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#1  Edited By Zirilius

As soon as I get paid I'll be donating to this horrible wonderful cause.

And no @thatpinguino I will not be donating to the loser team even if that makes us all winners! This is an important cause I need to know your thoughts on that Corey Feldman album and whether you think him being stabbed was fake or not.

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@rokkaku said:

Thanks for the responses, will make a new deck and hopefully that will work as suggested.

Also, I've just got back into Hearthstone and am playing Mage (previously Warlock) - any tips for a decent midrange type deck that isn't too expensive and isn't shoe-horned into a particular play style? I've got about 3500 dust 'floating' about.

I'm currently running this in standard and run in the low to mid teens for rank.;49:2;177:2;274:2;276:1;522:2;595:2;598:2;35244:2;42028:2;49734:2;61810:1;61822:1;61825:2;62848:2;76908:1;76910:1;76934:1;

It's a pretty good deck but I mostly play it for a fun as it's a lot of fun just wiping out big drops in a single turn. With 2 shatters and at least 8 different ways to freeze something until you get Frost Lich Jaina out you can have a ton of control on the table. RNG hurts as there are times that you really really need a frost nova or a flamestrike and they are the bottom of the deck. Getting Jaina out can be a pain sometimes as her high cost can make control the board or playing her the ultimate decision.

I like Sindragosa with Frost Lich as when you play Sindragosa you get two 0/1 frozen creatures on the board that can be turned into 3/6 elemantals with your Mage power if Frost Lich is in play.

Sindragosa and Jaina would be 3200 dust though and maybe not worth it. If you want an alternative to Sindragosa you can build Anomalus for some board clear and additional life steal but I like the chance for two random legendaries even if they are garbage.

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@rokkaku said:

Please ignore the pros and cons of this deck specifically but why is it not eligible for Standard? I'm pretty sure that there isn't a card from the sets that have been rotated out but please enlighten me - thanks.

arcane missiles x2

Breath of Sindragosa

Mana Wyrm (x2)

Mirror Image

Arcane explosion x2

Arcanologist x2


Frostbolt x2

Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Acolyte of Pain

Arcane Intellect x2

Frost Nova

Mirror entity

Cone of Cold

Fireball x2

Ogre Magi

Polymorph x2

Water Elemental


Faceless Summoner

Kabal Crystal Runner


Kabal Crystal Runner and Cryomancer might be considered Wild format now that year of the raven has started.

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Worse or better than unleash the hounds guys?

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I mean in my mind its about the same. Combine that with a Youthful Brewmaster and you got a pretty strong late game card.

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@zombiepie: How much do I have to donate to make sure you don't physical kill yourself eating canned meat?

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@brendan said:

I use Pocket Casts but unless it exists and I've just never searched for it, it doesn't do auto-downloading I think.

It has an Auto-Download feature and you can set it so it only downloads when you are on wifi.

It's a great app and if you are willing to pony up a one time fee (I think it's 9.99) you can sync with a web browser. It works mostly well with syncing between devices and web but totally worth it to be able to switch on the fly.

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#8  Edited By Zirilius

  1. @thatpinguino and I will be playing Final Fantasy XIII for 12-hours non-stop. I think I am going to die.
  2. Where would your estimates put us if we just played 12 hours?

If I remember correctly you'll probably be right around chapter 6-7. Some of the early chapters are pretty short but I think chapter 4 or and 5 stretch on a bit.

I'm a FFXIII apologist/defender as I think that game as a whole is actually pretty awesome. The biggest problem is that it is a game that forces you to play around 20-25 hours before becoming good. That game is kind of a boring chore due to all the spread out tutorials they put you through until Chapter 10.

You have two groups of people for that game at Chapter 10. Those who like where you end up and those who hate it. I'm of the former and think that is the pivotal point in the game in which gameplay and characters actually get interesting.

Also Hope is the fucking worst. Jeff is wrong that Tidus is the worst character. That award goes to Hope.

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@dochaus said:

Personally I think it's too little, too late. The damage has been done. I feel just a little bit sorry for the suckers who paid real money for the digital loot crates, but only a little.

Paid loot boxes hasn't been in the game since Nov 16th which was before the official launch and just a few days after the Early Access period. So that percentage is probably relatively small.

Agree that it's a little to late. I actually like the core gameplay but I haven't gone back to play since middle of December.

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@zirilius: You must've missed the news piece they put out a week or so ago. CDPR themselves said they'd he'd be appearing in another "new entry" in a series sometime this year, which pretty much cemented that it was going to be SC.

As for keeping it close to their vest, nah I never got that impression. I mean they don't even own the character. I'm sure they're happy to put him into SC.

Yep totally missed that. That's pretty cool if you ask me.