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Stay in the woods. Stay green. Stay safe.

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  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic Just checking in.... on the Off-Topic board

    @jakob187 said:Sweep, if you're still around, I still want you inside me...but my wife probably wouldn't be down for it.Not being approved of by people's wives is honestly my vibe.

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic Games that help with Depression. on the General Discussion board

    @zombiepie said:I hate to be "that guy" but as an educator I cannot in good conscious not say this. Depression is not something that is "cured." It is something that is with you and something you man...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic Where did everybody go?. on the General Discussion board

    The reality is that if you picked any point in the last decade you'll find threads just like this one, with people either complaining about the current staff or, just as often, complaining that the cu...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic Licensed video games, were they ever really that bad?. on the Licensed Game board

    In summary: licensed games are very bad, except when they're extremely good.

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic What genres have you fallen out of love with?. on the General Discussion board

    Open World games used to blow my mind, the freedom and potential was so exciting to me. But the Ubisoft formula that most games eventually fell into quickly became tedious, and I found that "Open wor...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic The State of Premium. on the General Discussion board

    @tempa777 said:@swordstruck said: It's telling that the staff response to this is just silence. I guess it's fine to play "head in the sand" while people are asking about what they're getting for the...

  • sweep posted a new image.
  • sweep posted a new blog.
    I watched the Uncharted Movie and I Did Not Enjoy It Much

    ~ Mild spoilers ~To be clear, my expectations were low. The cast has been thoroughly ridiculed since it was first announced, and the trailer didn't inspire much hope; Nathan Drake, who is supposed to ...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic Twitter Agrees To Sell Itself To Elon Musk For Roughly $44 Billion. on the Off-Topic board

    To the people asking how twitter can get any worse; for a lot of people around the world it's one of their primary communication tools. And now it's controlled by a manbaby who blocks anyone who criti...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic Why IS Elden Ring so popular?. on the Elden Ring board

    Personally, the refreshing appeal of Elden Ring is in it's obscurity, lack of exposition, lack of hand-holding, and general refusal to compromise. I'm pretty fed up of being patronized by game develop...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic The value of having a website about video games. on the General Discussion board

    @curseofthewise said:@sombre said: I've been saddened by how incredibly boring Nextlander has been. It's nothing new or exciting, it's just exactly what they did on GB, but without JeffCan't wait to ...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic New PlayStation Plus tiers revealed. on the PlayStation Plus board

    Game pass gives day 01 access to new releases. Unless Sony is doing the same for PlayStation exclusives I don't really see the point. Almost every game that I want from their back catalogue I already ...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic Halo TV series impressions.. on the Halo board

    @spacemanspiff00: I think best chief is vague dry sarcasm. Like when he gets trapped by the Hive and Cortana asks him how they're going to escape: "Thought I'd try shooting my way out. Mix things up a...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic Halo TV series impressions.. on the Halo board

    My impressions are broadly aesthetic, as I'm not really a Halo Fan (the games are fine) and have no real attachment to any of the characters or locations; I thought the combat scenes were pretty good,...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic Spoil a game without telling me the game. *infinite spoilers*. on the General Discussion board

    The antagonist was manipulating you using a pre-determined trigger phrase that was implanted in your subconscious many years ago.

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic OK, From Software has officially gone too far. on the Elden Ring board

    @efesell: oh you're right, it was the two real ones on either side.That kind of implies that this was got the numbers bumped because it was redundant rather than because it's a design choice or bug. I...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic OK, From Software has officially gone too far. on the Elden Ring board

    I got through this specific illusionary wall in one hit. In fact it wasn't even a hit, I rolled through it.Maybe there's an event that happens which alters the health of the wall? Or maybe it's just b...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic Elden Ring- Bosses - question to fans of the souls like games...are the bosses becoming more or less "fair". on the General Discussion board

    @efesell: Wait, seriously? Which dungeon is that?! I had no idea.

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic Group Password for the GB community?. on the Elden Ring board

    @atheistpreacher:I've played through the vast majority of the game in co-op and have been invaded a grand total of three times. Twice we killed the invader almost immediately because 2v1, and one tim...

  • sweep posted a message in the forum topic Elden Ring- Bosses - question to fans of the souls like games...are the bosses becoming more or less "fair". on the General Discussion board

    I think the boss design is generally pretty good, although I did find both the Stormveil Castle bosses to be a little frustrating - however I think that's largely to do with the way the game funnels ...