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    The Darkness II

    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released Feb 07, 2012

    Return to the dark life of Jackie Estacado in The Darkness II, Digital Extremes' sequel to the 2007 shooter by Starbreeze.

    I'm liking this game a lot more than I thought I would.

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    #1  Edited By napalm

    I never played the original Darkness, mainly because the whole Italian mobster fantasy put me off, since it's been done to death in other media. After looking up some of the important story bits in the first game, (Jenny's death and the ending), I became interested, and decided to check this out.

    I'm a few hours in and I'm finding it quite enjoyable. The shooting feels really fucking good, and the overall pacing reminds me a lot of the F.E.A.R. series, with its breakneck pace and all of the different gameplay options. I'm playing mainly for the story, because I want to see where this takes Jackie, and if there is another, hidden, resolution with Jenny, but I find myself enamored with the combat. It's not especially unique, but it's responsive, fun and bloody.

    How is everybody else enjoying this so far?

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    #2  Edited By SMTDante89

    I really enjoyed the first game back when it came out, and the demo for this was incredibly fun (still play it from time to time, which is something I normally don't do for demos) I think I'm going to really enjoy the second game, but I have to wait until probably late this week or early next week to play it because it takes time for packages to arrive at my campus mailbox.

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    #3  Edited By Jonny_Anonymous

    Well they couldnt really change the setting to much from the comic

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    #4  Edited By Yanngc33

    It's a hell of a lot better than the original in my opinion

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    #5  Edited By TwilitEnd656

    I like it. Though the original had certain charms that I'm not really feeling from the sequel, gameplay as a whole feels a lot better. Either way, I'm putting off playing any more of it until there's some simple way to change FOV for PC; it's pretty damn awful as it is now.

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    #6  Edited By ghost_cat

    Haven't played it, but the shooting alone looks really fun. The visual feedback when you squeeze the trigger looks violent and slightly out of control, which is nice.

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    #7  Edited By cstrang

    The gameplay is bounds better than the original, but some of the character models (mainly Jackie's) look off, and I still miss Kirk Acevedo. I need to finish the game and see how the story plays out before I bring up beef with that.

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    #8  Edited By sins_of_mosin

    I hated having to shoot out lights in the first game so from what I seen in this new game, light don't seem to hurt you. That alone will make me enjoy the game. And yeah, the combat looks pretty dang good. I just hope the layout of the maps and stuff is better then the first. Anyway, looking forward to playing it whenever I can get around to it. :D

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    #9  Edited By Hizang

    I enjoyed the original game, but this one improves it in ALMOST every way. The shooting was terrible before and is now pretty decent, the range of things you can do with The Darkness is overwhelming at first but soon you feel bad ass. The art style is of course different than before but better for so I feel. However there are a few negatives, I miss the old voice actor for Jackie, Mike Patton is not as good (So far) as he was in the original and the heart eating is nowhere near as good as the first.

    Overall a much better game.

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    #10  Edited By Czarpyotr

    It is REALLY fantastic. I couldn't play the first one on account of the motion blur and small field of view making me terribly motion sick, and I wasn't really planning on playing this one. I was far more excited for reckoning to come out and couldn't see playing the Darkness 2 instead. But after seeing the quicklook I was sold and picked it up on steam. I'm about 3 or 4 hours in and I am pretty blown away by how much I love the story. I'm walking around the house talking to all the different mobsters as much as I can to get every little bit of story. The art style works great and really compliments the brutal combat. The shooting feels great and tearing people apart with the darkness is a blast. The dream sequences are really cool as well. I can't say for sure yet but this is shaping up to be one of my all time favorites. I hope people give it a chance. I'm not seeing a lot of people playing on GB or in the GB steam group. I can't find multiplayer matches when I search either, so if anyone wants to play with me, add me on steam. Czarpyotr.

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    #11  Edited By Djratchet

    I played the demo of Darkness 2. I was so impressed, I went and picked up the original. The game has aged, but it still holds up surprisingly well, I can't wait to dive into the sequel once I finish it.

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    #12  Edited By Kandycane2029

    Just started it a couple hours ago. Really enjoying it just as much as I did the first.

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    #13  Edited By altairre

    I just finished the game and really, really liked it even if the ending could provide a little bit more closure. Also: If you want to know how to do collectables right then look at The Darkness II. I got all 29 relics just so I could listen to this crazy guy, telling me about the crazy things I found. Best voice acting I heard in a while.

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    #14  Edited By MikeGosot
    @Hizang said:

    I enjoyed the original game, but this one improves it in ALMOST every way. The shooting was terrible before and is now pretty decent, the range of things you can do with The Darkness is overwhelming at first but soon you feel bad ass. The art style is of course different than before but better for so I feel. However there are a few negatives, I miss the old voice actor for Jackie, Mike Patton is not as good (So far) as he was in the original and the heart eating is nowhere near as good as the first.

    Overall a much better game.

    Patton is not as good, but i like his lines more in this one.  Also, the heart eating felt kinda of a drag in the first one. It was awesome, but this one feels more fluid so it's hard coming back to the first one. More fluid. It's pretty much how The Darkness II feels compared to The Darkness.
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    #15  Edited By JTB123

    @altairre: Couldn't agree more, the information behind the relics is really great. It's the first time in a while that I've actually cared about finding collectibles.

    Games is seriously awesome though, hasn't lost sight of what made the original great back in 2007 and at the same time isn't stuck in the past either.

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    #16  Edited By Scotto

    Only thing I'm getting frustrated with is that towards the end the game seems to become more of a "enter an area, fight off an arena of dudes" type of game. It's getting really fucking annoying.

    And the dudes that can teleport around are just as annoying as the dudes that could teleport around in inFamous 2.

    The story is pretty good (I think I'm right before the final confrontation), but the game seems really short (and padded for what length it does have by the aforementioned combat arenas). Looks great on my PC, though the incredibly narrow FOV is really hard to get used to. It's like looking through a 16:9 rectangular pinhole. You get somewhat used to it, though it really hamstrings you in the more hectic fights to essentially have no peripheral vision. The art style is great - I really love the pencil sketched detail on clothing and doors and stuff. Really sells the cell shaded, comic book-style presentation.

    But yeah - liking it far more than the first Darkness game, which wasn't bad, but felt really uneven and average in spots. Getting a little tired of Jackie going "Jenny? Jenny! Jenny?!" every time he has those hallucinations that HE KNOWS AREN'T REAL. We get it man, you miss her; you wish she was alive and you were dead; you cared about her. Fuuuuuck me.

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    #17  Edited By Justin258  Online

    A fluid gory shooter with cel-shaded graphics? Why the hell haven't I played this yet!?

    Downloading the demo now.

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