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    Game » consists of 1 releases. Released Jun 29, 2002

    Soldat (meaning "soldier" in several languages) is a free, online, 2D, multiplayer, side-scrolling shooter inspired by Liero, Counter-Strike, and Worms.

    bokan's Soldat (PC) review

    Avatar image for bokan

    Great Online Game

    I've been playing for 8 years with slight breaks in between, no more then a month tho. This should go as proof of the addiction that is, Soldat. Soldat is a free game that you can download from and is comprised of different servers that players can join. The Soldat community is constantly growing and one can wonder how the creator, Michael Marcinkowski(pardon my spelling) can, if he is still, keep up with the game's outburst of popularity and growth. He has made it to version 1.5 and we all look forward to future versions. Although the game is free, a $9 fee to register is optional. Registration gives you neat additions to your game and let's you customize everything to your liking, suggested, even if just to support the game, but if somehow you cannot, from the main game experience, you're not missing much.

    However, Soldat isn't perfect, so let me start with the cons.
    Graphics: If you're into this, you'll be highly disappointed at first, however, over time the simple layout and unique style of art grows on you and you learn to love it and play with it. However, at no point will you say that these graphics are "great". The graphics do what they need to, and display it clearly, but that's about it. Graphics are outdated, animations are lacking, and game is simple in art. However, graphics aren't what makes Soldat....soldat.

    1-player: The 1-player mode in soldat consists of you playing against Bots, AI computers for the computer illiterate, and you just fight against them like u would people. However, bots are horrifically simple to master and defeat, also, they take the fun of beating the snot out of another person, the gratification. If you don't have the internet, or aren't planning to use it for the internet, then don't download this.

    Sound: To start, the game has 3 songs to choose from, these songs all tend to be of the Metal music and are highly tuned to the game play of soldat. Good songs that are highly enjoyed until they get repetitive. The sound in the game is well done and everything sounds just about right. However, there is a lack of sound apart from guns, explosions, and music, which holds the sound rating back.

    Lag: The lag in the game can vary, depending on the quality of the server, but is never "great". In oversea servers, the lag can become unbearable, however when playing on server's on the same continent with good speed, the lag can be barely noticed. Serious ping and lag improvements must be made in the future to keep Soldat advancing. This held value back from a perfect 10.

    Game play: Hands down most addicting game ever known. Perfectly tuned for fast killing action. Side scrolling keeps you feeling like you're back to the first games you've ever played, yet the speed and gruesomeness of the game keeps making you feel the modernity of it. Amazing gun advantages and disadvantages as well as map strategies and overall game strategies make this game a very competitive one, as well as a game ruled by clans roaming server to server.

    Value: Hell the game is free, no drawbacks from the game that makes it feel cheap other then the graphics and the lag, which held this back. However, the game is free, tho the 9 dollars does feel slightly useless for the updates, if you're not a hardcore Soldat fan.

    Community: The reason for this game's Addiction is the community. The league's keep players where they are, and clans where they want to be. DOWNLOAD THIS GAME AT ALL COSTS(nothing) unless u don't plan to play online, then just pass. 


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