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    WWE WrestleMania 21

    Game » consists of 1 releases. Released Apr 20, 2005

    WWE Wrestlemania 21 is a wrestling game based on 2004 storylines in WWE. It is also the last of the exclusive WWE Xbox games, being the successor to WWE RAW 2.

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    The Brooklyn Brawler of Wrestling Games 1

    Xbox owning wrestling fans have had it rough.  Between RAW and Legends of Wrestling, the Xbox has not seen a single good wrestling game.  Not even a mediocre one.  Sadly, it appears things are going to stay that way.  WrestleMania 21 comes from Studio Gigante, creators of Tao Feng.  For those that don't know, Gigante is John Tobias' company he created after severing his tag team with Ed Boon and leaving Midway about five years ago.  WrestleMania 21 is simply an incomplete game.  All the fra...

    2 out of 4 found this review helpful.

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