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Game of the Year 2017

This is a bad list. Especially the bottom few games.

Zelda sucks because I'm am terrible at games.

List items

  • 10. This game is dumb, but it's good dumb. It's all the bad of a dreamcast era sonic, with less jank and more OC's.

  • 9. This is a bad game I played waaaaaaaay too much of, and I think I ended up with Stockholm Syndrome because of it.

  • 8. Hey, this is a pretty good fire emblem game, the cast is likeable and being fully voice is a good improvement for the series. If only the combat wasn't the equivalent of banging action figure together.

  • 7. It's better than the original Story of Seasons, and that's pretty neat. The three towns operate so that you never run out of stuff to do, and the cast is fun. But it's not Rune Factory 4.

  • 6. Splatoon 1 is a good game. Splatoon 2 is a better version of Splatoon 1, but it also has the Monster Hunter problem of being a little too similar to the previous game.

  • 5. Yay 2D Sonic that SEGA didn't screw up! Great Soundtrack, good level design, nostalgia; the game Sonic Generations wishes it was.

  • 4. Fire Emblem is one of my favorite series, Dynasty Warriors is a guilty pleasure. A more tactical warriors game with characters I care about (LYN!!!!!) and a whole mess of extra content. Now have more pre-awakening characters please.

  • 3. I both love and hate this game. I love having some simple fire emblem to play on the fly, I could do with out the luck based character collection though.

  • 2. Persona 5 is REALLY GOOD! One of my favorite game soundtracks of all time, amazing style, and finally a solid dungeon system. This should be #1, but the entire time I played it, I just kept thinking "Persona 4 is more charming", "The cast of Persona 4 is better", "Persona 4 broke up the tension better", "This character/story beat was done better is Persona 4". The fact that it just isn't as good as its predecessor, and that it kind of stumbles on its climax and finale, I just couldn't put it at #1. (But at least it has Makoto and Sojiro, those two are cool)

  • 1. This game is RAD. It has so many moments where I just said "hell yeah!" The fact that Yakuza 0 can tell an amazing dramatic story AND be one of the funniest games this year says something. Kiryu and Majima are fantastic, the supporting cast is fantastic, the writing and localization are fantastic, this game is probably one of the most complete packages I have played in a long time. This is my first Yakuza game, and I'm looking forward to playing the rest of the series.