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A Funny Faux Pas: Why it Pains Me to Watch(Play) Persona 4

So I've just started watching the Endurance Runs on Persona 4 on this site (just got my copy today) and a part of the game reminded me of a faux pas I sadly committed early in my college life. So this is the set up: I'm a U.S. history major and Economics minor, and I'm also in the honors program at my college. So a few students from Japanese, using the exchange program, come over for a semester. One of them was taking US history and needed help, so the Honors program Director sent me an email asking me if I was interested in helping him, and I was.

So I help him, he speaks fluent English, I tell him all about the Antebellum Crisis and the dawn of American lit. and all that stuff. So eventually he calls for one of the other exchange students to come pick him up, and I overheard him call me a "Senpai," and for whatever reasons (AND I DON'T KNOW WHY) I think he's just insulted me. So convinced that he's called me an SOB, I get all angry and say that he's rude, has no manners, and I call him all of these terrible names that I now regret. So when his friends come over to my dorm he runs to them in tears, he's like bawling. So one of them approaches me and I explain why I reacted the way I did, and then he explained what he said, and I realized how much of a dumbass I was.

So needless to say I was their tutor for their entire semester until they left and I still keep in touch with them, and whenever the word Senpai is used on the Endurance Run I just feel this horrible pang of embarrassment. But don't think that this experience has taught me, I'm still a dumbass. When I hung out with these guys, I mistook wasbai for guacamole and they tricked me into eating parts of sea critters that no human being should ever eat.

So there's no real moral, it's just a funny anecdote, get use to it....