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Gaming in 2024

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  • Nintendo Switch

    Started 12/30/23

    Finished 01/11/24 with Multiplayer on


    - A really great Mario game to ring in the new year. Wonder seeds were always a treat to see. Gameplay feels as great as always and the online was very clever. I was surprised how into it I got. Helped me out in a few places as well.

  • PlayStation 5 (Remastered Version)

    Started October 2023

    Finished 01/18/24 Main Campaign

    Platinumed Game on 01/19/24

    Finished DLC on 01/22/24


    - This was my favorite game when it came out in 2018. This remastered version is still great. I think I appreciate it even more after completing everything. You just get in a zone with the traversal and combat. Had a blast with the Miles Morales game a couple years ago and am tempted to revisit that too before playing the sequel. Good times!

  • PlayStation 5

    Started 01/23/24

    Finished on Easy Difficulty 02/03/24


    - Loved the characters and soundtrack but couldn't gel well with the combat. I didn't play the original so some of the story was lost on me. Still happy I played it.

  • Xbox One (via Series X)

    1. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

    - Started 02/04/24

    - Finished 02/15/24

    - First time replaying this game in a decade. Still awesome. Love the characters and cases.

    - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Xbox Series X

    Started 02/08/24

    - WIth the Super Bowl coming and this game releasing on EA Play, I figured I'd jump back in for a little bit. Mainly continued my QB which I started during the trial period. Kinda fun.


  • Xbox Series X

    Started 02/16/24

    - I've played for a few hours, and I like it. Very simple and I wish there was a stats page or something like that, but I'm enjoying playing.


  • PC & PS5

    Started 02/20/24

    - I don't know much about Poker but I've gotten really into this game. So much so, that I bought it twice. Ha


  • Xbox Series X

    Started 02/22/24

    - Been on my radar since it was released but didn't want to drop 70 bucks on it. It came to Gamepass and I've been having some fun with it. The combat is pretty gnarly.


  • Xbox Series X

    Started 03/07/24

  • Xbox Series X

    Started 03/12/24

  • Xbox Series X

    Started 03/15/24

  • Xbox Series X

    - Ultimate Edition

    Started 03/23/24

    - Stopped

    - This is the second time I've attempted playing this game. First through PS Extra and now on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. I got farther here but for some reason I've lost interest again. I think I was around five or six hours into it this time.

  • PS5

    - Demo

    Started 03/29/24

    Finished 3/30/24

    - Had some fun with this. It's now on my wishlist and I hope to get around to it at some point.

  • Xbox Series X

    Started 04/02/24

    Finished 04/09/24


    - A decent little Narrative, Walking sim. I really liked Gone Home, but this didn't hit those heights for me. The main mystery wasn't particularly compelling for me. I did like the Mother/Daughter relationship. I thought that was a real highlight.

  • Xbox Series X

    Started 04/25/24

  • Xbox Series X

    Started 05/21/24

    Finished 05/27/24


    - I'm down for more cinematic narrative-heavy games, but this was a little too much. The combat was fine, if a bit simple, at first but by the end, I was dreading the encounters. They go on for a bit too long especially towards the end. The puzzles were there and pretty boring, but they didn't bother me too much.

    - The story seemed alright. I don't know. The misery and depression of it all was a little overbearing especially when wearing headphones. I get why they recommended that but when you hear the voices constantly, especially one in particular who is a real asshole, it became annoying. I gave up on the headphones after a while.

    - It's a very nice-looking game, in all its rotten landscapes. Senua, herself, is mocapped very well and the actress who voiced her was effective.

    - A very minor nitpick I had was that the optional voice recordings (?) were pretty boring. I felt like I was at a lecture. Not my thing.

    - Overall, I respect what they went for, but it wasn't for me. I like cinematic games, but this was a little too bleak for me at this time in my life. I might check out the sequel at some point, but it won't be for a while as I hear it is a very similar experience.