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    The Last Guardian

    Game » consists of 8 releases. Released Dec 06, 2016

    The Last Guardian is the long-delayed third game from Sony's Team Ico. Originally revealed in trailer form at E3 2009, the game was met with substantial delays but was reintroduced at E3 2015.

    How do you think this game'll turn out?

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    Edited By NTM

    Poll How do you think this game'll turn out? (361 votes)

    Probably pretty good. 26%
    Not very good. 12%
    Just okay. 49%
    I don't want to guess, so I'll choose this. 12%

    I was wondering if this game is a game that they just decided to proceed on making because it had so much people asking for it, or if it's something that they're really passionate about (as opposed to both), though it could be both of course. I just hope it turns out good, though I do kind of feel like they picked it back up because people wanted it, rather than them actively working on it all this time. I'm currently, as I type this, playing the Ico and Colossus Collection. I went back to it since this game's coming pretty soon. I played Ico when the collection came out, and I don't think it really has much to do with when it originally came out, because there's a lot I appreciate from it, but the game was both boring to me, and more than enough times frustrating to find what I had to do next.

    Not necessarily stuck for super long, but ten minutes stuck at most was annoying. In the end I found that I just didn't like it that much, but I still like aspects of it. To this day, I think it holds up artistically, animation wise, and the sound is still perfectly adequate. The game controls well enough as well. On the other hand, I played Shadow of the Colossus when it came out, and I loved it. I only beat it once though, then played through about half of it perhaps five times on hard until I didn't want to play anymore due to just wanting to move onto something else; I still really like it though regardless. The only part of that game I found annoying was the final boss, because I fell off a handful of times, so it was annoying trying to get back up, and it's always most frustrating when I'm at the end of the game and just want to beat it.

    One last thing, do you think these games are in the same universe, or are they more spiritual? I like to think of them taking place on the same planet, just in different times in different places perhaps.

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    They've shown 11 minutes of it at Gamescom.

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    I still can't believe it's actually coming out, almost wouldn't be surprised at a last minute delay, it just feels surreal to me.

    I'm someone that thinks Shadow of the colossus is approaching the level of a masterpiece, it's genuinely one of my all time favourite games and TLG seems more like a sequel to Ico, which I did not enjoy as much. I feel the combat in Ico is too floaty and ineffectual, and put me off the game to be honest. Compared to Shadow where combat was confined to the colossus battles, which in my opinion, one was better implemented and more effective in taking down the enemies, and two gave more weight to the story and feelings of remorse when you slay the giant beasts. I felt bad for antagonising and killing the colossi and if I was mowing down hordes of enemies on the way to the colossi it would lose the purpose and meaning to the violence.

    I'm keeping an open mind, and if TLG has tighter controls, combat wise, than Ico did I can see myself really enjoying it as as I said earlier that was what pulled me away from Ico and ended up frustrating me.

    I don't think this game will be brilliant, mostly because of the development hell it fell in to, but I'm glad they are finally releasing it, so the team can put it behind them and go on to a new project. Even if it does end up being mediocre at best. I appreciate their approach to games and the industry would be lesser without them.

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