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There's a thread for this here, but the short version is: there's a fix in the works!

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I'm not sure it is the 1080p stuff. I watched the whole video a couple days ago with the new cameras and stuff. That played with no issues.

If you're referring to this video, and first viewed it within a few days of it being uploaded to the site, that's because the site-served file (which is the same file that the Roku receives) was actually 720p. We have since swapped the 720p version for a 1080p version to test this very thing. I would suspect that if you went back and watched it now, you would have problems.

As Rorie said above, we're pretty sure we have a way for the Roku to detect the 720p version of all videos and play those instead, which should resolve all of these problems. We're currently working on implementing that.

PS: thanks everyone for posting in here; it's actually really helping us a lot!

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#4  Edited By drewbert

Good suggestion. I like to pair this place with the USS Pampanito, which is right next door and starred in one the greatest films of our generation:

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Aside from that, Alcatraz is indeed rad (get the audio tour), the Exploratorium is cool, Golden Gate Park and Lands End are gorgeous, and you could always take BART/MUNI down to the Mission to grab some hole-in-the-wall burritos and hit a beer garden if the weather's nice.

For general restaurant/bar tips, just pull up Yelp and try any place that has four stars or higher and it'll probably be great.

For getting around, Google Maps does a pretty good job at public transit directions. And there's always Uber and Lyft.

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Holy cow, nice going, duders!

I had a bit of a rough time with 16.1. I tried to go Rx, but the weight was pretty intense for me (I tend to be better at endurance stuff rather than heavy stuff). I got through one round and decided to take weight off, rather than risk injuring myself. Humiliating, but I think it was the right call. As a result, I ended up with a Scaled result, and probably one lower than I would have gotten had I just attempted Scaled in the first place. But I'm glad I tried!

16.2 was going just fine until the double-unders. I've worked on getting better at DUs, but the added pressure of the Open seemed to completely undo any technique advantages I had gained! As a result, I didn't even make it to the lift. I tried the lift for fun, though, and could have done a few--but no way I could do 15 of those. Still, I posted an Rx score, which, along with attempting every workout, was my goal!

It's been a rocky start so far, but I'm glad I'm doing it. The Open is doing a great job of exposing my weaknesses and telling me where I need to improve, most notably in overall weight and double-unders. Bring on 16.3!

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If anyone's interested, here's Drew's potential Crossfit Open numbers compared to WWE Superstar Seth Rollins' numbers.

Note, Seth Rollins tore his ACL or something a few months ago, so his numbers might be worse this year.

edit: They're the same age, but Seth is taller and weighs more than Drew.

I technically have the better 5k time!

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@stordoff said:

Edit: @clagnaught: I think they are playing on a PS2 - Vinny has to recalibrate a controller in one of the episodes by disconnecting and reconnecting it, and I don't recall that being an issue with the SIXXIS/DualShock3.

It was indeed a PS2 (slim)!

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This is incredible. More power to you, my friend!

@stordoff said:

@mimakos said:

good job.please don't waste more of your time on this. i feel sorry for the amount of work your putting on this project. well done sir!

I want to get better at using Premiere anyway, so this isn't a complete waste of time. There are probably better ways to learn, but this is entertaining at least.

Hey man, editing videos of Persona 4 is how I learned Final Cut Pro ;)

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#9  Edited By drewbert

Hoo boy. I just signed up to do the CrossFit Open, an idea I’ve flirted with for a while. I may regret this, but I’m posting this here so you, Internet, will hold me to it.

Here’s the link if you want to sign up, too. It’s $20, and you need to have access to a CrossFit affiliate gym to be scored. Workouts will be posted here a short time before each scoring period (each workout is a mystery until then). Scoring takes place over the following dates:

Workout 16.1: Feb. 25 - 29
Workout 16.2: March 3 - 7
Workout 16.3: March 10 - 14
Workout 16.4: March 17 - 21
Workout 16.5: March 24 - 28

Each workout has a prescribed (Rx) weight. If you're trying to qualify for regionals, this is your goal. If you're just doing this for funsies, like me, you'll probably end up doing "scaled" versions of some (or, in my case, all) of the workouts.

Do these workouts during these timeframes in the presence of a judge from an affiliate gym and your score will be recorded on the CrossFit Games website. Then you can see how much better you are at CrossFitting than me!

So who’s with me? I know for a fact there are Giant Bomb users out there who do CrossFit. I want to see some numbers!

What is the CrossFit Open?

The Open is the initial qualifying round for the CrossFit Games, which take place July 19-24 and are broadcast on ESPN. If you do well enough in the Open, you move on to Regionals (May 13-29), and then potentially to the Games themselves.

The cool thing about the Open is that anyone on earth with $20 can participate. Everyone’s scores, including those of the top finishers from last year’s Games, get posted on the CrossFit Games website, so you can compare yourself against the best in the world.

To post a score, you must do the assigned workout within the specified timeframe and be scored by a judge from a CrossFit affiliate gym. I’m pretty sure you don’t even need to be a member of the gym itself. I assume you could just pay a one-class fee and do the workout in front of that gym’s judge. Maybe someone else can confirm this.

What is CrossFit?

The term “CrossFit” can refer to two things:

  1. A fitness regimen that aims to produce all-around fitness through workouts focused on bodyweight exercises, kinetic movements, and free weights.
  2. An organization and brand that coordinates CrossFit events and oversees CrossFit affiliate gyms which specialize in these types of workouts.

Generally, someone who “does CrossFit” goes to classes at a CrossFit affiliate gym. Many gyms post their workouts online for free, however, so some people (usually those with lots of willpower) do the workouts on their own, at home. The official CrossFit website is a good resource for finding these free workouts.

Why do you CrossFit, bro?

  • I like that someone else comes up with my workout routine, so I don’t have to do it and constantly wonder if I’m using my time effectively.
  • Each class is only an hour, and judging by how tired I am after each class, I know it’s a productive hour.
  • The class atmosphere pushes me to do the workouts correctly and completely, knowing other people are doing the same.
  • Some of the movements in CrossFit are complex, and the simple act of doing them is a real confidence booster. Simply being able to hang with other people in my class who I consider super fit, and being able to compare myself to the competitors in the Games (however far off my numbers are) is pretty cool. Plus, sometimes you kinda feel like a Navy SEAL. Maybe that’s just me.

Can’t CrossFit, like, kill you or something?

Only if you do it wrong. Don’t do it wrong.

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I can confirm this. Valhalla Rising is, indeed, awesome.

@castiel said:

Since we are talking about Mads Mikkelsen I just wanted to say that Valhalla Rising is a fucking awesome. That's actually all I had to say. Also here's a trailer:

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