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    PWN: Combat Hacking

    Game » consists of 0 releases. Released Mar 14, 2013

    PWN: Combat Hacking is a competitive hacking battle game featuring eight single-player campaigns as well as online multiplayer.

    Short summary describing this game.

    PWN: Combat Hacking


    The powers of PWN provide the depth necessary for various strategies.

    There are three types of powers in PWN:

    • Boost - Encryption, Firewall, Scanner, and Overclock
      • Applied to your own controlled nodes, only one Boost power may be active on a node. Applying a new Boost power overwrites the old Boost. A Boost can be taken over by an opponent and used to their own benefit, provided the node is taken intact without destroying the Boost first.
    • Insertion - Spike and Virus
      • Insertion powers must have a target node.
    • Trap - Trojan and Backdoor
      • Trap powers are targeted, but not visible to the enemy hacker unless revealed by a Scanner, which can then clean the power from the node. Only one Trap can be hidden on a node, with the exception of both players placing a Backdoor on the same node.

    Powers start charging at the beginning of the game, immediately following the countdown. Once a Power charges, it's available for use once, draining all the charge from that Power. Using a Power also drains an different amount of charge from all other Powers. It's important to note that Powers are arranged on both sides of the screen, and which side of the screen a Power is on determines how much much Power is drained. Using a Power drains about 50% of the charge from all other Powers on that side of the screen. Powers on the side of the screen opposite the selected Power only lose about 75% of their charge. This leads to the conclusion that a good starting place for basic strategy development is to use one Power from the left side and one from the right. This doesn't work for more advanced strategies, but it results in a higher frequency of Power use.


    Encryption is a Boost type power that increases the effort needed to capture a node.

    An attacking hacker must first decrypt the node with effort roughly equal to base capture effort without the benefit of a multi-node bonus. The node then reverts to being non-Encrypted and can be captured with base effort plus multipliers. This makes it excellent for holding an penetrating position against multiplier enhanced attacks.

    Encryption can be added to a node under attack, but it does not rewind the normal-mode capture effort already applied to the node, adding only the effort required to break encryption to a capture in progress. A Scanner cannot be used to mitigate this original capture effort while the node is under attack.

    Encryption blocks Spikes. A Spike cannot be initiated on or traverse across an Encrypted node. This makes Encryption unique, because Spikes destroy all other Boost powers on contact.

    Encryption is weak against Overclock-boosted effort. A hacker with Overclocked nodes will break encryption faster, decreasing decryption time by roughly 25% with the first Overclock, 50% with the second, and practically instantaneous with decreasing returns after that. Generally speaking, the boost that Overclock grants to capture time is doubled when dealing with breaking encryption.

    Encryption is ignored by Virus and Trojan attacks, as it attacks the node without breaking the Encryption first. If an Encrypted node is converted by a Virus or a Trojan, the node retains the protection of Encryption. A node with Encryption can also be taken intact by an isolated capture.

    Cipher's special attack is Encryption. His encrypted nodes are harder to decrypt than those of other characters. His Power helps break trade-off stalemates and, with efficient use of Scanners, his Encrypted nodes can take all day to crack.


    Virus is an Insertion type power that convert enemy nodes automatically.

    Infected blue nodes become green while infected red nodes become orange. Viral nodes slowly convert nodes to the attacking hacker's control. Viruses automatically spread if not removed, potentially infecting the entire network of a hacker. Unchecked, a single Virus attack can win the match.

    Viruses can be cleaned from any controlled node by simply tapping the node. This effort is somewhat trivial if the network is flat, but more complex networks that require rotating the network to get to infected nodes makes cleaning an infection more difficult. A Virus can re-infect a node that was previously cleaned. It should be noted that if a hacker has selected a Power and is ready to pick a node when a Virus attack hits, tapping a node that is both Virus infected and a legal target for the selected node, the Virus will be cleaned and the Power applied to the node simultaneously. This may lead players to waste a Power on sub-optimal placement.

    Viruses are strong against Overclocked nodes. A virus infecting an overclocked node will convert roughly twice as fast as one that is not.

    Viruses cannot be initiated on or spread to Firewall boosted or Firewalled nodes. If all capture targets available to a hacker are Firewalled, a Virus attack cannot be launched.

    Viruses leave behind residual capture progress on infected nodes, leaving enemy hackers an advantage when capturing those nodes. With its wide reach, a Scanner can rewind substantial amounts of capture progress, making it an effective, if imperfect, defense against a Virus.

    Encryption is ignored by Virus attacks, as it attacks the node without breaking the encryption first. If an Encrypted node is converted by a Virus, the node retains the protection of Encryption.

    A Virus attack can trigger a Trojan to deliver it's payload to surrounding nodes, but the virus will continue to convert after the

    Glitch's special attack is Virus. His Viruses convert and spread faster than those of other players. They can be devastating to complex networks or Overclock-heavy strategies.


    Spike is an insertion attack that knocks nodes off the network for a few seconds.

    Spikes penetrate three nodes from the insertion point, though their routing logic is sometimes hard to understand. They typically turn right first, but turn left at the next opportunity. Different layouts offer additional complexity to this logic and make precise Spiking somewhat unreliable. It is possible to Spire your own nodes accidentally.

    When a node is Spiked, all Overclocks, Firewalls, and Scanners on Spiked nodes are destroyed; its availability for capture is suspended; its contribution to any multipliers is halted; and any underlying Trojan attacks are exposed (but not cleaned) until the Spike ends. However, Spiked nodes within range of a friendly Scanner are still scanned and can be cleaned.

    A node in the process of being captured can be Spiked, although any capture progress remains intact. A Scanner cannot rewind this capture progress during the Spike, but as soon as the Spike ends, the Scanner will start healing the progress, even if the opponent hasn't chosen a new target.

    Encryption blocks Spikes. A Spike cannot be initiated on or traverse across an Encrypted node. This makes Encryption unique, because only Encryption is not destroyed by Spikes. However, Spikes are effective for isolating a node by cutting it off from an established network. This makes Encrypted nodes easier to capture when isolated and the Encryption remains intact, so resistance to Spikes is a double-edged sword.

    Blackout's special power is Spike. Her Spike travels one block further and the blackout period lasts longer, allowing her to penetrate deeper to cut-off segments and destroy vulnerable Boosts.


    Firewall protects nodes against propagation and insertion of attacks. The hacker using a Firewall chooses any friendly node as the source for the Firewall. Once active, the Firewall extends one node in all directions, creating Firewalled nodes. Firewalled nodes (including the source) are outlined in pink. Firewalls maintain their barrier dynamically, meaning the one-node extension will automatically update as node control changes.

    Viruses cannot be initiated on or spread to Firewalled nodes. If all capture targets connected to an enemy network are Firewalled, a Virus attack cannot be launched at all. This makes Firewalls effective for reinforcing Overclocked nodes against Viruses.

    Firewalled nodes are immune to the insertion of Backdoors. However, Firewalls are not a valid method of detecting, cleaning, or blocking access to an existing Backdoor. An existing Backdoor that has been Firewalled will continue to function as normal until cleaned by a Scanner.

    Firewalled nodes are immune to Trojan conversions. If it becomes necessary to trigger a Trojan without cleaning it first, a Firewall will prevent most of the ill effects, but the Trojan node will still "convert" the node the Trojan was hiding on, as well as any enemy nodes within range of the Trojan payload.

    Firewalls are destroyed quickly by Spikes, but they can be taken intact by simply capturing the source Firewall node. This is frequently the preferable option since Firewalls only protect against powers and give no additional defense bonuses to capture effort. Additionally, Spiking will use energy that could be used more efficiently elsewhere, as well as robbing the opponent of a position they spent a Power charge on.

    Axiom's special attack is the Firewall. His firewalls extend for two nodes in all directions, instead of the standard one node, providing him ample space to build Overclock farms and foil network-spliting Backdoor strategies.


    Trojans are Hidden traps that convert the trapped node and surrounding nodes when triggered by a capture. Trojans are placed on a friendly node when it is not under attack, so it requires forethought to use correctly and efficiently. Once the opponent fully captures the Trojan-trapped node, the Trojan payload is released, instantaneously converting the target node and all connected enemy nodes to friendly control. Trojans only affect enemy nodes. They do not rewind capture progress on friendly nodes with their payload.

    Trojans are easily detected and cleaned with Scanners. Any enemy node with a Trojan in range of a friendly Scanner will show spikes coming out of the node. If the trapped node is available for capture, selecting the node will automatically clean the node (with a brief effort) and normal capture effort will begin.

    A Trojan that has been isolated from the network is automatically vulnerable to cleaning, with or without a Scanner.

    Trojans can be detected with a Spike to the trapped node. However, a Spike cannot destroy a Trojan, nor make it available for cleaning. However, a rough method for "cleaning" the Trojan with a Spike requires that the Spike does not hit the node directly but instead isolates it, making it independently vulnerable.

    Firewalled nodes are immune to Trojan conversions. Firewalls do not neutralize Trojans completely as the Trojan node will still "convert" the node the Trojan was hiding on, as well as any enemy nodes within range of the Trojan payload, by the Firewalled nodes will remain safe.

    Unlike most Powers, a Trojan can be use as a defense against other Trojans. If a Trojan payload triggers another Trojan, the second Trojan will prevail against all targets in range, including the node hiding the first Trojan. All target nodes in range of the first Trojan but not the second will be converted as normal by the first Trojan. Multiple Trojans can be triggered in this manner, though complex conversion patterns would be nearly impossible under normal gameplay conditions.

    Skorpios' special power is the Trojan. His Trojan payload reaches two nodes, making his Trojan attacks exceptionally dangerous and capable of ending the game prematurely.


    Scanners are Boost powers that discover and clean Trojans and Backdoors, in addition to rewinding partial capture progress on friendly nodes. Scanners have a relatively wide range of scanning ability: They reach two nodes in all directions.

    Trojans are easily detected and cleaned with Scanners. Any enemy node with a Trojan in range of a friendly Scanner will show spikes coming out of the node. If the trapped node is available for capture, selecting the node will automatically clean the node with a very brief effort and normal capture effort will begin. If a newly placed Scanner detects a node with a Trojan currently under attack, the Trojan will be immediately cleaned and the attack with continue.

    Backdoors can be detected on any Scanned node. They are cleaned with a simple tap if they are under your control. It may be necessary to take control the node first.

    With its wide reach, a Scanner can rewind substantial amounts of capture progress, making it an effective, if imperfect, defense against a Virus. Otherwise, Viruses would leave behind residual capture progress on infected nodes, leaving enemy hackers an advantage when capturing those nodes.

    Similarly, Scanners are effective against "Poke" strategies, wherein, a player will penetrate a position he knows he will lose quickly to distribute partial capture progress on several deeper nodes, setting up increasingly invasive incursions and foiling the defensive advantage of multipliers. The healing effect of Scanners renders this strategy moot.

    Optik's special attack is the Scanner. Her scanner reaches three nodes in all directions, providing excellent recovery from Viruses, wider detection of Backdoors, and deeper penetration for detecting Trojans.


    Allows a remote attack and acts as a network anchor to prevent isolation.


    Increases the base capture rate of the entire network.


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