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    Star Wars Battlefront

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Nov 17, 2015

    Large-scale infantry Star Wars battles return in this reboot of the Star Wars: Battlefront series (from the studio behind the Battlefield series).

    Thoughts after some time with Star Wars: Battlefront...

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    This game isn't very good, and yet, I'm still playing it, so there's something here. I'm guessing it's pure nostalgia for the movies, some of the great Star Wars games I grew up with, and/or hype that The Force Awakens comes out shortly, because I would have probably quit on a game with this many flaws otherwise. There's a good chance that I'll probably do exactly that once the Star Wars mania passes, because I already spend most of my time in Battlefront half-wondering why I'm not playing a game like Titanfall instead. Here are a few of my biggest qualms:

    Melee es malo.

    The melee in this game feels like blind luck. At first, I thought the melee issues were lag-related (which surprised me because my internet connection is usually pretty stable), but then they kept happening. There's some serious latency in it and some really strange hitboxes on it. Most modern shooters have crisp melee that generally works and is an effective, satisfying close-quarters tactic. Not so much in Battlefront. First of all, it's not a one-hit kill unless you get them in the back. That's fine in theory (Halo's melee is fantastic), but the reality in Battlefront is that what it considers to be a melee hit, much less a hit from behind, is questionable at best. Here's an example. Rewatching it now, I still can't tell if I killed the first guy with the first hit, the second hit, or a combination of both. I'm also not sure I actually hit the second guy at all, and if I did, that it should have been a one-hit kill in the back. I find myself using melee out of habit, and immediately regretting that I did after dying to someone who decided to just use their gun at melee range instead because it's more reliable. That's...not good.

    Homing Shot, really?

    This thing is the worst. For those who haven't played the game, it's basically a missile with quick lock-on and ridiculous range that will chase you across the entire goddamned map. Early on, the only sure way to avoid it is to not go out in the open and constantly hang out around objects to hide behind so the missile hits that instead of you. I say "early on" because you can usually evade it with a jetpack boost. The problem is, you can't unlock the jetpack until level 13, which means until you've put in 20+ hours of multiplayer (which is more time than many seem to think this game deserves), you're getting destroyed by this fucking thing. For an employed adult with a life like me, I'm just now getting to that point and have learned to hate the homing shot in the process. Putting a cheap, game-altering weapon that you can't even use until level 12 is some bullshit, but putting a key mobility upgrade that's the only reliable way to negate it at level 13 is mind-bogglingly terrible. That's the kind of awful "progression" of allowing those who've dumped a ton of hours in it to prey (skill-lessly) on those who haven't, and thus turning off new players in the process. I actually have the homing shot now, but I have little to no desire to even use it (even though it wrecks anyone who doesn't have a jetpack). After trying it for a bit, it's no more fun to use than it is to get killed by it. It never should have been put in the game.

    Rebels/stormtroopers need to work on their parkour.

    Video games have made some huge strides in mobility over the years. Your average AAA game generally feels very fluid and smooth in terms of player movement, with some little touches here or there like auto-mantling small objects or simply designing the environments to avoid the player getting stuck and breaking immersion. Again, not so much with Battlefront. It's most apparent on Endor, where I far too often find myself thinking "sorry, I'll help you guys in a minute once I figure out how to get past this one-foot tree stump". Your character has approximately a six-inch vertical and zero climbing ability, so anything that's over knee height is insurmountable, meaning you have to go around a bunch of shit and take annoyingly circuitous routs from point a to point b. I can't tell you how many times I've been shot or couldn't get to the place I wanted to go in time because I was ineptly trying to navigate some clunky bullshit. Unless you just enjoy repeatedly getting snagged on the geometry, you'll want to stick to the open areas and serve as easy pickings for the inevitable homing shot garbage. Great choices there. And don't even try going off the beaten path in an AT-ST, because that's truly a fool's errand.

    Legacy is the flight control scheme you're looking for (sort of).

    I grew up playing flying games, and was fairly good at them. (I'm also pretty sure this is why I'm an "invert" guy today.) So when I picked up Battlefront, I expected to be at least competent at the air combat. Instead, I was about on par with what happens when you hand a controller to your grandma and her character is spinning around aiming at the sky because she can't figure out what the two sticks do. Thinking there must be a better way, I went into the control settings and played around with all the options trying to find one that fit. Legacy was the only one that actually felt somewhat "right". However, this only managed to improve my flight ability from terrible to bad. Attacking players on the ground is still downright impossible for me, as I'm more likely to crash than to hit anything. I can take runs at a fixed gun emplacement, AT-ST, et al. and do some good, and am serviceable enough in air-to-air dogfights, but that's about it. The only time I find myself actually choosing to hop into a Tie Fighter or X-Wing is when someone is tearing the team apart with something like an AT-ST and I decide to go kamikaze on it. I at least don't seem to be alone there, as other players seem to actively ignore the flight powerups. They're available at almost any given time, so maybe that says something.

    I think it might be partially a camera issue. The third-person flight is fucking awful. Your ship generally obscures the view of what you're trying to shoot and the level of camera swing is WAY too much. It's like one of the crappy driving games where your car drifts sideways and the camera doesn't so you can't keep much track of where you're actually heading. Too much of that shit makes your sense of "control" feel iffy at best, and that's absolutely the case with flight in Battlefront. I haven't taken the time yet to give the first-person flying a real test, (it seemingly can't be worse), and I'll guess I'll make myself suffer through that in the interest of experimentation shortly. I haven't done it yet due to my general disdain for the flying in this game and how much the cockpits appear at first glance to limit your view. I'm still trying to find a way to make the flight portion of Battlefront enjoyable, but if first-person doesn't do it, I'm giving up on it entirely and just accepting that maybe it's just plain bad. That actually might be a fair description of my current feelings towards the entire game.

    I want to love Battlefront. I really do. It's just too clunky and poorly structured/designed. After you've spent enough time getting stuck on objects, getting killed by player-seeking missiles from the other side of the map, and desperately trying NOT to wreck while piloting your so-called power-up, you realize you aren't really having much fun. It's not a terrible game, but it's not a good one, either.

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    #2  Edited By GunstarRed

    Hmm I have played about 75 hours of the game, and while I think the game is riddled with fixable problems. The only one I really agree with is the parkour. I really, really would like to climb up some surfaces even if it was only waist height stuff. It kinda makes the jump pack essential for everyone... If you're not using the jump pack why are you even playing this game!?

    I've heard the melee one hit kill is if you hit them in the head. I've hit people twice from behind and they still haven't died. The easy remedy to this is stop melee-ing people. It's kinda awful in this game, and most people using it are trying to get one of those challenges. You always get those weird melee stand offs with two players swinging wildly into the air because there's no momentum on it. Just shoot them in the face.

    The homing shot is the biggest non-issue in the game. I've been killed maybe 30ish times with that thing in my entire playtime. The rocket fires soooo slooooow. It's really, really easy to avoid getting killed by it. I'd rather get killed by that than the games biggest problem... The god damned DL-44.

    Also... the flying... meh, the flying mode sucks, and the only time the starships are useful is during Walker Assault. Like Walker Assault, the novelty wears pretty thin very quickly.The best modes in the game are all the objective modes on the smaller maps. Cargo is fantastic.

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    Hmm I have played about 75 hours of the game, and while I think the game is riddled with fixable problems. The only one I really agree with is the parkour. I really, really would like to climb up some surfaces even if it was only waist height stuff. It kinda makes the jump pack essential for everyone... If you're not using the jump pack why are you even playing this game!?

    I've heard the melee one hit kill is if you hit them in the head. I've hit people twice from behind and they still haven't died. The easy remedy to this is stop melee-ing people. It's kinda awful in this game, and most people using it are trying to get one of those challenges. You always get those weird melee stand offs with two players swinging wildly into the air because there's no momentum on it. Just shoot them in the face.

    The homing shot is the biggest non-issue in the game. I've been killed maybe 30ish times with that thing in my entire playtime. The rocket fires soooo slooooow. It's really, really easy to avoid getting killed by it. I'd rather get killed by that than the games biggest problem... The god damned DL-44.

    Also... the flying... meh, the flying mode sucks, and the only time the starships are useful is during Walker Assault. Like Walker Assault, the novelty wears pretty thin very quickly.The best modes in the game are all the objective modes on the smaller maps. Cargo is fantastic.

    I'm just now unlocking the jump pack. I'm excited about it because as you mentioned, it will help alleviate some of the game's issues, but the problems it fixes are ones that didn't need to exist in the first place. The fact that it's a near-requirement is far from ideal.

    It sounds like we're mostly in agreement on the melee. It's bad. The "in the head" theory is interesting and may well be true, but the problem there is that it's already half-luck to land any melee at all, much less go for headshots with it. I don't know that I consider avoiding melee altogether to quite be a "solution", either. People unloading on each other from point-blank range is as comical as people swinging wildly into the air hoping to land a melee.

    The homing shot becomes a non-issue once you have the jetpack. For people who played this on a fairly regular schedule on launch, it was probably a non-issue because around the time everyone was unlocking the homing shot, most others had the jetpack to easily avoid it. However, for those like me who didn't get to play much of it the first week or so and are just now catching up, when a bunch of people have the homing shot and you haven't unlocked the jetpack yet, the thing is a pain in the ass.

    I've mostly played Supremacy, and the ships are indeed rather useless. That's truly a shame because that's the only real time the cool "battlefield moments" like an X-Wing successfully strafing an AT-ST are possible. I'll have to give Cargo a try as a change of pace. Thanks for the heads-up on that.

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    @notnert427: Cargo is probably the easiest way to rank up outside of Fighter Squadron. You get tons of points for doing objective stuff, the games are 15 mins max, and I think it might be the only one of those smaller modes that is a guaranteed 2000 experience just for completing a match.

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    I think the ship controls are actually way too easy, albeit only in third person. Cockpit control is just useless as you have zero vision around you. The problem is that it's too easy. Dogfights are lame because the moment someone gets behind you that's just a *little* combat at flying and knows what he's doing you can't shake him off. It's too easy and the skill ceiling is just too low. It's more of a "everyone gets to pew pew the tie fighter! Yayy!!" sort of gameplay.

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    Fuck the DL-44. I understand that its a reward for putting in the time but I think I rage quit a few times because of it. Getting the drop on a player, take a few shots and then die cuz that gun is insanely powerful and puts you in the dirt in like 2 shots!

    I was watching a commercial for BF and someone had the DL-44 and was killing people left and right and both me and the wife started cussing.

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    #7 riostarwind  Moderator

    I agree with your thoughts on the melee and the lack of a good way to get around the map on Endor. Homing shot never seemed like a huge issue from my point of view. Very few players seemed to use it on me and it is only useful at mid range since if they are far away they can easy dodge it. Also I didn't have any problems with the fighter controls. It just felt like a arcade like control scheme similar to the combat in Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. I even got good at picking off troopers in supremacy matches whenever I didn't get blown out of the sky in 30 seconds.

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    I've only played a few hours of it but I already felt like movement was a little...lacking. I can't really complain about specific OP'd weapons either but in my first few hours I was having no trouble killing A LOT of people. I mean, way above my average for a multiplayer shooter. Granted, maybe your ranking actually matters at that point? But I was still playing higher ranked players, so who knows.

    I also didn't like flying anything, just felt like I never had enough control and I typically just crashed into the ground/walls.

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    @notnert427: Cargo is probably the easiest way to rank up outside of Fighter Squadron. You get tons of points for doing objective stuff, the games are 15 mins max, and I think it might be the only one of those smaller modes that is a guaranteed 2000 experience just for completing a match.

    I've been doing Heroes and Villains for that, but I should give Cargo a shot to see if it's any faster. The exp/credit grind in this game is real. :-/

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    @notnert427: Definitely give Cargo a shot. I can't figure out why, but it's my favorite mode in the game.

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    @notnert427: Definitely give Cargo a shot. I can't figure out why, but it's my favorite mode in the game.

    I did give it a try, and played with possibly the worst team to ever play a CTF mode. Somehow, they neither attacked nor defended. It was incredibly frustrating, but probably an unfair representation of the mode itself. I'll give it a another chance tonight.

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    @notnert427: That definitely sounds frustrating. When you're on a decent team, or playing with a friend it's a better experience.

    I feel like lately, unless I have someone to play online with...multiplayer games just aren't doing it for me anymore.

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