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    PUBG: Battlegrounds

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Mar 23, 2017

    A survival-shooter led by the modder behind the Battle Royale mods for the ArmA series. It is one of the progenitors of the "battle royale" sub-genre, pitting 100 players in a large empty location where they must scavenge for weapons and fight to the death.

    Chicken Dinner Solo Diners Club (how did you get yours?)

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    #1 Strathy  Online

    After many attempts, I finally tasted my first solo chicken. After my innitial jubilation, a grim realisation took hold. I realised that was probably the least heroic match I'd ever played. I dropped as far out as I could go and saw absolutely nobody until the last few minutes of the match. My only kills were the last two players, and neither of them even saw me. I crept up and blindsideded them both with a VSS while they were engaging one another. Understanding finally dawned on me then, that solo PUBG isn't won by great heroes, but instead great cowards, and now I was one.

    Twas a chicken stuffed not with glory, but with the appauling truth.

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    Mine involved an awful lot of crawling from bush to bush as people murdered eachother all around me.

    When it was finally down to the last guy and me, he got into a burning car and drove over to out...and while he was still near the car, I didn't shoot him..I made the choice to shoot the burning vehicle until it exploded and killed him.

    It was an amazing Rush of endorphins when I got that win, but I feel like I didn't earn it. Also, it was my first day playing and I haven't done it since. I've got #2 a lot.

    Also, I was playing with an Xbox One controller using a pretty good config through Steam.

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    My two solo dinners have come in similar circumstances.

    The first saw me landing near the power stations, looting up and then climbing the hill of dead trees as the circle closed in on the logging camp. I took a few shots at one player when the count was ~10 left, he fired back and got taken out by a third party. I then snuck up on that third party shortly after and killed them at 3 left. In the final 1v1 showdown, I had circle advantage (despite also being outside it) and spotted the other player before he spotted me, took aim, fired, and then he died to the circle before me.

    The second finished on the edge of a field near the mountains. I hid under a fir tree for the final 5 minutes, got a in a battle with one other play who died to the circle and then got shot at moving into the circle for the 1v1 - I narrowly avoided dying by reaching the only tree in the zone. I slowly sidestepped around the tree whilst using a first aid kit as the other player tried to strafe around me, and then got him with a shotgun as he came close.

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    Went afk in the center of the circle, everyone died.

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    I managed to get my third taste of solo chicken today, I quickly fought two others when we landed but one retreated and I ran away from the other. I then almost immediately made my first kill, someone shot at me from behind and managed to turn around and kill him.

    Then for the next 15 minutes or so I did not see anyone else. I managed to guess right about the location of the final few circles and got myself in a good position inside a wooden shack, the final 25 players killed each other off outside and only one tried to enter my shack, I managed to kill him right on the threshold so I could close the door and still loot him.

    He had back pack with ammo and VSS, I only had an M4+Shotgun up to that point. When the circle got small enough I left the shack and hid behind some trees and let the last 5 duke it out, I have never seen the circle that small in a game before but I was in a good position, i had the high ground and fired but didn't kill the last man, I tried to reload quickly but ended up pressing the wrong button and went into a crouch. Unluckily for the other guy he was injured and we where now both outside the circle and he died first.

    So I manged to finish with only two kills. Very cowardly, but I'm happy to have the sweet taste of chicken. My first dinner was much more satisfying with 5 kills if I remember correctly.

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    I was actually listening to Waypoint's podcast celebrating their first duo chicken dinner and I decided to boot up for the first time in a while. I was able to get a car early on and saw a starting circle that made it seem like things would end up in the military base small island, so I was able to cross the bridge early on without hassle.

    Despite holing up pretty early down there, I wasn't able to grab much of anything good except for an UMP and things kind of remained calm. When I saw there were less than thirty people I had to pause the podcast.

    The circle eventually started narrowing down to the small house/water tower south of the base and I was lucky enough that I had been able to strafe along the eastern edge without running into people. Eventually I came across a care package that dropped so out in the open and to the edge of the circle that it had some stuff still in it. I found an EBR and started scuttling into the center of the circle, picking off one of the other people distracted by gunfire in the center.

    By the time there were four people left, the circle was basically just the water tower and the small, waist-high wall around it. I had been able to sneak to the east side of it while the other three fought each other. It was down to me and the other player, and I saw the tip of their head crouch-walking the perimeter of the wall.

    Seeing where they were headed, I stayed prone next to the wall and waited for them to round the corner. It wasn't the "spiciest" match I've played but chicken still tastes the same.

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    #7  Edited By WezqApe

    @strathy: In combat heroics tend to get you killed. I've managed to get one win while playing spicy and the rest with calm, quiet, "cowardly" tactics. The latter ones tend to be more effective for me at least and I'd rather call it playing smart than playing like a coward.

    EDIT: I've already shared my favorite chicken dinner stories in the other thread

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    #8  Edited By El_Funko
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    I've been recording some of my games using Shadowplay (which is a cool program if you have a decent GPU but not a good CPU and can't run recording software like me) and then trying to record commentary over the top about why I'm doing various things for some of the more interesting ones.

    Looking at my stats, I've had 18 wins in solo (not including custom games and PTR matches) and I'm at around 520 hours played in Steam. I'm not the best player ever, but I think I'm decent.

    Edit: It just occurred to me that this thread might be more about cool chicken dinner stories rather than advice/tips, so I'll offer one of the more amusing ones.

    The best games are always where the final circles come down to an interesting landmark like Quarry or a city, rather than an open field of grass for everyone to roll around in which is unfortunately far more common. I had one end in Yasnaya Polyana amongst all the buildings, and I found a garage building with a tiny gap between the building and a stone wall behind it. I squeezed my dude in there and hid out like a coward for the final 3 circles because no one could find me. It got down to me and one other dude, and he had no idea where I was. I started blindly throwing all the grenades I had in random directions to throw him off, then when the final safe zone shrank to nothing, I popped out and shot him in the head. He had no idea.

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    #9  Edited By WezqApe

    Boy, RNG was not nice to me for most of today. I played like 10 matches in which I landed next to other people and by the time I found a pistol someone mowed me down with an assault rifle. Two times I started shooting a dude and they 360 noscoped me with a single headshot. Then got a top 5 with decent gear, after that another 5 matches with horrible luck wherever I landed and then suddenly a tasty plate of chicken.

    I landed alone in a cluster of houses next to Pochinki, where I found a VSS, a SCAR with a silencer and a car. So I decided to go safe and silent for this match. The circle was in the north so I drove to the hills next to the northern coast and planted my ass in a bush. There I waited, until the circle was closing in on a gas station by the coastal road. I crawled towards it, taking shots at some players I spotted along the way. Since I've had very little practice shooting the VSS long range I didn't manage to actually kill anyone. I got shot at a lot, but managed to get to a relatively safe spot between the blue and the concrete wall around the gas station. Again I bided my time there, waiting for the rest of the players to duke it out. When I heard the last 2 players fighting each other I ran in and finished the survivor. Not the most glorious victory ever with only 1 kill, but it felt really good after so many bad rounds.

    Does anyone else have problems with wins not registering? I've had two fpp wins since the last reset and neither of them show up in the statistics.

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    #10  Edited By Panfoot

    My first chicken dinner was actually my third game, ended up with the circle going along the ridge at the quarry, and after running from inside the quarry to the outside to get up the ridge just barely ahead of the wall, I managed to get 4 kills with a UMP and win.

    Just got my second win today, started out on the far upper left of the map outside of the circle with some poor luck for weapons, only got the pump action shotgun and a pistol, but got lucky and found a motorcycle and managed to make it inside. About halfway through the match, in the middle of the main map got into a firefight with a guy, we both traded blows and I ended up running away into the fields since he had an AR and out-ranged me. Eventually picked up an M16 and got a silencer and holographic sight, along with an LMG from a crate(which I never ended up actually firing). Snuck up behind a guy at one of the small storehouse and shotgunned him while he was in his inventory(wasn't afk, he reacted and hit me after the first shot but luckily i had one of those full heal medkits). Killed one guy in a ghily suit as he was running to the circle while outside of the blue zone, killed the third place guy from across the circle and then had to run in to the one measly thin tree when it got really small as the last guy sniped me. Think he had an AK, it was loud and did a lot of damage but I don't think it was a sniper rifle. Thought I was done for, down to about an 8th of my health and not enough cover to try and heal, took a single shit with my M16 and landed a killing headshot.

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    The circle ended up on a grouping of low hills in a horseshoe shape. It was me and like three other people at that point. Even though I was on the lookout somehow I managed to not see a single person and was circling around the outer rim of the horseshoe. Finally saw a guy crouched behind a tree looking into the horseshoe shape so I just rolled up behind him and blasted him. I didn't even realize I was the last person at that point. I think the 3rd person was only killed a few seconds earlier.

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    I managed to get a crate as I was trying to get aggressively in the circle in the south west side of the island with military base. In the crate was some crazy sniper rifle than I'm not even sure is on the load in area, with an 8x scope. And the circle basically collapsed around me. I had awesome position and finally the equipment to do something with it. Used the position and vision I had to pick off people as they moved. I flushed the last guy out of hiding with a Molotov and AKMed him down when he tried to collect himself.

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    #13  Edited By Bollard

    @panfoot said:

    Thought I was done for, down to about an 8th of my health and not enough cover to try and heal, took a single shit with my M16 and landed a killing headshot.


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    @bollard said:
    @panfoot said:

    Thought I was done for, down to about an 8th of my health and not enough cover to try and heal, took a single shit with my M16 and landed a killing headshot.


    Dammit, I'm the worst when it comes to double checking spelling in forum post...

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    Finally got my first chicken dinner. AKM with a 4x scope + a Mini Uzi.

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    @wezqape said:

    Does anyone else have problems with wins not registering? I've had two fpp wins since the last reset and neither of them show up in the statistics.

    FPP does not have recorded stats/MMR/leaderboards yet.

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    I regret that my one and only win was this;

    I landed, I got all my stuff I needed, looked at the circle, guessed where it would end, I was right, stayed in a house until the very last circle, walked outside, last guy was right outside with his back to me, I shot him.

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    #19  Edited By sweep  Moderator

    It was months ago. Spent the majority of the game with only a Scar + Red dot, then swapped to a 4x for the final couple of kills. Wasn't particularly lucky with circles or anything, but happened to be consistently in the right place at the right time.

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    Ah, well that explains it. Thought there might have been something wrong at my end.

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