This is completely unlike most other video game design. It’s just utterly unclear where the player is expected to go. I am well aware that the game includes a hint system accessible though the in-game ‘PDA’, but by this stage it should be clear that those hints scarcely help the player. I spent a tremendous amount of time running around rooms, simply not knowing where to go. This problem is evidenced by the segments that are well designed and where the player has no questions over where to go, like the short segment where the tanker ship sinks. One example of where I had trouble was after killing the Kraken in just the second stage in the game. The hint system says that there is a lever behind the body of the Kraken that opens the door to get out of the large area. Even with this blatant hint, I spent the better part of ten minutes searching for the lever. It turned out that it was the most nondescript-looking lever I’ve ever seen in a video game, in an alcove behind the Kraken, completely unlit; this the player was meant to find in what is a massive area. The fact that such a blunt hint system has to be implemented, however unhelpful it may be, should have told the developers something about the way they designed their game. Running around the environment, not knowing where to go, is just not fun. This game is not fun. The way it was designed goes against six years of progression in designing games. Tomb Raider Legend, the previous game in the franchise, had better, clearer design. This game is not fun, and that’s a tremendous disappointment for me.

    The game is not good at letting the player know what to do

    As if not telling the player where to go isn’t bad enough, the game isn’t very good at telling the player what to do, either. This leads to obvious problems, typically involving more running around, the player being consumed by pangs of frustration and boredom. The fact that I wasn’t told what to do led to what I believe to be me breaking the game, because I did the wrong thing, and the game wouldn’t let me recover.

    Accidental success

    As a result of the player not being told where to go and what to do, most of the success I experienced was accidental. For a significant portion of my play time I made my way by accidentally jumping in the right direction, or accidentally leaning in one direction while holding onto the ledge, and seeing Lara indicate that she wants to jump that way. There is a very clear and present problem with this. Solving so much of the game accidentally is not at all rewarding. It didn’t feel as if I had achieved anything. It didn’t feel as if I had solved the problem I was faced with. It’s just not good.

     This is fine, but I can't actually see where I have to jump to. So, I guess it's not fine then.
     This is fine, but I can't actually see where I have to jump to. So, I guess it's not fine then.

    And then the camera is way too close to Lara.
    And then the camera is way too close to Lara.

    Unacceptably bad camera

    The fact that the player is not told where to go or what to do breaks the game. If those things break the game, the absolutely unacceptable camera destroys it beyond playability. It is absolutely outrageous and unforgivable that the game was released in such a state. For god’s sake, the camera doesn’t even work when the player wants to turn it to see where they have to jump to. When the player is climbing on walls, in a position where the camera goes overhead, it’s utterly impossible to see the path ahead. In any tight room or corridor, the camera literally breaks. It’s completely reprehensible. That essentially means the game cannot be played. Above that, there are other problems. When in tight areas, the camera jumps and flickers around. These problems are not only isolated to the PlayStation 3 version. Furthermore, there is no way to explain why the camera’s neutral position is so closely zoomed in on Lara at all times. The camera is just too close. The player can’t see the environment because the character is taking up half the screen! I am astounded that the game was released in such a state. It is tantamount, in the field of video games, with getting away with murder.

    The camera clips through walls

    All those camera problems are bad and inexcusable, but here’s the most amazing thing: the camera clips though walls. This is a problem that has plagued the Tomb Raider franchise since the very first game! This problem has spanned three console generations! How has this not been solved yet? How is this problem still with us? Who is in charge of developing these games? Whoever they are, they’re getting paid far too much. This problem needs to be fixed. It needed to be fixed seven full years ago.

    Bad goal detection

    Here’s another thing gone wrong that ruins the player’s experience: bad goal detection. I can issue a perfect example: at the end of the first stage, Lara says she has to “get back to the surface.” The player is tasked with swimming back to the surface and back to Lara’s boat. The goal is completed by swimming to a certain small window of the boat -- namely the front of the boat. Not the back of the boat, the only place where it’s actually to board the boat from. Who is making these decisions? Every other game would do the following: make the trigger (that sparks the end of the mission) a ring around the boat, so that no matter what direction the player approaches the boat from the goal will be cleared. But not Tomb Raider: Underworld. This game wants the player to hit a pinprick of a window. It’s completely ridiculous.

    Stupid puzzles

    This is a problem inherent to many video games: stupid, nonsensical puzzles. The first puzzle in Underworld has the player looking for three different crank shafts in underwater cavers. The cranks will turn three different giant discs on a wall, which will eventually open up a giant gap in the wall, into further caverns. The first two cranks are in the same room with the disks, but the other crank is on the other side of the map. Again, who comes up with this stuff? It doesn’t make sense! It’s absurd. The puzzles are silly and stupid, and there’s no point to them. It’s indicative of a great lack of creativity.


    For a game that revolves around action and completing puzzles, Underworld does not make it easy for the player to correct their mistakes. For instance, there’s no ‘restart at checkpoint’ option, which is a tremendous flaw. In fact, as far as I can tell from the pause menu, there’s no way to restart a level from the pause menu. (This seems so unbelievable to me that I will be happy to be corrected by anyone who knows better.)

     I don't know what any of those four different health-related gauges mean.
     I don't know what any of those four different health-related gauges mean.

    Health bars

    The health gauges displayed on-screen are confusing and hard to understand. There are two body-shaped icons, and both of them change colors and seem to deplete at different times. I don’t understand it, but that’s probably my failure. But it does beg the question -- why not just have a simple health bar?

    Super quick load to menu

    Tomb Raider: Underworld has perhaps the fastest load I’ve ever seen for a disc-based video game. It has no awkward “this game autosaves” notice screen; no “please don’t switch off the console when the hard drive is being accessed.” In fact, it only has one screen with copyright information and small logos for the developer and publisher. It doesn’t have any opening titles. It was a very welcome surprise after playing too many games where it takes over forty seconds just to get to the menu, let alone to start the game proper.

    Graphics and animation

    No Caption Provided

    No Caption Provided

    Great Lara character model

    Lara Croft is the prized possession of the Tomb Raider games. She is, after all, the central star, and for many, the main draw of the Tomb Raider franchise, so I am hardly surprised that so much attention and time and care was put into designing her for current generation consoles. The results are pleasing. Her base character model -- arms, legs, face -- are nicely sculptured and never painful to look at. Players are also provided with a myriad of outfits which they can dress Lara up in before each stage. Although I do not want to sound cynical, I am quite surprised that players are even given the option between dressing Lara in as little clothing as possible or in as much clothing as possible (the Vietnam level, for example, gives the player a choice between jungle-colored cargo pants and what are, for all intents and purposes, hot pants). I would suggest that an overwhelming proportion of players would choose the hot pants. Nevertheless, the option is there. All the clothing is nicely designed and looks good. It’s all nicely packaged. And as much as I try, I cannot avoid admiring the design of Lara’s butt. She already has a perfect hourglass figure; it’s very easy to get hypnotized by the waggle of her ass. It’s certainly pleasant to stare at, nonetheless, but not in any facetious way where I find her body elicits an emotional response -- far from it, in fact; she is, after all, completely digital. If I have one complaint, it’s that Lara’s face looks a little comic book-like, a little plain, compared to the other characters in-game. Her skin is very smooth, there are no imperfections, and it can be slightly jarring. If Lara had a beauty mole/mark, for instance, she would be much more realistic (and perhaps much more attractive as a result) than her rather plain-faced iteration here. But overall she is very well designed, and I have nothing but praise for her character model in Underworld.

    Good animations

    I would hazard a guess that a significant amount of development time was put into the animations in Underworld. It shows. By-in-large the animations are all great, especially Lara’s. Some of the implementation -- the control -- doesn’t do the animations justice, which is unfortunate, but most of the animation is great. The wall climbing in particular (see below) and the grapple hook actions are very impressive.

     This game has some great animations.
     This game has some great animations.

    Great wall climbing animation

    The animations are well rendered overall, but the wall climbing animation is the most convincing I have seen in any video game to date. Lara clings to the rocks; visibly looks and reaches for foot- or hand-holds to transition to; rests against the wall; and spreads her limbs to get the best range. It really is spectacular to see. The wall climbing animation is a textbook example of how to make one’s game look and feel realistic.

     This game has some great environments.
     This game has some great environments.

    Beautiful environments

    Tomb Raider: Underworld excels visually. It is very refreshing to be able to explore an ocean environment, or a jungle environment. What’s special is that those environments are nicely rendered, and busy. The textures for rocky crags and walls, and for the underwater ruins, are great, and the environments are fantastically populated with overgrown plants that Lara was to hack through. The jungle in Vietnam is particularly impressive in that respect. Overall, the game has a vast scope that is well realized. I’d like to note the water itself, which looks and feels very realistic. Light refracts accurately, and the seabed looks great. The way the surface of the water ripples is also impressive. Finally, I saw a few vistas, and all of them were great.


    No active hints

    Having in-game hints is fine, but don’t make the player navigate through two pause menu screens just to reach them. The developer should not punish the player because it is unable to design a level or a puzzle so that it’s clear what is required. Games contemporary to Underworld implement active hints -- hints in the game which point the player’s focus in one direction. Do that, or design the game so that the player won’t need hints.

    Bad combat

    Underworld is overwhelmingly weighted towards platforming and puzzles, and does not feature a tremendous amount of combat. Unfortunately, that little combat is incredibly dull. The combat system revolves exclusively around lock-on targeting, which means that the player doesn’t really have to do anything or think about anything ever. At least the lock-on targeting is functional, if not a little bit flitty at times when it comes to deciding which enemy/enemies it should lock to. There are some problems which serve as major detriments, however. Firstly, the bad camera can make it hard to keep one’s bearings when the action picks up the pace. Secondly, the weapons aren’t all that powerful, and they are devoid of any feeling. They lack punch or feel; they don’t register, and the bullets that strike the enemies feel and look like arbitrary paintballs marking vaguely human-like targets. (Please note that I have not had enough exposure to the AI, so I will abstain from commenting on enemy behavior.)

    No cover mechanic

    Though combat may be infrequent, when it does take place there are many enemies. It’s not, however, easy to take cover (because there’s no cover mechanic and crouching is awkward) which means that there are an inordinate number of game over screens. The cover mechanic may be a hackneyed device, but it is now a common trait of video games, particularly action-adventure first- and third-person games. Not having a mechanic is fine, but at last make it easy to take cover behind waist-height objects and the like. Underworld does none of this. The results can -- and most likely will -- be painful for the player.

    Melee attacks do not lock on to enemies in most cases

    I favor hand-to-hand combat above firearms in close quarters with enemies, as I would guess most other players do also. The melee fighting here isn’t all that bad, but it isn’t particularly good either. For instance, melee attacks won’t lock on until the player is about a foot away from any given enemy. This is not good design. The game should predict which enemy the player is targeting when the player presses the melee button five or six feet away from the enemy. Instead, an unstoppable animation ensues where the player is completely vulnerable to damage from attacks but is not doing any damage themselves.

    Fine aim leads to slow movement

    As an alternative to lock-on targeting, the player can choose to summon a reticule and aim manually. This is a typical contemporary gameplay element; Underworld makes one revision to the mold, however -- Lara will now move no faster than what feels like half a foot a second; in other words, inexplicably slowly. I’ve no idea why such a design choice was made, but it does not work.

    No Caption Provided

    Nice autonomy over the grapple hook

    This is a small point, but I like how no control is forced over the grapple hook on the player. Once the player grapples, for instance, they are not forced to swing back and forth; indeed, the player can choose how to use the grapple -- swing, climb, or slide down.


    No Caption Provided

    Abrupt start

    Underworld starts extraordinarily quickly. Selecting ‘New Game’ from the menu thrusts the player straight into a tutorial level in a burning house, without any cutscene or context. From what I have surmised, this is done for narrative reasons. I do not know exactly how it works because I failed to reach further stages in the game, but, against, I assume (from what I know) that it is at least somewhat interesting, speaking from my impressions of the story in general.

    Great theatrical moments

    Underworld has some great cinematic moments, even in the first three hours. I particularly like the first sequence in the manor. The sequences on the ship in the second stage are fantastic. There is one brilliant part where the ship begins to sink, and it rocks and rolls and falls on its side.

    No Caption Provided
    Underworld has significant problems. In the state it was released, and in the state it remains, I implore people not to purchase or play this game. Do not tacitly endorse bad game design. I see the problems. Underworld is a perfect storm, a tumultuous and noxious combination of archaic gameplay traits and glaring glitches. Tomb Raider has missed the boat. It is no longer 1996. Games have moved on. If this franchise is not willing to update, reform, change, and build, it can only fail, and, indeed, if it doesn’t do any of those four former things, it deserves to fail.

    Hit up my old-ass blogs.

    Avatar image for zanzibarbreeze


    Forum Posts


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    Reviews: 14

    User Lists: 6

    #1  Edited By zanzibarbreeze

    I have not completed Tomb Raider: Underworld. I grew too frustrated with it. I was not having a good time. Moreover, there was one major glitch I encountered that broke the game for me. Naturally, this experience has colored any opinion I have about the game. If you do not think it is right for someone to write about or review a game they have not completed, then you should not read the following.

    Underworld frustrated me beyond belief. As I said, it is what I assume to be a glitch that broke the game for me, rendered my progress nil, and caused me to stop playing. The game allowed me to carry an essential item into an area where I would not be able to take it back to where I needed it. The item got stuck there. The game autosaved at a checkpoint I had already cleared several checkpoints back, and I was unable to continue on. On principle, I can no longer play Tomb Raider: Underworld. It breaks my heart, so to speak, because this game so desperately wants to be good. It looks great; it has some great ideas. Ultimately, years of hard work amounts to nothing when crippling glitches and atrocious design destroy the game. Here’s some of what went right, and everything that went wrong.


     I actually didn't know I could climb up this pillar.
     I actually didn't know I could climb up this pillar.

    The game is not good at letting the player know where to go

    One of my concerns with Underworld is that it is not linear enough. This may seem a bizarre complaint, but it most definitely is not. Open games are absolutely fine, but it is essential that the player is informed of where they have to go. This is an area where Underworld is desperately lacking. I find myself floored at how such a design oversight could be made. Ledges that the player is expected to clamber upon are almost identical in color and design as the walls, so there’s no sign that they are actually meant to be traversed. Some environments are big, but the different rooms and hallways all look the same. Paths for climbing up ledges and platforms are completely masked. Summarily, the path to continue is indistinguishable. The world all looks the same. This is completely unlike most other video game design. It’s just utterly unclear where the player is expected to go. I am well aware that the game includes a hint system accessible though the in-game ‘PDA’, but by this stage it should be clear that those hints scarcely help the player. I spent a tremendous amount of time running around rooms, simply not knowing where to go. This problem is evidenced by the segments that are well designed and where the player has no questions over where to go, like the short segment where the tanker ship sinks. One example of where I had trouble was after killing the Kraken in just the second stage in the game. The hint system says that there is a lever behind the body of the Kraken that opens the door to get out of the large area. Even with this blatant hint, I spent the better part of ten minutes searching for the lever. It turned out that it was the most nondescript-looking lever I’ve ever seen in a video game, in an alcove behind the Kraken, completely unlit; this the player was meant to find in what is a massive area. The fact that such a blunt hint system has to be implemented, however unhelpful it may be, should have told the developers something about the way they designed their game. Running around the environment, not knowing where to go, is just not fun. This game is not fun. The way it was designed goes against six years of progression in designing games. Tomb Raider Legend, the previous game in the franchise, had better, clearer design. This game is not fun, and that’s a tremendous disappointment for me.

    The game is not good at letting the player know what to do

    As if not telling the player where to go isn’t bad enough, the game isn’t very good at telling the player what to do, either. This leads to obvious problems, typically involving more running around, the player being consumed by pangs of frustration and boredom. The fact that I wasn’t told what to do led to what I believe to be me breaking the game, because I did the wrong thing, and the game wouldn’t let me recover.

    Accidental success

    As a result of the player not being told where to go and what to do, most of the success I experienced was accidental. For a significant portion of my play time I made my way by accidentally jumping in the right direction, or accidentally leaning in one direction while holding onto the ledge, and seeing Lara indicate that she wants to jump that way. There is a very clear and present problem with this. Solving so much of the game accidentally is not at all rewarding. It didn’t feel as if I had achieved anything. It didn’t feel as if I had solved the problem I was faced with. It’s just not good.

     This is fine, but I can't actually see where I have to jump to. So, I guess it's not fine then.
     This is fine, but I can't actually see where I have to jump to. So, I guess it's not fine then.

    And then the camera is way too close to Lara.
    And then the camera is way too close to Lara.

    Unacceptably bad camera

    The fact that the player is not told where to go or what to do breaks the game. If those things break the game, the absolutely unacceptable camera destroys it beyond playability. It is absolutely outrageous and unforgivable that the game was released in such a state. For god’s sake, the camera doesn’t even work when the player wants to turn it to see where they have to jump to. When the player is climbing on walls, in a position where the camera goes overhead, it’s utterly impossible to see the path ahead. In any tight room or corridor, the camera literally breaks. It’s completely reprehensible. That essentially means the game cannot be played. Above that, there are other problems. When in tight areas, the camera jumps and flickers around. These problems are not only isolated to the PlayStation 3 version. Furthermore, there is no way to explain why the camera’s neutral position is so closely zoomed in on Lara at all times. The camera is just too close. The player can’t see the environment because the character is taking up half the screen! I am astounded that the game was released in such a state. It is tantamount, in the field of video games, with getting away with murder.

    The camera clips through walls

    All those camera problems are bad and inexcusable, but here’s the most amazing thing: the camera clips though walls. This is a problem that has plagued the Tomb Raider franchise since the very first game! This problem has spanned three console generations! How has this not been solved yet? How is this problem still with us? Who is in charge of developing these games? Whoever they are, they’re getting paid far too much. This problem needs to be fixed. It needed to be fixed seven full years ago.

    Bad goal detection

    Here’s another thing gone wrong that ruins the player’s experience: bad goal detection. I can issue a perfect example: at the end of the first stage, Lara says she has to “get back to the surface.” The player is tasked with swimming back to the surface and back to Lara’s boat. The goal is completed by swimming to a certain small window of the boat -- namely the front of the boat. Not the back of the boat, the only place where it’s actually to board the boat from. Who is making these decisions? Every other game would do the following: make the trigger (that sparks the end of the mission) a ring around the boat, so that no matter what direction the player approaches the boat from the goal will be cleared. But not Tomb Raider: Underworld. This game wants the player to hit a pinprick of a window. It’s completely ridiculous.

    Stupid puzzles

    This is a problem inherent to many video games: stupid, nonsensical puzzles. The first puzzle in Underworld has the player looking for three different crank shafts in underwater cavers. The cranks will turn three different giant discs on a wall, which will eventually open up a giant gap in the wall, into further caverns. The first two cranks are in the same room with the disks, but the other crank is on the other side of the map. Again, who comes up with this stuff? It doesn’t make sense! It’s absurd. The puzzles are silly and stupid, and there’s no point to them. It’s indicative of a great lack of creativity.


    For a game that revolves around action and completing puzzles, Underworld does not make it easy for the player to correct their mistakes. For instance, there’s no ‘restart at checkpoint’ option, which is a tremendous flaw. In fact, as far as I can tell from the pause menu, there’s no way to restart a level from the pause menu. (This seems so unbelievable to me that I will be happy to be corrected by anyone who knows better.)

     I don't know what any of those four different health-related gauges mean.
     I don't know what any of those four different health-related gauges mean.

    Health bars

    The health gauges displayed on-screen are confusing and hard to understand. There are two body-shaped icons, and both of them change colors and seem to deplete at different times. I don’t understand it, but that’s probably my failure. But it does beg the question -- why not just have a simple health bar?

    Super quick load to menu

    Tomb Raider: Underworld has perhaps the fastest load I’ve ever seen for a disc-based video game. It has no awkward “this game autosaves” notice screen; no “please don’t switch off the console when the hard drive is being accessed.” In fact, it only has one screen with copyright information and small logos for the developer and publisher. It doesn’t have any opening titles. It was a very welcome surprise after playing too many games where it takes over forty seconds just to get to the menu, let alone to start the game proper.

    Graphics and animation

    No Caption Provided

    No Caption Provided

    Great Lara character model

    Lara Croft is the prized possession of the Tomb Raider games. She is, after all, the central star, and for many, the main draw of the Tomb Raider franchise, so I am hardly surprised that so much attention and time and care was put into designing her for current generation consoles. The results are pleasing. Her base character model -- arms, legs, face -- are nicely sculptured and never painful to look at. Players are also provided with a myriad of outfits which they can dress Lara up in before each stage. Although I do not want to sound cynical, I am quite surprised that players are even given the option between dressing Lara in as little clothing as possible or in as much clothing as possible (the Vietnam level, for example, gives the player a choice between jungle-colored cargo pants and what are, for all intents and purposes, hot pants). I would suggest that an overwhelming proportion of players would choose the hot pants. Nevertheless, the option is there. All the clothing is nicely designed and looks good. It’s all nicely packaged. And as much as I try, I cannot avoid admiring the design of Lara’s butt. She already has a perfect hourglass figure; it’s very easy to get hypnotized by the waggle of her ass. It’s certainly pleasant to stare at, nonetheless, but not in any facetious way where I find her body elicits an emotional response -- far from it, in fact; she is, after all, completely digital. If I have one complaint, it’s that Lara’s face looks a little comic book-like, a little plain, compared to the other characters in-game. Her skin is very smooth, there are no imperfections, and it can be slightly jarring. If Lara had a beauty mole/mark, for instance, she would be much more realistic (and perhaps much more attractive as a result) than her rather plain-faced iteration here. But overall she is very well designed, and I have nothing but praise for her character model in Underworld.

    Good animations

    I would hazard a guess that a significant amount of development time was put into the animations in Underworld. It shows. By-in-large the animations are all great, especially Lara’s. Some of the implementation -- the control -- doesn’t do the animations justice, which is unfortunate, but most of the animation is great. The wall climbing in particular (see below) and the grapple hook actions are very impressive.

     This game has some great animations.
     This game has some great animations.

    Great wall climbing animation

    The animations are well rendered overall, but the wall climbing animation is the most convincing I have seen in any video game to date. Lara clings to the rocks; visibly looks and reaches for foot- or hand-holds to transition to; rests against the wall; and spreads her limbs to get the best range. It really is spectacular to see. The wall climbing animation is a textbook example of how to make one’s game look and feel realistic.

     This game has some great environments.
     This game has some great environments.

    Beautiful environments

    Tomb Raider: Underworld excels visually. It is very refreshing to be able to explore an ocean environment, or a jungle environment. What’s special is that those environments are nicely rendered, and busy. The textures for rocky crags and walls, and for the underwater ruins, are great, and the environments are fantastically populated with overgrown plants that Lara was to hack through. The jungle in Vietnam is particularly impressive in that respect. Overall, the game has a vast scope that is well realized. I’d like to note the water itself, which looks and feels very realistic. Light refracts accurately, and the seabed looks great. The way the surface of the water ripples is also impressive. Finally, I saw a few vistas, and all of them were great.


    No active hints

    Having in-game hints is fine, but don’t make the player navigate through two pause menu screens just to reach them. The developer should not punish the player because it is unable to design a level or a puzzle so that it’s clear what is required. Games contemporary to Underworld implement active hints -- hints in the game which point the player’s focus in one direction. Do that, or design the game so that the player won’t need hints.

    Bad combat

    Underworld is overwhelmingly weighted towards platforming and puzzles, and does not feature a tremendous amount of combat. Unfortunately, that little combat is incredibly dull. The combat system revolves exclusively around lock-on targeting, which means that the player doesn’t really have to do anything or think about anything ever. At least the lock-on targeting is functional, if not a little bit flitty at times when it comes to deciding which enemy/enemies it should lock to. There are some problems which serve as major detriments, however. Firstly, the bad camera can make it hard to keep one’s bearings when the action picks up the pace. Secondly, the weapons aren’t all that powerful, and they are devoid of any feeling. They lack punch or feel; they don’t register, and the bullets that strike the enemies feel and look like arbitrary paintballs marking vaguely human-like targets. (Please note that I have not had enough exposure to the AI, so I will abstain from commenting on enemy behavior.)

    No cover mechanic

    Though combat may be infrequent, when it does take place there are many enemies. It’s not, however, easy to take cover (because there’s no cover mechanic and crouching is awkward) which means that there are an inordinate number of game over screens. The cover mechanic may be a hackneyed device, but it is now a common trait of video games, particularly action-adventure first- and third-person games. Not having a mechanic is fine, but at last make it easy to take cover behind waist-height objects and the like. Underworld does none of this. The results can -- and most likely will -- be painful for the player.

    Melee attacks do not lock on to enemies in most cases

    I favor hand-to-hand combat above firearms in close quarters with enemies, as I would guess most other players do also. The melee fighting here isn’t all that bad, but it isn’t particularly good either. For instance, melee attacks won’t lock on until the player is about a foot away from any given enemy. This is not good design. The game should predict which enemy the player is targeting when the player presses the melee button five or six feet away from the enemy. Instead, an unstoppable animation ensues where the player is completely vulnerable to damage from attacks but is not doing any damage themselves.

    Fine aim leads to slow movement

    As an alternative to lock-on targeting, the player can choose to summon a reticule and aim manually. This is a typical contemporary gameplay element; Underworld makes one revision to the mold, however -- Lara will now move no faster than what feels like half a foot a second; in other words, inexplicably slowly. I’ve no idea why such a design choice was made, but it does not work.

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    Nice autonomy over the grapple hook

    This is a small point, but I like how no control is forced over the grapple hook on the player. Once the player grapples, for instance, they are not forced to swing back and forth; indeed, the player can choose how to use the grapple -- swing, climb, or slide down.


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    Abrupt start

    Underworld starts extraordinarily quickly. Selecting ‘New Game’ from the menu thrusts the player straight into a tutorial level in a burning house, without any cutscene or context. From what I have surmised, this is done for narrative reasons. I do not know exactly how it works because I failed to reach further stages in the game, but, against, I assume (from what I know) that it is at least somewhat interesting, speaking from my impressions of the story in general.

    Great theatrical moments

    Underworld has some great cinematic moments, even in the first three hours. I particularly like the first sequence in the manor. The sequences on the ship in the second stage are fantastic. There is one brilliant part where the ship begins to sink, and it rocks and rolls and falls on its side.

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    Underworld has significant problems. In the state it was released, and in the state it remains, I implore people not to purchase or play this game. Do not tacitly endorse bad game design. I see the problems. Underworld is a perfect storm, a tumultuous and noxious combination of archaic gameplay traits and glaring glitches. Tomb Raider has missed the boat. It is no longer 1996. Games have moved on. If this franchise is not willing to update, reform, change, and build, it can only fail, and, indeed, if it doesn’t do any of those four former things, it deserves to fail.

    Hit up my old-ass blogs.

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    #2  Edited By Video_Game_King

    I have to agree with you on Tomb Raider: it's not that good. Granted, I've only played a bit of it, but the game was so glitchy that I couldn't play any more of it. By that, I mean that I was technically unable to progress due to the glitchy nature of the game. Of course, given my minute experience with the series, I have to move on: any insights on future games in this thing?

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    #3  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
    @Video_Game_King said:
    " any insights on future games in this thing? "
    Do you mean if I have any insights on future games in the franchise?
    Well, I feel the Tomb Raider franchise has always had promise. It's just unfortunate that Underworld is essentially a game from 2002 that looks good but does not hold up today. I still can't believe that the game was released in the state that it was. As I said, that kind of production is unacceptable, and should be called out by players, especially for full-priced games.
    I think the problem the franchise has right now is that, like many old franchises, it has its hardcore fans that don't want the franchise to change one bit. Obviously change is what this franchise needs. To my mind, Tomb Raider essentially needs to go on to be Uncharted. There's one crucial difference, however: Tomb Raider has always had a focus on platforming and puzzles, and it has to keep that focus. It can still be linear (it needs to become more linear) but it has to retain that focus. Uncharted contrasts, because I see Uncharted becoming increasingly combat-heavy in the future. The goals are different: Tomb Raider is platform/puzzle, while Uncharted is platform/combat.
    Hopefully that was a correct interpretation of your question. :)
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    #4  Edited By Video_Game_King
    Oooh....I actually meant "in this blog thing."
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    #5  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
    @Video_Game_King said:
    " @ZanzibarBreeze:   Oooh....I actually meant "in this blog thing." "
    All good. Let's rejig that response, then.
    I assume you mean what games I'll be covering in the future? (Fingers crossed on that interpretation.)
    I just finished Red Faction, which I liked, despite what I've heard from some members on this site. Sure, it's got issues, and some parts are a little hokey, but it was a nice experience. I'll be doing that write-up next. (Also, check it out: you can climb chain link fences in first-person in that game.)
    I don't know what I'll be doing next. I've been thinking hard about Assassin's Creed, but Uncharted is crying out to me. Also, I feel like I should do more retro games, but I can't get myself to do it. I'm just more attracted to current generation games at this time. But I'm kind of torn up at the moment. I honestly can't say. I want to hit up Final Fantasy XIII, but I'm scared of the grinding aspect. I'm not sure that's the kind of game I want to play now. And I still haven't even touched Red Dead or Batman Arkham Asylum. Any ideas?
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    #6  Edited By Video_Game_King
    I'm leaning toward the more modern games, since those are the ones I can relate to. On FF13, I don't remember a lot of grind in that game. Could be faulty memory, so let me check my review. Nope, nothing about grind, but it still has my decent Shoebox joke.
    On AC: it's really fun to jump on the rooftops to Decisive Battle from Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song. But since nobody knows what that is, I'll replace it with the equally valid One Jump Ahead.
    On Red Dead: notice how all the praise was for the story.
    On Arkham Asylum: yea, it was a decent game.
    On Uncharted: I haven't played that fucking game yet.
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    #7  Edited By niamahai

    i'm not sure about you, but TR:U was kinda the swan song for modern TR fans.
     If you came from TR:Legends > Anniversary > Underworld, TR:U is clearly an improvement from the 2 previous ones.

    "The game is not good at letting the player know where to go"

     Believe it or not, this was done on purpose. At that time, players of the 2 previous TR games were stating "oh its so obvious where i must go coz that ledge is coloured differently".
    Crystal Dynamic design the travel points of TR:U to blend in perfectly so that exploration forms part of the game. Granted, modern TR-esque games like AC and Uncharted pretty much trivialize the environment maneuvering aspect of the game, but IN MY OPINION, TR games MUST always be about the ENVIRONMENT.
    It's like the "Bioshock vs Other FPS" argument. Collecting audio tapes to flesh out the backstory is the main focus on teh game, not shooting dudes. Same goes for the TR series, watching mmmmmm Lara climb and grunt around environment should be the main focus.
     And finaly
    p.s: It would help if you have washed your brain off POP '08 and Unchartered, so you won't feel that this game is 'hard'.
    p.s#2: IMO its not "fair" to judge previous games based on todays standard. Some gameplay elements don't really hold up over time. But netherless, glad that you experience Lara Croft. I love Lara. Yes. I am biased. Haha.
    p.s#3: Do FF13. I want to see the shitstorm you raise.
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    #8  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
    @Video_Game_King said:
    " @ZanzibarBreeze: 
    I'm leaning toward the more modern games, since those are the ones I can relate to. On FF13, I don't remember a lot of grind in that game. Could be faulty memory, so let me check my review. Nope, nothing about grind, but it still has my decent Shoebox joke.
    On AC: it's really fun to jump on the rooftops to Decisive Battle from Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song. But since nobody knows what that is, I'll replace it with the equally valid One Jump Ahead.  On Red Dead: notice how all the praise was for the story.  On Arkham Asylum: yea, it was a decent game.  On Uncharted: I haven't played that fucking game yet. "
    Since you say that, I might actually go on to Final Fantasy XIII now. My problem with those games is that I reach the end and then I realize I can't beat the last boss because I should have grinded for twenty hours before that point. I hate that feeling.
    I've actually tried to start up Red Dead and Arkham Asylum, but those games just failed to grab me. I really want them to, because they've been praised so much, but... I don't know. Especially Arkham Asylum. After the fight Jeff put up in the Game of the Year podcast... well, let me just say that from what I played, there's no way that Arkham Asylum even deserves to be in the same company as Uncharted 2.
    You should play Uncharted. I'd like to see what you think of it (or both of the games in the franchise).
    (Also, I kind of want to play through all the Halo games in order. Maybe once I pick up Reach we'll do a 1 --> 3, ODST, Reach marathon.)
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    #9  Edited By HitmanAgent47

    If lara isn't so hot, I wouldn't tolerate it at all. It's totally fustrating, however you don't give a shit because lara croft is smoking hot. Still need to finish that game, alot of the levels doesn't make sense.

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    #10  Edited By Video_Game_King
    No, you'll realize that he's hard because he's just hard. No amount of grind will fix that. You just need strategy, reflex, and luck.
    Yea, Red Dead didn't exactly catch my attention, either, and I blame that on the random hype the game got. Why the hell did it get so much hype?
    I don't own a PS3, so that's not exactly possible.
    My advice would be not to, but that's because I'm me :P.
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    #11  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
    @niamahai said:

    " i'm not sure about you, but TR:U was kinda the swan song for modern TR fans.
     If you came from TR:Legends > Anniversary > Underworld, TR:U is clearly an improvement from the 2 previous ones. "

    I appreciate that, but I've played Legend, and that game is totally better than Underworld. Maybe it's because of what you say next...

    "The game is not good at letting the player know where to go" 
    Believe it or not, this was done on purpose. At that time, players of the 2 previous TR games were stating "oh its so obvious where i must go coz that ledge is coloured differently".
    Crystal Dynamic design the travel points of TR:U to blend in perfectly so that exploration forms part of the game. Granted, modern TR-esque games like AC and Uncharted pretty much trivialize the environment maneuvering aspect of the game, but IN MY OPINION, TR games MUST always be about the ENVIRONMENT. "

    I definitely understand what you're saying -- that's what the franchise is. There are definitely ways to design your game where the environment is important and its integrity is retained, but it doesn't become trivial, as you say.  

     p.s: It would help if you have washed your brain off POP '08 and Unchartered, so you won't feel that this game is 'hard'.  p.s#2: IMO its not "fair" to judge previous games based on todays standard. Some gameplay elements don't really hold up over time. But netherless, glad that you experience Lara Croft. I love Lara. Yes. I am biased. Haha.  p.s#3: Do FF13. I want to see the shitstorm you raise.

    I actually haven't played Prince of Persia ('08). I also never compare games, unless I clearly say that's what I'm going to do. There are a few times where I say, "modern games do this like this" (like the hint system). That kind of feeds into your second point. I disagree; I think it's important to look at games through our current viewpoint, because when we play old games we don't travel back in time and play them when they first came out. We play them today, and they might not hold up.
    And I think I will do Final Fantasy XIII.
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    #12  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
    @HitmanAgent47 said:
    " alot of the levels doesn't make sense. "
    Not just the levels... like, the game as a whole doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
    As an aside, I didn't say it above, but from what I played, Underworld's story is totally okay.
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    #13  Edited By SeriouslyNow

    I loved the game.  Don't know what's wrong with you.

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    #14  Edited By niamahai
    @ZanzibarBreeze said:
    you gotta admit, CrystalD tried real hard to make this a better game.
     They did away with QTE and boss battles (imo this is the hardest thing to design in a game)
    As Alex Navarro said, the #1 rule in game development : Everything you do is wrong.
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    #15  Edited By mylifeforAiur

    Assassin's Creed ruined parkour-esque movement for me. Every other game can't compete with the fluidness of the climbing- not too mention stabbing dudes ;)

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    #16  Edited By niamahai
    @mylifeforAiur said:

    " Assassin's Creed ruined parkour-esque movement for me. Every other game can't compete with the fluidness of the climbing- not too mention stabbing dudes ;) "

    mandatory mention :
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    #17  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
    @niamahai said:
    " you gotta admit, CrystalD tried real hard to make this a better game.   "
    They certainly did. Maybe if they had been given six or twelve more months, it would have turned out better. I think it's a fantastic looking game, and the story is probably okay -- that's half of the game that's good. It's just the other half that falls completely flat.
    If the camera wasn't so bad -- and it's really bad -- maybe some of the other stuff wouldn't have gone over so terribly. I promise I'll try play through this game again, probably with a walkthrough so I don't do anything wrong. In another five or six months I'll revisit it again. Maybe there'll be another Tomb Raider out by then.
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    #18  Edited By obcdexter

    Tomb Raider: Underworld got a couple of things going for it, as you mentioned ... 
    a) Lara looks great ;) 
    b) a decent story with some real good character interactions
    c) it is rather short, which means you won't have to endure the terrible mechanics for too long
    and d) eeeeeasy trophies 
    I would really love another good Tomb Raider game. Some kind of closure to the franchise, since I still care for 
    Lara, even after so many years and a bunch of downright terrible titles.

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    #19  Edited By WickedFather

    I'll read this fully tomorrow when I'm sober, but Underworld was a massive, beautiful mess.  The last line of my own review says:
    " And I've just finished it.  And it's completely nothingy, that's the whole impression I get from the whole game.  The end is extra nothing."
    Achievements also ruin the game.  If it weren't for them I wouldn't have spent time looking for fucking pots everywhere which really breaks up the flow.  One of the reasons I hate achievements.  Using the sonar map crashed the game a few times so I got scared to even use it.
    Tomb Raider Legend was great and full of charm.  Tomb Raider II is the best and should be remade.

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    #20  Edited By ZombiePie

    You wanna talk about broken ass Tomb Raider games let's talk about Angel of Darknes s. Now that game was a disappointment!

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    #21  Edited By niamahai
    @ZombiePie said:
    " You wanna talk about broken ass Tomb Raider games let's talk about Angel of Darknes s. Now that game was a disappointment! "
    tru dat
    and she wasn't really hot in that one too! Just.. emo.
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    #22  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
    @WickedFather said:

    " Using the sonar map crashed the game a few times so I got scared to even use it. "

    Don't even get me started on that goddamn sonar map.
    @ZombiePie said:

    " You wanna talk about broken ass Tomb Raider games let's talk about Angel of Darknes s. Now that game was a disappointment! "

    It's possibly the best combination of horrendous controls and horrendous camera in a mainstream video game (by 'best' I mean 'worst').
    EDIT: Secretly I'm going to play that game again now.
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    #23  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
    @niamahai said:
    " @ZombiePie said:
    " You wanna talk about broken ass Tomb Raider games let's talk about Angel of Darknes s. Now that game was a disappointment! "
    tru dat  and she wasn't really hot in that one too! Just.. emo. "
    Scientific comparison:
    In all seriousness, look at the difference between Angel of Darkness and Legend. Apparently, putting work into a game makes a lot of difference.
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    #24  Edited By ZombiePie
    @ZanzibarBreeze: I remember writting Greg Kasavin an angry letter about his review for the game saying that his review (6.5) was too nice and instead the game should have been condemned as unsuitable for consumption for any and all video game enthusiasts. If you plan on playing it then God's speed but I think you'll at most be able to just finish the second mission before trying to smash your controller. Honestly I think it's an abomination form hell that no one should play even in jest.     
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    #25  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
    @ZombiePie:  It's so slow. Seeing that, I don't know if I'd have the patience to play through a game like that.
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    #26  Edited By mosdl

    I was going to get it when it comes out on the PC, but may have to pass now.  I guess I can replay uncharted 2.

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    #27  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
    @mosdl said:
    " I was going to get it when it comes out on the PC, but may have to pass now.  I guess I can replay uncharted 2. "
    Apparently the PC version has significant control improvements over the console version. I hear it looks better as well. I'd probably consider giving it a go if at any time it hits around $10.
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    #28  Edited By nicolenomicon

    Saying that the game is not very good at letting the player know what to do is approaching the game in the wrong fashion I think. All Tomb Raider games have been about figuring out what you're supposed to do. Other than that, I agree.

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    #29  Edited By Grumbel
    @niamahai said:

    " i'm not sure about you, but TR:U was kinda the swan song for modern TR fans.
     If you came from TR:Legends > Anniversary > Underworld, TR:U is clearly an improvement from the 2 previous ones. 

    As somebody who started Tomb Raider with Legends, I have to say I disagree. In terms of level design TR:U was interesting, larger, more free form exploration, cool rope action, etc., but in basically everything else it was a step backwards. The animation felt awkward, the camera gave more trouble then before, the Croft Manor level was completly missing, replayability was drastically reduced by not having a way to reenter all levels (treasure hunt only gives you a few), by not having time trial, by not having a ton of unlockable costumes, the communication from Legend was missing, the developer commentary from Anniversary was missing and so on. There was a ton of stuff that was broken in TR:U that worked perfectly fine in earlier TR's.  

    Legend and Anniversary where perfectly fine games, but Underworld just felt broken in a ton of areas. That said I stilled loved the game for its level design, but it always felt like an early beta version, not the finished product.
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    #30  Edited By Grumbel

    @ZanzibarBreeze: At which point in the game did you get stuck? The Wii version has a bug that can cause you to get stuck, but I am not aware of one in the PS3 version. The lack of 'restart' is a simple consequence of the game not being supposed to have dead ends, if it has, it is a bug. That said, level restarts and reenters where much better handled in Legend and Anniversary.

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    #31  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
    @Grumbel: It was in Vietnam/Thailand, or whatever the third stage is. You know those brown poles that you can take out of the wall and stick them in other places? I took the essential one out and dropped back to a previous area. You can't jump around with those things, obviously, so I was never able to take it back.
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    #32  Edited By Grumbel
    @ZanzibarBreeze said:

    " @Grumbel: It was in Vietnam/Thailand, or whatever the third stage is. You know those brown poles that you can take out of the wall and stick them in other places? I took the essential one out and dropped back to a previous area. You can't jump around with those things, obviously, so I was never able to take it back. "

    Doesn't sound like a dead end to me. You can't crawl or jump with the poles, so it should be impossible to put them into unreachable places. Just pulling them out is harmless. I recommend having a look at a walkthrough (in case you have interest in this game left).
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    #33  Edited By zanzibarbreeze
    @Grumbel said:
    " @ZanzibarBreeze said:

    " @Grumbel: It was in Vietnam/Thailand, or whatever the third stage is. You know those brown poles that you can take out of the wall and stick them in other places? I took the essential one out and dropped back to a previous area. You can't jump around with those things, obviously, so I was never able to take it back. "

    Doesn't sound like a dead end to me. You can't crawl or jump with the poles, so it should be impossible to put them into unreachable places. Just pulling them out is harmless. I recommend having a look at a walkthrough (in case you have interest in this game left). "
    No, I dropped down into another area, I didn't crawl or jump. It quicksaved at an old checkpoint where I had dropped down to and I couldn't make it back. I've looked at a walkthrough. :)
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    #34  Edited By HandsomeDead

    This game is a real shame because Tomb Raider: Anniversary was fantastic. A true return to form.

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    The issues I had with it that really distracted me from the experience were the bad camera that tended to move to awkward places especially in platforming sections and getting stuck in level geometry a handful of times, combat also felt either incomprehensible or straight up mindless with that slow-mo adrenaline ability but I'll cut it some slack here as combat was never really the main draw for these games. these as a whole make the game feel unfinished/rushed.

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