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    The Order: 1886

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Feb 20, 2015

    A third-person shooter set in a steampunk-themed alternate timeline, with a dash of the supernatural. Developed by Ready at Dawn Studios for the PlayStation 4.

    I played The Order 1886, my thoughts.

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    Edited By bluefish

    I work at an EB Games in Canada and (for literally the first time in my time there) I played a game in advance of release. A Sony rep came around with the demo they're been showing to press for a while. This one:

    I quite enjoyed it. Normally I'm not one to rag on people that work at gaming sites but I had watched an IGN guy play the demo and he seemed to really be having problems getting a bead on moving enemies. I was worried that the aiming and shooting feel/turning speed/arc might feel off. It's never been the strong suit of Sony published games I find and this is the first shooter from the studio. Turns out the IGN guy is straight garbage at shooters. That whole element felt great. I was able to pull off shots I wanted to without issue and I didn't feel like there was an over abundance of auto aim.

    It looks fucking good. I was playing on a very small demo TV and maybe small blemishes will be visible on bigger sets but it looked amazing. Even things like eye and cloth movement looked great. 'nuff said.

    You honestly can't tell when a cutscene ends. It just results in moments where you're thinking to yourself, "I feel like he would have done something by no- oh wait." which isn't exactly good for immersion in a sense. But it's still pretty impressive. It also lead to moments where you really do feel like your controller input is just triggering the next few steps of the animation (see the opening cave sequence of Tomb Raider and certain moments of Uncharted 3) which is a little disappointing when you become aware of it. It's like you're gently prodding a movie to continue playing instead of actually having agency with your input in the scene. It was in controlled moments so I don't think it will get too bad but it threw me off a little.

    The controls overall were good. The cover is a little too sticky and there aren't as many contextual movement commands and in something like Gears. eg, in Gears you can push forward and X to move out of cover heading forward already in a run or you can push to the side and X to move quickly to the next piece of cover. Here only the latter exists so moving from cover forward, running, into cover is far more inputs than it needs to be and feels kinda clunky. It was an irritation that seems like a silly oversight but it was one I adapted to pretty handily over my 20 minutes or so with the game.

    Overall I was pretty happy with it. I AM a person satisfied with a fun, single player game. Even one as simple a a cover shooter, proving I find the fiction interesting and the story at least half interesting. It really strikes me as a game like Gears of War, maybe a little more 'cinematic' in the hand-holdy sense. I'm not nuts about that but providing the overall narrative thrust is strong and the gameplay stays fun I kinda won't give a shit.


    my 2 cents,

    also happy to answer questions.

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    That actually sounds right up my alley. I'm glad to hear that the game seems to be pretty rad, because a lot of the previews I've been hearing are pretty fucking dire. I don't really care about vampires, but I'm all about werewolves and shit, so I feel like this game might be pretty cool. Definitely going to keep a closer eye on it as it nears release.

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    Was there an option to use L1/R1 for aiming/shooting?

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    I'll give it a shot. I love my gameplay-centric games, but a cinematic game like this is a nice change of pace on occasion.

    As I've been saying since the announcement: Ready at Dawn is a solid developer and I have faith in them. I doubt they'd let their biggest game yet come out half-assed.

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    Was there an option to use L1/R1 for aiming/shooting?

    I didn't look. :/ Sorry. But what kinda of sicko would use that anyway. :P

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    #5  Edited By FrostyRyan

    @spoonman671 said:

    Was there an option to use L1/R1 for aiming/shooting?

    Why would you want to use that instead of PS4 triggers? They're not like the terrible PS3 "triggers"

    Anyway, I've been extremely worried about this game but I'm glad to see some positive reactions

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    @bluefish: uh, obviously the kind that understands that firing a weapon is not an analog action and therefore should use a digital button, freeing up analog inputs for actions that actually are analog in nature. I bet you don't even invert, you caveman!

    My people will have their day.

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    #7  Edited By jasonefmonk

    @spoonman671: Haha I've always agreed with that argument for L1/R1. The one problem I have is that the other function, aim down sights, feels much better with analog operation. Not many a console game that'll let you aim with L2 and fire with R1.

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    If the gunplay feels tight, it has good set pieces, and the story is strong, then I might just get it when it gets a price drop or goes on sale at the tail-end of the year.

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    @bluefish: uh, obviously the kind that understands that firing a weapon is not an analog action and therefore should use a digital button, freeing up analog inputs for actions that actually are analog in nature. I bet you don't even invert, you caveman!

    My people will have their day.

    I loved the L1 aim, R1 shoot controls in The Last of Us because it also lets you sprint by holding L2 and go to crouch/listen mode by holding R2. I always thought that aiming and shooting from L1/R1 was better on the PS3 mainly due to the mushy triggers thanks to Uncharted for going that route. However, even when they released The Last of Us to PS4 I kept that same control scheme not only because it felt more natural to me but it still felt more intuitive than using L1 to sprint/R2 to listen.

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    Glad to hear someone actually saying some nice stuff about this game. I honestly wasn't that excited for it until I saw the most recent trailer and it blew me away by how good it looks. Finally something that is coming out soon that actually looks legitimately next generation and better then just a maxed out PC port of something.

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    I'm still trying to get excited enough about the game to make sure it's a day one buy, the story sounds good and now from what you just said the actual gameplay sounds like it might be too. There is still a bit of a wait to go so I guess I'll just keep looking out for more news and maybe some previews. The only thing that would really put me off is if it's extremely linear and you can't do a little exploring around the environment.

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    #12  Edited By MEATBALL

    Glad to hear you were digging it. I'm thinking I'm probably going to pick it up on day one, just purely due to curiosity.

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    Just pre-ordered this, glad some of the issues I was worried about don't seem to be a big deal. Excited to play this, so many games coming out in the next couple months.

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    #14  Edited By tuxfool

    @spoonman671: Pulling a trigger on a real gun is an analogue action. The effect might be digital, but pulling the triggers on the controller mimics a real gun much more closely.

    Flight sticks have similar triggers for fighter planes both in real life and in games, because it feels better and provides more control. Also placement matters, the triggers are placed in locations that are much more comfortable than bumpers.

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    • Is there a crouch button or a jump button? What about a slide button when sprint? Is there a sprint button actually?
    • How analog was the movement? (as in walk-jog-run or more like walk-run)?
    • Did you have allies fighting with you in the sequences you played? What was their behaviour like?
    • What was the music like?
    • Did you notice any destruction of cover / environment?
    • How much health did you have? I think this is one of those games that becomes grayscale when you get hit, right?
    • Can you blind fire over cover?
    • Can you shoot from the hip or is all shooting aim down sights?

    Thanks for sharing your experience and if you can answer any questions would be swell! Sorry if some are stupid just curious. I know you probably don't remember some of this anymore!

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    #16  Edited By SSully

    I am looking forward to the game simply because it looks to be a solid, linear, single player experience. It's getting a bit tiresome having every game come out have to be a big open world game with a 30+ hour campaign, coop, and multiplayer. It's good for people who want the biggest bang for their buck, but shitty for people like me without much time.

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    @tuxfool said:

    @spoonman671: Pulling a trigger on a real gun is an analogue action. The effect might be digital, but pulling the triggers on the controller mimics a real gun much more closely.

    Flight sticks have similar triggers for fighter planes both in real life and in games, because it feels better and provides more control. Also placement matters, the triggers are placed in locations that are much more comfortable than bumpers.

    This. Pulling triggers on real guns is analog. However, the action cannot be imitated 1 to 1 on a controller, obviously, due to a number of reasons. For example, pulling the trigger on a gun is way more stressful and exciting than pulling any trigger on controllers. Due to this, and other factors, it would never feel the same.

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    @daiphyer said:

    @tuxfool said:

    @spoonman671: Pulling a trigger on a real gun is an analogue action. The effect might be digital, but pulling the triggers on the controller mimics a real gun much more closely.

    Flight sticks have similar triggers for fighter planes both in real life and in games, because it feels better and provides more control. Also placement matters, the triggers are placed in locations that are much more comfortable than bumpers.

    This. Pulling triggers on real guns is analog. However, the action cannot be imitated 1 to 1 on a controller, obviously, due to a number of reasons. For example, pulling the trigger on a gun is way more stressful and exciting than pulling any trigger on controllers. Due to this, and other factors, it would never feel the same.

    I feel the truth is that some real gun triggers are analog and some are not.

    For some guns it's irrelevant how hard/fast/long you pull/hold the trigger: the result is binary. For some it is very relevant, and the result is analog.

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    • Is there a crouch button or a jump button? What about a slide button when sprint? Is there a sprint button actually?
    • How analog was the movement? (as in walk-jog-run or more like walk-run)?
    • Did you have allies fighting with you in the sequences you played? What was their behaviour like?
    • What was the music like?
    • Did you notice any destruction of cover / environment?
    • How much health did you have? I think this is one of those games that becomes grayscale when you get hit, right?
    • Can you blind fire over cover?
    • Can you shoot from the hip or is all shooting aim down sights?

    Thanks for sharing your experience and if you can answer any questions would be swell! Sorry if some are stupid just curious. I know you probably don't remember some of this anymore!

    Some of these I have no answers to because I just didn't try/tinker.

    -There is no crouch or jump button. It's like Gears where his stance is contextual. This extends to the stealth sequence I did where his speed was slowed and he remained a little crouched even while walking. There is a sprint button.

    -Again, I think it was pretty contextual. I think there are various speeds at which you can move walk/jog being the standard, sprint optional.

    -I did not have allies in my time.

    -Didn't notice the music, small TV on the counter at EB. It had to be kept low volume.

    -Cover wasn't destructible. Things in the environment were, glass, vases etc. In one part I accidentally broke a big pane of glass I was right up close to and it shattered so convincingly I spent a couple of minutes looking around for more glass to break. Cosmetic destruction.

    -Health was health. I think it was a grayscale thing yes.

    -I didn't try blind firing but something tells me you can. I think you can shoot from the hips too but I didn't try that either.

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