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GOW 3 "too Violent for Internet," AND Me

That's a lot of cranberry juice
That's a lot of cranberry juice

Let's just admit it; the God of War franchise has always prided itself with its violence, but Sony Computer Entertainment Studios Santa Monica plan to take it to the next level. Now touting their new zipper system, which realistically depicts the slicing of animated skin, the deaths of Kratos's enemies are definitely getting a graphical overhaul in the next installment of the God of War franchise. So much so that the studio has declared that they aren't publishing some of the content from the game on the internet, because they feel its "just not appropriate for some audiences," (statement can be found here)

Aww Jeez
Aww Jeez

Personally I can see why, it's tough for me to watch.... I'm not shy when I say this but, I've always been a little squeamish when it comes to blood, and watching Kratos disembowel a centaur in all its gory madness made me wince It also doesn't help that there appears to be more blood whenever you make contact. It’s weird because I could play the last two games without any gut wrenching problems. Yet whenever I watch the latest trailer for the game, I just can’t finish it.

I know, I know, it fits in the context of the game, and I shouldn't expect rainbows and pixie dust to pour out of their bodies. Also the target audience is probably amped to see this bloody turn of events.

But I'm squeamish, I can't change that. I just can’t handle that kind of gore in a video game even if it’s animated.

Do people really have this much blood in them?
Do people really have this much blood in them?

However let’s get one thing straight, I don’t blame the developers, what they want to do with their game is up to them to decide. But I want to make another point about the gore. 

So far from a story perspective we know that eventually we will have to eventually kill the gods of (and everyone else, but they're the ones we already know), and they will look very human. This may prove to be problematic in the long run, as once your enemies cross the line from being fantasy themed or animal like to human like, the gore becomes problematic. So I hate to say this but don't be surprised if the game is refused classification in some countries (e.g. Australia) unless it's edited.

So the growing realistic nature of games, rivaling that of live action films, may be the real culprit to what is fueling the fire to the debate over their influence.

Hey maybe you don’t agree with that last statement, but let’s just admit that it at least doesn’t help.

 Final Note: For all of you who are worried that GOW 3 might not get published in your nation, don’t worry. While it may be necessary from a plot perspective I'm pretty sure that Sony doesn't want to not get their next big game published in or the , especially when they are in the position they are in.