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Average score of 11 user reviews

The Best of its Genre 0

Being relatively new to the fighting game genre this game caught my attention quickly, both with its artistic style and attempt to attract the mainstream gamers. Few fighting games nowadays play towards the average gamer, instead opting for the experienced fighting veterans. Marvel vs. Capcom 3 attempts to appease both crowds. To set the stage for this review let me get this out of the way, this is my first marvel vs. Capcom game, and my only other fighting game experience is through the early S...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Resident Evil at its absolute best 0

 There's not much that can be said about this game that hasn't already been said in the GC/PS2 versions, but it's just simply put, THE best version of this game to date. And if you don't own RE4 for any other system already, then buy this. Even if u have beaten it. The entire premise of this version is for mainly the GC owners that got SHAFTED of the extra features that the PS2 version was given. Now the Nintendo fans get the extra features, which although not overwhelming, put a nice tou...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Something must change 0

 Let's be quite frank here, this game is a great game. It's NHL 09 with a few improvements to make it better yes. I can break this game down into subsections if i want, but it would come to the same conclusion, if you like hockey, play this game. The sound, graphics, and gameplay are all on par with previous installments, with a few gameplay additions like boardplay or broken sticks. But to make an entire game out of a simple gameplay tweak...outrageous. My problem lies with the horrendous mon...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

2 sides of a coin, controls are hit or miss. 0

Controls: The coin description works well here, as on one hand you've got phenomenal in game controls and actions that do work. However on the same note, the fact that you cannot use a controller means that if your setup isn't ideal, it can be a pain to play. For instance, the tv i started on seemed to be uncooperative in every way with the sensor bar in mp3. The 2nd problem here is often times turning was a pain during boss battles, as moving my cursor to the side of the screen made the w...

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In a Group, a fun Experience 0

 Hunter: The reckoning, is the port of the game of the same name on the Xbox. But does it satisfy gamers? or is it just another imitator, well, neither really. Firstly, I'll fill you in on the story, there's an inmate that's on death row called Victor Arkady, and is being executed. Once he's on the electric chair, and electrocuted, the dead rise and kill everybody in the jail except 4 people, who joined together to fight them off and seal the prison. 1 year later, on it's anniversary, the...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

One of Link's Finest Outings 0

 Everybody that I've talked to was quite disappointed with the graphics of Windwaker, they saw the 2001 Spaceworld video of Link looking realistic and they really wanted that Zelda. Nonetheless they got a Cell shaded Zelda, which, believe it or not, is still the same Zelda we all know and love. Let's start with what we all want to know about, the graphics; The game is cell shaded and is nothing like what we've seen from a Zelda Game. However, that being said, the graphics are so unique an...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A Party on Ice 0

 1 of the best games i have bought to date is NHL Hitz 2003. This game at first has a sense of amazement at just how big the hits are and how much fun u have executing them and playing with your friends. But the real fun comes after some more playing. First off, the 1-player mode consists of Franchise, which is a Great way to keep the replayability in the game. There are certain tasks that you must complete against each team to get more upgrade points, to make your created team become bet...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The defining GBA title 0

 Let's face it, everybody is sick and tired of not being able to play any Fire Emblem Titles in North America....until now. A new Fire Emblem has hit NA by storm on the GBA and another on the GC later this year, but is this worth it? Graphix: Unique! I loved the graphical design in this, the field graphics were good and easily deciphered. The characters were good on the field, and incredibly good in the battle sequences, in fact, the graphix were superb in the battle sequences. Also, the ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Great Online Game 0

I've been playing for 8 years with slight breaks in between, no more then a month tho. This should go as proof of the addiction that is, Soldat. Soldat is a free game that you can download from and is comprised of different servers that players can join. The Soldat community is constantly growing and one can wonder how the creator, Michael Marcinkowski(pardon my spelling) can, if he is still, keep up with the game's outburst of popularity and growth. He has made it to version ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Complex yet Incredible 0

 With no prior bioware series experience, I did not know what i was getting myself into. However given as a gift I thought I would give it a shot, here's the result: Graphics: The absolute best facial expressions and character models i've seen in video games, hands down. Emotion and meaning is conveyed through them to the point where seeing two people talk became enjoyable no matter what the topic. However, environments while exploring in the mako were rather bland and helped hinder those...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Everything a Sequel Should Be 0

 Let's make it pretty clear here, the core of the gameplay remains in tact, though much has changed outside of that. New special infected: The Spitter and Charger work great for countering corner-hogs from the first game, and the Jockey just helps in almost every scenario, as long as he's coupled with another infected. New Levels: So far, so good. Level design is great, and even has more character to it. Little things like parachuter's being strung up in trees, or chargers being tied up li...

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