List the next 3 games you plan to beat. Post again when you fail/succeed. Gaming AA.

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#1  Edited By sometingbanuble
  1. Minecraft (WiiU)
    • I want to beat an Ender dragon. I want to know the in's and out's of this game. I bought a Wii-U to catch up on some old stuff and this game is a must beat. I'd really like to stumble upon the ending through natural gameplay and only what's in game as far as tutorial.

2. Guardians of the Galaxy (Xbox One)

    • I've been playing alot of 3rd Person games. I haven't played a shooter since The Division 2 or Last of us 2

3. Vampyr (Xbox One)

    • This is one of those games that I own digitally for some reason. Digital buys feel like some of the biggest wastes of money. I'm more incentivized to finish digital games because of this. Which means i'm more likely to justify a digital game purchase, yet regret it.

**cheating only allowed with your online games you play with your buddies**

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You bought a Wii-U to catch up on....Minecraft?


That's like saying you bought a PS3 because you really wanted to play Tetris. It is technically on there but...

Also I don't understand what you mean by "cheating." There aren't any rules here.

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I also just started Guardians of the Galaxy after getting it during one of these supposed Black Friday sales. So my 3 are:

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

Life is Strange: True Colors

Tales of Arise

I'll definitely finish Life is Strange since I'm playing that over discord with some friends. And I'm 20ish hours into Tales, so I'll probably finish it. GotG is the biggest unknown.

But back to OP, I'm hoping you picked up the Wii U for other games and happened to be playing Minecraft on it. Because you obviously have an Xbox and I can't understand why you'd play it on Wii U and not a more modern console....

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#5  Edited By brian_

I'm currently in "Finish up 2021 games before the end of the year" mode. Right now, I'm focused on SMT V. After that, I think I might pick up Life Is Strange: True Colors, since it's on sale. Not sure about a third right now. I do have Neo: The World Ends With You and Get In The Car, Loser that I'd like to get around to at some point. I'd also like to check out Voice of the Cards too.

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#6  Edited By FacelessVixen

I don't stream, so no to-do list. FOMO is bullshit. Just do whatever whenever.

Also lol at the people feeling a type of way about this person buying a Wii U for Minecraft. Gamers are funny sometimes.

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@sometingbanuble: It's genuinely remarkable just how many people missed the key part of the sentence "I bought a Wii-U to catch up on some old stuff and this game is a must beat".

To answer your question though, I don't really have time to play games a.t.m. and I'm too cheap to buy them anyways. I guess 3 random indies with 70%+ off during the steam winter sale? I might get Spiritfarer if It's 50% off as it seemed pretty cool.

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@nuttism: Nobody missed anything. It's just kind of a non-sequitur. If you're buying a Wii U to catch up on old stuff presumably those are games that are only on Wii U. You wouldn't buy a Wii U to play ports. Minecraft isn't particularly cheap on Wii U compared to other consoles and it's not the best version so...why play it there? There's some missing information like "I bought a Wii U to catch up on some old stuff and it came with some games including Minecraft" or "I bought a Wii U to catch up on some old stuff and I found the Wii U version for $2 in a pawn shop" or "and my friend loaned me his copy of Minecraft" or something.

Of course you don't HAVE to explain, but then why mention buying the Wii U to catch up on old games as a preamble? You can just say "Minecraft is a must play."

Instead it comes off like "I bought a Wii U to catch up on some old stuff, so now I can finally play Minecraft, which is a much play" which makes no sense (but would make sense if you substituted another game for Minecraft, like Super Mario Maker or whatever.) There's clearly some information that explains how the two thoughts go together, but we don't have it.

That's why it's funny.

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#9  Edited By WulfBane

I’m a few days into a 10 day staycation for the holiday. I actually just went through and completed The Forgotten City over the past few days when I saw that on Gamepass and heard Nextlander talking some about it.

But yeah, I got a few other titles that I have been meaning to get through over the break between other things.

* Metroid Dread - I actually picked it up on launch day but initially held off because I wanted to finally take the time to get through the 3DS Samus Returns remake (I played through the original GB version multiple times as a kid). So that’s done and I did start Dread. Just haven’t carved out time to dedicate to Dread.

* Pony Island - Kind of a silly entry but related to the next entry. I did get through probably 60% of it. Just need to actually sit at my PC some more and just get it done before I feel properly prepared to start…

* Inscryption - Yeah, why else would I be playing Pony Island in 2021? I know it’s not required but I want to see how that swerved before I play some card games with a sassy stoat and a pair of glowing eyeballs peering from the void.

- bonus entry -

Another project for myself that I’m working through is the Lego Super Mario 64 ? Block set. I’m pacing this out, doing 1-2 bags a day (out of 13) and started it today.

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Mega Man - Any of the original 11. Haven't beat any of them despite getting up to Wily on Mega Man 2. Currently working on MM3 so that's the closest one I am to beating.

Billion Road - Started an online 99year run with a friend and we quickly found out that the fast forward funvction doesn't work online. Or, at least, on our networks working from halfway around the world(USA to Japan). Turns out, 99 years is a LONG TIME.

Sekiro - hahahahahahaha, I'm never gonna beat this game.

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Halo Infinite (PC): currently the only unreleased game I have pre-ordered, would report back after beating the 60 bucks dlc they call campagin.

Valkyria Chronicle 4(Swtich): a 3 years old save at 46 hours mark awaits.

Kotor(Switch): time to take this one on the go.

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#12  Edited By MagnetPhonics

Seeing as I've dedicated 2021 to finishing all Wadjet Eye games that I haven't finished or finished so long ago it doesn't count. And the three I have to go are Gemini Rue, Resonance and The Shivah

The next 3 games I finish will be Gemini Rue, Resonance and The Shivah

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Red Dead Redemption 2, this will take a long time so i haven't planned any further ahead.

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@sometingbanuble: You seem to have taken some light ribbing pretty seriously. Nobody is trying to tear you down, you just said something that didn't seem to make sense and people commented on it.

The actual explanation "I bought a Wii-U to play around my young niece and I picked up Minecraft for it because it's something I can play around her that she might want to play some day" makes total sense, but you understand that's different from "I bought a Wii-U to catch up on some old stuff and this game is a must beat." right? There's no way we could have understood why you chose the Wii U for Minecraft without the context of the niece.

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What does "gaming AA" mean in the context of the rest of the title and the topic? Are we talking AA as in 12 step recovery from playing video games? Or double A games which I assume are smaller than what we call triple A games? I'm asking because A. I'm in 12 step recovery and can't connect the dots and B. I have heard people call smaller games double A games, and some people (Justin Davis at IGN regularly does this) calls some big budget games Quadruple A games. I'm not being snarky, I'm just trying to figure out the context of the post since the "Gaming AA" part is what made me click on the topic and I haven't seen anybody follow up on that part.

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#18  Edited By ALLTheDinos

Jurassic World Evolution 2 (PC): Last night, I beat one of the two story modes, confusingly labeled "Campaign" despite being more of a tutorial. I think conquering the other story mode ("Chaos Mode"), making a Challenge park, then dipping into the Sandbox will give me the equivalent of beating the game. I don't know how to feel about it so far, and I'm hoping playing more will help me formulate a real opinion on it.

Sable (Xbox Series X): When I first downloaded this game, I expected to put a few hours into it then forget about it. Partly because my daughter really likes the worm creatures, I've been playing a fair amount. I think I can technically end the story anytime I want to now, but there's more exploring to be done first. For that reason, I would bank on completing it second.

Mundaun (PC): It was not in my concrete plans to finish this game anytime soon, so I'm putting it third on the list to give myself a more pressing reason to see it through. I told myself I'd complete it during spooky season, and I totally whiffed on that sorta-promise. It won't make my GOTY list or anything, I just don't want to leave it hanging for some reason.

EDIT 1: I beat Sable on Sunday (11/28). Not only did I beat it, I somehow got 100% of the achievements, which I rarely ever do. Pretty much the only one I went out of my way for was getting 100 Chums, which netted me the Chum Mask. I ended up making this my mask choice at the end of the game as well, so I feel happy about my time with the game.

[Further edits will go here!]

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This seems real similar to your other topic, something about favorite games that you've never beaten. I didn't respond to that topic because most of the games I play don't really apply, and I would argue that one of your games doesn't apply. I don't really consider Minecraft a game you "beat." There's a survival mode and a dragon at the end, sure, but Minecraft is essentially 3D Legos where you set your own goals.

I know where you're coming from, though. I can dig the concept of mainlining games, conquering them and checking them off a list of games you've beaten. If going through backlogs and "catching up" is your jam, I can't fault that. I have way too many games in my library to try that; it would drive me insane. I'll list three games I'm playing, since that's what you asked:

Dicey Dungeons

Monster Train

Stranger Things 1984

The latter game is some goofy licensed game I found when browsing Netflix on my phone. It's decent for what it is: a way to waste time on my phone. I'll probably beat it because it seems like it might be short, but it's getting kind of repetitive so I might drop it. Who knows.

The other two games are single player roguelike card battlers I found on Gamepass. They're pretty fun. I don't know what would qualify as beating them, but I've cleared a few runs. I probably won't finish all the achievements or whatever, but then again I never really do that with any game.

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Honestly I wouldn’t commit to anything right now because the moment Endwalker is released everything else is off the table.

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@besetment: I'm playing Dicey Dungeons right now and I'm a massive Monster Train fan. I don't think Monster Train really has an end point beyond win at covenant 25 (I think that triggers a credit sequence if I recall correctly) but it also doesn't have a story so it's just sort of a game you play until you're done.

Dicey Dungeons, on the other hand, has a much clearer goal and I think could be said to be a game you can beat. Whether you want to or not is a different question. Based on percentages of people who have the achievements most people don't, and I think the game can get pretty tough and repetitive before that point.

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  1. Jurassic World Evolution 2 - This game is fantastic especially if you are a fan of Jurassic Park. It has some flaws but they are minor and it is a blast creating your own dinosaur park. I have finished the campaign and Chaos Mode and am now working on Challenge mode. I am expecting to be done within the next two weeks.
  2. The Dark Picture Anthologies House of Ashes - My wife and I love playing these games together. This might be my favorite one in the series so far.
  3. Wildermyth - This is my favorite game in a long time. Tactical strategies are my jam and this is a very good one coupled with fantasy lore. It's very well done and I'm close to the end.
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This is a cool thread. Imma come back to this when I haven't taken sleeping pills, so I can write a coherent sentence

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I just completed Dragon Age 2 after playing it off and on for the past couple of months. Next up are:

1. Dark Souls Remastered

2. The Stanley Parable

3. Either Judgment or something from 2021. Haven't decided yet.

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@youeightit: I'm guessing the implication is that it's a basic 'support group' for people who struggle to actually finish games for whatever myriad reason. It's a topic that's popped up on these forums more often in recent times.

Anyway you've caught me at a rare time where I'm actually playing the hottest new releases so I guess my 3 are:

1. SMT V - currently playing this, hoping to have it done in time for

2. FFXIV Endwalker - I guess in this context 'finished' refers to finishing the Main Scenario Quests so that I can move on to

3. FFXIV Endwalker Raids and everything else - I mean honestly who knows how long the black hole of FFXIV will take hold of me this time around, I'm expecting quite a few months.

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I think I should finish FF X. It's been sitting there too long.

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@imhungry: yeah I guess that’s true. Kinda wish OP called it that instead.

Anyway my next 3 to try to beat (before the end of the year) are Lost Judgment, Far Cry 6, and Halo Infinite’s solo campaign.

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I'm about half way through the campaign in Mirror's Edge Catalyst, hope to finish by the end of the year.

Gravel, main challenges.

Killer Instinct, Shadow Lords mode. I don't think I'm good enough at the game to beat this, but I'd like to at least survive long enough to face Gargos.

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1. Cyberpunk 2077 I had put in 130 hours but stopped in February on Act 2. I’m too invested now.

2. Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2

3. Deathloop

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So far so good in minecraft. I built my first house and am not sure how to put in a ceiling. DONT TELL ME. I cooked some food and find the sun setting pretty calming and a time to put the wii-u table down for a bit while i rest in my bed. The minecraft bed.

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#31  Edited By FacelessVixen

I'll most likely finish Dark Souls 1 again by the end of the year.

...And lets just add Succubus and SAO: Fatal Bullet for the hell of it.

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Pathfinder Kingmaker - I've played 120 ish hours so far and I really enjoyed a lot of it but man I just want it to end now.

Dirt 4 - Just started, I tried Forza Horizon 5 and that just made me want to play Dirt.

Wildermyth - I've heard cool things about it, but I don't think I've experienced them yet since I have only played an hour or so.

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I just finished Metroid Dread. Great game, I'm kinda sad it's over. Next, I think I'll play 3 massively hyped games that I missed to see if they live up to that hype: Breath of the Wild, Inscryption, and Outer Wilds.

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The next three on my list are

NEO: The World Ends With You;

Fuga: Melodies of Steel; and

Shin Megami Tensei III.

I'm midway between the first two, and spending a little time each day on them. It's going to be quite a while before I can get to SMT III.

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In Vampyr I made the most minor of discoveries but significant enough for me to carry on. During dialogue you can manipulate the camera anyway you like to set the scene. I'm now christopher nolan and will carry on.

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#36  Edited By WulfBane

To close out my submission to this thread:

  • I finished out Pony Island on Monday. I was already about 75% and wanted to finish it before I started up Inscryption
  • Played what I felt like was a good amount of Inscryption for myself. Managed to solve all the puzzles within the cabin (well, only did the repeatable one once for its first unlock) but can’t really get myself to stay with the card game itself. Only got to the angler once and wasn’t really able to formulate another good run since. I admire the game, but was kind of hoping it was more the puzzle stuff and the card game was a vehicle for the puzzles. Sorry, I guess I’m bouncing off this one.
  • I just finished Metroid Dread. Fun stuff. Enjoy that the boss fights are really about the pattern recognition and execution. You can’t tank your way through and energy tanks are really just a buffer for your mistakes. Heck, after the final boss, all my tanks were full again from only a few mistakes and being able to trigger events that heal you.
  • And the bonus entry, finished the Lego Mario 64 ? Block set on wednesday. Pretty coo assortment of details in there. Yes, even the hidden Yoshi at the back of the castle.
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I'll most likely finish Dark Souls 1 again by the end of the year.

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#38  Edited By MagnetPhonics

Multiple people in this thread playing Pony Island "to get ready to play Inscryption." Despite this, there is zero mention of The Hex. I'm shaking my damn head. Supposed Tapper fan Jeff Gerstmann has been derelict in his duty.

@magnetphonics said:

Seeing as I've dedicated 2021 to finishing all Wadjet Eye games that I haven't finished or finished so long ago it doesn't count. And the three I have to go are Gemini Rue, Resonance and The Shivah

The next 3 games I finish will be Gemini Rue, Resonance and The Shivah

1 down. 2 to go. (Gemini Rue is still excellent.)

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#39  Edited By spacemanspiff00

God I've started a bunch of stuff this year and finished very little. Mostly playing older stuff. So lets go with:

1. Dead Space 2- I know, I know, how I have not played this? Its not even a long game but I just veered away as usual halfway through and haven't returned.

2. Doom Eternal- I played it for 6 hours straight the first time and loved it. Hard as hell with a controller so I had to knock her down to to easy pretty early on. I feel no shame. I actually quite enjoy the changes they've made. Having all the other skills to work with adds another layer of depth that I appreciate, even if some would prefer a more straight up shooter. I haven't played it in awhile and it kinda feels daunting jumping back in.

Ok one new game:

3 Halo Infinite campaign- This one's going on the list because I'm certain I'll achieve it. I'm extremely excited to jump back into the Halo universe so this should be a no brainer for me. Hopefully.

I get so distracted. I've spent almost 30 hours lately playing GTA San Andreas through Xcloud so I could maybe throw that on the list too since I want to finish it. We'll see what happens lol.

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Dead Space 3 is my favorite of the trilogy. I think the crafting was really well done. I called it my "game of the generation" on my review spreadsheet.

I do not like Doom Eternal. The mobility is just overdone. Platforming in first person is just not fun. I got this game day one and i feel like a better experience would be playing the 2016 title on a harder difficulty or restricting a play through to only a pistol (if possible)

What are they charging for the single player campaign. Are those of us non-gamepass members supposed to swallow a $60 bullet for this game. I was hoping this would set a precedent for single player campaigns so when call of duty, battlefield, and other multiplayer driven games have modes i don't touch i can still play single player.

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@sometingbanuble: Yes they will probably charge 60 bucks for Halo if you don't have GP and want to own it. Not unlike any other AAA game release. That's why I have Game Pass. I don't think its unfair or anything for them to sell it at that price. Forza and Gears are the same way if you want to own them. So I wouldn't call it swallowing a bullet unless you hold that opinion for all 60 dollar games.

That being said I don't believe it will set any precedent on those other franchises as Halo has always been a big half and half franchise while COD and Battlefield have dabbled but its never really been a focus. And I have no reason to believe they would want to put in that work now when they can just sell things like Blackout and 2042 and monetize them to death.

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@spacemanspiff00: youre missing my point. up until they annouced single player was free to play the asumption was multiplayer + campaign equals $60. i dont want free to play progression. if i buy the game give me battlepasses for life. otherwise its a worse deal for me when f2p will make them beaucoup dollars

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#43  Edited By spacemanspiff00

@sometingbanuble: I'm guessing you meant MP was free to play. I never heard single player announced as F2P. But either way I expect the campaign to cost 60 bucks because its a AAA game, that's all. As far as F2P progression goes I guess that's a personal issue. I don't play MP modes anymore so I'm just looking forward to the campaign. Battle passes and the like are meaningless to me so I can't really say much else. But I would pay 60 for just the campaign like I have with previous installments if GP didn't exist. Truthfully these days I'd likely wait for a sale lol.

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well this is the FIRST test case of what happens when campaign is full price. Guess we the consumer lose.

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#45  Edited By spacemanspiff00

@sometingbanuble: I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Maybe I'm missing something but new AAA games come out with campaigns only and are still 60 bucks. 70 now on the Playstation side. A MP mode doesn't change the price. So if you want to play the campaign it seems like business as usual, made better by Game Pass if I don't want to own it. Its the MP stuff that seems like a test case since they have never offered it as F2P. Am I missing something here?

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I got tired of walking around for over 30 hours in the same giant, empty, desert apocalypse that seems to be every environment in SMT V, so I actually started up Get In The Car, Loser and finished it. In a weird way, I feel like it's kind of the opposite of SMT V, where I feel like nothing is happening in the story of SMT V and none of the dialogue is ever of any real interest, and it's all spaced so far apart between 10 hours of just wandering in nothingness that is each area of the game, that I'm really just playing it to get my JRPG combat fix, monster collecting and leveling up. Whereas Get In The Car, Loser is all dialogue and story, and while the battle system is interesting in concept, it never really evolves throughout the game.

Anyways, that's one game down. Back to SMT V, I guess. I'll probably start up True Colors when I need a break from SMT again.

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This is fun.

1) Pokemon Shining Pearl

2) Doki Doki Literature Club Plus

3) Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

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Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST (then 4 and 5)

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Awesome thread. I'm real close to finishing Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow which I'm mostly playing on my commute, so I reckon two or three more days for that. Not sure if I'm gonna spend a load of time filling in the map or looking for secrets or whatever. My bro just lent me his copy of Metroid Dread so that's probably gonna be number two. I'm messing around with a bunch of multiplayer stuff recently so I wouldn't be surprised if the next one is Halo Infinite, even if it does come out in a week. I can tell I'm gonna just mainline that.

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#50  Edited By ll_Exile_ll
@sometingbanuble said:

@spacemanspiff00: youre missing my point. up until they annouced single player was free to play the asumption was multiplayer + campaign equals $60. i dont want free to play progression. if i buy the game give me battlepasses for life. otherwise its a worse deal for me when f2p will make them beaucoup dollars

Hate to break it to you, but most multiplayer focused shooters have free to play progression even if they're full priced. Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc. cost full price and are full of microtransactions and battlepasses. Battlefield 2042 doesn't even have a campaign. At least Halo's multiplayer is free.

As for the campaign, I don't really get the complaint. If a game like Far Cry isn't questioned for being full priced, not sure why the Halo campaign would be expected to be discounted. Were you questioning why a 10 hour shooters like Bioshock or the new Wolfenstein series was full price despite the lack of campaign?